919 resultados para Cell phones - Educational aspects


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The initial part of this paper reviews the early challenges (c 1980) in achieving real-time silicon implementations of DSP computations. In particular, it discusses research on application specific architectures, including bit level systolic circuits that led to important advances in achieving the DSP performance levels then required. These were many orders of magnitude greater than those achievable using programmable (including early DSP) processors, and were demonstrated through the design of commercial digital correlator and digital filter chips. As is discussed, an important challenge was the application of these concepts to recursive computations as occur, for example, in Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. An important breakthrough was to show how fine grained pipelining can be used if arithmetic is performed most significant bit (msb) first. This can be achieved using redundant number systems, including carry-save arithmetic. This research and its practical benefits were again demonstrated through a number of novel IIR filter chip designs which at the time, exhibited performance much greater than previous solutions. The architectural insights gained coupled with the regular nature of many DSP and video processing computations also provided the foundation for new methods for the rapid design and synthesis of complex DSP System-on-Chip (SoC), Intellectual Property (IP) cores. This included the creation of a wide portfolio of commercial SoC video compression cores (MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264) for very high performance applications ranging from cell phones to High Definition TV (HDTV). The work provided the foundation for systematic methodologies, tools and design flows including high-level design optimizations based on "algorithmic engineering" and also led to the creation of the Abhainn tool environment for the design of complex heterogeneous DSP platforms comprising processors and multiple FPGAs. The paper concludes with a discussion of the problems faced by designers in developing complex DSP systems using current SoC technology. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Fungi of the genus Aspergillus are widespread in the environment. Some Aspergillus species, most commonly Aspergillus fumigatus, may lead to a variety of allergic reactions and life-threatening systemic infections in humans. Invasive aspergillosis occurs primarily in patients with severe immunodeficiency, and has dramatically increased in recent years. There are several factors at play that contribute to aspergillosis, including both fungus and host-related factors such as strain virulence and host pulmonary structure/immune status, respectively. The environmental tenacity of Aspergilllus, its dominance in diverse microbial communities/habitats, and its ability to navigate the ecophysiological and biophysical challenges of host infection are attributable, in large part, to a robust stress-tolerance biology and exceptional capacity to generate cell-available energy. Aspects of its stress metabolism, ecology, interactions with diverse animal hosts, clinical presentations and treatment regimens have been well-studied over the past years. Here, we synthesize these findings in relation to the way in which some Aspergillus species have become successful opportunistic pathogens of human- and other animal hosts. We focus on the biophysical capabilities of Aspergillus pathogens, key aspects of their ecophysiology and the flexibility to undergo a sexual cycle or form cryptic species. Additionally, recent advances in diagnosis of the disease are discussed as well as implications in relation to questions that have yet to be resolved.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Didática das Ciências), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Gestaltpädagogische Elemente in der Berufspädagogik Potentielle Erträge gestaltpädagogischer Ansätze für die berufliche Bildung - Konzepte, Fundierung, Realisierungsformen - Zusammenfassung: Berufsausbilder, Berufsschullehrer und Trainer in der Aus- und Weiterbildung werden heute mit vielfältigen Veränderungen konfrontiert. Aufgrund des Technikeinsatzes zeigt sich in vie-len Unternehmen ein Wandel der beruflich organisierten Arbeit. Die wirtschaftlichen, techni-schen und sozialen Systemzusammenhänge werden zunehmend komplexer, dynamischer, enger vernetzt und normativ unbestimmter. Die technologische Entwicklung, vor allem der Kommunikationsmedien, hat eine Temposteigerung der Informationsübermittlung zur Folge, die gleichzeitig das Wissen erhöht. Mit der Forderung nach Schlüsselqualifikationen und der Wiederentdeckung ganzheitlicher Arbeitssituationen ist das Bestreben nach Bildungskonzep-ten verbunden, die mit der Herausbildung von Kompetenzen, wie vernetztes, system- und handlungsbezogenes Denken in komplexen Kontexten, Abstraktionsvermögen, systemati-sches Verständnis von Organisationsinterdependenzen, Selbstständigkeit, Selbstverantwor-tung, soziale, methodische und kommunikative Kompetenz und Innovationskraft korrespon-dieren. Unter dem Blickwinkel der Gestaltpädagogik fällt auf, dass die Berufspädagogik Methoden und Techniken in der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung nutzt, die wesentliche Elemente der Gestaltpädagogik enthalten. Eine konkrete theoretische Fundierung und Einbettung in die Berufspädagogik fehlt jedoch bisher. Die primäre Zielsetzung der Arbeit ist, die theoretischen Grundlagen der Gestaltpädagogik herauszuarbeiten und sie mit der Berufspädagogik in Verbindung zu bringen. An Beispielen wird aufgezeigt, wie gestaltpädagogische Aspekte in die betriebliche Aus- und Weiterbildung einfließen. Dabei werden unter anderem auch die Grenzen und Potentiale der Gestaltpädago-gik für die Berufspädagogik betrachtet. Die theoretische und praktische Relevanz der Arbeit ergibt sich daraus, dass erstmals berufs-pädagogische Vorgehensweisen der Praxis im Hinblick auf gestaltpädagogische Aspekte un-tersucht wurden. Die wesentlichen Forschungsergebnisse dieser Arbeit lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: In der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung kommen Methoden und Vorgehensweisen zum Einsatz, die oberflächlich betrachtet gestaltpädagogischen Charakter haben. Jedoch werden die gestaltpädagogischen Grundgedanken, wie z.B. eine ganzheitlich umfassende Persönlich-keitsentwicklung, persönlich bedeutsames Lernen, Förderung der sozialen Interaktionsfähig-keit oder die Förderung der Autonomie in der betrieblichen Bildungsarbeit auf ein Minimum reduziert. Die gestaltpädagogischen Methoden und Vorgehensweisen werden überwiegend auf ökonomische Zwecke hin ausgerichtet und funktionalisiert eingesetzt. Man kann sagen, dass sich die betriebliche Praxis mit der Aneinanderreihung von kreativen Übungen zufrieden gibt, und eine Tendenz zu erlebnisaktivierenden Vorgehensweisen zu erkennen ist.


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El presente estudio de caso, indaga por la efectividad y el cumplimiento de la Política Pública de Reintegración Social y Económica, en sus aspectos psicosocial y de educación, tomando al Centro de Servicios de Engativá de la cuidad de Bogotá como materia de estudio, en el periodo de 2009 a 2010.


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Este reportaje aborda el desarrollo de la política colombiana para la gestión de residuos de teléfonos celulares, tabletas y computadores, desde la perspectiva de los actores implicados en el proceso y el impacto social de la problemática.


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Occupational therapists are equipped to promote wellbeing through occupation and to enable participation and meaningful engagement of people in their social and physical environments (WFOT, 2012). As such, the role of the occupational therapists is profoundly linked to the social, cultural and environmental characteristics of the contexts in which occupations take place. The central role that context plays in occupational performance creates an interesting dichotomy for the occupational therapist: on one hand, a profound understanding of cultural and social factors is required from the Occupational Therapy (OT) in order to develop a meaningful and successful collaboration with the person; on the other hand, the ability of the occupational therapists to recognize and explore the contextual factor of an occupation-person dyad transcends cultural and spatial barriers. As a result, occupational therapists are equipped to engage in international collaboration and practice, and as such face unique and enriching challenges. International fieldwork experiences have become a tool through which occupational therapists in training can develop the critical skills for understanding the impact of cultural and social factors on occupation. An OT student in an international fieldwork experience faces numerous challenges in leading a process that is both relevant and respectful to the characteristics of the local context: language, cultural perceptions of occupation and personhood, religious backgrounds, health care access, etc. These challenges stand out as ethical considerations that must be considered when navigating an international fieldwork experience (AOTA, 2009). For more than five years now, the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (FRM) of the University of Alberta (UoFA) and the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Universidad del Rosario (UR), Bogota, Colombia, have sustained a productive and meaningful international collaboration. This collaboration includes a visit by Dr. Albert Cook, professor of the FRM and former dean, to the UR as the main guest speaker in the International Congress of Technologies for Disability Support (IBERDISCAP) in 2008. Furthermore, Dr. Cook was a speaker in the research seminar of the Assistive Technology Research Group of the Universidad del Rosario. Following Dr. Cook’s visit, Professors Liliana Álvarez and Adriana Ríos travelled to Edmonton and initiated collaboration with the FRM, resulting in the signing of an agreement between the FRM and the UR in 2009, agreement that has been maintained to this day. The main goal of this agreement is to increase academic and cultural cooperation between the UR and the UofA. Other activities have included the cooperation between Dr. Kim Adams (who has largely maintained interest and effort in supporting the capacity building of the UR rehabilitation programs in coordinating the provision of research placement opportunities for UR students at the UofA), an Assistive Technology course for clinicians and students led by Dr. Adams, and a research project that researched the use of basic cell phones to provide social interaction and health information access for people with disabilities in a low-income community in Colombia (led by Tim Barlott, OT, MSc, under the supervision of Dr. Adams). Since the beginning, the occupational therapy programs of the Universidad del Rosario and the University of Alberta have promoted this collaboration and have strived to engage in interactions that provide further development opportunities for students and staff. As part of this process, the international placement experience of UofA OT students was born under the leadership of: Claudia Rozo, OT program director at UR, placement and academic leadership of Elvis Castro and Angélica Monsalve, professors of the occupational therapy program at UR; and Dr. Lili Liu, OT department director at UofA, Cori Schmitz, Academic coordinator of clinical education at the UofA; and Tim Barlott and Liliana Álvarez leading the international and cross-cultural aspect of this collaboration.This publication summarizes and illustrates the process of international placement in community settings in Colombia, undertaken by occupational therapy students of the University of Alberta. It is our hope that this document can provide and document the ethical considerations of international fieldwork experience, the special characteristics of communities and the ways in which cultural and social competences are developed and help international students navigate the international setting. We also hope that this document will stimulate discussion among professional and academic communities about the importance and richness of international placement experiences and encourage staff and students to articulate their daily efforts with the global occupational therapy agenda.


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Está dentro del marco de las meras experiencias españolas y europeas de evaluación de modelos de gestión universitaria que ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de sistemas de corrección para mejorar los aspectos docentes, investigadores y de gestión de los recursos disponibles. Se trata de una evaluación interna, formativa, global y un diseño de estudio de casos. Este modelo consta de dos niveles o fases. La comunidad educativa se muestra favorable a intensificar las relaciones a intensificar las relaciones institucionales de la facultad como medio de promocionar los estudios y las salidas profesionales de los Licenciados. Son muy pocos los alumnos y profesores que participan en actividades extrauniversitarias. En cuanto a instalaciones hay una valoración negativa; la dotación económica los recursos provenientes del Rectorado son claramente insuficientes; en términos generales mejora curricular del profesorado y son mas numerosos los profesores en 1998.los profesores realizan publicaciones, participan en congresos, investigaciones, etcétera. Por ello, podemos decir que los profesores están hoy más formados , realizan más actividades de investigación y tienen más experiencias , cualidades que deberían reflejarse en una mayor calidad de la enseñanza; en cuanto al alumnado, casi sus tres cuartas partes eligen la carrera en primear opcion, lo cual hace pensar que todavía es elevado el número de alumnos que cursan sus estudios en la facultad por no haber sido admitidos en otra licenciatura. Destaca la escasa satisfacción que estos alumnos de nuevo ingreso manifiestan con el trato y la información recibida con respecto a 1992 se ha producido un gran retroceso en los hábitos y formas de estudio de los alumnos. El tiempo dedicado a los estudios ha disminuido y reducido el porcentaje de los que estudian regularmente, incrementándose el de los que sólo estudian para los exámenes.


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Esta investigação faz um registro de um estudo de caso realizado com o objetivo de avaliar quais as contribuições trazidas pelo Fundo de Manutenção e Valorização da Educação Básica (FUNDEB) ao ensino fundamental, no Município de Nazarezinho – Paraíba/Brasil, no período de 2007 a 2009. O estudo está fundamentado nos principais acontecimentos históricos da educação brasileira: o financiamento educacional, as políticas de investimento e monitoramento internacional, as políticas neoliberais, o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a organização e vigência das principais legislações educacionais do país. Os principais programas educacionais da gestão do Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, origem e desenvolvimento do FUNDEB a nível nacional e local, também fundamentaram a pesquisa conceitos de qualidade, financiamento educacional e políticas educacionais. Como aporte teórico, buscou-se as principais referências brasileiras: Davies (2008), Pinto (2004), Arelaro (2005), Azevedo (2005) e (Saviani) (2008). Como metodologia foram utilizadas técnicas de análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores da rede municipal de ensino. A amostra documental foi feita através de estudo dos relatórios, balanços, demonstrativos de receitas e despesas do FUNDEB, Atas do Conselho de Acompanhamento do FUNDEB. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o novo fundo, no citado município, trouxe significativas melhorias em vários aspectos educacionais: formação docente, aquisição de equipamentos e infraestrutura das escolas. Porém, na questão da aplicação condigna dos recursos, ainda são necessários ajustes. Também percebemos que o índice de evasão e repetência continua muito alto. A pesquisa trouxe contribuições efetivas no que diz respeito às informações sobre os recursos do FUNDEB, inclusive abrindo debate para que o município pudesse discutir as formas de aplicação dos recursos conforme a lei na sociedade e no Conselho de Acompanhamento do FUNDEB.


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In any undergraduate engineering programme there is a need to assess the balance and flavour of the various educational strands. In order for a quality assurance of these programmes to be met there is a need to evaluate the course load, academic content and the assessment marks of each course in the undergraduate programme. The existing ranges of QA methods for these programmes are focused on one or two of these issues and do not provide a comprehensive assessment procedure. Following a review of the existing QA methods, this paper will define a three-dimensional approach to the assessment of the educational aspects of an undergraduate course. Various features of this method will be described and potential benefits explained.


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Bakgrund: Astma och KOL är två vanlig kroniska sjukdomar som är kopplade till stort sjukdomslidande och lägre livskvalité. Många personer som idag lever med sjukdomarna lever isolerat från andra. Idag har vi en ständig utveckling av sociala nätverk som öppnar en ny möjlighet för egenvård. Egenvård kan göra att patienter får en bättre vardag samt att det lättare kan få ett socialt umgänge. Syfte: Syftet är sammanställa befintlig litteratur och där undersöka hur informations- och kommunikationsteknologi underlättar egenvården för patienter med astma och KOL. Metod: Litteraturstudie där artiklarna söktes i databaser för omvårdnadsvetenskap så som Web Of Science, pubmed och Cinahl. Litteraturstudien baseras på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som både är kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Artiklarna som valdes är inte äldre än 10 år gamla, skrivna på engelska och publicerade i en vetenskaplig tidning. Resultat: Resultatet som artiklarna påvisade är grundade på IKT i form av datorer, mobiltelefoner, surfplattor och web-baserad program. Artiklarna visar att egenvården kan förbättras genom ökad livskvalité, bättre kommunikation och bättre sjukdomsinsikt när man använder IKT. Slutsats: IKT är en viktig roll i våran hälso- och sjukvård idag. Det finns dock liten forskning på hur egenvården kring astma och KOL påverkas av IKT. Den forskning som finns pekar åt är att den förbättrar för patienter. Det behövs även mer forskning kring IKT som en resurs för egenvård kring ett omvårdnadsperspektiv.


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This is a practical and accessible guide for residents and professionals concerned to preserve and revitalise heritage cities in Asia. Heritage cities (many listed by UNESCO) are of course of major interest to one of the world's largest industries, tourism. Using inset colour photographs to complement the text, the realities of destructive and constructive development, repairs, restoration and usage are made clear. Legal, financial, administrative, historical and educational aspects of conservation policies, incentives and implementations are discussed. With outlines for strategy, goals and bibliography.


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Using structural modelling, this paper investigates the relationship between non academic factors of choice of study destination and satisfaction among Asian postgraduate students studying in Australia from a social marketing perspective. The results indicate that four factors, recognition of the institution, Information, infrastructure and cultural support, are major factors of choice which influence overall satisfaction among the cohort of students. The study concludes that universities need to place a strong emphasis on non educational aspects in order to improve satisfaction levels of students.


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Girls should increasingly participate in the health benefits of team sports learning opportunities. Boys need to not neglect academic learning goals in favour of team sports rewards that are highly valued by peers. Co-curricularly disengaged boys need to participate in co-curricular learning activities that provide opportunities for boys to succeed.


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A folio-based doctoral study comprising a dissertation, a major literature review, and a website. The dissertation identified key dimensions of blended learning environments created by the teachers in the study. These environments were characterised by different media blends and learning activities underpinned by resource-based learning approaches to teaching and learning.