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This study qualitatively examined an 8 week group exercise and counseling intervention for breast and prostate cancer survivors. Groups exercised 3 days per week, 50 minutes per session,performing moderate intensity aerobic and resistance training. Groups also underwent 90 minute supportive group psychotherapy sessions once per week. Survivors discussed their experiences in focus groups post intervention. Transcripts were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Survivors described how exercise facilitated counseling by creating mutual aid and trust, and counseling helped participants with self-identity, sexuality, and returning to normalcy. When possible, counselors and fitness professionals should create partnerships to optimally support cancer survivors.


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- Objective There is rapidly growing evidence of natural recovery from cannabis use in people with psychosis, but little is known about how it occurs. This qualitative study explores what factors influence the decision to cease cannabis use, maintain cessation, and prevent relapse. - Methods Ten people with early psychosis and lifetime cannabis misuse, who had been abstinent for at least a month, were recruited from public adult mental health services. These six men and four women participated in a semi-structured qualitative interview assessing reasons for addressing cannabis use, effective change strategies, lapse contexts, and methods used to regain control. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to identify themes in their responses. - Results Participants had a mean age of 23 years (SD = 3.7), started using cannabis at age 13.7 (SD = 1.6), began daily use at 17 (SD = 3.1), and had abstained from cannabis for 7.9 months (SD = 5.4). Awareness of the negative impact of substance use across multiple domains and the presence of social support for cannabis cessation were seen as vital to sustained success, as was utilization of a combination of coping strategies. The ability to address pressure from substance-using peers was commonly mentioned. - Conclusions Maximally effective treatment may need to focus on eliciting a range of benefits of cessation and control strategies and on maximizing both support for change and resistance to peer pressure. Further research might focus on comparing perceived effective strategies between individuals who obtain sustained cessation versus those who relapse.


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Suomessa väestön rakenne on muuttumassa ja hoitoa tarvitsevien määrä nousee jatkuvasti. Vanhustenhoito on muuttunut henkisesti ja fyysisesti yhä kuormittavammaksi ja vanhustenhoidon imago huonoksi. Tavoitteita asetetaan, mutta resurssit näiden saavuttamiseen ovat tiukassa. Tutkimuksen keskiössä olivat vanhustenhoitajien kokemukset ammatillisesta roolista. Tutkimuksen teoreettisina tukipilareina toimivat rooliteoria sekä näkemykset tunnetyöstä ja totaalisista laitoksista. Menetelmänä toimi IPA:a, jonka avulla voidaan päästä käsiksi siihen, miten tutkittavat jäsentävät maailmaansa − tässä tapauksessa ammatillista rooliaan vanhustyöntekijöinä. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimivat 8 haastattelua, jotka on kerätty vuonna 2009. Aineistosta nousi päällimmäisenä esiin hoitajan ja asukkaan välinen vuorovaikutus ja se, kuinka hoitajan on oltava ammatillisessa roolissa. Tätä vuorovaikutussuhdetta kuvattiin kaikissa kahdeksassa haastattelussa ja sitä pidettiin ammattitaidon oleellisimpana osana. Ensimmäisellä tutkimuskysymyksellä selvitettiin millaisia rooliodotuksia vanhustenhoitajat asettavat toiminnalleen. Oleellisimmat odotukset rakentuivat sen ympärille, miten vanhuksen kanssa ollaan vuorovaikutuksessa. Tilanteissa hoitajan tulisi osata oikeanlaiset tiukat, mutta toisaalta lempeät otteet, jotta vanhukset eivät passivoituisi. Nämä otteet nähtiin vanhuksen edun mukaisina, sillä ilman jämäkkää hoito-otetta vanhukset saattoivat heittäytyä täysihoitoon ja lakata pitämästä yllä päivittäisiä toimintojaan, kuten hampaiden pesua. Toinen tutkimuskysymys paneutui siihen, kokevatko vanhustenhoitajat roolinmukaisuuden tärkeäksi työssään. Lisäksi perehdyttiin siihen, miksi roolinmukaisuus koetaan tärkeänä. Haastatellut vanhustenhoitajat toivat esiin, että työstä on suoriuduttava tietyllä tavalla. Omista murheista tai mieltymyksistä huolimatta työt piti saada tehtyä. Työhön oltiin tultu vanhuksen edun vuoksi ja se oli pidettävä mielessä koko ajan. Kun hoitajat onnistuivat toimimaan rooliodotusten mukaisesti, säilyi tunnelma osastolla rauhallisena ja lääkkeitä kului vähemmän. Kolmas tutkimuskysymys pureutui siihen, voiko vanhustenhoitaja vapautua ammatillisesta roolistaan työpäivän aikana. Hoitajat kokivat, että roolista vapautuminen oli mahdollista työpäivän aikana, mutta sille annettiin tiukat rajat. Vanhusten nähden hoitajan tuli pysytellä tiukasti roolinmukaisessa odotettavassa käytöksessä. Vanhustenhoitajilla oli selkeästi erilaiset käyttäytymissäännöt niihin tilanteisiin kun oltiin osastolla potilaiden näkyvillä kuin niihin tilanteisiin joissa oltiin yksin tai kollegoiden kanssa. Tässä voidaan nähdä selkeä yhteys Goffmanin rooliteoriaan, jossa hän tuo esiin, että esityksissä on näyttämö ja takatila. Vanhainkodin tapauksessa näyttämö on osasto, jossa vanhukset ja omaiset seuraavat hoitajien toimintaa. Takatiloina sen sijaan toimivat hoitajien omat työhuoneet, taukotilat ja henkilökunnan wc, jossa työnaamio voitiin riisua hetkellisesti pois. Tärkeimmät lähteet ovat: Goffman, E. (1971). Arkielämän roolit. Oikeille jäljille rooliviidakossa ja Smith, J., Flowers, P., Larkin, M. (2009). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Theory, method and research.


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Kaikkialla maailmassa aseelliset konfliktit luovat yhä edelleen uusia lapsiuhreja. Suomen viime sodat ovat yksi esimerkki näistä. Uusien tutkijasukupolvien nousun myötä toisesta maailmansodasta tuli tutkimuksellisesti riittävän etäinen vasta 1990-luvulla. Sotilaiden, lottien ja kotirintaman naisten sodan rinnalle tuli sota lapsen näkökulmasta. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu kolmesta eläkeikäisen evakko- ja sotalapsen haastattelusta, jotka on saatu Evakkolapset ry:n kautta. Työn tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä lapsen sotakokemuksesta ja sodan monitasoisista ja pitkäkestoisista vaikutuksista lapsen elämään. Tutkielman tieteenteoreettinen pohja on fenomenologisessa psykologiassa. Lapsen kokemuksen fenomenologista tutkimusta ei ole vielä juuri tehty. Tavoitteena on ensin yksilötasolla kolmen haastateltavan lapsuuden sotakokemuksen mahdollisimman rikas kuvaaminen ja toiseksi sosiaalisella tasolla niiden mahdollisten jaettujen kokemusten löytäminen, jotka ovat yhteisiä näille kolmelle ja oletettavasti myös yleisemmin evakko- ja sotalasten keskuudessa. Kolmanneksi, näistä johtaen yhteenvedossa ja diskussiossa pyritään luomaan yhteiskunnallisella tasolla suuntaviivoja näiden kokemusten yleisempään soveltamiseen pakolais- ja maahanmuuttajatyössä. Kokemuksen jaettavuuden ja yleistämisen tunnustaminen on sosiaalipsykologiaa. Työssä luotu yhdistelmämetodi, fenomenologiapainotteinen IPA, auttaa tämän hahmottamisessa. Yhdistelmämetodi on syntynyt kahta eri fenomenologisen psykologian tutkimussuuntausta ja menetelmää vertaillen. Nämä ovat fenomenologinen ja hermeneuttinen Tulkitseva fenomenologinen analyysi eli Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) (Smith, Flowers & Larkin, 2009) ja Amedeo Giorgin (mm. 1985) fenomenologinen menetelmä, jota Suomessa on eniten soveltanut Juha Perttula (2005). Tätä menetelmää kutsutaan siksi Perttulan ja Giorgin fenomenologiseksi menetelmäksi. Haastateltavan aidon kokemuksen esiin saaminen vaatii tutkijalta fenomenologisen metodin noudattamista sekä merkityksien ymmärtämistä, kuvausta ja tulkintaa. Työn ensimmäinen tavoite on saavutettu kolmen haastateltavan oman lapsuuden sota-ajan teemoitetulla kuvauksella. Tulosten yhteenvedossa tulee esiin, että näiden kolmen kokemuksilla on sosiaalista kaikupohjaa muissa suomalaisissa sota- ja evakkolapsissa ja myös laajemmin eurooppalaisen lapsen sodassa. Kaikkien haastateltavien mielestä kokemus lapsuuden sodasta on jättänyt syviä jälkiä ja sitä usein halutaan jakaa, jotta sen kanssa selviytyy. Ajatus näiden tulosten soveltamiskelpoisuudesta pakolaistyöhön jää tässä työssä vain idean tasolle, mutta sellaisia viitteitä tulokset vahvasti antavat.


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David Lavallee, Hannah K. Robinson, In pursuit of an identity: A qualitative exploration of retirement from women's artistic gymnastics, Psychology of Sport and ExerciseVolume 8, Issue 1, , January 2007, Pages 119-141. RAE2008


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Background: The issue of unhelpful and harmful therapy outcome has received an increasing amount of attention within the research literature in recent years. However, little research exists on the client's perspective of what constitutes unhelpful therapy. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore clients’ experiences of unhelpful therapy. Method: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with ten therapists who, as clients, experienced unhelpful therapy. Interview transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Findings: Participants recounted therapy episodes characterised by an absence of negotiation, collaboration and care; pivotal moments when they knew that they would not return; and ongoing negative effects. Conclusions: The findings of this study have implications for training and strategies for supporting clients who have been harmed by therapy.


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Environmental Control Systems (ECS), enable people with high cervical Spinal Cord Injury (high SCI) to control and access everyday electronic devices. In Ireland, however, access for those who might benefit from ECS is limited. This study used a qualitative approach to explore the insider experience of an ECS starter-pack developed by the author, an occupational therapist. The primary research questions: what is it really like to live with ECS, and what does it mean to live with ECS, were explored using a phenomenological methodology conducted in three phases. In Phase 1 fifteen people with high SCI met twice in four focus groups to discuss experiences and expectations of ECS. Thematic analysis (Krueger & Casey, 2000), influenced by the psychological phenomenological approach (Creswell, 1998), yielded three categories of rich, practical, phenomenological findings: ECS Usage and utility; ECS Expectations and The meaning of living with ECS. Phase 1 findings informed Phase 2 which consisted of the development of a generic electronic assistive technology pack (GrEAT) that included commercially available constituents as well as short instructional videos and an information booklet. This second phase culminated in a one-person, three-week pilot trial. Phase 3 involved a six person, 8-week trial of the GrEAT, followed by individual in-depth interviews. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis IPA (Smith, Larkin & Flowers, 2009), aided by computer software ATLAS.ti and iMindmap, guided data analysis and identification of themes. Getting used to ECS, experienced as both a hassle and engaging, resulted in participants being able to Take back a little of what you have lost, which involved both feeling enabled and reclaiming a little doing. The findings of this study provide substantial insights into what it is like to live with ECS and the meanings attributed to that experience. Several practical, real world implications are discussed.


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Cachexia in advanced malignancy is a debilitating syndrome which contributes to approximately two million deaths worldwide annually. In spite of advances in understanding the biomedical aspects of cancer cachexia, little attention has been paid to exploring its holistic impact on patients and those who care for them.

The aim of this paper is to describe the lived experience of cachexia from the perspective of patients with cancer and their family members.

An interpretative phenomenological approach was employed.

Setting and participants
A purposive sampling strategy recruited 15 patients and 12 family members from the Regional Cancer Centre in Northern Ireland.

Each participant was interviewed during 2004/2005 using an unstructured interview. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Analysis combined a two stage approach using thematic and interpretative phenomenological analysis.

Analysis generated six superordinate themes that reflected the complex dynamics of the cachexia experience. Themes were: physiological changes in appetite; visuality of cachexia; weight loss interpreted as a bad sign; response from health care professionals; conflict over food; and coping responses.

Findings confirmed that cancer cachexia has far reaching implications for patients and their families, extending beyond physical problems into psychological, social and emotional issues. This insight is a critical first step in the development of more responsive care for these clients.


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The study sought to contextualize the physical, social and emotional adjustments that are faced by oesophageal cancer patients following surgery. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five survivors, guided by the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Participants’ accounts encompassed descriptions of personal, social and medical relationships, illness and treatment experiences, eating behaviours, and spiritual and religious perspectives, representing myriad challenges to the self-concept. Surviving patients may have a role in addressing patient expectations about eating. The importance of attempts to nurture and maintain a sense of self should be recognized by those providing care.


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The trend towards more open adoption presents adopters with unique parenting challenges associated with satisfying the child’s curiosity about their origins, and maintaining relationships with birth family through contact. This paper focuses on the experiences of 20 sets of adoptive parents who were interviewed as part of the Northern Ireland Care Pathways and Outcomes Study. Interviews were analysed following the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). It explores adoptive parents’ experience of talking to their child about adoption, and of post-adoption contact with members of the birth family. Adopters discussed adoption sensitively with their child, but were concerned that difficult and complex family histories would present a risk to the child’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. All forms of contact proved emotionally and practically burdensome, however adopters were committed to making it work for the child’s benefit, and were open to increased contact should the child wish it in the future. There was little relationship with birth family outside of formal contact. The study reveals a need for a mechanism to facilitate communication with birth family if adopters are to be able to respond to the child’s changing need for contact and information.


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This paper presents the results of a qualitative study of CF family carers at the Belfast Paediatric CF Centre. The aim of this study was to describe the carer experience of their child’s admission to hospital under segregated care arrangements, and to highlight the meaning of segregation and cross infection from the carer perspective.

Carers of children with CF who were admitted for two week IV antibiotic treatment during the study period were eligible to participate in this qualitative study. A consecutive series of eligible carers were approached in order of admission and within the time constraints of KR who was present two days each week. Recruitment of carers ended when no new themes emerged. Ten carers, 9 mothers and 1 couple, were interviewed about their experiences (mean age of child: 11.8 years; range: 1-17 years). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyse and interpret the interview data.

Results and discussion
Balancing demands and dilemmas was the main contextual theme or experience of being a carer of a child with CF, and particularly so during admission to hospital. Many decisions were required every day that resulted in ‘double binds’ comprising uncertainty and stress. Three secondary themes captured the essence of carers’ experiences specifically related to segregation: managing risk and uncertainty; the burden of admission; and getting through each day. These themes will be described with examples illustrating the challenges faced by carers during their child’s hospitalisation, and the impact of segregation upon carers.


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In the UK, end-of-life care strategies recommend patients and families are involved in decision making around treatment and care. In Bolivia, such strategies do not exist, and access to oncology services depends on finance, geography, education and culture. Compared to more developed countries, the delivery of oncology services in Latin America may result in a higher percentage of patients presenting with advanced incurable disease. The objective of this study was to explore decision-making experiences of health and social care professionals who cared for oncology and palliative care patients attending the Instituto Oncológico Nacional, Cochabamba (Bolivia). Patients were predominantly from the Quechua tradition, which has its own ethnic diversity, linguistic distinctions and economic systems. Qualitative data were collected during focus groups. Data analysis was conducted using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Three interrelated themes emerged: (i) making sense of structures of experience and relationality; (ii) frustration with the system; and (iii) the challenges of promoting shared decision making. The study uncovered participants' lived experiences, emotions and perceptions of providing care for Quechua patients. There was evidence of structural inequalities, the marginalisation of Quechua patients and areas of concern that social workers might well be equipped to respond to, such as accessing finances for treatment/care, education and alleviating psychological or spiritual suffering.


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Social work has a central role in negotiating and supporting birth family contact following adoption from care. This paper argues that family display (Finch) offers a useful conceptual resource for understanding relationships in the adoptive kinship network as they are enacted through contact. It reports on an interpretative phenomenological analysis of adoptive parents' accounts of open adoption from care that revealed direct and indirect contact to be contexts in which they and birth relatives performed family display practices: communicating the meaning of their respective relationships with the adopted child and seeking recognition that this was a legitimate family relationship. The analysis explores how family display was performed, and the impact of validating or invalidating responses. It aims to illuminate these social and interpretive processes involved in adoptive kinship in order to inform social work support for contact. The findings suggest that successful contact may be promoted by helping adoptive and birth relatives validate the legitimacy of the other's kin connection with the child, and through arrangements that facilitate family-like interactions.


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Objectives. Mindfulness meditation practices have become increasingly popular in clinical therapies, changing patterns of depressogenic thinking for individuals who experience consecutive episodes of depression. We were interested in finding out how Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) worked for programme participants by focussing on how meditative practices changed their relationships to their thoughts. Design. Data for the study came from six semi-structured research interviews carried out with individuals who had taken part in an 8 week MBCT programme Methods. We used Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to analyse the experiential accounts. Results. We report on two superordinate themes – Engaging the Neutral Mind (with subordinate themes ‘breaking the paralysis of worry’ and ‘choosing to think differently’) and Experiencing the Neutral Mind (with subordinate themes of ‘reflection on previous thinking styles’ and ‘becoming psychologically self-reliant’). Conclusions. Themes from the present study offer support to the assertion that mindfulness meditation helps facilitate a different mode of meta-cognitive processing with which to handle depression-related cognitions. Practitioner Points Participants reported that they experienced an enhanced capacity to differentiate between their thought processes, experiencing an ability to tolerate some more uncomfortable thoughts and experiencing a/more choice in how to respond to thoughts Participants recognised that ruminating over negative thoughts was related to depressive states and experienced a shift in meta-cognitive processes that actively challenged depressogenic cognitions Participants became more psychologically self-reliant and therapeutically independent following MBCT Integrating mindfulness based practices in therapy may be a mediating factor in sustaining psychological wellbeing and may help clients develop self-compassion Future research looks to examining exit cases to understand elements of MBCT which are experienced as less successful by clients


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To what extent is the therapist-client relationship damaged following client perpetuated violence and what steps can we take to diminish its impact? Much of the information we have on client violence comes from multiple mental health disciplines in the US and the UK over the last 20-30 years and has formed a useful, though sometimes dated and sporadic, quantitative baseline to delineate a range of issues. However, there is limited systematic research on how practitioner psychologists process the violence in the course of their everyday practice and how this impacts the therapist-client dynamic. Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), we explored seven therapists’ experiences of client violence across a range of work sites – acute psychiatric hospital wards, forensic hospital wards and community mental health teams. Three main themes were documented: processing the moment-to-moment experience of client violence; professional vulnerabilities and needs as a result of client violence; and the ruptured therapeutic relationship. Strategies for supporting practicing psychologists and providing continuing professional care for clients include challenging self-doubt and re-energizing professional competencies as well as repairing ourselves and repairing the therapeutic relationship. Recommendations for credentialing and regulatory bodies in relation to client violence are also highlighted.