999 resultados para MPEG-2


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Online technological advances are pioneering the wider distribution of geospatial information for general mapping purposes. The use of popular web-based applications, such as Google Maps, is ensuring that mapping based applications are becoming commonplace amongst Internet users which has facilitated the rapid growth of geo-mashups. These user generated creations enable Internet users to aggregate and publish information over specific geographical points. This article identifies privacy invasive geo-mashups that involve the unauthorized use of personal information, the inadvertent disclosure of personal information and invasion of privacy issues. Building on Zittrain’s Privacy 2.0, the author contends that first generation information privacy laws, founded on the notions of fair information practices or information privacy principles, may have a limited impact regarding the resolution of privacy problems arising from privacy invasive geo-mashups. Principally because geo-mashups have different patterns of personal information provision, collection, storage and use that reflect fundamental changes in the Web 2.0 environment. The author concludes by recommending embedded technical and social solutions to minimize the risks arising from privacy invasive geo-mashups that could lead to the establishment of guidelines for the general protection of privacy in geo-mashups.


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Music composition using prominent broadcast speeches across the whole twentieth century in commemoration of the centenary of Marconi's first transatlantic radio transmission. The work is based on creating music from the found objects of melody derived from spoken intonation. Recordings of the speeches are accompanied throughout by live instrumental music.


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Sleeper is an 18'00" musical work for live performer and laptop computer which exists as both a live performance work and a recorded work for audio CD. The work has been presented at a range of international performance events and survey exhibitions. These include the 2003 International Computer Music Conference (Singapore) where it was selected for CD publication, Variable Resistance (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA), and i.audio, a survey of experimental sound at the Performance Space, Sydney. The source sound materials are drawn from field recordings made in acoustically resonant spaces in the Australian urban environment, amplified and acoustic instruments, radio signals, and sound synthesis procedures. The processing techniques blur the boundaries between, and exploit, the perceptual ambiguities of de-contextualised and processed sound. The work thus challenges the arbitrary distinctions between sound, noise and music and attempts to reveal the inherent musicality in so-called non-musical materials via digitally re-processed location audio. Thematically the work investigates Paul Virilio’s theory that technology ‘collapses space’ via the relationship of technology to speed. Technically this is explored through the design of a music composition process that draws upon spatially and temporally dispersed sound materials treated using digital audio processing technologies. One of the contributions to knowledge in this work is a demonstration of how disparate materials may be employed within a compositional process to produce music through the establishment of musically meaningful morphological, spectral and pitch relationships. This is achieved through the design of novel digital audio processing networks and a software performance interface. The work explores, tests and extends the music perception theories of ‘reduced listening’ (Schaeffer, 1967) and ‘surrogacy’ (Smalley, 1997), by demonstrating how, through specific audio processing techniques, sounds may shifted away from ‘causal’ listening contexts towards abstract aesthetic listening contexts. In doing so, it demonstrates how various time and frequency domain processing techniques may be used to achieve this shift.


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Nodule is 19'54" musical work for two electronic music performers, two laptop computers and a custom built, sensor-based microphone controller - the e-Mic (Extended Mic-stand Interface Controller). This interface was developed by one of the co-authors, Donna Hewitt. The e-Mic allows a vocal performer to manipulate their voice in real time by capturing physical gestures via an array of sensors - pressure, distance, tilt – in addition to ribbon controllers and an X-Y joystick microphone mount. Performance data are then sent to a computer, running audio-processing software, which is used to transform the audio signal from the microphone in real time. The work seeks to explore the liminal space between the electro-acoustic music tradition and more recent developments in the electronic dance music tradition. It does so on both a performative (gestural) and compositional (sonic) level. Visually, the performance consists of a singer and a laptop performer, hybridising the gestural context of these traditions. On a sonic level, the work explores hybridity at deeper levels of the musical structure than simple bricolage or collage approaches. Hybridity is explored at the level of the sonic gesture (source material), in production (audio processing gestures), in performance gesture, and in approaches to the use of the frequency spectrum, pulse and meter. The work was designed to be performed in a range of contexts from concert halls, to clubs, to rock festivals, across a range of staging and production platforms. As a consequence, the work has been tested in a range of audience contexts, and has allowed the transportation of compositional and performance practices across traditional audience demographic boundaries.


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This report is for one of the four Tasks of the CRC project ‘Regenerating Construction to Enhance Sustainability’. The report specifically addresses Task 2 ‘Design guidelines for delivering high quality indoor environments’.


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In the title compound, [Al(C8H4F3O2S)3]3[Fe(C8H4F3O2S)3], the metal centre is statistically occupied by AlIII and FeIII cations in a 3:1 ratio. The metal centre is within an octahedral O6 donor set defined by three chelating substituted acetoacetonate anions. The ligands are arranged around the periphery of the molecule with a mer geometry of the S atoms.


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The structure of the title compound C6H6I2N shows a weak intermolecular amine-amine N--H...N hydrogen-bonding interaction giving a helical chain which extends along the axis. An intramolecular N-H...I hydrogen bond is also observed.


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The title compound catena-poly[aqua-mu3-2-nitrocinnamato], [Na(C9H6NO4)(H2O)2]n, the sodium salt of trans-2-nitrocinnamic acid, is a one-dimensional coordination polymer based on six-coordinate octahedral NaO6 centres comprising three facially-related monodentate carboxylate O-atom donors from separate ligands (all bridging)[Na-O, 2.4370(13)-2.5046(13)A] and three water molecules (two bridging, one monodentate) [Na-O, 2.3782(13)-2.4404(17)A]. The structure is also stabilized by intra-chain water-O-H...O(carboxylate) and O-H...O(nitro) hydrogen bonds.