995 resultados para Crisis-intervention
Esta monografía titulada, La intervención de la Comunidad Humanitaria Internacional en la Crisis Humanitaria de Sierra Leona 1991-2002, tiene como objetivo primordial analizar los factores internos y externos que llevaron a Sierra Leona a su crisis humanitaria. Las bases teóricas sobre las cuales se construyo la investigación fueron propuestas por Mery Kaldor y Roberg Rotberg. Cabe resaltar las siguientes conclusiones, la inestabilidad política de Sierra Leona creó las condiciones necesarias para que Liberia interviniera en el conflicto mediante el tráfico de diamantes y armas. Las dimensiones del conflicto llevaron a la intervención de la Comunidad Humanitaria Internacional, la cual estuvo sometida a fuertes críticas.
El desarrollo del siguiente documento, diseña un plan de intervención para las Instituciones Prestadoras de Salud (IPS), con el fin de establecer mínimos de funcionamiento y de manejo de los aportes financieros de Hospitales y Clínicas en Cundinamarca especialmente el Hospital San Rafael de Facatativá y Hospital de Santa Bárbara de Vergara. Fue a partir del acercamiento a través de un trabajo de campo a las Instituciones mencionadas que se logró conocer y determinar las relaciones de la crisis en la salud y sus efectos tanto en las IPSs como a la sociedad atendida en el departamento. La intermediación entre los recursos del sistema, el dilema entre expansión y calidad del servicio y la legislación son las variables claves que impactan el desarrollo del sector Salud.
Durante la crisis financiera global de 2008 muchas organizaciones y mercados financieros tuvieron que terminar sus operaciones o replantearlas debido a los choques que golpearon el bienestar de sus empresas. A pesar de esta grave situación, en la actualidad se pueden encontrar empresas que se recuperaron y salieron del terrible panorama que les presentó la crisis, incluso encontrando nuevas oportunidades de negocio y fortaleciendo su futuro. Esta capacidad que algunas organizaciones tuvieron y que permitió su salida victoriosa de la crisis se denomina resiliencia, la cual es la capacidad de sobreponerse a los efectos negativos de choques internos o externos (Briguglio, Cordina, Farrugia & Vella 2009). Por tanto en el presente trabajo se estudiará esta capacidad tanto en la organización como en los líderes para hallar factores que mejoren el desempeño de las empresas en crisis como la que ocurrió en el 2008 – 2009. Primero se realizará un estudio sobre los sucesos y el desarrollo de la crisis subprime del año 2008 para tener un entendimiento claro de sus antecedentes, desarrollo, magnitud y consecuencias. Posteriormente se realizará un estudio profundo sobre la teoría de la resiliencia organizacional y la resiliencia en el líder como individuo y los estilos de liderazgo. Finalmente teniendo un sustento teórico tanto de la crisis como del concepto de resiliencia se tomarán casos de estudio de empresas que lograron perdurar en la crisis financiera del 2008 y empresas que no lograron sobrevivir para posteriormente hallar características del líder y del liderazgo que puedan aumentar o afectar la capacidad de resiliencia de las organizaciones con el objetivo de brindar herramientas a los líderes actuales para que manejen de forma eficiente y eficaz las empresas en un mundo complejo y variable como el actual.
This document is intended to be read by the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection (former MoH) and includes some recommendations that could be implemented on the aim to increase allocative efficiency, thus improving macroeconomic performance of the Colombian Health System (CHS). It will be conducted as follows: first it will briefly review the background and actual context of the CHS, after this, will mention some related issues that justify a policy intervention on strategic purchasing to promote long run sustainability and hopefully the future attainment of major goals such as universal coverage and quality improvement. After prioritizing the main financial threats to the system, based on findings from literature review from countries that have successfully implemented similar policies, this paper will make some policy recommendations on regards especially to inpatient health care services in Colombia.
The purpose of this research is to provide an approximation to the likely effects of the crisis on the Colombian economy and to the effectiveness of policy response. For this, the most relevant transmission channels and policy measures are simulated in the setting of a static computable general equilibrium model (CGE). The results obtained are interesting in their own right and are in line with what could be expected given the information available on the behavior of the Colombian economy. Furthermore, they call into question the effectiveness of governmental intervention as judged by its intended countercyclical effects.
Este trabajo de grado busca analizar el papel que juegan los principios en las fallas del Régimen Internacional de Pagos a la hora de responder a situaciones de crisis, específicamente, en la actuación del Fondo Monetario Internacional durante la crisis económica argentina de 2001. El Régimen, atado al cumplimiento de sus principios, actuó de manera tal que produjo unas fallas que terminaron exacerbando la crisis. Mediante el análisis de fuentes primarias y secundarias, y con métodos tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos se busca demostrar que efectivamente, los principios en los que se fundamentan las actuaciones de los regímenes, que son creencias, tienden a tornarse dogmáticos, por lo tanto, se hacen resistentes al cambio y no permiten a las instituciones obrar de manera que se ajuste a la realidad. Es así que los principios llegan agravar las crisis que debían solucionar, tal y como sucedió en Argentina en 2001.
Global economic conditions have been deteriorating sharply since mid- September 2008. Lending has dropped abruptly, credit spreads have widened sharply, stock markets have plunged and economies everywhere are stumbling. Governments around the world have undertaken unprecedented measures, including some coordinated intervention. However, global economic prospects remain troubled, and further policy action is required. In order to better understand the task before policy makers as they chart a new direction, this paper examines how the global economy arrived at its current predicament, looking back at the sequence of events that contributed to create havoc in financial markets, as well as the policy response they produced. In light of these events, we examine the impact on Latin American financial markets in particular. The global nature of the current crisis underscores the need for coordinating the policy response at the global level, as well as advancing towards a new international financial architecture that will make possible a more effective response to the build-up of systemic pressures.
The Loss, grief and other problems are events that most of people experience them during their Life. The earthquake is a disaster that makes people experience loss, grief and problems simultaneously. This crisis affects on survivors as much as they face to dangers in their lives. Thus, most of them need to being supported until they can solve their problems, be relaxed and do their daily activities. We know that the profession of social workers is to assist individuals who are seeking help. But there is a Problem, how do they help the clients efficiently? Especially, those clients who have suffered earthquake. Generally, the role of social workers in helping the survivors of earthquake is significant. To this end, the present paper tries to describe the process of social casework and those skills required for social workers to help the survivors. These skills include: situational supporting, hopefulness making, consoling, assuring, concentrating, solutions developing and refer.
Background: ASSIP is a manualized brief therapy based on a model of suicide as goal-directed action, aimed at establishing a therapeutic alliance in a patient-oriented, collaborative approach. The main goals of the three-session program ASSIP are for patients to understand, from an observer’s position, patterns leading to a suicidal crisis, recognize triggers and warning signs, and to establish individual safety strategies for future suicidal crises. An ongoing therapeutic support is provided with regular letters over 24 months. Method: The study was conducted in a naturalistic setting. 120 Patients were randomly assigned to an intervention group (60 participants) treated with ASSIP combined with follow-up contact through letters, and a control group (60 participants) receiving a single session of clinical assessment. Both groups had treatment as usual. Patients completed a set of psychosocial and clinical questionnaires every six months over a period of 24 months. Results: In the ASSIP group 5 patients made a total of 5 reattempts, compared to 15 patients with 41 reattempts in the control group. The survival analysis yielded a significant difference with a Wald Chi2 of .000003. The ASSIP group had significantly lower suicidal ideation and fewer days of inpatient treatment compared to the control group. Higher scores in the Penn Helping Alliance Questionnaire were associated with lower suicidal ideation during follow-up. Conclusions: ASSIP is a highly effective brief therapy for patients with recent suicide attempts. Forming a strong therapeutic alliance is considered to be a major factor for outcome. ASSIP can be used with minimal training by experienced therapists. An English version of the manual will be published in May 2015.
Este artículo presenta las principales conclusiones de una investigación sobre el Movimiento de Desocupados en Mendoza. Describe cómo Ia crisis económica, social y política de fines de los noventa fue el escenario propicio para la aparición de nuevas organizaciones sociales y métodos de lucha. Analiza las formas de organización e intervención social del Movimiento y ensaya una periodización histórica. Afirma que las experiencias atesoradas por el Movimiento engrosan procesos subterráneos que están latentes y periódicamente emergen buscando nuevos cauces y soluciones definitivas para los graves problemas sociales que, pese a la recuperación y crecimiento económicos, aún subsisten.
Intervention has taken different forms in different countries and periods of time. Moreover, recent episodes showed that in front of an imminent crisis, the promise of no interventions made by governments is barely credible. In this paper we address the problem of resolving banking crises from the government perspective, taking into account the fact that preventing banking crises is crucial for the government. In addition, we introduce the moral hazard problem, inherent in the banking system, and consider the interaction between regulation, policy measures and banks’ behavior. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that compares different policy plans to resolve banking crises in an environment where insufficiently capitalized banks have incentives to take risk, and the government has to decide whether to provide public services or impede crises. We show that when individuals highly value public services then the best policy in terms of welfare is to apply the tax on early withdrawals, as the government can transfer those taxes to the whole population by investing in public services (although at some cost). Conversely, when individuals assign a low value to consuming public services, recapitalization is the dominant policy. Finally, when the probability of a crisis is sufficiently high, capital requirements should be used
As French forces are engaged in combat operations in Mali, even belated EU involvement remains crucial, to ensure that the intervention fits in with the political end-state that the EU rightly pursues.
Summary. The crisis in Mali has brought the Sahel to the centre of international attention. This fragile region not only suffers from longstanding development challenges, but also from an acute security vacuum that has triggered military intervention. Many questions have arisen as a consequence of the crisis. Has the European Union the ability to cope with such a complex and dynamically evolving security environment? How have divergent views on the political roadmap to be adopted, and the lack of resources at the African level, impacted the crisis response? Can the different players involved agree on what are the most pertinent needs and challenges to be addressed? Are they ready for long-term engagement? Can regional organisations effectively collaborate and are they able to successfully integrate different agendas? Following a conference organised by the Institute for European Studies, the Egmont Institute and the Observatoire de l’Afrique on these questions this Policy Brief builds on the findings of the conference and provides an analytical overview of the regional crisis by focusing on the main challenges facing the Sahel, the local and regional dynamics at play and the military and security response.
Highlights • Government intervention to stabilise financial systems in times of banking crises ultimately involves political decisions. This paper sheds light on how certain political variables influence policy choices during banking crises and hence have an impact on fiscal outlays. • We employ cross-country econometric evidence from all crisis episodes in the period 1970-2011 to examine the impact political and party systems have on the fiscal cost of financial sector intervention. • Governments in presidential systems are associated with lower fiscal costs of crisis management because they are less likely to use costly bank guarantees, thus reducing the exposure of the state to significant contingent and direct fiscal liabilities. Consistent with these findings we find further evidence that these governments are less likely to use bank recapitalisation and more likely to impose losses on depositors.
The Russian intervention in Ukraine has provoked a deep crisis which will likely last for years, with profound consequences not only for Ukraine, Russia and Eastern Europe, but also for the internal situation in the European Union. The current Russian aggression is frequently seen as a profound violation of international law, breaking the rules that are fundamental for relations in Europe. It is perceived as perhaps a step towards rebuilding imperial Russia or, at the very least, an attempt to keep Ukraine within Russia’s sphere of influence. However, one very important aspect is virtually neglected, namely, that Russia’s Ukraine venture may have a significant impact on the future of liberal democracy in Europe and beyond.