999 resultados para Estudo marinho


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El objetivo en esta tesis consistió en estudiar el proceso de los cambios de los conceptos de profesores de la educación infantil y de los años iníciales de la educación básica referente a la enseñanza de la matemática. La investigación se desenvolvió en la escuela Presidente Kennedy, en la ciudad de Natal, en Rio Grande do Norte, teniendo como participante 05 (cinco) profesores del curso normal superior a través de la educación superior del instituto relacionado. El trabajo asocia el programa a él Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, en la base de pesquisa Formação e Profissionalização Docente coordinada de los doctores Betânia Leite Ramalho e Isauro Beltran Núñez. El referencial teórico-metodológico en quien si apoya el trabajo se inserta en la señal conceptual usada por Giordan y de Vecchi (1996), de Carrillo y Contreras (1994), Ramalho; Núñez y Gauthier (2003), Ponte (1998), Guimarães (1988), Ernest (1989). En esta investigación, los conceptos de los profesores habían sido estudiados en el contexto educativo de la formación del nivel superior, usándola reflexiva crítico práctico como estrategia formativa. Estos conceptos se entienden como estructuras subyacentes al pensamiento del profesor. Dado la naturaleza del objeto del estudio, la información, para las intenciones de esta investigación, habían sido cosechados a través de los instrumentos siguientes: cuestionario, plan de la lección, entrevista diaria y del campo. El cuestionario fue constituido de preguntas abiertas y de las entrevistas de la mitad-structuralized. La organización de los datos permitió a La inferencia de los conceptos, usando la técnica de la triangulación de datos. La investigación divulgó que los conceptos de los profesores, a través del proceso formativo, se habían desarrollado de una plataforma para otra, yéndose puesto que los modelos didácticos tradicionales para otros modelos dirigidos a una tendencia didáctica de espontaneísta/investigativa. La reflexión crítica era considerada como elemento catalítico de los cambios de los conceptos de los profesores en la educación de las matemáticas, sin embargo déjenos verifican que estos cambios son difíciles de ocurrir para la naturaleza compleja de estos conceptos. Como facilitadores de los factores de estos cambios, encontramos y el investigativo el trabajo, la dinámica y la naturaleza de las actividades se convirtió en el colaborativo de proceso formativo, entre otros. Como obstáculos a los cambios, identificamos el contexto del trabajo de los profesores, de la cultura de los individualistas prácticos de sus profesores de los colegas, del concepto linear, estático y de los mecánicos de los procesos para enseñar, el conocimiento profesional construído durante la formación inicial, alineación con los modelos didácticos de sus viejos profesores, entre otros


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natural resources that still enjoy, in the certainty that if we do not, could culminate at the end of that remains. The environmental contamination by fuels in the retail service of oil and biofuels, has been a subject of growing research in Brazil, due to the large pollution potential of this activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) in fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, but also describe the current situation the same as licensing and environmental characterization; identify existing barriers to implementation of EMS on the costs, technologies, knowledge, vision, present the potential benefits for the implementation of the EMS (social, economic and environmental), to identify the existence of plans for future action to implement the EMS , as a subsidy to promote the implementation of it. The methodology was developed through analysis of documents provided by the environmental agency responsible for licensing of retail service stations and fuel pala ANP. For data collection, we used the questionnaire was applied directly to managers or managers of sub-stations. Data were collected in 12 of 30 posts in the municipality. For purposes of data treatment was performed a descriptive analysis with respect to the opinion of twelve managers (respondents). The data acquired, according to the Likert scale were tabulated and analyzed using software SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2003, it was generated tables and graphs to observe the behavior of the data. The results showed that most respondents have a schooling level higher (58.3%) of the jobs surveyed 50% work on average 6 to 10 years and 41.6% are in operation for over 11 years , 75.0% do not have a license to operate and 12 stations, 58.3% were sued for not having a license to operate and are therefore in full commercial activity, 83% of jobs have some practice environmentally responsible, 75% agree in making planning future action to implement 8 the EMS in their ventures, 70% in full agreement that the high cost is a form of impediment to implementation of EMS; 66.67% agreed that resistance to change is an impediment to implementation of EMS; 90.91% agreed that the implementation of EMS is very complex, 80% of respondents agreed in a very significant environmental legislation is also a key factor preventing the implementation of EMS is noteworthy that 100% of respondents agreed that the knowledge about the use of the EMS will help to solve environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations, the implementation of the EMS will benefit with increased efficiency of resources applied to the findings by the agreement of 91.66% of respondents, where only 8, 33% disagreed, there was also a percentage of 100%, agreed that the company's image will be a great benefit, but also a contribution to solving environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations. Thus, the importance of the implementation of EMS in the fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, with an urgent need to be deployed. And the bodies responsible for policy on state-run and supervise more tightly and action, this type of activity, in order to regulate the sustainable functioning of retail service stations of fuel, thus promoting a better quality of life for the population of the municipality of natal-RN


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There were studied the variation of the solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in four wavelengths (305 nm, 320 nm, 340 nm e 380 nm) and erythemic dose, measured in Natal RN Brazil, from January 2001 until December 2007, using the ground ultraviolet radiometer of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais / Centro Regional do Nordeste INPE-CRN, fixed on the roof of the Laboratório de Variáveis Ambientais Tropiciais LAVAT-INPE-CRN. It was verified that the mean value of the UVR in the city reachs the HIGH index before 09h00 a.m. and VERY HIGH before 09h40 a.m.; it was also verified that, except in the months of June and July, in the other months of the year the UVR reachs the HIGH index before 10h00 a.m., despite of the recommendations broadcasting in the media about the safe time to people stay ashore on the beaches of the city. After 14h30 p.m., the UVR reachs the MODERATE index in any month of the year. These evidence are valid to all years of the period studied, i.e., 2001 to 2007. The year of 2004 presented the lower mean values of UVR indices, and the year of 2007 presented the higher mean values of UVR index. It was prove, by means of the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the variation in the four wavelengths and in the erythemic dose. Considering that the city has high indices of skin cancer and cataract, the results of the research may be use as a data source to studies that intend to support programs of public health. At the same time, the results of the research may be applied to material science and agriculture studies


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In this study were conducted experimental procedures for determination of variation of the expandability of rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) from a natural oil polyol (NOP), specifically the Castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, pure and additions of the vermiculite in phase dispersed in different percentage within a range from 0% to 20%, mass replacement. From the information acquired, were defined the parameters for production of bodies of test, plates obtained through controlled expansion, with the final volume fixed. Initially, the plates were subjected to thermal performance tests and evaluated the temperature profiles, to later be extracted samples duly prepared in accordance with the conditions required for each test. Was proceeded then the measurement of the coefficient of thermal conductivity, volumetric capacity heat and thermal diffusivity. The findings values were compared with the results obtained in the tests of thermal performance, contributing to validation of the same. Ultimately, it was investigated the influence that changes in physical-chemical structure of the material had exerted on the variation of thermophysical quantities through gas pycnometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF), infrared spectroscopy using Fourier transform (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Based on the results obtained was possible to demonstrate that all load percentage analyzed promoted an increase in the potential expansion (PE) of the resin. In production of the plates, the composites with density near at the free expansion presented high contraction during the cure, being the of higher density adopted as definitive standard. In the thermal performance tests, the heating and cooling curves of the different composites had presented symmetry and values very close for lines of the temperature. The results obtained for the thermophysical properties of composites, showed little difference in respect of pure foam. The percentage of open pores and irregularities in the morphology of the composites were proportionate to the increment of vermiculite. In the interaction between the matrix and dispersed phase, there were no chemical transformations in the region of interface and new compounds were not generated. The composites of PUR-NOP and vermiculite presented thermal insulating properties near the foam pure and percentage significantly less plastic in its composition, to the formulation with 10% of load


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In the execution of civil engineering works, either by wasting during the coating of wall or demolition of gypsum walls, the generation of the gypsum waste involves serious environmental concerns. These concerns are increased by the high demand of this raw material in the sector and by the difficulties of proper disposal byproduct generated. In the search for alternatives to minimize this problem, many research works are being conducted, giving emphasis in using gypsum waste as fillers in composites materials in order to improve the acoustic, thermal and mechanical performances. Through empirical testing, it was observed that the crystallization water contained in the residue (CaSO4.2H2O) could act like primary agent in the expanding of the polyurethane foam. Considering that polyurethane produced from vegetable oils are biodegradable synthetic polymers and that are admittedly to represent an alternative to petrochemical synthetic polyurethane, this research consist an analysis of the thermal behavior of a composite whose matrix obtained from a resin derived from the expansive castor oil seed, with loads of 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% of gypsum waste replacing to the polyol prepolymer blend. Contributors to this analysis: a characterization of the raw material through analysis of spectroscopy by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), chemical analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and mineralogical analysis by X Ray Diffraction (XRD), complemented by thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA). In order to evaluate the thermo physical properties and thermal behavior of the composites manufactured in die closed with expansion contained, were also carried tests to determine the percentage of open pore volume using a gas pycnometer, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), in addition to testing of flammability and the resistance to contact with hot surfaces. Through the analysis of the results, it appears that it is possible to produce a new material, which few changes in their thermo physical properties and thermal performance, promotes significant changes and attractive to the environment


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The sector of civil construction is strongly related to the red ceramic industry. This sector uses clay as raw material for manufacturing of various products such as ceramic plates. In this study, two types of clay called clay 1 and clay 2 were collected on deposit in Ielmo Marinho city (RN) and then characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), rational analysis and particle size distribution and dilatometric analyses. Ceramic plates were manufactured by uniaxial pressing and by extrusion. The plates obtained by pressing were produced from the four formulations called 1, 2, 3 and 4, which presented, respectively, the following proportions by mass: 66.5% clay 1 and 33.5% clay 2, 50% clay 1 and 50% clay 2, 33.5% clay 1 and 66.5% clay 2, 25% clay 1 and 75% clay 2. After firing at 850, 950 and 1050 °C with heating rate of 10 °C/min and soaking time of 30 minutes, the following technological properties were determined: linear firing shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass and tensile strength (3 points). The formulation containing 25% clay 1 produced plates with most satisfactory results of water absorption and mechanical resistance, because of that it was chosen for manufacturing plates by extrusion. A single firing cycle was established for these plates, which took place as follow: heating rate of 2 °C/min up to 600 ºC with soaking time of 60 minutes, followed by heating using the same rate up to 1050 ºC with soaking time of 30 minutes. After this cycle, the same technological properties investigated in the plates obtained by pressing were determined. The results indicate (according to NRB 13818/1997) that the plates obtained by pressing from the mixture containing 25 wt% clay 1, after firing at 1050 °C, reach the specifications for semi-porous coating (BIIb). On the other hand, the plates obtained by extrusion were classified as semi-stoneware (group AIIa)


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In the present research work, composites were prepared using pine apple leaf fibres (PALF) as reinforcement with unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, incorporating with fire retardant at different compositions. The PALF was obtained from the decortication of pine apple leaves obtained from Ramada 4 from Ielmo Marinho in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The unsaturated polyester resin and the catalyzer were bought from the local establishment. The fire retardant, aluminium tri-hydroxide - Al(OH)3 was donated by Alcoa Alumínio S.A and was used in the proportions of 20%, 40% and 60% w/w. Initially the fibres were treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, to remove any impurities present on the fibre surface, such as wax, fat, pectin and pectate, in order to have a better adsorption of the fibres with the matrix as well as the flame retardant. The fibre mat was prepared in a mat preparator by immersion, developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory, at the UFRN. The composites (300x300x3 mm) were prepared by compression molding and the samples (150x25x3 mm) for analysis of the properties were cut randomly using a laser cutter. Some of the cut samples were used to measure the smoke emission and fire resistance using UL94 standard. Mechanical tension-extension and flexural properties were carried in CTGás RN and the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos Engenharia de Materiais UFRN , as well as SEM studies were carried out at Núcleo de Estudos em Petróleo e Gás Natural - UFRN . From the observed results, it was noted that, there was no marked influence of the fire retardant on the mechanical properties. Also in the water absorption test, the quantity of water absorbed was less in the sample with higher concentration of fire retardant. It was also observed that the increase in the proportion of the fire retardant increased the time of burning, may be due to the compactness of the composite due to the presence of fire retardant as a filling material even though it was meant to reduce the rate of inflammability of the composite


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The present study seeks to present a historico-epistemological analysis of the development of the mathematical concept of negative number. In order to do so, we analyzed the different forms and conditions of the construction of mathematical knowledge in different mathematical communities and, thus, identified the characteristics in the establishment of this concept. By understanding the historically constructed barriers, especially, the ones having ontologicas significant, that made the concept of negative number incompatible with that of natural number, thereby hindering the development of the concept of negative, we were able to sketch the reasons for the rejection of negative numbers by the English author Peter Barlow (1776 -1862) in his An Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers, published in 1811. We also show the continuity of his difficulties with the treatment of negative numbers in the middle of the nineteenth century


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At the present investigation had the purpose to achieve a descritive analysis pedagogy in the work of Recherche méthodique et propriétés des triangles rectangles en nombres entiers. According to the analysis achieved, we made and applyed the teaching module called Pitagories: one of tools to comprehension Pitagory Theorema, there were studying by public students in mathematic course in the UFRN , the new mathematic teachers in future. The analysis the was made with writen test the was showed that all students got the view comprehension in the teaching approach module, to apointed the difference in the learning qualytative with other reseach that was made with quastionaire and enterview. With this module that was made with the new future teacheres there was more attention the better comprehension with the Pitagory Theorema, that was good focus in the pitagory about the potential historical pedagogyc in the work studied.


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The work is to make a brief discussion of methods to estimate the parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). Being addressed the following techniques: Moments (moments), Maximum Likelihood (MLE), Biased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMB), Unbiased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMU), Mean Power Density Divergence (MDPD), Median (MED), Pickands (PICKANDS), Maximum Penalized Likelihood (MPLE), Maximum Goodness-of-fit (MGF) and the Maximum Entropy (POME) technique, the focus of this manuscript. By way of illustration adjustments were made for the Generalized Pareto distribution, for a sequence of earthquakes intraplacas which occurred in the city of João Câmara in the northeastern region of Brazil, which was monitored continuously for two years (1987 and 1988). It was found that the MLE and POME were the most efficient methods, giving them basically mean squared errors. Based on the threshold of 1.5 degrees was estimated the seismic risk for the city, and estimated the level of return to earthquakes of intensity 1.5°, 2.0°, 2.5°, 3.0° and the most intense earthquake never registered in the city, which occurred in November 1986 with magnitude of about 5.2º


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Shrimp culture represents an important activity to brazilian economy. The northeastern region has presented high levels of production because of its climatic conditions. An important factor for the activity´s major development is related to the introduction of the species Litopenaeus vannamei. The use of an exotic species can disturb the ecosystem. In the last decades, L. vannamei has been the only species cultivated in Brazilian farms, there not being an alternative species for shrimp culture. So, there is an urgent need to developing new studies with the native species, which might represent an alternative concerning shrimp production, with emphasis on Farfantepenaeus subtilis. Another important aspect related to the activity is feeding management, once it is quite usual that feed offer on the pond does not take into account either the species´ physiology and behavior or the influence of environmental variables, such as light cycle and substrate. That knowledge may optimize management and so reduce the impact of effluents in the environment. This study´s objective was characterizing feeding behavior of F. subtilis in laboratory. For that, an ethogram was developed, using 20 wild animals which were observed through ad libitum and all occurrences methods. Two experiments were developed in order to register feeding behavior on different substrates, along 15 days, each. In the first experiment, 40 animals were distributed in eight aquaria, half being observed during the light phase of the 24 hour cycle and the other half in the dark phase, both in halimeda substrate. In the second experiment, 20 animals were distributed in four aquaria, under similar conditions as the previous ones, but in sand substrate. In both experiments, animals were observed respectively one, four, seven and ten hours after the beginning of the phase, for light phase, for the dark phase, in ten minute observation windows, before and immediately after feed offer. The following behaviors were registered: feed ingestion, ingestion of other items, inactivity, exploration, vertical exploration, swimming, crawling, digging, burrowing, and moving by the animals. Observation windows after feed offer also included latency to reach the tray and to ingest feed. Nineteen behaviors were described for the species. F. subtilis presented more behavioral activities in halimeda substrate even in the light phase, while burrowing was predominant in sand substrate. In both substrates, moving, crawling and exploration were more frequent after feed offer, but inactivity and burrowing were more frequent before that. Feed ingestion was more frequent in halimeda, both in light and dark phases. Weight gain was also more prominent in that substrate. In sand substrtate, ingestion was more frequent in the dark phase, which suggests that higher granulometry facilitates feed ingestion in F. subtilis juveniles. Our results demonstrate the importance of studies for the better knowledge of the species, specially its response to environmental stimuli, in order to improve animal management


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The aerial activities, leaps and slaps with parts of the body in the surface of water, are part of the behavioral repertoire of several species of cetaceans. Among them, the spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, shows greater diversity in such behavior. For the spinner dolphins of Fernando de Noronha, the aerial activities are classified as vertical and horizontal, with eight patterns to be noted (tail slap, head slap, motor boating, partial leap, leap, spin, tail over head and tail over head with spin) discriminated between these categories. Such behaviors can be used as a parameter to identify behavioral changes, as well as patterns of daily and seasonal activity. In this manner, this study aimed to characterize the frequency in performance of such activity while the dolphins were within the Dolphin Bay of Fernando de Noronha, and verify possible daily and seasonal hourly fluctuations on such behaviors. The data analyzed in this study was acquired during the period of January 2006 through December 2010, totaling 1431 days of observation from land set point, with 113027 aerial activities registered, daily average of 72,27 (SD=96,10). During 5478h and 54 min of observation the horizontal aerial activity was the most observed and rotation was the most executed pattern. Greater frequency of execution of aerial activity was observed in adults, but for both adults and calves, was observed a predominance of horizontal activities, with spin being the pattern most executed. Positive correlation was observed between the amount of aerial activity performed and the number of animals inside the Bay. Hourly daily fluctuation was observed in the expression of aerial activities by spinner dolphins, and was observed a peak of activity between 8h and 8h59min for the overall frequency relative of aerial activities, as well as for the categories and patterns. Seasonal differences were observed between the rainy and dry season with the greater amount of activity being observed during the rainy season. Nevertheless, the same profile of frequency relative of aerial activity was observed in both seasons with the peak amount being during the same period. When discriminated the aerial activities in categories and patterns, for both seasons, there was a similar pattern of hourly fluctuation; for most of parameters, higher frequency relative of execution of aerial activity remain between 8h and 8h59min


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Environmental issues are becoming increasingly habitual to the media, particularly when calamities are involved. A feature of environmental disasters is that they disclose both environmental crises and the media limitation in reporting them. The research tried to contribute to the subject through the study of press media coverage of a large fish kill along an estuary in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in 2007. Thematic content analysis of newspaper reports identified the predominance of a superficial and denunciative coverage, lacking an educational perspective, and with little contribution to formation of a critical sense in readers. It also has identified the precarious treatment of those scientific concepts that could substantiate the actual causes of mortality of tons of aquatic fauna


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This study has as objective to examine the level of perception of high school students from two private schools in Natal-RN about the existence of a direct link between alimentary habit and its effects on environmental. The research was lead with 433 students, who had their school alimentary habits investigated according to the 24-hour recall method and presents the results of data collection from their opinions on participating in the generation of industrialized solid residues and their yearnings about the improvements of the standard of the food offered in the school. The students show a high rate of grading age for level at school, traditional family structure, riding, predominantly, by car or by bus in the house-school-house way, have generally all three important meals at home, feed frequently at their school, getting it from their won school, which included, mainly, soft drinks and fried or grilled appetizers; show a good knowledge about selective collectors, however with a high variation in their correct use. They show significant approval in the existence of a connection between their alimentary habits and debased effects about environmental and consider their food compounds at school could improve the offering of health/natural food, slowing industrialized foods, which are highly used, sometimes. The study on the students knowledge and concern level with regard to the interface alimentary habit-environmental impact allowed delimitating some of the mainly involved components in the alimentary choices of the same students in the school environment, what might help to develop a set of proposals that stimulates the formation of a responsible consumption standard among teenagers and the need of a consideration about the consequences of their choices


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OBJETIVO: As doenças osteomusculares são as afecções ocupacionais mais prevalentes em cirurgiões-dentistas. Nosso propósito: 1) investigar os conhecimentos, aplicabilidades clínicas dos princípios ergonômicos em discentes e docentes em atividades clínicas de uma universidade pública 2) pesquisar a incidência de sintomatologias dolorosas no pescoço, ombros, parte superior e inferior das costas, cotovelos, quadris, coxas, joelhos, tornozelos e pés no universo de alunos em estágios clínicos. 3) incitar discussões de normas e diretrizes ergonômicas na universidade. MÉTODOS: Esse estudo investigou o universo de alunos matriculados em disciplinas clínicas (148) e respectivos professores (30) do curso de odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal-RN a respeito dos princípios ergonômicos utilizados na rotina clínica. Paralelamente foi pesquisada a incidência de sintomatologia dolorosa nos alunos por intermédio do questionário nórdico e a partir dos resultados foi mensurado o índice de severidade dos sintomas em alunos. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) é um instrumento de diagnóstico, proposto para padronizar a mensuração de relatos de sintomas osteomusculares. A análise dos dados foi através do programa SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 17.0 realizada analítica e descritivamente, com determinação das médias (x), desvio-padrão para variáveis quantitativas, freqüências simples e relativas para as variáveis categóricas, além da estatística de associação entre grupos (teste t) e a análise de associação do quiquadrado com nível de significância 5% entre as variáveis (Person). As respostas das questões abertas foram codificadas e transformadas em freqüências, descritas posteriormente. RESULTADOS: A aplicabilidade de medidas ergonômicas nas clínicas universitárias não foi evidenciada pelo universo de discentes e docentes. Quanto ao relato de sintomas osteomusculares o sexo feminino foi o mais acometido qualquer que seja o nível acadêmico cursado. As regiões anatômicas de maior grau de severidade de relatos dos sintomas foram: pescoço, parte inferior das costas, punhos, mãos e ombros, com significância etatística p<0,001. CONCLUSÃO: Em função dos achados os autores apresentam um protocolo de intervenção clínica baseado nos determinantes ergonômicos da Associação internacional de ergonomia (EAI) como medida de prevenção da saúde ocupacional dos futuros cirurgiões-dentistas ainda em processo de formação nas clínicas odontológicas das universidades.