979 resultados para Colby professors
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Aquesta proposta de projecte és per a l’assignatura de Didàctica Específica de l’Àmbit corresponent al mòdul 4 del Màster Universitari de Professor de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyament d’Idiomes. Els seu objectiu principal és dotar als futurs professors de les competències necessàries per desenvolupar la tasca educativa, i més concretament, conèixer i aplicar propostes docents innovadores, utilitzar la pràctica reflexiva com a instrument de millora de la pràctica docent, transformar el currículum en programes i activitats de treball, aplicar propostes docents innovadores i identificar els problemes relatius a l’ensenyament aprenentatge de la seva especialitat, segons estableix la memòria d’aquest màster dissenyat per la Facultat d’Educació i Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona
L'Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes (ABP) en el grau d'infermeria de l'Escola Universitària d'Infermeria del Mar (EUI Mar) es va posar en pràctica des de l'inici del Grau, en el curs 2009-2010. Donat que és una estratègia incorporada recentment per l'equip, dins d'un procés d'innovació docent integral, i amb l'objectiu de millorar la qualitat, es va dissenyar un qüestionari ad hoc, per tal de conèixer la satisfacció del professorat. En la present comunicació, descriurem la implementació de l'ABP en la nostra institució, i analitzarem els resultats del nivell de satisfacció dels professors que hi han participat
We analyze the interaction between university professors’ teaching quality and their research and administrative activities. Our sample is a high-quality individual panel data set from a medium size public Spanish university that allows us to avoid several types of biases frequently encountered in the literature. Although researchers teach roughly 20% more than non-researchers, their teaching quality is also 20% higher. Instructors with no research are 5 times more likely than the rest to be among the worst teachers. Over much of the relevant range, we find a nonlinear and positive relationship between research output and teaching quantity on teaching quality. Our conclusions may be useful for decision makers in universities and governments.
The history of a gay and lesbian student community at Colby seems to point to the difficulty of visibility. For students who were able to find others like themselves, their group of lesbian and gay friends had to remain underground. For students who were grappling with their newly found, socially stigmatized sexuality, the experience was isolating if they did not know where to find others like themselves. This paper seeks to address the social forces that kept sexually variant students from expressing their sexual identities openly on campus. Part of this difficulty is attributable to the compulsory heterosexuality assumed by general American society at the time, manifested in the silence or outright hostility directed against homosexuals. Naturally, Colby students replicated this assumption. Some of the students we interviewed seemed to internalize compulsory heterosexuality, while it was forced upon others. Religion and psychology were two methods of enforcing heterosexuality that were relevant to the people we interviewed. Another significant obstacle to visibility was Colby's location and the nature of Colby's student body. Waterville, unlike more urban cities, did not have a history of gay life, and thus an established gay community or gay identity into which one could be socialized. Colby, as a small, homogeneous and isolated space, posed difficulties in establishing a gay community as the population to draw from was small and regulated.
The Colby Green is a campus expansion project which began in October of 2003. The construction would result in three new buildings, additional parking, and an elliptical 75,000-squarefoot green southeast of Mayflower Hill Drive. There were also plans for the construction of three run-off management and sediment ponds below the green, to manage flooding of the green. Three drains in the green transport water to the three retaining ponds which slowly disperse water into the surrounding environment. The ponds were created by constructing earthen dams around the drain outlets. The dams are composed of soil, cobbles, and boulders procured from the surrounding excavation site. Unfortunately, earthen dams are susceptible to many types of erosion which result in their failure. In this case the potential for clay and silt from the underlying Presumpscot Formation to mix with the soil in the earthen dams raised concerns with regards to frost action. In order to monitor the surface displacement of the dams I drove 92 poles into the ground in 8 straight lines across the faces of the dams in the fall of 2005. I returned to the sites during and after the spring thaw of 2006, to check for any signs of movement resulting from frost-heave, surface creep, or any other form of mass wasting. Fortunately, there was no recordable sign of movement in the stakes across any of the retaining ponds. The dams appear to be functioning as designed.