854 resultados para Intercultural competence
In the contemporary literature on Foreign Language Teaching (LE/L2), is evidence of a trend in education given priority from the sub-focus on socio-cultural competence (HYMES, 1972), mainly with the aim of developing the intercultural competence, that is, the power to know the differences between the culture of the new language and the language in concrete situations and to develop strategies to deal comprehensively with the customs of another culture (Rozenfeld & Vianna, 2011). This process seeks to bring people to a critical analysis of their own language and culture, the concept of otherness and the similarities and differences between nations (MOTTA ROTH, 2003). Under the didactic-pedagogical approach multiculturalism, there is the need to develop new educational proposals and to include studies and researches about this subject in the curricula of teacher education courses. Politically, the proposals of the "Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs)" in Brazil emphasize as targets to be established for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), on average, target content and teaching strategies to develop, in addition to communicative competence, competition also "inter (multi) culture" (BRASIL, 2000). Thus, this paper analyzes the reports of pre-service teachers in the course of Teaching Practice of Spanish Language, the presence of cultural and intercultural approach, verifying didactic-pedagogical treatment that is being expressed in projects and materialized in practices of ELE classroom, in the interior of São Paulo / Brazil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Cuando un migrante llega a una sociedad distinta, debe elegir cómo vivir en ella. En esta elección cuentan su pasado, su presente y especialmente su futuro en términos de expectativas de movilidad. Comprender cómo viven los residentes extranjeros en su país de destino implica considerar conceptos clave como procesos de socialización, shock cultural, competencia intercultural o procesos de aculturación que implican aprender nuevas competencias culturales. A partir de los datos de la Encuesta Social de Migraciones Internas Europeas (EIMSS) este trabajo se centra en el análisis de dos dimensiones, la integración cultural y la integración social, que van a caracterizar el modo en que los migrantes europeos viven en su nuevo entorno social, y su relación con la percepción de la discriminación que tiene el migrante o su adaptación psicológica, en términos de nostalgia y satisfacción con la vida.
During the second half of the nineteenth century, a German business community of about one hundred merchants and commercial clerks developed in Glasgow. Their trade networks extended not only to Germany but also to other world markets. The main arguments and findings of the microhistorical analysis include: numbers were significantly higher than previously assumed; endogenous recruitment based on ethnic and family ties was prevalent; migrants benefited from their migration-induced social capital (training, languages, intercultural competence) to fill a skills-gap in Britain; labour market competition at the junior career level was less pronounced than contemporaneous assessments suggested; naturalisation was taken out for purely pragmatic reasons; there was a sense of community at intra-ethnic level, but also with the local business elite. The case study is embedded into the larger context of Anglo-German economic relations and globalisation. A purely local perspective does not suffice to do justice to the wider significance of expatriate business communities in an age of economic globalisation.
The official documents that guide the teaching and learning process of a Foreign Language in Brazil, Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Estrangeira, suggest a linguistic and intercultural communication as the main objective of teaching a foreign language inorderto contribute withareflexive formation of the students.Toachieve this goal, a Virtual Interchange was realized connecting distant places like Córdoba, in Argentina, and Natal in Brazil, between High School students through Moodle platform and Facebook. The Interchange is based in the Intercomprehension in Romance Languages(IC) guidelines, inthiscase between Portuguese and Spanish, according to which every student speaks their own language and makes an effort to comprehend the others througha collaborative process thatgo es beyond the limits of mere linguistic objectives and favors the students’ reality acceptance before the diversity. This qualitative study with thno graphic characteristic stries to know whe ther differentiate projects can increase students’ interest to learn the target language. It was also set as an aim of this study to develop the intercultural competence of our students and foster the respect for different cultures. In the case of Argentinian and Brazilian students, wetried to promote reflection about social representation trying to destroy stereotypes between both groups. As methodological resources, we used interviews, questionnaires and intercomprehension activities during the Project, as well as a participant observation of the interactions betweenthe students of both countries.Webe lieve tobe contributing towards the integral formation ofth student asacriticalcitizenthatthinksa bouttheir posture before the world, which is one of the formal education aims according to Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Our theoretical foundation is based on Intercomprehension in Romance Languages (IC) as a plurilingualism didactics, (JAMET AND SPIŢĂ 2010; ARAÚJO AND SÁ et al., 2003; CAPUCHO, 2010; ANDRADE etal.,2003), some the oriesaboutinter culturalisman didentity(Vallespir, 1999;DUARTE&SANCHES,2004; REVUZ,1998;SILVA,2000;CHAUÍ2006; SERRANI-INFANTE 1998), motivation and second language learning (DECI & RYAN, 1985; DÖRNYEI AND OTTÓ, 1998; DÖRNYEI, 2000, 2001; 2011) and Significant Learning Theory (AUSUBEL, 1968). The results show an increase of students’ motivation when in contact with the target language through dynamic activities in an IC context. Moreover, we noticed that a deeper thinking aboutthe Argentinian culture helped to deconstruct previous cultural representation.
Study abroad is a highly encouraged component of the undergrad business program at Bella Lake University, with the large majority of undergraduate students choosing to study and live in a foreign country to expand on their international experiences. Currently, there is no learning structure or learning outcome expectation for students that will participate in the study abroad experience. This project focuses on the development of a course that supports students in the pre-departure phase of their study abroad journey and prepares them to set goals, understand the learning process and the practices of experiential learning to encourage students to achieve both personal and professional goals, and encourage the development of intercultural competence. The discourse surrounding the perceptions and efficacy of the course development is based on a self-assessment survey completed by 121 undergraduate business students that participated in the pre-departure sessions prior to leaving for study abroad in March 2016. The self-assessment results overall showed that the course achieved its aims with the majority of students rating that they were more likely to understand and engage in experiential learning, set goals for their study abroad experience and felt more prepared for study abroad after attending the pre-departure sessions. The project concludes that in order for the pre-departure course to maintain its value, the conversation with students surrounding experiential learning in study abroad needs to continue with further course development focusing on both during and post-study abroad. Further exploration can also be done to find varying ways to motivate different students to engage in the learning potential of study abroad.
In der vorliegenden empirischen Untersuchung werden interkulturelle Einstellungen und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen griechischer Absolvierender des Lehramts an Grundschulen dargestellt. Mit Hilfe eines standardisierten Fragebogens werden Parameter erhoben (jeder pädagogische Fachbereich der sich mit Fragen der interkulturellen Bildung auseinandersetzt, die positiven Effekte der Migrationsgesellschaft, die Fokussierung der interkulturellen Erziehung auf die Migrantenschüler/-innen und ihre Familien, die negativen Effekte der Migrationsgesellschaft, die Umsetzung der interkulturellen Erziehung in der Schule). Die Stichprobe ist eine Zufallsauswahl der Absolvierenden des Lehramts an Grundschulen an griechischen Universitäten. (DIPF/Orig.)
Rezension von: Ulf Over: Die interkulturell kompetente Schule. Eine empirische Studie zur sozialen Konstruktion eines Entwicklungsziels. Münster / New York / München / Berlin: Waxmann 2012 (182 S.; ISBN 978-3-8309-2568-2)
A presente dissertação levou-nos a recolher excertos dos inquéritos, por entrevista, aplicados a oito mulheres participantes que nos ajudaram a compreender como as competências interculturais influenciaram o processo de integração em Cascais, Portugal. Ver o/a outro/a como igual apesar da sua diversidade cultural, sabendo colocar-nos no seu lugar pode parecer simples, no entanto, passar da teoria à prática exige a desconstrução da nossa perspetiva sobre o outro/a e de nós próprios. Neste processo acabamos por compilar um conjunto de informação qualitativa, que apresenta um método psicossocial de interação empático e conciliatório com os outros/as, pessoas, seres humanos como nós, livres de terem ideias e convicções diferentes das nossas. Apresentamos uma aplicação aberta à mudança, flexível e articulante de conhecimentos, concretamente das competências interculturais em constante plasticidade evolutiva.
The Swedish health care system has in recent years been faced with a challenge in relation to the increased inflow of refugees. Under Swedish law, asylum seekers should be provided the opportunity to receive health screening to determine the risk of infection and the possible need for care, as well as information about the Swedish health care to be provided. The health screening is conducted by district nurses and nurses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the nurses' experience of conducting health screening of asylum seekers. A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was used as method of data collection. A total of eleven interviews were conducted with district nurses in two counties, in eight cities. Data from the interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. This resulted in three main themes, Health screening characteristics vary, Cultural differences affect the meeting and Challenging for the district nurse. The results showed that the district nurses' organization of and the approach to the health screenings differ. The mental health of asylum seekers is seen by district nurses in a high degree and this is experienced problems with the care. Intercultural competence and improved communications capabilities were key elements associated with health screening of asylum seekers. The term 'health care that cannot be postponed "was considered difficult to assess and there is a risk that asylum seekers receive incongruent treatment.
Este documento evidencia las posiciones hegemónicas que han llegado a ocupar las empresas más poderosas del país, basándose en el estudio de datos cuantitativos del conteo de las cien empresas con mejores ventas para los años 2013 y 2014, según la revista Gerente. Se usan cinco variables: ventas totales, activos, pasivos, patrimonio y utilidades netas. En la primera sección, se hace una revisión bibliográfica que conecta el origen de la hegemonía en un panorama económico con la influencia del neoliberalismo y la globalización en el actual tejido industrial colombiano. Posteriormente, se realiza una explicación sobre la metodología aplicada para el estudio de la base de datos; la cual es seguida por una exposición de los resultados obtenidos a partir de herramientas estadísticas como el análisis de correlación lineal, quintiles y variaciones porcentuales. Finalmente, se aborda el Programa de Transformación Productiva, esto con el objetivo de mostrar los puntos focales que necesitan especial atención para lograr catalizar el desarrollo económico de Colombia.
Intercultural and plurilingual encounters have become increasingly frequent due to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) developments, mobility (real/ virtual) and migration. To face the challenges inherent in such encounters, the development of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) is crucial. ICC development may start in the home but should also be a commitment in school curricula, in particular in language classrooms. To facilitate this, language teachers require training in order to integrate the intercultural dimension into their professional practice. In such a context, we implemented a training programme entitled The Intercultural Teacher with an experimental group of language teachers from secondary schools in the Aveiro district (Portugal). In this article, we describe teachers’ social perceptions of ICC and explore the following questions: (a) what does ICC mean for language teachers?; and (b) what are teachers’ views on the development of ICC? The findings of this analysis enabled us, firstly, to design a heuristic model of ICC, based on teachers’ views and perceptions. We were then able to identify some pathways for developing ICC through teacher education, which were validated by teachers themselves.
In the past few decades, the demands for coping with the rapid development of information communication technology, internationalization and globalization worldwide have shifted the focus of Chinese as a second language (CSL) towards intercultural communication competence in which the role of culture in the acquisition of CSL and in the pragmatic use of the language is emphasized and promoted. However, most of the present research in this academic area still remains only on a theoretical level. In order to explore the possibilities and limitations of integrating Chinese culture and implementing intercultural communication theory into CSL education, an action research has been conducted since the beginning of 2013 to review an actual course for beginners. This paper will present the findings of the research: 1) By applying the theoretical framework of intercultural communicative competence, the findings indicated that the existing CSL course provided limited information explaining the cultural elements that are reflected in the Chinese language. 2) The findings also suggested that the cultural skills acquired in the students’ first language do influence their acquisition of CSL. This is demonstrated in the students’ written tasks such as introducing themselves and presenting other people, etc. The findings can be examples and resources for further research in this academic field.
International mobility programs and curriculum restructuration stand out as the most common practice to develop intercultural communicative competence of students, in quest of respect for diversity in its otherness. For the teacher in initial and continuing training, the aim is to train in order to deal with children, adolescents and young adults, forming the growing migration around the world. Interested in the profile of Portuguese-speaking teachers for intercultural education, we address the professionals of Angolan nationality who were present at the Fórum Juventude Europa – Lusofonia, in its issue of Coimbra 2014. With methods in line with the proposal of Schaefer (2014), we assess the ability of Knowledge Discovery, Empathy, Respect for Otherness, Tolerance for Ambiguity, Behavioral Flexibility and Communicative Awareness. In this article, we present and discuss the findings of the group of teachers from Angola based on the literature of cultural studies and emphasis on intercultural communicative competence. The considerations which allow us to analyze are around the actual limits of the subjects - in this case pre-service and in-service teachers - to signify the symbiotic nature of the relationship among themselves, the others and the world.
Website usability can be defined as the ease of use of websites. General usability, pedagogical usability, technical usability and intercultural usability can be considered and examined for the understanding of the usability of language learning websites, which requires a discipline-specific approach. In the field of computer-assisted language learning, usability issues have been addressed mainly in terms of evaluation criteria and have been commonly discussed in relation to user expectations and user experiences. In spite of a growing interest in intercultural language learning, however, little research on intercultural usability of language learning websites has been published yet. There is a need to answer the question of how language learning websites integrate the target language and culture for the development of intercultural sensitivity and competence. This article explores intercultural aspects of language learning websites and presents usability guidelines for designing intercultural language learning websites.