970 resultados para Blender modeling short movie rendering 3d


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Computação gráfica um campo que tem vindo a crescer bastante nos últimos anos, desde áreas como cinematográficas, dos videojogos, da animação, o avanço tem sido tão grande que a semelhança com a realidade é cada vez maior. Praticamente hoje em dia todos os filmes têm efeitos gerados através de computação gráfica, até simples anúncios de televisão para não falar do realismo dos videojogos de hoje. Este estudo tem como objectivo mostrar duas alternativas no mundo da computação gráfica, como tal, vão ser usados dois programas, Blender e Unreal Engine. O cenário em questão será todo modelado de raiz e será o mesmo nos dois programas. Serão feitos vários renders ao cenário, em ambos os programas usando diferentes materiais, diferentes tipos de iluminação, em tempo real e não de forma a mostrar as várias alternativas possíveis.


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El modelat d'escenes és clau en un gran ventall d'aplicacions que van des de la generació mapes fins a la realitat augmentada. Aquesta tesis presenta una solució completa per a la creació de models 3D amb textura. En primer lloc es presenta un mètode de Structure from Motion seqüencial, a on el model 3D de l'entorn s'actualitza a mesura que s'adquireix nova informació visual. La proposta és més precisa i robusta que l'estat de l'art. També s'ha desenvolupat un mètode online, basat en visual bag-of-words, per a la detecció eficient de llaços. Essent una tècnica completament seqüencial i automàtica, permet la reducció de deriva, millorant la navegació i construcció de mapes. Per tal de construir mapes en àrees extenses, es proposa un algorisme de simplificació de models 3D, orientat a aplicacions online. L'eficiència de les propostes s'ha comparat amb altres mètodes utilitzant diversos conjunts de dades submarines i terrestres.


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This paper outlines a methodology to generate a distinctive object representation offline, using short-baseline stereo fundamentals to triangulate highly descriptive object features in multiple pairs of stereo images. A group of sparse 2.5D perspective views are built and the multiple views are then fused into a single sparse 3D model using a common 3D shape registration technique. Having prior knowledge, such as the proposed sparse feature model, is useful when detecting an object and estimating its pose for real-time systems like augmented reality.


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This thesis focuses on the optimisation of haptic rendering of interactions with deformable models. The research demonstrated that data-driven techniques can produce a real-time, accurate and complex simulation experience. Applications include, but not limited to, virtual training, rapid prototyping, virtual presence, and entertainment.


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This paper addresses a major challenge in datadriven haptic modeling of deformable objects. Data-driven modelling is done for specific objects and is difficult to generalize for nearly isometric objects that have similarities in semantics or topology. This limitation prevents the wide use of the data-driven modeling techniques when compared with parametric methods such as finite element methods. The proposed solution is to incorporate deformation transfer methods when processing similar instances. The contributions of this work are focused on the novel automatic shape correspondence method that overcomes the problems of symmetry and semantics presence requirement. The results shows that the proposed algorithm can efficiently calculate the correspondence and transfer deformations for a range of similar 3D objects.


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Tabletop computers featuring multi-touch input and object tracking are a common platform for research on Tangible User Interfaces (also known as Tangible Interaction). However, such systems are confined to sensing activity on the tabletop surface, disregarding the rich and relatively unexplored interaction canvas above the tabletop. This dissertation contributes with tCAD, a 3D modeling tool combining fiducial marker tracking, finger tracking and depth sensing in a single system. This dissertation presents the technical details of how these features were integrated, attesting to its viability through the design, development and early evaluation of the tCAD application. A key aspect of this work is a description of the interaction techniques enabled by merging tracked objects with direct user input on and above a table surface.


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Three-Phase Induction Motors (TIM) and Arc Welding Machines (AWM) are loads of special behavior widely used in industrial and commercial installations, and therefore may contribute significantly to the deterioration of the quality of energy supplied by utilities. This paper proposes a modeling in constant power of the unbalanced TIM starting using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and AWM short-circuit based on their statics characteristics curves. The proposed models are compared with the conventional models in the literature. The results showed the good performance of the proposed models, allowing a more precise analysis of the real requests of these loads.


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The Finite Element Method is a well-known technique, being extensively applied in different areas. Studies using the Finite Element Method (FEM) are targeted to improve cardiac ablation procedures. For such simulations, the finite element meshes should consider the size and histological features of the target structures. However, it is possible to verify that some methods or tools used to generate meshes of human body structures are still limited, due to nondetailed models, nontrivial preprocessing, or mainly limitation in the use condition. In this paper, alternatives are demonstrated to solid modeling and automatic generation of highly refined tetrahedral meshes, with quality compatible with other studies focused on mesh generation. The innovations presented here are strategies to integrate Open Source Software (OSS). The chosen techniques and strategies are presented and discussed, considering cardiac structures as a first application context. © 2013 E. Pavarino et al.


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Purpose: This study compared the biomechanical behavior of tilted long implant and vertical short implants to support fixed prosthesis in an atrophic maxilla. Materials and Methods: The maxilla model was built based on a tomographic image of the patient. Implant models were based on micro-computer tomography imaging of implants. The different configurations considered were M4S, four vertical anterior implants; M4T, two mesial vertical implants and two distal tilted (45°) implants in the anterior region of the maxilla; and M6S, four vertical anterior implants and two vertical posterior implants. Numerical simulation was carried out under bilateral 150N loads applied in the cantilever region in axial (L1) and oblique (45°) (L2) direction. Bone was analyzed using the maximum and minimum principal stress (σmax and σmin), and von Mises stress (σvM) assessments. Implants were analyzed using the σvM. Results: The higher σmax was observed at: M4T, followed by M6S/L1, M6S/L2, M4S/L2, and M4S/L1 and the higher σvM: M4T/L1, M4T/L2 and M4S/L2, M6S/L2, M4S/L1, and M6S/L1. Conclusions: The presence of distal tilted (all-on-four) and distal short implants (all-on-six) resulted in higher stresses in both situations in the maxillary bone in comparison to the presence of vertical implants (all-on-four). © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To compare the agreement of multiplanar and rendering modes in the assessment fetal atrioventricular valves (mitral and tricuspid) areas by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography using the software spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC). Methods: We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study with normal pregnant women, with single fetuses, between 18-33 weeks. To measure the areas, we used the plan of four-chamber view. In the case of multiplanar, the plane was rotated on the axis "Z" form the heart to position at 9h. For rendering, the green line (region of interest - ROI) was placed from the atria of the heart perpendicular to the crux. The agreement was assessed by a Bland-Altman (limits of agreement) using the relative difference between the measures: ((rendering mode) - (multiplanar mode)) / (average). Results: 328 fetuses were evaluated. We have not identified the occurrence of systematic error between methods: the average relative difference was 1.62% (-2.07% to 5.32%, confidence interval 95%) in the mitral and 1.77% (- 1.08% to 4.62%) in the tricuspid valve. The limits of agreement between methods were -65.26% to 68.51% for the mitral and -49.91% to 53.45% for the tricuspid. Conclusions: There was no systematic error between modes and thus the observed values for the area of fetal atrioventricular valves can be used for comparisons needs to be corrected. However, relatively large variations may be observed when repeating the measurement area by different modes.


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Máster Universitario en Oceanografía