78 resultados para Hemophilia-a


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The main pharmacovigilance updates in 2014 are reviewed. Ivabradine: increased risk of cardiovascular death and myocardial infarction in patients with symptomatic angina treated with high dosages. Clopidogrel: rare observations of acquired hemophilia. Orlistat: may reduce the absorption of HIV antiretrovirals. Ponatinib: increased risk of arteriopathy and thrombosis. Axitinib: significant risk of heart failure (class effect). Tocilizumab: possible causal relationship with the emergence or aggravation of psoriasis. Lithium: hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism commonly observed. Sildenalfil: suspected causal association with melanoma, so far not proven, Methylphenidate: rare observations of priapism. St John's wort (Hypericum): reduced effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives, including implants.


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We determined and analyzed risk factors of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected Brazilian hemophiliacs according to their virological, clinical and epidemiological characteristics. A cross-sectional and retrospective study of 469 hemophiliacs was carried out at a Brazilian blood center starting in October 1997. The prevalence of HCV infection, HCV genotypes and factors associated with HCV RNA detection was determined. The seroprevalence of anti-HCV antibodies (ELISA-3.0) was 44.6% (209/469). Virological, clinical and epidemiological assessments were completed for 162 positive patients. There were seven (4.3%) anti-HCV seroconversions between October 1992 and October 1997. During the same period, 40.8% of the positive anti-HCV hemophiliacs had abnormal alanine transaminase (ALT) levels. Plasma HCV RNA was detected by nested-RT-PCR in 116 patients (71.6%). RFLP analysis showed the following genotype distribution: HCV-1 in 98 hemophiliacs (84.5%), HCV-3 in ten (8.6%), HCV-4 in three (2.6%), HCV-2 in one (0.9%), and not typeable in four cases (3.4%). Univariate analysis indicated that older age (P = 0.017) and abnormal ALT levels (P = 0.010) were associated with HCV viremia, while the presence of inhibitor antibodies (P = 0.024) and HBsAg (P = 0.007) represented a protective factor against the presence of HCV RNA. These findings may contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between HCV infection and hemophilia.


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Introducción: La hemofilia es una enfermedad poco frecuente; no obstante, los avances en los tratamientos de pacientes hemofílicos en las últimas décadas han generado cambios en su calidad de vida. Esto ha motivado el desarrollo de múltiples investigaciones al respecto. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura sobre la calidad de vida en el paciente hemofílico, producida en el periodo 2008-2012. Método: Se consultaron algunas bases de datos científicas utilizando como palabras clave “hemofilia” y “calidad de vida”. Se recopiló la información encontrada y se organizó según los objetivos propuestos en “factores negativos” y “factores protectores” de la calidad de vida a nivel fisiológico, psicosocial y cultural; “instrumentos para la evaluación de la calidad de vida” a nivel específico y general; y antecedentes empíricos de los últimos cinco años en los que se evaluara la calidad de vida o se realizara alguna intervención en la misma. Resultados: En general la información disponible sobre el comportamiento epidemiológico de la hemofilia es limitada. El interés por factores protectores y negativos es principalmente de tipo fisiológico, aunque se encontraron factores de tipo psicosocial y cultural, lo que indica la importancia de profundizar en esta temática. Existen pocos instrumentos especializados para la evaluación de la calidad de vida en hemofílicos. La evidencia empírica se centra en la evaluación. Conclusión: El estudio de la calidad de vida en pacientes hemofílicos amerita ser abordado de manera interdisciplinaria.


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La hemofilia A y B son trastornos hereditarios recesivos ligados al cromosoma X y se caracterizan por la deficiencia de los factores de coagulación VIII y IX, respectivamente. La complicación más importante , durante el tratamiento, es el desarrollo de los anticuerpos neutralizantes ,llamados inhibidores ,que vuelven ineficaz cualquier terapia. Existe controversia sobre si es mejor el manejo profiláctico o a demanda, en los pacientes pediátricos con inhibidores. Con la presente revisión sistemática se pretende evaluar el mejor tipo de tratamiento en pacientes pediátricos con hemofilia e inhibidores. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura incluyendo estudios controlados aleatorizados en las principales bases de datos, sin límite de tiempo, se evaluaron los episodios de sangrado articular y no articular, la calidad de vida y seguridad del medicamento. Se encontraron un total de seis (6) artículos relacionados con el tema, que cumplieron criterios de selección. El manejo profiláctico de los pacientes con hemofilia, mostró diferencias significativas en comparación con el tratamiento a demanda en los episodios de sangrado articular y no articular y sobre la calidad de vida. Se presentaron menos casos de hemartrosis y sangrado en articulaciones blanco con el tratamiento profiláctico. La presente revisión determinó que el manejo profiláctico reduce la presentación de eventos de sangrado y hemartrosis, aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el tratamiento profiláctico o a demanda, en la calidad de vida.


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Fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide from Fucus vesiculosus, decreases bleeding time and clotting time in hemophilia, possibly through inhibition of tissue factor pathway inhibitor. However, its effect on platelets and the receptor by which fucoidan induces cellular processes has not been elucidated. In this study, we demonstrate that fucoidan induces platelet activation in a concentration-dependent manner. Fucoidan-induced platelet activation was completely abolished by the pan-Src family kinase (SFK) inhibitor, PP2, or when Syk is inhibited. PP2 abolished phosphorylations of Syk and Phospholipase C-γ2. Fucoidan-induced platelet activation had a lag phase, which is reminiscent of platelet activation by collagen and CLEC-2 receptor agonists. Platelet activation by fucoidan was only slightly inhibited in FcRγ-chain null mice, indicating that fucoidan was not acting primarily through GPVI receptor. On the other hand, fucoidan-induced platelet activation was inhibited in platelet-specific CLEC-2 knock-out murine platelets revealing CLEC-2 as a physiological target of fucoidan. Thus, our data show fucoidan as a novel CLEC-2 receptor agonist that activates platelets through a SFK-dependent signaling pathway. Furthermore, the efficacy of fucoidan in hemophilia raises the possibility that decreased bleeding times could be achieved through activation of platelets.


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In recent years, reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived from the vascular isoforms of NADPH oxidase, Nox1, Nox2, and Nox4, have been implicated in many cardiovascular pathologies. As a result, the selective inhibition of these isoforms is an area of intense current investigation. In this study, we postulated that Nox2ds, a peptidic inhibitor that mimics a sequence in the cytosolic B-loop of Nox2, would inhibit ROS production by the Nox2-. but not the Noxl- and Nox4-oxidase systems. To test our hypothesis, the inhibitory activity of Nox2ds was assessed in cell-free assays using reconstituted systems expressing the Nox2-, canonical or hybrid Nox1- or Nox4-oxidase. Our findings demonstrate that Nox2ds, but not its scrambled control, potently inhibited superoxide (O(2)(center dot-)) production in the Nox2 cell-free system, as assessed by the cytochrome c assay. Electron paramagnetic resonance confirmed that Nox2ds inhibits O(2)(center dot-) production by Nox2 oxidase. In contrast, Nox2ds did not inhibit ROS production by either Nox1- or Nox4-oxidase. These findings demonstrate that Nox2ds is a selective inhibitor of Nox2-oxidase and support its utility to elucidate the role of Nox2 in organ pathophysiology and its potential as a therapeutic agent. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Social and economical development is closely associated with technological innovation and a well-developed biotechnological industry. In the last few years, Brazil`s scientific production has been steadily increasing; however, the number of patents is lagging behind, with technological and translational research requiring governmental incentive and reinforcement. The Cell and Molecular Therapy Center (NUCEL) was created to develop activities in the translational research field, addressing concrete problems found in biomedical and veterinary areas and actively searching for solutions by employing a genetic engineering approach to generate cell lines over-expressing recombinant proteins to be transferred to local biotech companies, aiming at furthering the development of a national competence for local production of biopharmaceuticals of widespread use and of life-saving importance. To this end, mammalian cell engineering technologies were used to generate cell lines over-expressing several different recombinant proteins of biomedical and biotechnological interest, namely, recombinant human Amylin/IAPP for diabetes treatment, human FVIII and FIX clotting factors for hemophilia, human and bovine FSH for fertility and reproduction, and human bone repair proteins (BMPs). Expression of some of these proteins is also being sought with the baculovirus/insect cell system (BEVS) which, in many cases, is able to deliver high-yield production of recombinant proteins with biological activity comparable to that of mammalian systems, but in a much more cost-effective manner. Transfer of some of these recombinant products to local Biotech companies has been pursued by taking advantage of the Sao Paulo State Foundation (FAPESP) and Federal Government (FINEP, CNPq) incentives for joint Research Development and Innovation partnership projects.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A deficiência do fator XI é uma doença hematológica rara na população. A hemofilia C (deficiência do fator XI) ocorre em ambos os sexos e normalmente não apresenta qualquer sintomatologia, podendo manifestar-se apenas como hemorragia pós-cirúrgica. É uma doença autossômica recessiva, homozigótica ou heterozigótica, e sua gravidade depende dos níveis de fator XI. O objetivo desse relato foi apresentar a estratégia anestésica em paciente portadora de hemofilia C. RELATO do CASO: Paciente com 32 anos, gesta I/para 0, 39 semanas de gestação programada para cesariana eletiva. Paciente portadora de deficiência de fator XI. Exame clínico e laboratorial sem alterações. Conforme orientação do hematologista, no dia da cesárea a paciente usou prometazina 25 mg; hidrocortisona 500 mg, devido a reações transfusionais prévias, e plasma 10 mL-1.kg-1 num total de 700 mL. Após 2 horas foi submetida ao bloqueio subaracnóideo sob monitorização de rotina. Hidratação com RL 2000 mL. Procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico sem intercorrências. A paciente evoluiu no pós-operatório sem intercorrências, sendo que no 3º DPO fez uso de plasma fresco congelado (PFC) 10.mL-1.kg-1 com o objetivo de evitar sangramento pós cirúrgico tardio. CONCLUSÕES: O objetivo do caso foi apresentar o protocolo anestésico para pacientes portadores de hemofilia C e alertar para a necessidade de investigação em caso de antecedente de sangramento pós-operatório, quando um estudo da coagulação deve ser realizado antes de qualquer procedimento invasivo e, se um TTPA prolongado for encontrado, torna-se imperativo pesquisar a deficiência desse fator.


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Entre os avanços da engenharia celular e biotecnologia nas últimas décadas, destaca-se a produção de anticorpos monoclonais murinos (AcMm) utilizados no aprimoramento diagnóstico nas rotinas laboratoriais. A produção de fator VIII de alta pureza sempre foi o desejo e a preocupação das indústrias de hemoderivados para tratamento de pacientes portadores de hemofilia A, porém este produto inexiste no Brasil, sendo necessária sua obtenção no mercado internacional a custos elevados. O trabalho tem por objetivo a produção de AcMm anti-fator VIII humano (FVIII H) através da expansão dos clones e caracterização imunoquímica do anticorpo. Camundongos Balb/c foram imunizados com FVIII H purificado como também proveniente de crioprecipitado e as células esplênicas dos animais foram fusionadas com células mielomatosas murinas segundo o método descrito por Kohler e Milstein para produção de híbridos em cultura. Foram testados 1.983 híbridos dos quais 105 foram submetidos à clonagem. Destes, 39 obtiveram monoclonalidade e 7 destes clones foram caracterizados através de técnicas de immunoblotting. Foram submetidas à purificação por cromatografia três imunoglobulinas de diferentes classes pertencentes aos clones LAMB1-10A1A4, LAMB1-17A1A1 e LAMB1-24A2A1. A imunoglobulina purificada pertencente ao clone LAMB1-10A1A4 foi adsorvida em coluna de imunoafinidade para purificação de concentrado de FVIII proveniente de crioprecipitado plasmático.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Hemophilia A is an X-linked inherited disorder characterized by a Factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency, being therefore transmitted by female dogs to their offspring. Since it is a secondary hemostatic defect, the main clinical signs are hematomas and deep hemorrhage in body cavities, muscles and joints. A four-month-old male Boxer was presented to the Veterinary Hospital at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science in Botucatu with excessive bleeding due to an incision made three days prior by another veterinarian to drain a local hematoma. Laboratory results showed platelet count within the reference range, as well as prolonged whole blood clotting and activated partial thromboplastin times. FVIII activity was 0,96%, which characterizes the most severe degree of hemophilia A.


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Coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) concentrates are used in the treatment of patients with Hemophilia A. Human FVIII was purified directly from plasma using anion exchange chromatography followed by gel filtration. Three Q-Sepharose resins were tested, resulting in 40% recovery of FVIII activity using Q-Sepharose XL resin, about 80% using Q-Sepharose Fast Flow and 70% using the Q-Sepharose Big Beads. The vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors co-eluted with FVIII from the anion exchange columns. In the second step of purification, when Sepharose 6FF was used, 70% of FVIII activity was recovered free from vitamin K-dependent factors.


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Hemophilia A is the most common X-linked bleeding disorder; it is caused by deficiency of coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). Replacement therapy with rFVIII produced from human cell line is a major goal for treating hemophilia patients. We prepared a full-length recombinant FVIII (FVIII-FL), using the pMFG-P140K retroviral vector. The IRES DNA fragment was cloned upstream to the P140K gene, providing a 9.34-kb bicistronic vector. FVIII-FL cDNA was then cloned upstream to IRES, resulting in a 16.6-kb construct. In parallel, an eGFP control vector was generated, resulting in a 10.1-kb construct. The 293T cells were transfected with these constructs, generating the 293T-FVIII-FL/P140K and 293T-eGFP/P140K cell lines. In 293T-FVIII-FL/P140K cells, FVIII and P140K mRNAs levels were 4,410 (+/- 931.7)- and 295,400 (+/- 75,769)-fold higher than in virgin cells. In 293T-eGFP/P140K cells, the eGFP and P140K mRNAs levels were 1,501,000 (+/- 493,700)- and 308,000 (+/- 139,300)-fold higher than in virgin cells. The amount of FVIII-FL was 0.2 IU/mL and 45 ng/mL FVIII cells or 4.4 IU/mu g protein. These data demonstrate the efficacy of the bicistronic retroviral vector expressing FVIII-FL and MGMT(P140K), showing that it could be used for producing the FVIII-FL protein in a human cell line.


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Hemophilia A is caused by a deficiency in coagulation factor VIII. Recombinant factor VIII can be used as an alternative although it is unavailable for most patients. Here, we describe the production of a human recombinant B-domain-deleted FVIII (rBDDFVIII) by the human cell line SK-HEP-1, modified by a lentiviral vector rBDDFVIII was produced by recombinant SK-HEP cells (rSK-HEP) at 1.5-2.1 IU/10(6) in 24 h. The recombinant factor had increased in vitro stability when compared to commercial pdFVIII. The functionality of rBDDFVIII was shown by its biological activity and by tail-clip challenge in hemophilia A mice. The rSK-HEP cells grew in a scalable system and produced active rBDDFVIII, indicating that this platform production can be optimized to meet the commercial production scale needs.


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Abstract Background Hemophilia A is a bleeding disorder caused by deficiency in coagulation factor VIII. Recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) is an alternative to plasma-derived FVIII for the treatment of hemophilia A. However, commercial manufacturing of rFVIII products is inefficient and costly and is associated to high prices and product shortage, even in economically privileged countries. This situation may be solved by adopting more efficient production methods. Here, we evaluated the potential of transient transfection in producing rFVIII in serum-free suspension HEK 293 cell cultures and investigated the effects of different DNA concentration (0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 μg/106 cells) and repeated transfections done at 34° and 37°C. Results We observed a decrease in cell growth when high DNA concentrations were used, but no significant differences in transfection efficiency and in the biological activity of the rFVIII were noticed. The best condition for rFVIII production was obtained with repeated transfections at 34°C using 0.4 μg DNA/106 cells through which almost 50 IU of active rFVIII was produced six days post-transfection. Conclusion Serum-free suspension transient transfection is thus a viable option for high-yield-rFVIII production. Work is in progress to further optimize the process and validate its scalability.