953 resultados para Context-sensitive analysis


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Humans are especially good at taking another's perspective-representing what others might be thinking or experiencing. This "mentalizing" capacity is apparent in everyday human interactions and conversations. We investigated its neural basis using magnetoencephalography. We focused on whether mentalizing was engaged spontaneously and routinely to understand an utterance's meaning or largely on-demand, to restore "common ground" when expectations were violated. Participants conversed with 1 of 2 confederate speakers and established tacit agreements about objects' names. In a subsequent "test" phase, some of these agreements were violated by either the same or a different speaker. Our analysis of the neural processing of test phase utterances revealed recruitment of neural circuits associated with language (temporal cortex), episodic memory (e.g., medial temporal lobe), and mentalizing (temporo-parietal junction and ventromedial prefrontal cortex). Theta oscillations (3-7 Hz) were modulated most prominently, and we observed phase coupling between functionally distinct neural circuits. The episodic memory and language circuits were recruited in anticipation of upcoming referring expressions, suggesting that context-sensitive predictions were spontaneously generated. In contrast, the mentalizing areas were recruited on-demand, as a means for detecting and resolving perceived pragmatic anomalies, with little evidence they were activated to make partner-specific predictions about upcoming linguistic utterances.


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Complement factor B and C2 are two central serine proteases of the alternative and classical complement pathways, respectively, that serve as the catalytic subunits of the C3 convertase. Research has been completed using a female Japanese medaka fish, (Oryzias latipes), and other teleost and elasmobrach species in order to isolate eDNA clones and perform linkage analysis of the Bf/C2 gene(s). To further analyze the evolution of the complement system in teleosts, different tissues than the ones from previous studies of medaka fish were analyzed for the constitutive gene expression of factor B and C2. Bf/C2 sequences were amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction with primers corresponding to the common amino acid sequences shared by mammalian Bf and C2. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to visualize sample bands and to calculate the concentration of gene expression of the Bf/C2 gene(s) in each tissue. All five tissue types, kidney, liver, muscle, testis, and spleen from a male medaka fish demonstrated Bf/C2 gene(s) expression, confirming that the messages of Bf/C2 gene(s) are distributed throughout the medaka fish. Tissues of the spleen, liver, and kidney contained the highest concentrations of expression of Bf/C2 gene( s ), while tissues of the muscle and testis contained the lowest concentrations. This research also determined that RT-PCR allowed for more sensitive analysis of gene expression than other molecular biology techniques such as Northern blotting analysis.


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One of the most important civic phenomena emerging from favelas in Rio de Janeiro today is “community (photo)journalism”, which is practised by favela residents who are trained in journalistic and artistic techniques to raise critical awareness and promote political mobilisation in- and outside favelas. This paper looks at some of the work produced at one training place for community photographers, the agency-school Imagens do Povo (“Images of the People”) in Nova Holanda, a favela located in Rio’s North Zone. Using an ethnographic approach, this article first provides an account of the working practices of the School and its photographers. This is followed by a discussion of a small sample of their photographic work, for which we employ a social semiotic paradigm of image analysis. This methodological synergy provides insights into how these journalists document long-term structural as well as “spectacular” violence in favelas, while at the same time striving to capture some of the “beauty” of these communities. The paper concludes that this form of photographic work constitutes an important step towards a more analytical brand of journalism with different news values that encourage a more context-sensitive approach to covering urban violence and favela life.

KEYWORDS: alternative media, Imagens do Povo, multimodality, news values, photojournalism.


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On occasions, speakers do not complete their turns in conversation. Such syntactically-incomplete turns are not treated with repair or misunderstanding. The responses that they receive display a clear understanding of the actions that the unfinished turns embodied. In this article, using conversation analysis (CA), I describe the systematic occurrence of unfinished turns in French conversation. I show that context is necessary to the understanding of this type of turn and I describe the nature of that context. Data analysis reveals that unfinished turns are understandable primarily by reference to their sequential position. I conclude that unfinished turns are a locally- managed resource fitted to the particulars of the talk in progress and built upon the context that the sequences that house them have so far provided.


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The great challenges of today pose great pressure on the food chain to provide safe and nutritious food that meets regulations and consumer health standards. In this context, Risk Analysis is used to produce an estimate of the risks to human health and to identify and implement effective risk-control measures. The aims of this work were 1) describe how QRA is used to evaluate the risk for consumers health, 2) address the methodology to obtain models to apply in QMRA; 3) evaluate solutions to mitigate the risk. The application of a QCRA to the Italian milk industry enabled the assessment of Aflatoxin M1 exposure, impact on different population categories, and comparison of risk-mitigation strategies. The results highlighted the most sensitive population categories, and how more stringent sampling plans reduced risk. The application of a QMRA to Spanish fresh cheeses evidenced how the contamination of this product with Listeria monocytogenes may generate a risk for the consumers. Two risk-mitigation actions were evaluated, i.e. reducing shelf life and domestic refrigerator temperature, both resulting effective in reducing the risk of listeriosis. A description of the most applied protocols for data generation for predictive model development, was provided to increase transparency and reproducibility and to provide the means to better QMRA. The development of a linear regression model describing the fate of Salmonella spp. in Italian salami during the production process and HPP was described. Alkaline electrolyzed water was evaluated for its potential use to reduce microbial loads on working surfaces, with results showing its effectiveness. This work showed the relevance of QRA, of predictive microbiology, and of new technologies to ensure food safety on a more integrated way. Filling of data gaps, the development of better models and the inclusion of new risk-mitigation strategies may lead to improvements in the presented QRAs.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Context. The analysis and interpretation of the H(2) line emission from planetary nebulae have been done in the literature by assuming that the molecule survives only in regions where the hydrogen is neutral, as in photodissociation, neutral clumps, or shocked regions. However, there is strong observational and theoretical evidence that at least part of the H(2) emission is produced inside the ionized region of these objects. Aims. The aim of the present work is to calculate and analyze the infrared line emission of H(2) produced inside the ionized region of planetary nebulae using a one-dimensional photoionization code. Methods. The photoionization code Aangaba was improved in order to calculate the statistical population of the H(2) energy levels, as well as the intensity of the H(2) infrared emission lines in the physical conditions typical of planetary nebulae. A grid of models was obtained and the results then analyzed and compared with the observational data. Results. We show that the contribution of the ionized region to the H(2) line emission can be important, particularly in the case of nebulae with high-temperature central stars. This result explains why H(2) emission is more frequently observed in bipolar planetary nebulae (Gatley's rule), since this kind of object typically has hotter stars. Collisional excitation plays an important role in populating the rovibrational levels of the electronic ground state of H(2) molecules. Radiative mechanisms are also important, particularly for the upper vibrational levels. Formation pumping can have minor effects on the line intensities produced by de-excitation from very high rotational levels, especially in dense and dusty environments. We included the effect of the H(2) molecule on the thermal equilibrium of the gas, concluding that, in the ionized region, H(2) only contributes to the thermal equilibrium in the case of a very high temperature of the central star or a high dust-to-gas ratio, mainly through collisional de-excitation.


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Este trabalho apresenta um serviço de reconfiguração dinâmica para Redes de Sensores sem Fio. O trabalho inclui o projeto e a definição de uma arquitetura conceitual que suporta a coleta de uma variedade de informações contextuais e provê uma abstração alto nível para especificação de roteamento sensível ao contexto através de reconfiguração de métricas de roteamento e parâmetros de comunicação. O objetivo da infraestrutura proposta é possibilitar a criação de regras que adaptem o comportamento da rede em tempo de execução, em função dessas informações contextuais. Uma implementação da arquitetura para o protocolo RPL e o sistema operacional Contiki foi realizada, mostrando a viabilidade da abordagem proposta.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Alcina Augusta de Sena Portugal Dias


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RESUMO: Nos últimos anos, dado a atual conjuntura económica e social que o País atravessa, tem-se assistido a adoção de uma série de medidas de contenção de gastos em saúde, nomeadamente, com o setor convencionado das análises clínicas, que têm posto em causa a estrutura do próprio Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS). A presente dissertação centra-se, na importância que o setor convencionado das análises clínicas adquiriu ao longo dos 30 anos de existência do SNS, assim como a sua capacidade instalada, recursos humanos e financeiros que muito têm contribuído para os ganhos em saúde em Portugal.Metodologia  Desk research, compilação da informação com vista à preparação das entrevistas e consolidação da informação;  Entrevistas com stakeholders, entrevistas a alguns representantes do setor convencionado das análises clínicas;  Contextualização, análises da informação obtida nos dois pontos anteriores. ---------------ABSTRACT: In recent years, giving the current economic and social situation that the country is experiencing, there has been the adoption of a number of cost containment measures in health, in particular, agreed with the setor of clinical pathology, which have called into question the structure of the own National Health Service. This dissertation focuses on the importance of the agreed clinical pathology sector acquired over the 30 years of the National Health Service existence, as well as its installed capacity, human and financial resources that have greatly contributed to the health gains in Portugal.Methodology  Desk research, information collection for the preparation of interviews and consolidation of information;  Interviews with stakeholders, interviews with some representatives of the agreed field of clinical pathology;  Context, information analysis obtained in the previous two points.


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(from the journal abstract) A new observational procedure, Trilogue Play with Still-face, revealed 4-month-olds' capacities to address both their fathers and mothers, by rapidly shifting gaze and affect between them. Infants were observed in four interactive contexts: (1) '3-together' play with both parents; (2) '2 + 1' play with one parent engaging and the other as third party; (3) the same, with one parent posing a still-face; (4) '3-together' play. Infants were able to discriminate between the four contexts. They coordinated three social poles of attention in each one. Their affect configurations were context sensitive. These findings demonstrate the infant's social capacities for triangular, three-person interactions, in addition to dyadic, two-person, and triadic, two-person plus object, ones. They support a view of intersubjectivity as primary and point to a promising field of investigation for the study of family process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved)


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El treball pretén abordar el fenomen de la violència escolar en edat adolescent, les causes que l'originen i com es reprodueix en el marc escolar, mitjançant l'anàlisi de la societat, la família, l'escola... i com influeix en els i les adolescents.


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Aquest estudi analitza les pràctiques diàries, els valors socials i les actituds de la població catalana en el procés de transició cap a la societat xarxa. Analitza el comportament de les persones a Internet i fora d'Internet, investigant el paper específic dels usos d'Internet a l'hora d'influenciar pràctiques i actituds. Es basa en les respostes a una enquesta de 3.005 individus, una mostra representativa de la població catalana el 2002. L'enquesta es va fer entre el febrer i el maig del 2002, i es basava en entrevistes cara a cara a partir d'un qüestionari de 179 preguntes. Es van utilitzar fonts secundàries per a situar els resultats catalans, particularment sobre els usos d'Internet, en el context global. L'anàlisi es va completar el 2007 incorporant-hi noves dades secundàries. L'estudi va cobrir pràctiques socials de treball, comunicació, sociabilitat, usos d'espai i temps, usos d'Internet, identitat cultural, pràctica política, associacionisme i formació de projectes d'autonomia. Es van construir diversos models estadístics per a proporcionar una anàlisi causal de cada una d'aquestes àrees d'estudi. El descobriment més significatiu fa referència a la relació entre els usos d'Internet i la construcció d'autonomia per part d'actors socials. Fent servir anàlisis factorial, l'estudi va definir cinc índexs d'autonomia que eren estadísticament independents: autonomia personal, autonomia professional, autonomia comunicativa, autonomia corporal i autonomia sociopolítica. Cada un d'aquests índexs d'autonomia independents estan fortament associats amb la freqüència i la intensitat de l'ús d'Internet, i les relacions observades es mantenen quan es controlen per variables sociodemogràfiques. A partir d'aquest estudi es pot afirmar que Internet és una plataforma important per a la construcció d'autonomia en la societat xarxa. En general, la societat catalana sembla que canviï de manera similar a altres societats en transició, amb l'èmfasi afegit del paper del territori i la família a l'hora d'enfortir les relacions socials, amb la contribució positiva d'Internet a un dens patró d'interacció social.