799 resultados para Exercise-related Social Supports
The purpose of this study was to obtain an understanding of older adults' perceptions of independence and the factors that allow them to remain living independently in the community. A questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of 500 community-based older adults. One hundred seventy eight questionnaires were returned (36%). Respondents were asked questions related to independence, self-health rating, functional difficulties, and social supports. Most respondents indicated Mental Health (97%), Physical Health (97%), Control of choices (97%), and Social Support Systems (93%) contributed to maintaining independence in the community. Age, education, fewer chronic health conditions, and a higher self-health rating were found to be significant predictors of actual independence. Family members were identified as the primary source of assistance with advice on major life decisions and financial matters. Findings indicate age, education, health status and the social support of family and friends all play an important role for older adults to live independently in the community. Occupational therapy could be instrumental in extending the health, highest level of independent functioning, and the number of years older adults remain living in the community.
© 2014, Midwest Political Science Association.The ability to monitor state behavior has become a critical tool of international governance. Systematic monitoring allows for the creation of numerical indicators that can be used to rank, compare, and essentially censure states. This article argues that the ability to disseminate such numerical indicators widely and instantly constitutes an exercise of social power, with the potential to change important policy outputs. It explores this argument in the context of the United States' efforts to combat trafficking in persons and find evidence that monitoring has important effects: Countries are more likely to criminalize human trafficking when they are included in the U.S. annual Trafficking in Persons Report, and countries that are placed on a "watch list" are also more likely to criminalize. These findings have broad implications for international governance and the exercise of soft power in the global information age.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração, 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2016.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
The hypothesis that salivary cortisol would increase and salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) decrease after a kickboxing match was tested among 20 male athletes. Saliva samples collected before and after the match were analyzed. Salivary cortisol and salivary IgA concentrations (absolute concentration, salivary IgAabs) and the secretion rate of IgA (salivary IgArate) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A Wilcoxon test for paired samples showed significant increases in salivary cortisol from pre- to postmatch. No significant changes were observed in salivary IgAabs or secretory IgArate and saliva flow rate. This study indicates that a kickboxing match might increase salivary concentration and thereafter it could be considered a significant source of exercise-related stress. On the other hand, the effect of a kickboxing match on mucosal immunity seems not to be relevant.
This paper presents a study of families of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, emphasizing the identification of social supports and networks to strengthen interventions aimed at health promotion. The approach selected was a qualitative research, using a case study design. Four families of children with diabetes type 1 were studied, totalling seven participants. Data were collected between April and June 2007, through in-depth interviews and the construction of a genogram and an ecomap. The results presented the families` characterization and testimonies grouped in the following categories: social support, social networks and family roles. To promote care in practice, there is a need to identify the characteristics of each family and resources available that provide better living conditions. We concluded that identifying supports and social networks allows for more personalized care delivery to each family with a view to health promotion.
Issues of health education programming for people with intellectual disability are discussed. As environments in which such individuals live become more inclusive, and they are encouraged to make their own choices, the issue of whether current health education is sufficient to enable them to make healthy life choices is considered. More attention should be focused on programs in schools and the community to fulfill this need. Three aspects of health education programming are considered: physical activity, general health knowledge, and social supports for health. Continuity of information is viewed as important in policy development as well as in interprofessional coordination and cooperation to assure that these individuals are not further handicapped by poor health.
This exploratory study investigated factors associated with the wish to hasten death among a sample of terminally ill cancer patients. Semi-structured interviews conducted on a total of 72 hospice and home palliative care patients were subjected to qualitative analysis using QSR-NUDIST. The main themes to emerge suggested that patients with a high wish to hasten death had greater concerns with physical symptoms and psychological suffering, perceived themselves to be more of a burden to others, and experienced higher levels of demoralization, while also reporting less confidence in symptom control, fewer social supports, less satisfaction with life experiences and fewer religious beliefs when compared with patients who had a moderate or no wish to hasten death. The implications of these findings will be discussed.
SUMÁRIO: A tomada de consciência da mulher na luta pelos seus direitos teve particular preponderância em finais do séc. XIX princípios do séc. XX, em Portugal, na sequência das movimentações republicanas. Várias personalidades se tornaram símbolos de um feminismo nascente, mas nos dias de hoje ainda se pode considerar uma especificidade feminina causa bastante para situações de exclusão? Apresentamos o caso do Instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Social, IP (IGFSS, IP), caracterizado por 76% de coadjutoras num universo de 450 funcionários. Que razões haverá para esta predominância feminina, pelo menos em números? Reflectirá uma verdadeira mudança da condição feminina na sociedade? Ou constituirá antes a continuação de um preconceito que impele o sexo feminino para panoramas de exploração e subvalorização que se irão reflectir nos apoios sociais do Estado? ABSTRACT: The awareness of woman in the struggle for her rights had particular preponderance at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, in Portugal, in the sequence of the republican bustle. Several personalities became symbols of a growing feminism, but in nowadays can we still consider a feminine specificity cause enough for exclusion? Here we present a case-study of the Instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Social, IP (IGFSS, IP), characterised by 76% of women employees in a total of 450 workers. What could be the reasons for this female predominance, at least in numbers? Does it reflect a real change in female conditions in our society? Or will be instead the maintenance of the prejudice that propels women to scenarios of exploitation and undervaluation that will have reflexes on State social supports?
A satisfação das necessidades de apoio dos pais com filhos com incapacidades, cujo nascimento implica alterações no equilíbrio da estrutura familiar, é essencial não só para o bem-estar dos pais, mas para o desenvolvimento dos filhos. Foi sob este argumento que surgiu o interesse pelo estudo das redes de suporte, como estratégia de coping, no apoio às necessidades das famílias. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em avaliar as necessidades de apoio de 226 pais de crianças, jovens e adultos com incapacidade que participaram no 1º nível das Oficinas de Pais – Grupo de Apoio Emocional (GAE), designadamente: (1) os tipos de apoio identificados pelos pais como alvo de maior necessidade; (2) as redes de suporte; (3) a relação entre as necessidades de apoio e as características dos pais/família e filhos com incapacidades. Pretendíamos também avaliar em que medida a oficina produziu mudanças nas suas necessidades de apoio. Para tal, administrámos, antes e após o GAE, a Escala de Funções de Apoio e a Escala de Apoio Social, (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988). Os resultados mostraram que as necessidades parecem relacionar-se com: (i) apoios nos aspetos práticos do quotidiano; (ii) apoio emocional; (iii) apoio dos serviços e dos profissionais de saúde e de educação. É ao nível do apoio emocional que os pais revelam maiores necessidades de ajuda. Os pais de crianças mais novas reportam maior necessidade de ajuda, nos aspetos práticos do quotidiano e dos serviços/profissionais de saúde e de educação. Adicionalmente, o grau de necessidade aumentou no final da formação.
RESUMO: O objectivo do presente estudo consistiu em avaliar as necessidades de apoio de 63 pais com filhos (crianças, jovens ou adultos) com Perturbação do Espectro Autista (PEA), no que diz respeito a: (1) necessidades de apoio identificadas pelos pais, (2) redes de suporte destes pais e (3) relação entre necessidades de apoio e características dos pais e filhos. Todos os pais tinham participado no 1º nível do projecto nacional intitulado “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” – o Grupo de Apoio Emocional (GAE). No sentido de verificar se ocorreram mudanças nas suas necessidades de apoio, avaliou-se o antes (momento I) e o depois do GAE (momento II). Utilizou-se a Escala de Funções de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as necessidades de apoio e a Escala de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as redes de apoio social. Os resultados demonstram que os pais de pessoas com PEA apresentam (tanto antes como após a frequência nas oficinas do GAE) sobretudo necessidades de apoio de carácter emocional e profissional, e menos necessidades de carácter prático. Para suprir as necessidades de apoio, antes e após o GAE, estes pais recorreram, numa primeira opção, ao cônjuge, aos profissionais e posteriormente aos amigos. Os vizinhos constituíram a rede de apoio social a quem menos recorreram. Apesar de algumas diferenças observadas entre o momento I e momento II, estas não foram estatisticamente significativas nem para as necessidades de apoio, nem para as redes de apoio social.------------------------- ABSTRACT: The study aimed to evaluate the support needs of 63 parents of children, adolescents and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), concerning three aspects: (1) support needs that parents identified as major target, (2) social support network of these parents, and (3) the relationship between support needs and parent and children characteristics. All parents had participated in the first level of the national project “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” - the Emotional Support Group (ESG). In order to verify if any changes occurred in the needs of support, evaluation was carried before (moment I) and after (moment II) the ESG. In this context, parents filled the Supports Function Scale (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988), which evaluated their different needs of support, and also the Social Supports Scale (Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1988) which in turn evaluated their social support network. The results showed that parents of children with ASD, both before and after the ESG, revealed emotional and professional needs and, in a less extent, also practical needs. To address the referred needs (before and after the ESG) these parents seek in the first place the support of their spouse, then that of professionals and, later on, that of friends. Neighbours are the support that parents least address. Despite some observed differences in support needs and social support networks between the two moments, these were, however, not statistically significant.
Esse estudo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a atuação profissional no âmbito da lazer, abordando a intervenção sob ponto de vista da ética. Partimos da premissa que os valores e relações estabelecidos na sociedade moderna, lócus das práticas de lazer, interferem na interpretação e organização de modos de vida. Aproximando a ação do profissional de Educação Física com o campo do lazer, apontamos para uma atuação influenciada pela conduta ética e política na direção da mediação. Considerando as reflexões sobre ética e atuação profissional, podemos inferir que a área de Educação Física se consolida por exercer o papel social significativo aos processos educativos do lazer. A atuação profissional no lazer possibilita através da mediação na prática a educação para novos olhares e sensibilidades necessários à construção de uma sociedade igualitária e democrática.
Aquest estudi representa la primera exploració de l'ús de la televisió i la selecció de programes per part de grups d'indígenes a Chiapas. Més concretament, s'examina com els membres d'aquests grups seleccionen canals i programes específics dels mitjans de comunicació per raons d'etnicitat, i com això té a veure amb estratègies de mobilitat social. Les dades de 173 indígenes estudiants de la universitat Intercultural de Chiapas van indicar que per a 77 membres d'aquesta mostra, veure la televisió i seleccionar programes sobre la base de la seva etnicitat és una activitat de visualització important per a la seva autoestima etnolingüística. Aquests resultats es discuteixen en termes de la representació televisiva dels grups ètnics de Chiapas i motiven la realització de futures investigacions sobre aquests temes a Chiapas.
Job loss is widely known to lead to a substantial decrease in workers' subjective well-being. Functionalist theories explain this fact by arguing that the fundamental needs that work fulfills are absent during unemployment. Recent evidence from longitudinal studies however contradicts this approach, showing that workers who find a new job do not fully regain their former level of well-being upon reemployment. Therefore other mechanisms must be at work. We suggest that changes in social or economic domains of workers' lives - triggered by job displacement - lead to the observed changes in well-being. Drawing on a unique data set from a survey of workers displaced by plant closure in Switzerland after the financial crisis of 2008, our analysis confirms the previous result that finding a job after displacement does not completely restore workers' pre-displacement level of well-being. The factors that best explain this outcome are changes in social domains, notably changes in workers' job - related social status and their relationships to friends. This result provides valuable insights about the long lasting scars job displacement leaves on workers' lives.