985 resultados para Instrumental ensembles


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O estudo teve por objectivo fazer a caracterização dos atributos de qualidade de duas variedades (Solo e Local) de papaia produzida em Santiago, Cabo Verde, e definir os atributos que os distribuidores procuram. Foram realizadas avaliações físico-químicas, sensorial e um estudo de mercado. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o peso, cor interior e exterior, textura, espessura da polpa, pH, acidez titulável, SST, fez-se avaliação sensorial a aplicação de um questionário aos importadores de papaia. Os parâmetros SST, Acidez, pH e peso variam significativamente com as variedades, sendo as papaias da variedade Local mais pesadas. A textura varia em função dos graus de maturação, a firmeza apresenta uma diminuição ao longo do amadurecimento, na deformação percebe-se um decréscimo com avançar da maturação, nos parâmetros de cor interna e externa as diferenças encontram-se na interacção entre Variedade e Estado de maturação. A variedade Solo foi mais valorizada na avaliação sensorial assim como no preço, certificação/selo qualidade e doçura pelos distribuidores.


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La investigación que se presenta en este trabajo se asienta en una experiencia didáctica llevada a cabo durante los cursos escolares 1993/94 y 1994/95, como profesor del Aula Municipal de Adultos de Pallejà (comarca del Baix Llobregat). El origen de la investigación fue mi interés, como profesional de la educación, por valorar la utilidad de los medios de comunicación escritos como instrumento didáctico en la formación de adultos.El objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar que la utilización de la prensa del corazón permitela consolidación del aprendizaje de la lectoescritura,en sí misma y como articuladora de los contenidos propios de otras áreas de conocimiento permitiendo alcanzar uan serie de objetivos(unión entre contenidos reglados y "cultura para la vida", desarrollo de capacidades intelectuales, hábito de discusión y trabajo en grupo) El resultado de la investigación han permitido constatar que las revistas del corazón son un material didáctico de valiosísimo uso en la educación de adultos


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The OLS estimator of the intergenerational earnings correlation is biased towards zero, while the instrumental variables estimator is biased upwards. The first of these results arises because of measurement error, while the latter rests on the presumption that the education of the parent family is an invalid instrument. We propose a panel data framework for quantifying the asymptotic biases of these estimators, as well as a mis-specification test for the IV estimator. [Author]


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A técnica analítica nuclear de ativação neutrônica é multielementar, precisa, exata e, além de outras características, tem sido indicada como técnica primária na determinação elementar principalmente de solo. Entretanto, ao ser aplicada, não está isenta de interferências inerentes à técnica, como a ocorrência de reações de interferências primárias, cuja contribuição depende das características do fluxo de nêutrons do reator, do local de irradiação, etc. Essas reações ocorrem durante a irradiação, quando a amostra é submetida ao fluxo de nêutrons no reator no qual há contribuição de nêutrons de diversas energias. Uma interferência que pode ser significativa é a determinação de Mn em presença de Fe, pois a formação extra do 56Mn poderá não permitir afirmar se a concentração de Mn determinada deve-se à interferência do Fe ou não. Para verificar se essa interferência é significativa, ao analisar amostras com elevada concentração de Fe no reator TRIGA MARK I IPR-R1 do CDTN/CNEN, foi realizado este estudo, visando determinar o Mn em solo do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brasil, no qual há ocorrência de minérios com teores da ordem de 40 a 60 % em Fe. Os resultados mostraram que na reação de 56Fe com nêutrons rápidos a formação de 56Mn é pouco significativa, não havendo necessidade de aplicar a correção da interferência.


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La constatación del uso sistemático de instrumentos por los chimpancés en su habitat natural ha planteado el problema de la aplicación del término cultura a un primate no humano. Una de las características de la cultura es la aparición de variantes conductuales en grupos separados. El propósito de este trabajo es revisar, con los datos disponibles en la actualidad, la hipótesis formulada por Sabater Pi (1974b) de que existen tres zonas culturales en los chimpancés e intentar identificar el origen ecológico y/o social de estas diferencias.


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Tradicionalmente, las noticias sobre actividades pesqueras y sus industrias derivadas de salazón y conservas han estado circunscritas en la Península Ibérica a la zona del sudeste, en relación directa con la presencia colonial fénico-púnica y el posterior desarrollo de idénticas actividades en época romana. Por el contrario, y en relación con el litoral catalán, solamente Avieno, al citar la «marisma feraz siempre en peces», situada en las cercanías de Callípolis y Tito Livio, al hablar de que los colonos griegos de Ampurias «al principio para 'mantenerse se fiaban delmar», comentan las posibilidades piscícolas de la zona.


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From a theoretical perspective, an extension to the Full Range leadership Theory (FRLT) seems needed. In this paper, we explain why instrumental leadership--a class of leadership includes leader behaviors focusing on task and strategic aspects that are neither values nor exchange oriented--can fulfill this extension. Instrument leadership is composed of four factors: environmental monitoring, strategy formulation and implementation, path-goal facilitation and outcome monitoring; these aspects of leadership are currently not included in any of the FRLT's nine leadership scales (as measured by the MLQ--Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire). We present results from two empirical studies using very large samples from a wide array of countries (N > 3,000) to examine the factorial, discriminant and criterion-related validity of the instrumental leadership scales. We find support for a four-factor instrumental leadership model, which explains incremental variance in leader outcomes in over and above transactional and transformational leadership.


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Identifying the geographic distribution of populations is a basic, yet crucial step in many fundamental and applied ecological projects, as it provides key information on which many subsequent analyses depend. However, this task is often costly and time consuming, especially where rare species are concerned and where most sampling designs generally prove inefficient. At the same time, rare species are those for which distribution data are most needed for their conservation to be effective. To enhance fieldwork sampling, model-based sampling (MBS) uses predictions from species distribution models: when looking for the species in areas of high habitat suitability, chances should be higher to find them. We thoroughly tested the efficiency of MBS by conducting an important survey in the Swiss Alps, assessing the detection rate of three rare and five common plant species. For each species, habitat suitability maps were produced following an ensemble modeling framework combining two spatial resolutions and two modeling techniques. We tested the efficiency of MBS and the accuracy of our models by sampling 240 sites in the field (30 sitesx8 species). Across all species, the MBS approach proved to be effective. In particular, the MBS design strictly led to the discovery of six sites of presence of one rare plant, increasing chances to find this species from 0 to 50%. For common species, MBS doubled the new population discovery rates as compared to random sampling. Habitat suitability maps coming from the combination of four individual modeling methods predicted well the species' distribution and more accurately than the individual models. As a conclusion, using MBS for fieldwork could efficiently help in increasing our knowledge of rare species distribution. More generally, we recommend using habitat suitability models to support conservation plans.


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This Handbook contains a collection of articles describing instrumental techniques used for Materials, Chemical and Biosciences research that are available at the Scientific and Technological Centers of theUniversity of Barcelona (CCiTUB). The CCiTUB are a group of facilities of the UB that provide both the research community and industry with ready access to a wide range of major instrumentation.Together with the latest equipment and technology, the CCiTUB provide expertise in addressing the methodological research needs of the user community and they also collaborate in R+D+i Projectswith industry. CCiTUB specialists include technical and Ph.D.-level professional staff members who are actively engaged in methodological research. Detailed information on the centers’ resources andactivities can be found at the CCiTUB website www.ccit.ub.edu ...


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This paper presents a framework in which samples of bowing gesture parameters are retrieved and concatenated from a database of violin performances by attending to an annotated input score. Resulting bowing parameter signals are then used to synthesize sound by means of both a digital waveguide violin physical model, and an spectral-domainadditive synthesizer.


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Le concept de romanisation ne revêt d'utilité que s'il peut être qualifié, et donc analysé en différents « niveaux », afin de comparer les rythmes et les formes du phénomène dans les régions de l'Empire. Avant même de chercher à tenir un discours global sur la romanisation, il faut donc en étudier les multiples aspects de manière spécifique. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit cette thèse de doctorat dont le but est de quantifier et de qualifier l'acculturation des céramiques fines en Gaule interne (200 BC - 50 AD). Fondée sur un corpus de quelques 130 ensembles, provenant de 21 sites urbains localisés entre le centre ouest de la France, l'Auvergne, le Plateau suisse et le Luxembourg, cette étude se caractérise par la mise en place de nouvelles approches méthodologiques, s'appuyant sur le calcul d'un « indice de romanisation » (quantifiant la romanisation d'un ensemble sur une échelle de 1 à 100) et sur l'analyse des modalités du phénomène. L'examen diachronique et cartographique des résultats obtenus montrant de fortes disparités dans les processus d'acculturation des céramiques fines, des niveaux de romanisation ont pu être définis, dont le principal intérêt est d'ouvrir la comparaison avec les autres aspects de l'acculturation des Gaules (instrumentum culinaire, technique de construction, romanisation de l'anthroponymie...). The concept of Romanisation can only be considered useful if it can be qualified and analysed at different levels in order to compare the acculturation rates, frequency and form of the phenomenon among the regions in the Empire. But before an overview of Romanisation can be considered, its multiple aspects must be examined in a specific manner. Among the French speaking areas, it is only recently that research concerning Gaulish and Roman periods has risked expanding the scope to a supra regional scale. Against this background, the purpose of my doctoral thesis is to examine the qualitative and quantitative aspects of acculturation among Gaulish fine wares (200 BCE - 50 CE). Based on a corpus of 130 assemblages from 21 urban sites from the western centre of France, Auvergne, the Swiss plateau and Luxembourg, the study is characterised by new methodological techniques relying on the calculation of a 'Romanisation index' (quantifying the level of Romanisation of an assemblage on a scale of 1 to 100) and the analysis of the methods of the phenomenon. The diachronic and cartographic examination of the results obtained showed large disparities in the acculturation processes concerning fine wares. The level of Romanisation could be defined, thus allowing a comparison with other aspects of the acculturation process among other aspects of Gaulish culture such as tools, cuisine, construction techniques and Romanisation of anthroponyms.