998 resultados para Fishery technology


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In aquatic systems, in-stream structures such as dams, weirs and road crossings can act as barriers to fish movement along waterways. There is a growing array of technological fish-pass solutions for the movement of fish across large structures such as weirs and dams. However, most existing weir structures lack dedicated fishways, and fish often have to rely on drowned conditions to move upstream. In order to assess the adequacy of a given or proposed weir for upstream fish passage under drowned conditions, it is necessary to determine, firstly, the hydraulic properties of the drowned weir with respect to the requirements of the fish community and, secondly, the duration and timing of drowning flows with respect to the hydrograph for the site and the likely timing of fish movements. This paper primarily addresses the first issue. A computer program has been developed and incorporated in a simple-to-operate spreadsheet for the determination of the hydraulic characteristics of a drowned weir which are important to fish movement. The program is based on a theoretical analysis of drowned weirs and subsequent extensive verification in laboratory experiments. Inputs to the program include site information comprising channel cross-section data, channel slope, and channel roughness, and weir information comprising weir height and the required minimum drowned depth over the weir for migrating fish passage. The program then calculates the flow rate at which the required level of drowning occurs, the velocity characteristics above the weir (including transverse distributions), and flow depths and velocities upstream and downstream of the weir. The paper discusses (briefly) the theoretical background of the program and its experimental verification. A case study is then presented that illustrates the use of the program in the field to assess fish passage opportunities at an existing weir and to develop a case for retrofitting a fishway. Some discussion is also provided on the contribution of a modelled drownout volume to the assessment of how significant a barrier a weir is to fish passage. It is shown that the program is an important new additional tool in the assessment of the adequacy of weir structures in providing for fish movement and informing associated fish passage solutions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To age sharks, the growth bands in the shark vertebrae (like the rings in a tree) or on the spines in front of each dorsal fin (which only some sharks have) are manually counted using a microscope. This is time-consuming and is only possible on dead animals. NIR spectroscopy is shown to be able to detect age in dorsal fin spines of sharks and hand-held NIR spectroscopy units could potentially be used for ageing of sharks in the field, at sea, using a hand-held unit to scan the fin spine on a live animal.


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Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) are intensively caught throughout South-East Asia and support a very substantial commercial, recreational fishing and aquaculture industry. Identification of individual animals is important to improve understanding and management of this species. However, tagging of crustaceans is difficult as they frequently molt and internal tags can pose a hazard to consumers. In this pilot study we tested a new method combining passive integrated transponder tags and t-bar tags externally. 45 giant mud crabs (Scylla serrata) were captured from the wild and kept in tanks for a maximum of 10 months. We inserted tags into the abdomen of 35 giant mud crabs and tested a modified method where the combined t-bar/PIT-tag was inserted into the muscle tissue of the rear leg between the dorsal carapace plate and the top of the abdominal flap. Tagged crabs with the modified method showed 85% tag retention for molting crabs. We tested the same method in the field where 852 individuals were tagged with combined t-bar/PIT-tags of which 82 were recaptured showing 100% tag retention but without any evidence of molting having occurred. The tested method of combined t-bar/PIT-tags in giant mud crabs can further improve monitoring for wild and aquaculture populations and can be deployed widely with low cost.


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The transport of live fish is a crucial step to establish fish culture in captivity, and is especially challenging for species that have not been commonly cultured before, therefore transport and handling methods need to be optimized and tailored. This study describes the use of tuna tubes for small-scale transport of medium-sized pelagic fish from the Scombridae family. Tuna tubes are an array of vertical tubes that hold the fish, while fresh seawater is pumped up the tubes and through the fish mouth and gills, providing oxygen and removing wastes. In this study, 19 fish were captured using rod and line and 42% of the captured fish were transported alive in the custom-designed tuna tubes to an on-shore holding tank: five mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) and three leaping bonito (Cybiosarda elegans). Out of these, just three (15.8% of total fish) acclimatized to the tank's condition. Based on these results, we discuss an improved design of the tuna tubes that has the potential to increase survival rates and enable a simple and low cost method of transporting of live pelagic fish.


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When drafting a new model of a towed technical system for fisheries (trawl, towed TV gear or similar), and also when measuring an existing and already tested system it is not easy to foresee of practical behaviour, which depends of various parameters. The measuring programme for recording all data needs a lot of time and money, and also has some limitations. Therefore we developed for such systems mathematical-physical models, which allow a complex calculation. Their real value, however, results only from practical verification. During the cruise no. 222 of “Walther Herwig III” in November 2000 comparative investigations for 2concrete systems were carried out. This was done in cooperation with the University in Rostock, where such models are being developed and computerized. One of the systems mesasured was a pelagic herring trawl and the other one the towed TV gear for underwater observations of the Institute for Fishery Technology and Fish Quality. The correspondence between model calculation and measurements was very high for both systems.


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In the Institute for Fishery Technology in Hamburg a new sorting grid for herring trawl fishery was developed which is more adapted to the commercial fishery than existing constructions. Therefore a flexible design was choosen with braided snoods as grid elements and rubber rings for shape stabilization. First tests were carried out with twin trawlers in the Western Baltic in February 1999. They proved principally the serviceability of this grid construction under commercial fishing conditions. The percentage of small sized herring was essentially reduced. Due to only few hauls more detailed quantitative statements are not possible yet.


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Sources of wastes in fishing operations mainly include bycatch discards; processing wastes where catch is processed onboard; plastic wastes due to abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear; bilges and other wastes from the vessel operations. Fishing systems in general have an associated catch of nontargeted organisms known as bycatch. Non-selective fishing gear that is not modified or equipped to exclude non-targeted organisms, may take a significant quantity of bycatch of non-targeted finfish, juvenile fish, benthic animals, marine mammals, marine birds and vulnerable or endangered species that are often discarded. Average annual global discards, has been estimated to be 7.3 million t, based on a weighted discard rate of 8%, during 1992-2001 period. Trawl fisheries for shrimp and demersal finfish account for over 50% of the total estimated global discards. Plastic materials are extensively used in fisheries, owing to their durability and other desirable properties, contributing to the efficiency and catchability of the fishing gear. However, plastics biodegrade at an extremely slow rate compared to other organic materials. Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) and related marine debris have been recognized as a critical problem in the marine environment and for living marine resources. Prevention of excess fishing capacity by appropriate management measures could lead to enormous savings in terms of fuel consumption, emissions and bycatch discards from the excess fishing fleet, capital and operational investments and labour deployment in capture fisheries, with significant economic gains. In this paper, wastes originating from fishing operations are reviewed, along with their environmental impacts and possible mitigation measures


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Ring seines are lightly constructed purse seines adapted for operation in the traditional sector. Fish production and energy requirement in the ring seine operations, off Cochin, Kerala, India are discussed in this paper, based on data collected during 1997- 1998. The results reflect the Gross Energy Requirement (GER) situation that existed during 1997-1998. Mean catch per ring seiner per year worked out to be 211.9 t of which sardines (Sardinella spp.) constituted 44.3%, followed by Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) 29.7%, carangids 11.4%, penaeid prawns 2.2%, pomfrets 1.1% and miscellaneous fish 11.3%. Total energy inputs into the ring seine operations were estimated to be 1300.8 GJ. Output by way of fish production was determined to be 931.85 GJ. GER is the sum of all non-renewable energy resources consumed in making available a product or service and is a measure of intensity of non-renewable resource use. GER per tonne of fish landed by ring seiners was estimated to be 6.14. Among the operational inputs, kerosene constituted 73.4% of the GER, followed by petrol (12.7%), diesel (6.7%) and lubricating oil (2.4%). Fishing gear contributed 3.8%, engine 0.8% and fishing craft 0.3% of the GER. Energy ratio for ring seining was 0.72 and energy intensity 1.40.


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Energy is a key input into the fish harvesting process. Efficient use of energy helps in reducing operational costs and environmental impact, while increasing profits. Energy optimisation is an important aspect of responsible fishing as enunciated in the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Gross Energy Requirement (GER) is the sum of all non-renewable energy resources consumed in making available a product or service and is expressed in energy units per physical unit of product or service delivered. GER is a measure of intensity of non-renewable resource use and it reflects the amount of depletion of earth’s inherited store of non-renewable energy in order to create and make available a product or service. In this study, GER in fish harvesting up to the point of landing is estimated in selected fish harvesting systems in the small-mechanised sectors of Indian fisheries and compared with reported results from selected non mechanised and motorised fishing systems to reflect the situation during 1997-1998. Among the fish harvesting systems studied, GER t fish-1 ranged from 5.54 and 5.91 GJ, respectively, for wooden and steel purse seiners powered by 156 hp engines; 6.40 GJ for wooden purse seiner with 235 hp engine; 25.18 GJ for mechanised gillnet/line fishing vessel with 89 hp engines; to 31.40 and 36.97 GJ, respectively, for wooden and steel trawlers powered by 99-106 hp engines.


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During 1964, the offshore fishing station, Cochin, took up a programme of exploratory tuna fishing in the deeper waters off Cochin. A side trawler was converted into a tuna long liner for this purpose.


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The rate of survival of different types of faecal indicator organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci etc. during freezing and frozen storage has been studied. Peeled and deveined prawns inoculated with a mixed culture of the above organisms were subjected to freezing and storage at -10̊F and examined for over four months.


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Twenty five different species belonging to 16 genera of freshwater fishes were analysed for protein, fat, moisture, ash, carbohydrate, phosphorus, calcium and total iron content in their muscle. Calorific value for protein, fat and carbohydrate fractions and total calories for each species were also calculated.


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Four species of Gracilaria are investigated for their free amino-acid contents, as well as amino-acid constituents in the proteins and the peptides, using quantitative paper chromatographic technique. Amino-acid constituents of different species of Gracilaria differ only in amount, while free amino-acids and the amino-acids in the peptides vary both in quality and quantity. A number of amino-acids recorded as protein constituents have even escaped detection in the peptides, while in the free state they occur either in all the species or in some only except homocystine. Moreover, some amino-acids occur exclusively in the free state.


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The course of development of a few free amino acids under the influence of aureomycin in oil sardine (Sardinella lingiceps) held in ice storage was investigated. The levels of leucines and valine regularly increased in the control and aureomycin treated fush throughout the storage period. Alanines and threonine showed similar trend in both control and fish treated with 20ppm aureomycin. These amino acids however showed a gradual fall in fish treated at 5 ppm level. The changes in tyrosine+tryptophane were found to be irregular. Most of the amino acids studied indicated a remarkable change in trend by about the 16th day of ice storage in the case of fish treated with 50ppm aureimycin.


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Experiments were conducted to study the significance of difference between samples taken from the surface and interior of a frozen shrimps block, as well as to determine the size of sample necessary to represent the whole block, with respect to bacterial count determination. The results showed that the surface samples and interior samples did not differ significantly at 5% level of significance and that the minimum quantity representative of the block was 21-26 gms in the case of a block weighing about 1300 gms. The procedure adopted for taking the bacterial count was the normal standard plate count method.