94 resultados para LOLIGO PEALII
Thirteen morphometric and seven meristic characters, length-weight relationship and food and feeding habits of Otolithoides biauritus of Bombay coast (Maharashtra, India) were studied. Compared morphometric characters revealed positive allometric growth and high correlation ("r" ranging 0.898 - 0.996) between each other. Meristic characters were observed to be B sub(vii), D sub(1) 8-10, D sub(2) 27-31, P 17-20, V 5-7 and 7-10. Number of gill rackers on the first left gill arch ranged from 15 to 19. Length-weight relationship for both sexes together worked out to be W = 0.026, L super(2.646). The species is a predator, feeding mainly on motile Acetes, small fish and Loligo in order of preference.
Megalaspis cordyla as one of the shoaling commercially important pelagic fish in the Northwest coast of India. The study on food and feeding habits of this fish revealed that it is predominantly a carnivorous species feeding primarily on sergestied shrimps like Acetes indicus and small fishes such as Stolephorus species. In addition it feeds on juveniles of Trichiurus, Apogon, Coilia, Sardinella, Nemipterus, Thryssa, and sciaenids. The food of M. cordyla also comprises the young ones of molluscs, especially Loligo and Sepia and occasionally ostracods. The choice food is Acetes indicus.
A simple method for canning squid (Loligo sp.) is discussed. Hot blanching the dressed meat in 7% brine containing 0.2% citric acid for 5 min, packing and subsequent filling with 2% brine containing 0.2% citric acid and processing at 1.0 kg/cm² steam for 20 mm gave an excellent canned product with good shelf-life.
The paper presents the seasonal variations in moisture, protein, salt and ash in the meat of Murex virgineus, Solen sp., Loligo sp., Sepiella inermis and Octopus sp. Moisture and fat contents of twenty two species of molluscs are reported. Inverse relationship between protein and ash has been observed. Cephalopoda recorded higher meat, moisture and protein contents than amphineura, gastropoda and pelecypoda. Pelecypoda contains higher fat than amphineura, gastropoda and cephalopoda.
P. monodon postlarvae were fed with fresh brown mussel (Modiolus metcalfei ) meat, and artificial diets containing casein, shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis ) meal, squid (Loligo ) meal, and Spirulina as protein sources at a rate of 20% of their biomass per day for a period of 10 days. No statistical difference was found among the weight gains of shrimp fed on various experimental diets. However, shrimp fed squid meal diet had highest weight gain followed by shrimp meal, fresh brown mussel meat, casein and Spirulina . Shrimp fed squid meal diet had a significantly better feed conversion and those receiving other experimental diets. Poorest fed conversion was observed in shrimp fed Spirulina . The protein efficiency ratio was statistically highest for the squid meal diet, with the lowest value again for Spirulina diets. Survival rate was significantly highest for shrimp fed the shrimp meal diet. No statistical differences were found among shrimp fed other experimental diets. Appropriate data are tabulated.
Stomach contents were examined of 4527 adult individuals of 12 flatfish species collected during the 1982 - 1983 Bohai Sea Fisheries Resources Investigation. Their food habits, diet diversity, similarity of prey taxa, trophic niche breadth and diet overlap were systematically analysed. Ninety-seven prey species belonging to the Coelenterata, Nemertinea, Polychaeta, Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata, Hemichordata and fish were found and five of them were considered to be principal prey for flatfishes: Alpheus japonicus, Oratosquilla oratoria, Alpheus distinguendus, Loligo japonicus and Crangon affinis. Among the flatfishes, Paralichthys olivaceus was piscivorous, whereas Pseodopleuronectes yokohamae and Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini both had polychaetes and molluscs as their main prey groups. Pleuronichthys cornutus was classified as a polychaete-mollusc eater, with a strong preference for crustaceans. Verasper variegatus, Cynoglossus semilaevis, Eopsetta grigorjewi and Cleisthenes herzensteini ate crustaceans. Kareius bicoloratus was classified as a mollusc-crustacean eater: Cynoglossus abbreviatus, Cynoglossus joyneri and Zebrias zebra were grouped as crustacean-fish eaters. However, Z. zebra also took polychaetes and C. abbreviatus and C. joyneri preyed on some molluscs. Trophic relationships among the flatfishes were complicated, but they occupied distinctive microhabitats in different seasons and selected their specific prey items, which was favourable to the stability of the flatfish community in the Bohai Sea.
We synthesise and update results from the suite of biophysical, larval-dispersal models developed in the Benguela Current ecosystem. Biophysical models of larval dispersal use outputs of physical hydrodynamic models as inputs to individual-based models in which biological processes acting during the larval life are included. In the Benguela, such models were first applied to simulate the dispersal of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax ichthyoplankton, and more recently of the early life stages of chokka-squid Loligo reynaudii and Cape hakes Merluccius spp. We identify how the models have helped advance understanding of key processes for these species. We then discuss which aspects of the early life of marine species in the Benguela Current ecosystem are still not well understood and could benefit from new modelling studies.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente (Avaliação e Gestão de Recursos), Faculdade das Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2013
The most consumed squid species worldwide were characterized regarding their concentrations of minerals, fatty acids, cholesterol and vitamin E. Interspecific comparisons were assessed among species and geographical origin. The health benefits derived from squid consumption were assessed based on daily minerals intake and on nutritional lipid quality indexes. Squids contribute significantly to daily intake of several macro (Na, K, Mg and P) and micronutrients (Cu, Zn and Ni). Despite their low fat concentration, they are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentanoic (EPA) acids, with highly favorable ω-3/ω-6 ratios (from 5.7 to 17.7), reducing the significance of their high cholesterol concentration (140–549 mg/100 g ww). Assessment of potential health risks based on minerals intake, non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks indicated that Loligo gahi (from Atlantic Ocean), Loligo opalescens (from Pacific Ocean) and Loligo duvaucelii (from Indic Ocean) should be eaten with moderation due to the high concentrations of Cu and/or Cd. Canonical discriminant analysis identified the major fatty acids (C14:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:3ω-3, C20:4ω-6 and C22:5ω-6), P, K, Cu and vitamin E as chemical discriminators for the selected species. These elements and compounds exhibited the potential to prove authenticity of the commercially relevant squid species.
El Crucero de Evaluación de la Biomasa Desovante de anchoveta y sardina en 1995 empleó el Método de Producción de Huevos (MPH), abarcando el área comprendida entre Tambo de Mora y Paita, entre las 0 y 60 mn y 4 perfiles hidrográficos hasta las150 mn. La información analizada proviene de las capturas y muestreos biológicos de los 89 lances de comprobación ejecutados (66 del BIC Humboldt y 23 del SNP-1). La composición por especies estuvo conformada principalmente por anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi) y caballa (Scomber japonicus). Especies capturadas incidentalmente fueron el "bagre con faja" (Galeichthys peruvianus) y el calamar (Loligo gahi). La distribución latitudinal de la anchoveta abarcó toda el área explorada y longitudinalmente hasta las 60 mn. La sardina, el jurel y la caballa mostraron una distribución amplia y dispersa hasta las 120 millas de la costa. La estructura por tamaños de anchoveta indicó la predominancia de ejemplares adultos, siendo escasa la presencia de juveniles. La sardina fue predominantemente juvenil, observada tanto en área costera como lejos de ésta. Las capturas de jurel y caballa estuvieron constituidas por ejemplares adultos. Las especies anchoveta y sardina se encontraban en pleno desove principal de invierno.
Describe las actividades del crucero de evaluación del stock de merluza BIC SON-1 9607-08, que tuvo como objetivo determinar la distribución, concentración y características biológicas de la merluza y su fauna acompañante en el invierno de 1996. Las especies más frecuentes en las capturas fueron merluza (Merluccius gayi peruanus); vocador (Prionotus stephanophrys); lenguado ojón (Hippoglossina macrops); bereche (Larinus pacificus) y calamar (Loligo gahi). El rango de tallas de merluza varió entre 16 y 80 cm de longitud total, con una moda en 27 cm. Se le encontró en proceso de madurez sexual, al igual que el vocador y lenguado. En las subáreas A, D y E, la merluza evidenció una tendencia creciente de la proporción de hembras conforme se incrementa la profundidad. Las tallas del vocador fluctuaron entre 13 y 28 cm con una medida de 19,25 cm. El lenguado ojón presentó rangos de tallas entre 19 y 28 cm con talla media muestral de 22,7 cm. Las longitudes del bereche variaron de 9 a 26 cm, con talla de 17,2 cm. En el calamar se observaron tallas comprendidas entre 12 y 14 cm y talla media de 13,9 cm.
Describe el desarrollo de una prospección pesquera aplicando la metodología del área barrida y rastreo acústico para estimar la abundancia relativa de los recursos demersales – costeros, respectivamente, así como para determinar aspectos biológicos de los mismos. Las mejores concentraciones de recursos pelágico-costeros se ubicaron entre el extremo norte y Callao. Se destaca la presencia sostenida del "bagre con faja" (Galeichthys peruvianus) entre Punta Fallas y Punta Colorado; el "calamar" (Loligo gahi) y el "pejerrey", se mostraron concurrentes en gran parte del área evaluada. La lorna y el mis-mis, mostraron comportamiento demersal y pelágico en función de su estratificación latitudinal de tallas. El "camaroncito rojo" (Pleuroncodes monodon) destacó notablemente desde el Callao hasta Camaná, circunstancia favorecida por el influjo de las Aguas Templadas de la Sub-antártica, especialmente entre Pisco e Ilo.
En junio del 2002 se realizó el estudio de bancos naturales entre Punta Herradura-Playa Chica (11°15’17,6”S a 11°11’10,7”S) dentro de una franja costera de 1mn. Se encontraron aguas costeras frías (ACF), con salinidad entre 35,1 y 34,8 ups y TSM entre 14,8 °C y 15,4 °C; substratos mayormente de arena fina compacta, fondos algosos y duros de roca volcánica. Entre 3,5 y 22 m de profundidad, la fauna bentónica estuvo compuesta por crustáceos: Platyxanthus orbignyi, Romaleon polyodon, Hepatus chiliensis y Pleuroncodes monodon; moluscos: Loligo gahi y Octopus mimus; peces: Odontesthes regia regia y equinodermos.
Estudio Línea Base – ELBA Callao, primavera 2011. Inf Inst Mar Perú. 39(3-4): 149-198.- El ELBA se efectuó en el área delimitada por las islas San Lorenzo y El Frontón y la Península de La Punta, del 21 al 30 de noviembre 2011, para a) caracterizar biológica y oceanográficamente el área de estudio y b) obtener bases técnicas para el ordenamiento pesquero y acuícola. En el área predominaron sedimentos arenosos y grava de origen terrígeno. Presentó características térmicas frías al interior y cálidas al sur, con influencia de aguas costeras. La comunidad fitoplanctónica presentó abundancia de diatomeas. Se identificó zonas con alta biomasa de bentos y con altos valores de stress. Los sólidos suspendidos totales, cadmio y coliformes totales y termotolerantes sobrepasaron los límites de los estándares de calidad acuática en el Perú. Las comunidades de invertebrados más importantes fueron: concha de abanico Argopecten purpuratus, cangrejos Cancer setosus (ahora Romaleon polyodon) y C. porteri, almeja Semele spp., pulpo Octopus mimus y macroalga Macrocystis sp.; el calamar Loligo gahi usa el área para desovar.
School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology