217 resultados para Johtajan ominaisuudet
Lypsylehmien maidon juoksettumiskyvyn jalostuskeinot Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin lypsylehmien maidon juustonvalmistuslaadun parantamista jalostusvalinnan avulla. Tutkimusaihe on tärkeä, sillä yhä suurempi osa maidosta käytetään juustonvalmistukseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli maidon juoksettumiskyky, sillä se on yksi keskeisistä juustomäärään vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Maidon juoksettumiskyky vaihteli huomattavasti lehmien, sonnien, karjojen, rotujen ja lypsykauden vaiheiden välillä. Vaikka tankkimaidon juoksettumiskyvyssä olikin suuria eroja karjoittain, karja selitti vain pienen osan juoksettumiskyvyn kokonaisvaihtelusta. Todennäköisesti perinnölliset erot lehmien välillä selittävät suurimman osan karjojen tankkimaitojen juoksettumiskyvyssä havaituista eroista. Hyvä hoito ja ruokinta vähensivät kuitenkin jossain määrin huonosti juoksettuvien tankkimaitojen osuutta karjoissa. Holstein-friisiläiset lehmät olivat juoksettumiskyvyltään ayrshire-rotuisia lehmiä parempia. Huono juoksettuminen ja juoksettumattomuus oli vain vähäinen ongelma holstein-friisiläisillä (10 %), kun taas kolmannes ayrshire-lehmistä tuotti huonosti juoksettuvaa tai juoksettumatonta maitoa. Maitoa sanotaan huonosti juoksettuvaksi silloin, kun juustomassa ei ole riittävän kiinteää leikattavaksi puolen tunnin kuluttua juoksetteen lisäyksestä. Juoksettumattomaksi määriteltävä maito ei saostu lainkaan puolen tunnin aikana ja on siksi erittäin huonoa raaka-ainetta juustomeijereille. Noin 40 % lehmien välisistä eroista maidon juoksettumiskyvyssä selittyi perinnöllisillä tekijöillä. Juoksettumiskykyä voikin sanoa hyvin periytyväksi ominaisuudeksi. Kolme mittauskertaa lehmää kohti riittää varsin hyvin lehmän maidon keskimääräisen juoksettumiskyvyn arvioimiseen. Tällä hetkellä juoksettumiskyvyn suoran jalostamisen ongelmana on kuitenkin automatisoidun, laajamittaiseen käyttöön soveltuvan mittalaitteen puute. Tämän takia väitöskirjassa tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia jalostaa maidon juoksettumiskykyä epäsuorasti, jonkin toisen ominaisuuden kautta. Tällaisen ominaisuuden pitää olla kyllin voimakkaasti perinnöllisesti kytkeytynyt juoksettumiskykyyn, jotta jalostus olisi mahdollista sen avulla. Tutkittavat ominaisuudet olivat sonnien kokonaisjalostusarvossa jo mukana olevat maitotuotos ja utareterveyteen liittyvät ominaisuudet sekä kokonaisjalostusarvoon kuulumattomat maidon valkuais- ja kaseiinipitoisuus sekä maidon pH. Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin myös mahdollisuuksia ns. merkkiavusteiseen valintaan tutkimalla maidon juoksettumattomuuden perinnöllisyyttä ja kartoittamalla siihen liittyvät kromosomialueet. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella lehmien utareterveyden jalostaminen parantaa jonkin verran myös maidon juoksettumiskykyä sekä vähentää juoksettumattomuutta ayrshire-rotuisilla lehmillä. Lehmien maitotuotos ja maidon juoksettumiskyky sekä juoksettumattomuus ovat sen sijaan perinnöllisesti toisistaan riippumattomia ominaisuuksia. Myöskin maidon valkuais- ja kaseiinipitoisuuden perinnöllinen yhteys juoksettumiskykyyn oli likimain nolla. Maidon pH:n ja juoksettumiskyvyn välillä oli melko voimakas perinnöllinen yhteys, joten maidon pH:n jalostaminen parantaisi myös maidon juoksettumiskykyä. Todennäköisesti sen jalostaminen ei kuitenkaan vähentäisi juoksettumatonta maitoa tuottavien lehmien määrää. Koska maidon juoksettumattomuus on niin yleinen ongelma suomalaisilla ayrshire-lehmillä, väitöksessä selvitettiin tarkemmin ilmiön taustoja. Kaikissa kolmessa tutkimusaineistoissa noin 10 % ayrshire-lehmistä tuotti juoksettumatonta maitoa. Kahden vuoden kuukausittaisen seurannan aikana osa lehmistä tuotti juoksettumatonta maitoa lähes joka mittauskerralla. Maidon juoksettumattomuus oli yhteydessä lypsykauden vaiheeseen, mutta mikään ympäristötekijöistä ei pystynyt täysin selittämään sitä. Sen sijaan viitteet sen periytyvyydestä vahvistuivat tutkimusten edetessä. Lopuksi tutkimusryhmä onnistui kartoittamaan juoksettumattomuutta aiheuttavat kromosomialueet kromosomeihin 2 ja 18, lähelle DNA-merkkejä BMS1126 ja BMS1355. Tulosten perusteella maidon juoksettumattomuus ei ole yhteydessä maidon juoksettumistapahtumassa keskeisiin kaseiinigeeneihin. Sen sijaan on mahdollista, että juoksettumattomuusongelman aiheuttavat kaseiinigeenien syntetisoinnin jälkeisessä muokkauksessa tapahtuvat virheet. Asia vaatii kuitenkin perusteellista tutkimista. Väitöksen tulosten perusteella maidon juoksettumattomuusgeeniä kantavien eläinten karsiminen jalostuseläinten joukosta olisi tehokkain tapa jalostaa maidon juoksettumiskykyä suomalaisessa lypsykarjapopulaatiossa.
In Finland, barley, Hordeum vulgare L., covers 50 % of the total acreage devoted to cereal cultivation. The most common disease of barley in Finland is net blotch, a foliar disease caused by the ascomycete Pyrenophora teres Drechsler. Disease resistance based on plant genes is an environmentally friendly and economical way to manage plant diseases caused by biotic stresses. Development of a disease resistance breeding programme is dependent on knowledge of the pathogen. In addition to information on the epidemiology and virulence of a pathogen, knowledge on how the pathogen evolves and the nature of the risks that might arise in the future are essential issues that need to be taken into account to achieve the final breeding aims. The main objectives of this study were to establish reliable and efficient testing methods for Pyrenophora teres f. teres virulence screening, and to understand the role of virulence of P. teres f. teres in Finland from a disease resistance breeding point of view. The virulence of P. teres was studied by testing 239 Finnish P. teres f. teres isolates collected between 1994 2007 originating from 19 locations, and 200 P. teres progeny isolates originating from artificially produced P. teres matings. According to the results of this study, screening for P. teres f. teres isolates on barley seedlings under greenhouse conditions is a feasible and cost efficient method to describe the virulence spectrum of the pathogen. Inoculum concentration and the seedling leaf used to gauge virulence had significant effects. Barley grain size, morphological traits of P. teres isolates, spore production and growth rate on agar did not affect the expression of virulence. A common barley differential set to characterize the P. teres virulence was developed and is recommended to be used globally. The virulence spectrum of Finnish P. teres f. teres isolates collected in 1994-2007 was constant both within and between the years. The results indicated differences in the pathogen s aggressiveness and in barley genotypes resistance. However, differences in virulence were rarely significant. Unlike in laboratory conditions, no indications of changes in virulence caused by the sexual reproduction have been observed in Finnish barley fields. In Finland, durable net blotch resistance has been achieved by introducing resistance from other barley varieties using traditional crossing methods, including wide crossing, and testing the breeding material at early generations at several sites under natural infection pressure. Novel resistance is available, which is recommended to minimize the risk of selection of virulent isolates and breakdown of currently deployed resistance.
The main objective of this thesis was to elucidate the effects of regrowth grass silage and red clover silage on nutrient supply and milk production of dairy cows as compared with primary growth grass silages. In the first experiment (publication I), two primary growth and four regrowth grass silages were harvested at two stages of growth. These six silages were fed to 24 lactating dairy cows with two levels of concentrate allowance. Silage intake and energy corrected milk yield (ECM) responses, and the range in these response variables between the diets, were smaller when regrowth silages rather than primary growth silages were fed. Milk production of dairy cows reflected the intake of metabolizable energy (ME), and no differences in the ME utilization were found between the diets based on silages harvested from primary growth and regrowth. The ECM response to increased concentrate allowance was, on average, greater when regrowth rather than primary growth silages were fed. In the second experiment (publication II), two silages from primary growth and two from regrowth used in I were fed to rumen cannulated lactating dairy cows. Cows consumed less feed dry matter (DM), energy and protein, and produced less milk, when fed diets based on regrowth silages rather than primary growth silages. Lower milk production responses of regrowth grass silage diets were mainly due to the lower silage DM intake, and could not be accounted for by differences in energy or protein utilization. Regrowth grass silage intake was not limited due to neutral detergent fibre (NDF) digestion or rumen fill or passage kinetics. However, lower intake may be at least partly attributable to plant diseases such as leaf spot infections, dead deteriorating material or abundance of weeds, which are all higher in regrowth compared with primary growth, and increase with advancing regrowth. In the third experiment (publications III and IV), red clover silages and grass silages harvested at two stages of growth, and a mixed diet of red clover and grass silages, were fed to five rumen cannulated lactating dairy cows. In spite of the lower average ME intake for red clover diets, the ECM production remained unchanged suggesting more efficient utilisation of ME for red clover diets compared with grass diets. Intake of N, and omasal canal flows of total non-ammonia N (NAN), microbial and non-microbial NAN were higher for red clover than for grass silage diets, but were not affected by forage maturity. Delaying the harvest tended to decrease DM intake of grass silage and increase that of red clover silage. The digestion rate of potentially digestible NDF was faster for red clover diets than for grass silage diets. Delaying the harvest decreased the digestion rate for grass but increased it for red clover silage diets. The low intake of early-cut red clover silage could not be explained by silage digestibility, fermentation quality, or rumen fill but was most likely related to the nutritionally suboptimal diet composition because inclusion of moderate quality grass silage in mixed diet increased silage DM intake. Despite the higher total amino acid supply of cows fed red clover versus grass silage diets, further milk production responses on red clover diets were possibly compromised by an inadequate supply of methionine as evidenced by lower methionine concentration in the amino acid profile of omasal digesta and plasma. Increasing the maturity of ensiled red clover does not seem to affect silage DM intake as consistently as that of grasses. The efficiency of N utilization for milk protein synthesis was lower for red clover diets than for grass diets. It was negatively related to diet crude protein concentration similarly to grass silage diets.
Nitrogen (N) is one of the main inputs in cereal cultivation and as more than half of the arable land in Finland is used for cereal production, N has contributed substantially to agricultural pollution through fertilizer leaching and runoff. Based on this global phenomenon, the European Community has launched several directives to reduce agricultural emissions to the environment. Trough such measures, and by using economic incentives, it is expected that northern European agricultural practices will, in the future, include reduced N fertilizer application rates. Reduced use of N fertilizer is likely to decrease both production costs and pollution, but could also result in reduced yields and quality if crops experience temporary N deficiency. Therefore, more efficient N use in cereal production, to minimize pollution risks and maximize farmer income, represents a current challenge for agronomic research in the northern growing areas. The main objective of this study was to determine the differences in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) among spring cereals grown in Finland. Additional aims were to characterize the multiple roles of NUE by analysing the extent of variation in NUE and its component traits among different cultivars, and to understand how other physiological traits, especially radiation use efficiency (RUE) and light interception, affect and interact with the main components of NUE and contribute to differences among cultivars. This study included cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Field experiments were conducted between 2001 and 2004 at Jokioinen, in Finland. To determine differences in NUE among cultivars and gauge the achievements of plant breeding in NUE, 17-18 cultivars of each of the three cereal species released between 1909 and 2002 were studied. Responses to nitrogen of landraces, old cultivars and modern cultivars of each cereal species were evaluated under two N regimes (0 and 90 kg N ha-1). Results of the study revealed that modern wheat, oat and barley cultivars had similar NUE values under Finnish growing conditions and only results from a wider range of cultivars indicated that wheat cultivars could have lower NUE than the other species. There was a clear relationship between nitrogen uptake efficiency (UPE) and NUE in all species whereas nitrogen utilization efficiency (UTE) had a strong positive relationship with NUE only for oat. UTE was clearly lower in wheat than in other species. Other traits related to N translocation indicated that wheat also had a lower harvest index, nitrogen harvest index and nitrogen remobilisation efficiency and therefore its N translocation efficiency was confirmed to be very low. On the basis of these results there appears to be potential and also a need for improvement in NUE. These results may help understand the underlying physiological differences in NUE and could help to identify alternative production options, such as the different roles that species can play in crop rotations designed to meet the demands of modern agricultural practices.
The potato virus A (PVA) genome linked protein (VPg) is a multifunctional protein that takes part in vital infection cycle events such as replication and movement of the virus from cell to cell. VPg is attached to the 5´ end of the genome and is carried in the tip structure of the filamentous virus particle. VPg is also the last protein to be cleaved from the polyprotein. VPg interacts with several viral and host proteins and is phosphorylated at several positions. These features indicate a central role in virus epidemiology and a requirement for an efficient but flexible mechanism for switching between different functions. -- This study examines some of the key VPg functions in more detail. Mutations in the positively charged region from Ala38 to Lys44 affected the NTP binding, uridylylation, and in vitro translation inhibition activities of VPg, whereas in vivo translation inhibition was not affected. Some of the data generated in this study implicated the structural flexibility of the protein in functional activities. VPg lacks a rigid structure, which could allow it to adapt conformationally to different functions as needed. A major finding of this study is that PVA VPg belongs to the class of ´intrinsically disordered proteins´ (IDPs). IDPs are a novel protein class that has helped to explain the observed lack of structure. The existence of IDPs clearly shows that proteins can be functional and adapt a native fold without a rigid structure. Evidence for the intrinsic disorder of VPg was provided by CD spectroscopy, NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy, bioinformatic analysis, and limited proteolytic digestion. The structure of VPg resembles that of a molten globule-type protein and has a hydrophobic core domain. Approximately 50% of the protein is disordered and an α-helical stabilization of these regions has been hypothesized. Surprisingly, VPg structure was stabilized in the presence of anionic lipid vesicles. The stabilization was accompanied by a change in VPg structure and major morphological modifications of the vesicles, including a pronounced increase in the size and appearance of pore or plaque like formations on the vesicle surface. The most likely scenario seems to be an α-helical stabilization of VPg which induces formation of a pore or channel-like structure on the vesicle surface. The size increase is probably due to fusion or swelling of the vesicles. The latter hypothesis is supported by the evident disruption of the vesicles after prolonged incubation with VPg. A model describing the results is presented and discussed in relation to other known properties of the protein.
Milk microfiltration (0.05-0.2 um) is a membrane separation technique which divides milk components into casein-enriched and native whey fractions. Hitherto the effect of intensive microfiltration including a diafiltration step for both cheese and whey processing has not been studied. The microfiltration performance of skimmed milk was studied with polymeric and ceramic MF membranes. The changes caused by decreased concentration of milk lactose, whey protein and ash content for cheese milk quality and ripening were studied. The effects of cheese milk modification on the milk coagulation properties, cheese recovery yield, cheese composition, ripening and sensory quality as well as on the whey recovery yield and composition by microfiltration were studied. The functional properties of whey protein concentrate from native whey were studied and the detailed composition of whey protein concentrate powders made from cheese wheys after cheese milk pretreatments such as high temperature heat treatment (HH), microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) were compared. The studied polymeric spiral wound microfiltration membranes had 38.5% lower energy consumption, 30.1% higher retention of whey proteins to milk retentate and 81.9% lower permeate flux values compared to ceramic membranes. All studied microfiltration membranes were able to separate main whey proteins from skimmed milk. The optimal lactose content of Emmental cheese milk exceeded 3.2% and reduction of whey proteins and ash content of cheese milk with high concentration factor (CF) values increased the rate of cheese ripening. Reduction of whey protein content in cheese milk increased the concentration of caseinomacropeptide (CMP) of total proteins in cheese whey. Reduction of milk whey protein, lactose and ash content reduces milk rennet clotting time and increased the firmness of the coagulum. Cheese yield calculated from raw milk to cheese was lower with microfiltrated milks due to native whey production. Amounts of a-lactalbumin (a-LA) and b-lactoglobulin (b-LG) were significantly higher in the reference whey, indicating that HH, MF and UF milk pretreatments decrease the amounts of these valuable whey proteins in whey. Even low CF values in milk microfiltration (CF 1.4) reduced nutritional value of cheese whey. From the point of view of utilization of milk components it would be beneficial if the amount of native whey and the CMP content of cheese whey could be maximized. Whey protein concentrate powders made of native whey had excellent functional properties and their detailed amino acid composition differed from those of cheese whey protein concentrate powders.
The most common connective tissue research in meat science has been conducted on the properties of intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) in connection with eating quality of meat. From the chemical and physical properties of meat, researchers have concluded that meat from animals younger than physiological maturity is the most tender. In pork and poultry, different challenges have been raised: the structure of cooked meat has weakened. In extreme cases raw porcine M. semimembranosus (SM) and in most turkey M. pectoralis superficialis (PS) can be peeled off in strips along the perimysium which surrounds the muscle fibre bundles (destructured meat), and when cooked, the slices disintegrate. Raw chicken meat is generally very soft and when cooked, it can even be mushy. The overall aim of this thesis was to study the thermal properties of IMCT in porcine SM in order to see if these properties were in association with destructured meat in pork and to characterise IMCT in poultry PS. First a 'baseline' study to characterise the thermal stability of IMCT in light coloured (SM and M. longissimus dorsi in pigs and PS in poultry) and dark coloured (M. infraspinatus in pigs and a combination of M. quadriceps femoris and M. iliotibialis lateralis in poultry) muscles was necessary. Thereafter, it was investigated whether the properties of muscle fibres differed in destructured and normal porcine muscles. Collagen content and also solubility of dark coloured muscles were higher than in light coloured muscles in pork and poultry. Collagen solubility was especially high in chicken muscles, approx. 30 %, in comparison to porcine and turkey muscles. However, collagen content and solubility were similar in destructured and normal porcine SM muscles. Thermal shrinkage of IMCT occurred at approximately 65 °C in pork and poultry. It occurred at lower temperature in light coloured muscles than in dark coloured muscles, although the difference was not always significant. The onset and peak temperatures of thermal shrinkage of IMCT were lower in destructured than in normal SM muscles, when the IMCT from SM muscles exhibiting ten lowest and ten highest ultimate pH values were investigated (onset: 59.4 °C vs. 60.7 °C, peak: 64.9 °C vs. 65.7 °C). As the destructured meat was paler than normal meat, the PSE (pale, soft, exudative) phenomenon could not be ruled out. The muscle fibre cross sectional area (CSA), the number of capillaries per muscle fibre CSA and per fibre and sarcomere length were similar in destructured and normal SM muscles. Drip loss was clearly higher in destructured than in normal SM muscles. In conclusion, collagen content and solubility and thermal shrinkage temperature vary between porcine and poultry muscles. One feature in the IMCT could not be directly associated with weakening of the meat structure. Poultry breast meat is very homogenous within the species.
Standards have been placed to regulate the microbial and preservative contents to assure that foods are safe to the consumer. In a case of a food-related disease outbreak, it is crucial to be able to detect and identify quickly and accurately the cause of the disease. In addition, for every day control of food microbial and preservative contents, the detection methods must be easily performed for numerous food samples. In this present study, quicker alternative methods were studied for identification of bacteria by DNA fingerprinting. A flow cytometry method was developed as an alternative to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the golden method . DNA fragment sizing by an ultrasensitive flow cytometer was able to discriminate species and strains in a reproducible and comparable manner to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This new method was hundreds times faster and 200,000 times more sensitive. Additionally, another DNA fingerprinting identification method was developed based on single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (SE-AFLP). This method allowed the differentiation of genera, species, and strains of pathogenic bacteria of Bacilli, Staphylococci, Yersinia, and Escherichia coli. These fingerprinting patterns obtained by SE-AFLP were simpler and easier to analyze than those by the traditional amplified fragment length polymorphism by double enzyme digestion. Nisin (E234) is added as a preservative to different types of foods, especially dairy products, around the world. Various detection methods exist for nisin, but they lack in sensitivity, speed or specificity. In this present study, a sensitive nisin-induced green fluorescent protein (GFPuv) bioassay was developed using the Lactococcus lactis two-component signal system NisRK and the nisin-inducible nisA promoter. The bioassay was extremely sensitive with detection limit of 10 pg/ml in culture supernatant. In addition, it was compatible for quantification from various food matrices, such as milk, salad dressings, processed cheese, liquid eggs, and canned tomatoes. Wine has good antimicrobial properties due to its alcohol concentration, low pH, and organic content and therefore often assumed to be microbially safe to consume. Another aim of this thesis was to study the microbiota of wines returned by customers complaining of food-poisoning symptoms. By partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, ribotyping, and boar spermatozoa motility assay, it was identified that one of the wines contained a Bacillus simplex BAC91, which produced a heat-stable substance toxic to the mitochondria of sperm cells. The antibacterial activity of wine was tested on the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91, B. cereus type strain ATCC 14579 and cereulide-producing B. cereus F4810/72. Although the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91 were sensitive to the antimicrobial effects of wine, the spores of B. cereus strains ATCC 14579 and F4810/72 stayed viable for at least 4 months. According to these results, Bacillus spp., more specifically spores, can be a possible risk to the wine consumer.
Nutrition affects bone health throughout life. To optimize peak bone mass development and maintenance, it is important to pay attention to the dietary factors that enhance and impair bone metabolism. In this study, the in vivo effects of inorganic dietary phosphate and the in vitro effects of bioactive tripeptides, IPP, VPP and LKP were investigated. Dietary phosphate intake is increased through the use of convenience foods and soft drinks rich in phosphate-containing food additives. Our results show that increased dietary phosphate intake hinders mineral deposition in cortical bone and diminishes bone mineral density (BMD) in the aged skeleton in a rodent model (Study I). In the growing skeleton (Study II), increased phosphate intake was observed to reduce bone material and structural properties, leading to diminished bone strength. Studies I and II revealed that a low Ca:P ratio has negative effects on the mature and growing rat skeleton even when calcium intake is sufficient. High dietary protein intake is beneficial for bone health. Protein is essential for bone turnover and matrix formation. In addition, hydrolysis of proteins in the gastrointestinal tract produces short peptides that possess a biological function beyond that of being tissue building blocks. The effects of three bioactive tripeptides, IPP, VPP and LKP, were assessed in short- and long-term in vitro experiments. Short-term treatment (24 h) with tripeptide IPP, VPP or LKP influenced osteoblast gene expression (Study III). IPP in particular, regulates genes associated with cell differentiation, cell growth and cell signal transduction. The upregulation of these genes indicates that IPP enhances osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Long-term treatment with IPP enhanced osteoblast gene expression in favour of bone formation and increased mineralization (Study IV). The in vivo effects of IPP on osteoblast differentiation might differ since eating frequency drives food consumption, and protein degradation products, such as bioactive peptides, are available periodically, not continuously as in this study. To sum up, Studies I and II raise concern about the appropriate amount of dietary phosphate to support bone health as excess is harmful. Studies III and IV in turn, support findings of the beneficial effects of dietary protein on bone and provide a mechanistic explanation since cell proliferation and osteoblast function were improved by treatment with bioactive tripeptide IPP.
Mannans are abundant plant polysaccharides found in the endosperm of certain leguminous seeds (guar gum galactomannan, GG; locust bean gum galactomannan, LBG), in the tuber of the konjac plant (konjac glucomannan, KGM), and in softwoods (galactoglucomannan, GGM). This study focused on the effects of the chemical structure of mannans on their film-forming and emulsion-stabilizing properties. Special focus was on spruce GGM, which is an interesting new product from forest biorefineries. A plasticizer was needed for the formation of films from mannans other than KGM and the optimal proportion was 40% (w/w of polymers) glycerol or sorbitol. Galactomannans with lower galactose content (LBG, modified GG) produced films with higher elongation at break and tensile strength. The mechanical properties of GG-based films were improved by decreasing the degree of polymerization of the polysaccharide with moderate mannanase treatments. The improvement of mechanical properties of GGM-based films was sought by blending GGM with each of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH), corn arabinoxylan (cAX), and KGM. Adding other polymers increased the elongation at break of GGM blend films. The tensile strength of films increased with increasing amounts of PVOH and KGM, but the effect of cAX was the opposite. Dynamic mechanical analysis showed two separate loss modulus peaks for blends of GGM and PVOH, but a single peak for all other films. Optical and scanning electron microscopy confirmed good miscibility of GGM with cAX and KGM. In contrast, films blended from GGM and PVOH showed phase separation. GGM and KGM were mixed with cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) to form composite films. Addition of CNW to KGM-based films induced the formation of fiberlike structures with lengths of several millimeters. In GGM-based films, rodlike structures with lengths of tens of micrometers were formed. Interestingly, the notable differences in the film structure did not appear to be related to the mechanical and thermal properties of the films. Permeability properties of GGM-based films were compared to those of films from commercial mannans KGM, GG, and LBG. GGM-based films had the lowest water vapor permeability when compared to films from other mannans. The oxygen permeability of GGM films was of the same magnitude as that of commercial polyethylene / ethylene vinyl alcohol / polyethylene laminate film. The aroma permeability of GGM films was low. All films were transparent in the visible region, but GGM films blocked the light transmission in the ultraviolet region of the spectra. The stabilizing effect of GGM on a model beverage emulsion system was studied and compared to that of GG, LBG, KGM, and cAX. In addition, GG was enzymatically modified in order to examine the effect of the degree of polymerization and the degree of substitution of galactomannans on emulsion stability. Use of GGM increased the turbidity of emulsions both immediately after preparation and after storage of up to 14 days at room temperature. GGM emulsions had higher turbidity than the emulsions containing other mannans. Increasing the storage temperature to +45 ºC led to rapid emulsion breakdown, but a decrease in storage temperature increased emulsion stability after 14 days. A low degree of polymerization and a high degree of substitution of the modified galactomannans were associated with a decrease in emulsion turbidity.
The present study focuses on the translational strategies of Cocksfoot mottle virus (CfMV, genus Sobemovirus), which infects monocotyledonous plants. CfMV RNA lacks the 5'cap and the 3'poly(A) tail that ensure efficient translation of cellular messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Instead, CfMV RNA is covalently linked to a viral protein VPg (viral protein, genome-linked). This indicates that the viral untranslated regions (UTRs) must functionally compensate for the lack of the cap and poly(A) tail. We examined the efficacy of translation initiation in CfMV by comparing it to well-studied viral translational enhancers. Although insertion of the CfMV 5'UTR (CfMVe) into plant expression vectors improved gene expression in barley more than the other translational enhancers examined, studies at the RNA level showed that CfMVe alone or in combination with the CfMV 3'UTR did not provide the RNAs translational advantage. Mutation analysis revealed that translation initiation from CfMVe involved scanning. Interestingly, CfMVe also promoted translation initiation from an intercistronic position of dicistronic mRNAs in vitro. Furthermore, internal initiation occurred with similar efficacy in translation lysates that had reduced concentrations of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E, suggesting that initiation was independent of the eIF4E. In contrast, reduced translation in the eIF4G-depleted lysates indicated that translation from internally positioned CfMVe was eIF4G-dependent. After successful translation initiation, leaky scanning brings the ribosomes to the second open reading frame (ORF). The CfMV polyprotein is produced from this and the following overlapping ORF via programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift (-1 PRF). Two signals in the mRNA at the beginning of the overlap program approximately every fifth ribosome to slip one nucleotide backwards and continue translation in the new -1 frame. This leads to the production of C-terminally extended polyprotein, which encodes the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). The -1 PRF event in CfMV was very efficient, even though it was programmed by a simple stem-loop structure instead of a pseudoknot, which is usually required for high -1 PRF frequencies. Interestingly, regions surrounding the -1 PRF signals improved the -1 PRF frequencies. Viral protein P27 inhibited the -1 PRF event in vivo, putatively by binding to the -1 PRF site. This suggested that P27 could regulate the occurrence of -1 PRF. Initiation of viral replication requires that viral proteins are released from the polyprotein. This is catalyzed by viral serine protease, which is also encoded from the polyprotein. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of CfMV VPg revealed that the junction of the protease and VPg was cleaved between glutamate (E) and asparagine (N) residues. This suggested that the processing sites used in CfMV differ from the glutamate and serine (S) or threonine (T) sites utilized in other sobemoviruses. However, further analysis revealed that the E/S and E/T sites may be used to cleave out some of the CfMV proteins.
We report here the structures and properties of heat-stable, non-protein, and mammalian cell-toxic compounds produced by spore-forming bacilli isolated from indoor air of buildings and from food. Little information is available on the effects and occurrence of heat-stable non-protein toxins produced by bacilli in moisture-damaged buildings. Bacilli emit spores that move in the air and can serve as the carriers of toxins, in a manner similar to that of the spores of toxic fungi found in contaminated indoor air. Bacillus spores in food cause problems because they tolerate the temperatures applied in food manufacture and the spores later initiate growth when food storage conditions are more favorable. Detection of the toxic compounds in Bacillus is based on using the change in mobility of boar spermatozoa as an indicator of toxic exposure. GC, LC, MS, and nuclear magnetic resonance NMR spectroscopy were used for purification, detection, quantitation, and analysis of the properties and structures of the compounds. Toxicity and the mechanisms of toxicity of the compounds were studied using boar spermatozoa, feline lung cells, human neural cells, and mitochondria isolated from rat liver. The ionophoric properties were studied using the BLM (black-lipid membrane) method. One novel toxin, forming ion channels permeant to K+ > Na+ > Ca2+, was found and named amylosin. It is produced by B. amyloliquefaciens isolated from indoor air of moisture-damaged buildings. Amylosin was purified with an RP-HPLC and a monoisotopic mass of 1197 Da was determined with ESI-IT-MS. Furthermore, acid hydrolysis of amylosin followed by analysis of the amino acids with the GS-MS showed that it was a peptide. The presence of a chromophoric polyene group was found using a NMR spectroscopy. The quantification method developed for amylosin based on RP-HPLC-UV, using the macrolactone polyene, amphotericin B (MW 924), as a reference compound. The B. licheniformis strains isolated from a food poisoning case produced a lipopeptide, lichenysin A, that ruptured mammalian cell membranes and was purified with a LC. Lichenysin A was identified by its protonated molecules and sodium- and potassium- cationized molecules with MALDI-TOF-MS. Its protonated forms were observed at m/z 1007, 1021 and 1035. The amino acids of lichenysin A were analyzed with ESI-TQ-MS/MS and, after acid hydrolysis, the stereoisomeric forms of the amino acids with RP-HPLC. The indoor air isolates of the strain of B. amyloliquefaciens produced not only amylosin but also lipopeptides: the cell membrane-damaging surfactin and the fungicidal fengycin. They were identified with ESI-IT-MS observing their protonated molecules, the sodium- and potassium-cationized molecules and analysing the MS/MS spectra. The protonated molecules of surfactin and fengycin showed m/z values of 1009, 1023, and 1037 and 1450, 1463, 1493, and 1506, respectively. Cereulide (MW 1152) was purified with RP-HPLC from a food poisoning strain of B. cereus. Cereulide was identified with ESI-TQ-MS according to the protonated molecule observed at m/z 1154 and the ammonium-, sodium- and potassium-cationized molecules observed at m/z 1171, 1176, and 1192, respectively. The fragment ions of the MS/MS spectrum obtained from the protonated molecule of cereulide at m/z 1154 were also interpreted. We developed a quantification method for cereulide, using RP-HPLC-UV and valinomycin (MW 1110, which structurally resembles cereulide) as the reference compound. Furthermore, we showed empirically, using the BLM method, that the emetic toxin cereulide is a specific and effective potassium ionophore of whose toxicity target is especially the mitochondria.
The purpose of this work was to identify some of the genes of the catabolic route of L-rhamnose in the yeast Pichia stipitis. There are at least two distinctly different pathways for L-rhamnose catabolism. The one described in bacteria has phosphorylated intermediates and the enzymes and the genes of this route have been described. The pathway described in yeast does not have phosphorylated intermediates. The intermediates and the enzymes of this pathway are known but none of the genes have been identified. The work was started by purifying the L-rhamnose dehydrogenase, which oxidates L-rhamnose to rhamnonic acid-gamma-lactone. NAD is used as a cofactor in this reaction. A DEAE ion exchange column was used for purification. The active fraction was further purified using a non-denaturing PAGE and the active protein identified by zymogram staining. In the last step the protein was separated in a SDS-PAGE, the protein band trypsinated and analysed by MALDI-TOF MS. This resulted in the identification of the corresponding gene, RHA1, which was then, after a codon change, expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Also C- or N-terminal histidine tags were added but as the activity of the enzyme was lost or strongly reduced these were not used. The kinetic properties of the protein were analysed in the cell extract. Substrate specifity was tested with different sugars; L-rhamnose, L-lyxose and L-mannose were oxidated by the enzyme. Vmax values were 180 nkat/mg, 160 nkat/mg and 72 nkat/mg, respectively. The highest affinity was towards L-rhamnose, the Km value being 0.9 mM. Lower affinities were obtained with L-lyxose, Km 4.3 mM, and L-mannose Km 25 mM. Northern analysis was done to study the transcription of RHA1 with different carbon sources. Transcription was observed only on L-rhamnose suggesting that RHA1 expression is L-rhamnose induced. A RHA1 deletion cassette for P. stipitis was constructed but the cassette had integrated randomly and not targeted to delete the RHA1 gene. Enzyme assays for L-lactaldehyde dehydrogenase were done similarly to L-rhamnose dehydrogenase assays. NAD is used as a cofactor also in this reaction where L-lactaldehyde is oxidised to L-lactate. The observed enzyme activities were very low and the activity was lost during the purification procedures.
In the past decade, the Finnish agricultural sector has undergone rapid structural changes. The number of farms has decreased and the average farm size has increased when the number of farms transferred to new entrants has decreased. Part of the structural change in agriculture is manifested in early retirement programmes. In studying farmers exit behaviour in different countries, institutional differences, incentive programmes and constraints are found to matter. In Finland, farmers early retirement programmes were first introduced in 1974 and, during the last ten years, they have been carried out within the European Union framework for these programmes. The early retirement benefits are farmer specific and de-pend on the level of pension insurance the farmer has paid over his active farming years. In order to predict the future development of the agricultural sector, farmers have been frequently asked about their future plans and their plans for succession. However, the plans the farmers made for succession have been found to be time inconsistent. This study estimates the value of farmers stated succession plans in predicting revealed succession decisions. A stated succession plan exists when a farmer answers in a survey questionnaire that the farm is going to be transferred to a new entrant within a five-year period. The succession is revealed when the farm is transferred to a suc-cessor. Stated and revealed behaviour was estimated as a recursive Binomial Probit Model, which accounts for the censoring of the decision variables and controls for a potential correlation between the two equations. The results suggest that the succession plans, as stated by elderly farmers in the questionnaires, do not provide information that is significant and valuable in predicting true, com-pleted successions. Therefore, farmer exit should be analysed based on observed behaviour rather than on stated plans and intentions. As farm retirement plays a crucial role in determining the characteristics of structural change in agriculture, it is important to establish the factors which determine an exit from farming among eld-erly farmers and how off-farm income and income losses affect their exit choices. In this study, the observed choice of pension scheme by elderly farmers was analysed by a bivariate probit model. Despite some variations in significance and the effects of each factor, the ages of the farmer and spouse, the age and number of potential successors, farm size, income loss when retiring and the location of the farm together with the production line were found to be the most important determi-nants of early retirement and the transfer or closure of farms. Recently, the labour status of the spouse has been found to contribute significantly to individual retirement decisions. In this study, the effect of spousal retirement and economic incentives related to the timing of a farming couple s early retirement decision were analysed with a duration model. The results suggest that an expected pension in particular advances farm transfers. It was found that on farms operated by a couple, both early retirement and farm succession took place more often than on farms operated by a single person. However, the existence of a spouse delayed the timing of early retirement. Farming couples were found to co-ordinate their early retirement decisions when they both exit through agricultural retirement programmes, but such a co-ordination did not exist when one of the spouses retired under other pension schemes. Besides changes in the agricultural structure, the share and amount of off-farm income of a farm family s total income has also increased. In the study, the effect of off-farm income on farmers retirement decisions, in addition to other financial factors, was analysed. The unknown parameters were first estimated by a switching-type multivariate probit model and then by the simulated maxi-mum likelihood (SML) method, controlling for farmer specific fixed effects and serial correlation of the errors. The results suggest that elderly farmers off-farm income is a significant determinant in a farmer s choice to exit and close down the farm. However, off-farm income only has a short term effect on structural changes in agriculture since it does not significantly contribute to the timing of farm successions.
A View into the World of Kitchen: Development and retention of a leading position in the market of kitchen interiors - a case study of 20 years. This study focuses on the development of a kitchen interiors company, presently called Novart Inc., into the leading company of the industry from 1980´s to the present. The objective of the study is to describe the effects of strategic choices, the decisions of the management and the owner´s direction and control to the build up and the retaining of the leading position in the market. From theory point of view, strategic choices refer to com-pany purchases as corporate-level strategies, and business and marketing strategies. The empirical research was carried out in two phases and it is based on various company documents and records, and on the intensive interviews of seven key executives in the company. An abductive research design was utilized. The company gained the leading position in the kitchen market in Finland by company purchases, and the company has been able to retain the position. Firstly the goal was to expand to retail market and, secondly, the company has maintained the balance of supply and demand by closing the purchased production units when needed. The simultaneous use of these two strategic goals is a kind of a new observation, and the strategy may be suitable only for market leaders. During the latter part of the research period the strategy of com-pany purchases has been abandoned and the leading position in the market has been main-tained by developing systematically business and marketing capability. In the business and marketing strategies the distribution channels and the brands have been emphasized. During the research period the company has almost totally abandoned the long distribution channels and started to use its own channels built and named after the main brands. These are A la Carte, Parma and Petra. At the moment, in the beginning of the 21st century, a new distribution channel, the concept of the Kitchen World, is being built in addition to the channels mentioned above. The management´s decision making and the implementation the decisions have been well-considered. The executives emphasized the valuing of the importance of the decisions dif-ferently except the two decisions named the most important ones, i.e., the decisions to start own production of the raw material and to concentrate the business only to one company. The executive staff has also succeeded in managing crisis and threats of bankruptcy, and the company has been managed profitable. During all the four terms of ownership: Puolimatka Corporation, the Hankkija/Novera Corporation, the ownership period of the "bank", and the Nobia Corporate the ownership direction and control has been somewhat different. All the owners have paid attention to economic issues. The direction of cash flows and investments was at its strongest during the Hankkija/Novera term. For the last owner Nobia the production and marketing of the kitchen interiors has been the core business, which thus has strengthened the business and marketing capabilities of the target company of this research. A common denominator during all the four terms of ownership has been owners' trust gained by the professional skills of the management of the target company. This has lead to greater independence of the management of the company and less owners´ direction. Keywords: leading position, marketing strategy, management decisions, acquisition, corporate governance