865 resultados para Lean Manufacturing, Make to Order Manufacturing, Time Study, Kanban, Rapid Performance Management
This study reports the results of an investigation into the learning approaches of undergraduate accounting and business students from three universities in Ireland who were exposed to a learning environment, namely the case study method, which aimed to encourage a deep approach to learning. In order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention, the ASSIST research instrument was used to investigate changes in students’ approaches to learning over time. Consistent with previous research, this study considers whether gender is related to students’ approaches to learning over time and if there are differences between students majoring in accounting or business in their approaches to learning. The results of the study indicate that the case study intervention was successful in some respects. However, contrary to expectations, an overall statistically significant increase in students’ surface approach to learning was found. Additionally, it is reported that changes in students’ approaches to learning over time are not associated with gender or degree program. The results of this study offer insights to accounting educators developing educational interventions to encourage deep approaches to learning.
This study explored one university's response to the internationalization of higher education. Case study methodology was employed through a review of current and archival documents and interviews with key actors in the international spheres of the university. The historical, current, and future contexts were considered to situate the case study on a time line. Data analysis revealed that there were several points of division among the university community related to the response to internationalization, but also a major point of coherence in the centrality of inter-cultural understanding in efforts to internationalize. Other key findings included strengths, areas for improvement, and future directions of the university's response to internationalization. All of these findings were contextualized in findings related to the history of the university. In addition to these major findings, three themes in relation to the vision for internationalization at the institution were revealed: ( a) intercultural understanding, (b) the comprehensive status of the university, and (c) the financial benefits of internationalization. Recommendations are made for practice at the university in order to clarify this vision to develop a clear foundation from which to further build a response to internationalization that is solidly based on inter-cultural understanding, and recommendations for future research into the process of internationalization at the institutional level in Canada are suggested.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Producción y Calidad) U.A.N.L. - 2001
En los últimos años, un panorama turbulento, dinámico y caótico ha caracterizado la industria de las confecciones en Colombia. Como consecuencia, la incertidumbre y la competencia han dificultado la toma de decisiones que le permitan a las pymes crear estrategias oportunas para alcanzar sus metas, disminuir los riesgos y lograr subsistir en el entorno en el que se desenvuelven a través del mejoramiento del sistema productivo y financiero. La academia de la administración ha buscado herramientas teóricas y prácticas que le permitan a las empresas afrontar la complejidad actual, y por ello, el modelo de gestión gerencial de las Teorías de las Restricciones – TOC- ha tenido una gran aceptación, no solo en organizaciones grandes, sino que ha desarrollado un mayor número de seguidores en las pymes. El presente artículo presenta una revisión teórica y posteriormente el caso práctico de CIDMA S.A.S., enfocándose en cómo esta herramienta permite identificar los problemas raíz de la organización para desarrollar estrategias de mejora continua que se reflejan en su sistema financiero.
El projecte es planteja la implantació de la metodologia LEAN en una de les plantes de producció d’una empresa del sector de la indústria de l’automòbil per aconseguir millorar la seva competitivitat. El projecte engloba l’anàlisi de les cadenes de valor de quatre dels productes més significatius que es fabriquen actualment a la planta, mitjançant la metodologia Value Stream Map (VSM), així com el desenvolupament de noves propostes per la millora de cadascuna de les cadenes
New experiments underpin the interpretation of the basic division in crystallization behaviour of polyethylene in terms of whether or not there is time for the fold surface to order before the next molecular layer is added at the growth front. For typical growth rates, in Regime 11, polyethylene lamellae form with disordered {001} fold surfaces then transform, with lamellar thickening and twisting, towards the more-ordered condition found for slower crystallization in Regime 1, in which lamellae form with and retain {201} fold surfaces. Several linear and linear-low-density polyethylenes have been used to show that, for the same polymer crystallized alone or in a blend, the growth rate at which the change in initial lamellar condition occurs is reasonably constant thereby supporting the concept of a specific time for surfaces to attain the ordered {201}) state. This specific time, in the range from milliseconds to seconds, increases with molecular length, and in linear-low-density polymer, for higher branch contents. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
While many time-series studies of ozone and daily mortality identified positive associations,others yielded null or inconclusive results. We performed a meta-analysis of 144 effect estimates from 39 time-series studies, and estimated pooled effects by lags, age groups,cause-specific mortality, and concentration metrics. We compared results to estimates from the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS), a time-series study of 95 large U.S. cities from 1987 to 2000. Both meta-analysis and NMMAPS results provided strong evidence of a short-term association between ozone and mortality, with larger effects for cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, the elderly, and current day ozone exposure as compared to other single day lags. In both analyses, results were not sensitive to adjustment for particulate matter and model specifications. In the meta-analysis we found that a 10 ppb increase in daily ozone is associated with a 0.83 (95% confidence interval: 0.53, 1.12%) increase in total mortality, whereas the corresponding NMMAPS estimate is 0.25%(0.12, 0.39%). Meta-analysis results were consistently larger than those from NMMAPS,indicating publication bias. Additional publication bias is evident regarding the choice of lags in time-series studies, and the larger heterogeneity in posterior city-specific estimates in the meta-analysis, as compared with NMAMPS.
This descriptive systematic review describes intervention trials for children and youth that targeted screen time (ST) as a way to prevent or control obesity and measured ST, and at least one of the following: physical activity, dietary intake, and adiposity. Both “hands-on” (e.g., video games) and “hands free” (e.g., television viewing) ST were included. Published, completed intervention trials (k=12), not-yet-published, completed trials (k=6), and in-progress trials (k=11) were identified through searches of electronic databases, including trial registries and bibliographies of eligible study reports. Study characteristics of the 29 identified trials were coded and presented in evidence tables. Considerable attention was paid to the type of ST addressed, measures used, and the type of interventions. Based on the number of in-progress and not-yet-published trials, the number of completed, published reports will double in the next three years. Most of the studies were funded by federal sources. General populations, not restricted by race, gender, or weight status, were targets of most interventions with children ages 9-12 yeas as the modal age group. Most trials used randomized control trials in which the majority of control or comparison group received an intervention. The mean number of participants was 242.8 (SD=314.7) and interventions were delivered over an average of 10.5 months and consisted of approximately 16 sessions, with a total time of about eight hours. The majority of completed trials evaluate each of the four constructs, however, most studies have more than one measure to assess each construct (e.g., BMI and tricep skinfold thickness to evaluate adiposity) and rarely did studies use the same measures. This is likely why the majority of studies produced at least one significant intervention effect on each outcome that was assessed. The four major outcomes should be evaluated in all interventions attempting to reduce screen time in order to determine the mechanisms involved that may contribute to obesity. More importantly researchers should work together to determine the best measures to evaluate the four main constructs to allow studies to be compared. Another area for consensus is the definition of ST. ^
Brownfield rehabilitation is an essential step for sustainable land-use planning and management in the European Union. In brownfield regeneration processes, the legacy contamination plays a significant role, firstly because of the persistent contaminants in soil or groundwater which extends the existing hazards and risks well into the future; and secondly, problems from historical contamination are often more difficult to manage than contamination caused by new activities. Due to the complexity associated with the management of brownfield site rehabilitation, Decision Support Systems (DSSs) have been developed to support problem holders and stakeholders in the decision-making process encompassing all phases of the rehabilitation. This paper presents a comparative study between two DSSs, namely SADA (Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance) and DESYRE (Decision Support System for the Requalification of Contaminated Sites), with the main objective of showing the benefits of using DSSs to introduce and process data and then to disseminate results to different stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. For this purpose, a former car manufacturing plant located in the Brasov area, Central Romania, contaminated chiefly by heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons, has been selected as a case study to apply the two examined DSSs. Major results presented here concern the analysis of the functionalities of the two DSSs in order to identify similarities, differences and complementarities and, thus, to provide an indication of the most suitable integration options.
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"Catalogue of voyages and travels": v. 18, p. [529]-628.