966 resultados para Hospitality, Leisure, Sport


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<i><b>Introduction:</b></i> It remains uncertain whether long-term participation in regular weight-bearing exercise confers an advantage to bone structure and strength in old age. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between lifetime sport and leisure activity participation on bone material and structural properties at the axial and appendicular skeleton in older men (&gt;50 years).<br /><br /><i><b>Methods:</b></i> We used dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to assess hip, spine and ultradistal (UD) radius areal bone mineral density (aBMD) (<i>n</i>=161), quantitative ultrasound (QUS) to measure heel bone quality (<i>n</i>=161), and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) to assess volumetric BMD, bone geometry and strength at the spine (L<sub>1</sub>&ndash;L<sub>3</sub>) and mid-femur (<i>n</i>=111). Current (&gt;50+ years) and past hours of sport and leisure activity participation during adolescence (13&ndash;18 years) and adulthood (19&ndash;50 years) were assessed by questionnaire. This information was used to calculate the total time (min) spent participating in sport and leisure activities and an osteogenic index (OI) score for each participant, which provides a measure of participation in weight-bearing activities<i><b>.<br /><br />Results:</b></i> Regression analysis revealed that a greater lifetime (13&ndash;50+ years) and mid-adulthood (19&ndash;50 years) OI, but not total time (min), was associated with a greater mid-femur total and cortical area, cortical bone mineral content (BMC), and the polar moment of inertia (<i>I</i> <sub>p</sub>) and heel VOS (<i>p</i> ranging from &lt;0.05 to &lt;0.01). These results were independent of age, height (or femoral length) and weight (or muscle cross-sectional area). Adolescent OI scores were not found to be significant predictors of bone structure or strength. Furthermore, no significant relationships were detected with areal or volumetric BMD at any site. Subjects were then categorized into either a high (H) or low/non-impact (L) group during adolescence (13&ndash;18 years) and adulthood (19&ndash;50+ years) according to their OI scores during each of these periods. Three groups were subsequently formed to reflect weight-bearing impact categories during adolescence and then adulthood: LL, HL and HH. Compared to the LL group, mid-femur total and cortical area, cortical BMC and <i>I</i> <sub>p</sub> were 6.5&ndash;14.2% higher in the HH group. No differences were detected between the LL and HL groups.<i><b><br /><br />Conclusions:</b></i> In conclusion, these findings indicate that long-term regular participation in sport and leisure activities categorized according to an osteogenic index [but not the total time (min) spent participating in all sport and leisure activities] was an important determinant of bone size, quality and strength, but not BMD, at loaded sites in older men. Furthermore, continued participation in weight-bearing exercise in early to mid-adulthood appears to be important for reducing the risk of low bone strength in old age.<br /><br />


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I september 2014 bytte Leeds Metropolitan University, trots studentprotester, namn till Leeds Beckett University; universitetets fÃrsta colleges lÃ¥g i Beckett Park, vilken i sin tur fÃ¥tt namn efter bankiren och konservative parlamentsledamoten Ernest Beckett, 2nd Baron Grimthorpe (1856â1917), vars alma mater faktiskt var Trinity College, Cambridge. Leeds-studenternas motstÃ¥nd hade sin grund i att namnändringen beräknades kosta en kvarts miljon pund, alltmedan inte minst universitetets idrottsanläggningar tillÃ¥tits fÃrfalla. Vi vet inte hur universitetets personal ställde sig till namnfÃrändringen, och särskilt nyfikna är vi ju pÃ¥ vad professorn i Leisure Studies (fritidsforskning, fritidsvetenskap) vid Leeds Beckett University, Karl Spracklen, tyckte om fÃrändringen. Detta är dock blott "idle curiosity"; Spracklen är aktuell av ett helt annat, och viktigare, skäl, nämligen fÃr sin bok Leisure, Sports &amp; Society (Palgrave Macmillan). Spracklen, som är sociolog och vars forskningsintresse ocksÃ¥ inkluderar "metal music" (som sekreterare fÃr International Society for Metal Music Studies och redaktÃr fÃr Metal Music Studies) och "whiskey tourism" (som drivande i British Sociological Associations Alcohol Study Group) är en centralfigur inom det brittiska fritidsforskningsetablissemanget â han har bland annat varit ordfÃrande i viktiga LSA, Leisure Studies Association frÃ¥n 2009 till 2013. Han har därtill en lÃ¥ng rad publikationer bakom sig, bÃcker, antologibidrag och vetenskapliga artiklar inom idrotts- och fritidsforskning i vid mening. Den nya boken ges här en grundlig recension av Erik Backman, som ju vet ett och annat om fritidsforskning, Spracklen bottnar teoretiskt i Habermas, i sig ovanligt bland brittiska forskare, men ocksÃ¥ i Marx, Weber och Bourdieu, bland andra, i sin utforskning av sambandet mellan fritid, fysisk aktivitet och sport ur ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv som innefattar idrottsvetenskap, sociologi, cultural studies, historia, filosofi och psykologi. Och vÃ¥r recensent är imponerad Ãver bredden, djupet och ambitionsnivÃ¥n â även om det kan bli lite tjatigt frÃ¥n och till.


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This study used the Sport Interest Inventory (SII) to examine the motivation of fans attending a game in the Australian Football League. This is the first study to use the SII for professional menâs team sport outside the United States. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the model provided a good fit for the data collected in Australia, and regression analysis revealed that team interest, vicarious achievement, excitement and player interest were the significant factors in predicting and explaining the level of attitudinal loyalty of fans toward their favourite team.


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Demonstrating socially responsible behaviour has become increasingly important for corporations. Using the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) as its theoretical framework, this paper examines the meditational role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the relationship between sport participation motivation, event attachment and purchase intent of a sport eventâs sponsorsâ products. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of sport event participants (N=689) to measure sport participation motivation (recreation and charity), attachment to the event, CSR, and purchase intent of sponsorsâ products. Results reveal that CSR fully mediates the link between purchase intent and sport participation motivation and partially mediates the influence of attachment on purchase intent. The authors propose that corporations strategically align with sport events in which participants are attached to allow for CSR and the meaning elicited by the event to work jointly.


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This research investigates how the worldâs leading companies, the Fortune Global 500, use sportsrelated terms and phrases on their Web site. An automated process mirrored leading transnational corporationsâ Web presence and then searched their sites. Analysis of about four gigabytes of Webbased text revealed regional and industry differences in how the worldâs largest corporations use sports terms on their sites.


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Research has lead to a proliferation of multi-attribute scales to understand the motives for sport event attendance. The large number of potential motives, coupled with the long questionnaires needed to measure them, creates challenges for sport marketing research in natural populations. This research brings parsimony to the study of sport consumer behaviour by developing and testing a core set of five SportWay facets of motivation. Results provide guidance to sport marketing professionals and academics in survey development decisions related to selecting the most appropriate motives and items.


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Flexible work practices spreading work times across the entire week have reduced the time to engage in leisure activities and for some have compounded the problem of a lack of defined break between work weeks. This study examines time spent outside of the workplace through a multiple case study of working time and leisure in the construction industry. A framework of synchronous leisure is used to examine the interplay of work and non-work arrangements. The effects of changing work arrangements to deliver a longer break between working weeks and the consequent impact on leisure activities are analysed. Interviews and focus groups across four construction sites revealed that while leisure is important to relieve fatigue and overwork, a work schedule allowing a long break between working weeks, specifically on a weekend, enables workers to achieve synchronous time, particularly with family, and improves work-life balance satisfaction. It was found that a well-defined break across a weekend also offers the opportunity to synchronize schedules with others to spend time away on short breaks.


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Since the 2000s activewear has grown as a fashion category, and the tropes of gym wear â leggings, leotards and block colours â have become fashionable attire for both men and women outside the gym. This article examines the rise of activewear in the context of an on-going dialogue between fashion and sport since the beginning of the twentieth century. Through an analysis of the Australian activewear label, Lorna Jane, we consider the fashionable female body as both the object and subject of a consumer culture that increasingly overlays leisure with fashion. Activewear can be seen as the embodiment of an active and fashionable lifestyle that is achieved through a regime of self-discipline, and that symbolizes the pleasure in attaining and displaying the healthy and fit body.