946 resultados para Behavior Intervention
Introduction: Les aidants des personnes âgées (PA) atteintes de la démence de type Alzheimer (DTA) sont confrontés à de nombreux défis lors du soin de leurs proches, y compris ceux liés à l’alimentation. Cependant, ces défis restent méconnus et les stratégies créées pour les gérer sont encore peu efficaces. Objectifs: Identifier les difficultés rencontrées par les aidants pendant la gestion de l’alimentation des PA atteintes de la DTA ayant participé à une intervention nutritionnelle (l’étude NIS) et dégager leurs opinions concernant cette intervention. Sujets: Trente-trois aidants des PA avec DTA du groupe intervention de l’étude NIS ont été ciblés. Méthodes: L’approche qualitative a été employée lors des entrevues individuelles auprès de ces aidants. Les entrevues ont été transcrites et le verbatim fut soumis à une analyse thématique. Résultats: Vingt-quatre aidants ont été interviewés. Quelque 58,4 % avaient 70 ans et plus et 58,3 % étaient des conjoint (es) des patients affectés. Quatre catégories de thèmes furent dégagées menant à l’identification des défis alimentaires suivants: les changements des habitudes alimentaires (altération des préférences); les perturbations du comportement alimentaire (ex. l’oubli de repas); la dépendance à la préparation des repas. L’utilité des conseils, la gentillesse et la compétence du personnel NIS, la documentation écrite offerte et la durée du suivi ont été appréciées par les aidants. Conclusion: Une meilleure compréhension de l'expérience de soin vécu par l’aidant est essentielle au développement des interventions nutritionnelles adaptées aux besoins des aidants et des PA atteintes de la DTA.
La consommation des jeunes placés dans les centres jeunesse du Québec est bien documentée, mais leurs motivations à consommer, à changer ou à parler de leur consommation avec un intervenant demeurent inconnues. Par ailleurs, très peu de chercheurs se sont intéressés aux particularités du processus de changement à l’adolescence et encore moins à ce processus dans un contexte d’autorité. Pour ces raisons, la présente recherche donne la parole aux jeunes afin de mieux comprendre leur usage de substances psychoactives, leur désir éventuel de réduire ou d’arrêter leur consommation, leur ouverture à réfléchir ou à discuter de leur consommation et leur ouverture envers les interventions disponibles. Basés sur une collecte de données qualitatives composée de 27 entrevues avec les jeunes hébergés au Centre jeunesse de Montréal et de huit mois d’observations participantes dans les unités de vie, les résultats indiquent que la majorité des adolescents interviewés disent consommer diverses substances psychoactives pour lesquelles ils identifient différentes sources de motivation, autant à consommer qu’à changer leur consommation. De plus, ces sources de motivation identifiées sont plus ou moins associées au contexte d’autorité dans lequel les jeunes sont placés. Ainsi, si certains jeunes estiment que la possibilité de changement est facilitée par l’environnement contrôlé du Centre jeunesse, pour d’autres, les contraintes de ce milieu de vie ne semblent pas avoir d’impact sur leur motivation. Par ailleurs, les jeunes démontrent différents degrés d’ouverture envers les interventions disponibles et envers les éducateurs qui les côtoient. En général, les approches compréhensives et moins autoritaires semblent encourager un certain investissement de la relation entre jeunes et éducateurs et peuvent potentiellement faciliter l’établissement d’une relation d’aide et le changement de comportement. En utilisant le cadre théorique proposé, une combinaison du Modèle transthéortique du changement et de la Théorie de l’auto-détermination, il apparaît limité de considérer les jeunes en difficulté comme étant motivés ou non motivés à changer leur consommation. Les analyses démontrent que les perceptions de la nécessité ou des possibilités d’amorcer un processus de changement varient beaucoup d’un jeune à l’autre. Ainsi, l’approche choisie pour intervenir auprès des jeunes en difficulté devrait prendre en considération les nuances et la dynamique des motivations afin de mieux adapter les services offerts et de mieux comprendre les raisons associées au succès et à l’échec de certaines interventions et intervenants vis-à-vis de certains adolescents. En outre, afin de favoriser une perception positive du « placement » et pour que les jeunes le voient comme une « opportunité de changement », il apparaît important d’examiner la fréquence et l’intensité des interventions contraignantes appliquées dans les centres de réadaptation. Finalement, il importe de mentionner que les conclusions de cette étude exploratoire ne permettent d’établir des relations causales entre l’approche choisie par l’intervenant, la motivation à changer et l’ouverture des jeunes. Cependant, les données obtenues permettent d’analyser en profondeur les représentations que les jeunes ont des relations entre ces trois éléments.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention de la Maîtrise (M.Sc.) en criminologie
Le taux de mortalité chez les patients à risque d’arythmies cardiaques menaçantes à la vie a été considérablement réduit grâce au défibrillateur cardiaque implantable (DCI). Toutefois, des préoccupations uniques face au DCI, y compris les chocs que l’appareil peut déclencher, sont susceptibles de provoquer des symptômes d'anxiété et une limitation perçue des activités chez les porteurs de DCI. Ces réactions émotives et modifications de comportement peuvent affecter l’acceptation du patient envers le DCI. Cette étude pilote randomisée avec groupe contrôle (n=15 /groupe) visait à examiner la faisabilité et l'acceptabilité d'une intervention infirmière individualisée de même que ses effets préliminaires sur l’anxiété, le fonctionnement dans les activités de la vie quotidienne et l’acceptation du DCI auprès de nouveaux porteurs de DCI. L'intervention infirmière, basée sur la théorie du Human Caring et teintée d’une approche cognitive comportementale, ciblait les préoccupations individuelles face au DCI. À partir des préoccupations identifiées, l’infirmière intervenait en mettant l'accent sur les croyances contraignantes du patient, qui pouvaient mener à de l’anxiété et des comportements d'évitement. Après randomisation, les patients du groupe intervention (GI) ont participé à un premier entretien en face-à-face avant le congé hospitalier. Subséquemment, deux entretiens se sont faits par téléphone, à environ 7 et 14 jours suite au congé hospitalier. Les résultats soutiennent la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité du devis de l’étude et de l’intervention évaluée. De plus, ils soulignent le potentiel de l’intervention à diminuer les sentiments anxieux chez les participants du GI. Les résultats de cette étude pilote offrent des pistes de recherches futures et permettront de guider la pratique clinique.
Rapport de stage présenté à la faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
World Health Organization (WHO) has prioritized physical activity (PA) as one of the mostrelevant strategies leading the decreasing prevalence of noncommunicable chronic diseases. Pedometer has emerged as one of the valid intervention programs, reliable and useful to assess,measure and promote the physical activity practice, through counts the number of steps perday. One of the aims is to establish the goals based on steps per day made by a person and thepositive feedback, which can generate behavior changes and adoption of healthy habits, from a regular physical activity practice perspective. This review attends to enhance the current state ofpedometer program, as an intervention one, in all kind of population; its health impact and theapplication methodologies, using the pedometer as a steps quantifier device, with feasible access,use and management. Additionally, the review will be useful as a framework to design futureresearch projects, aim to develop, adapt and apply evidence based pedometer protocols, insideclinical, academic and community context.
Since 1991 Colombia has had a market-determined Peso - US Dollar Nominal Exchange Rate (NER), after more than 20 years of controlled and multiple exchange rates. The behavior (revaluation / devaluation) of the NER is constantly reported in news, editorials and op-eds of major newspapers of the nation with particular attention to revaluation. The uneven reporting of revaluation episodes can be explained by the existence of an interest group particulary affected by revaluation, looking to increase awareness and sympathy for help from public institutions. Using the number of news and op-eds from a major Colombian newspaper, it is shown that there is an over-reporting of revaluation episodes in contrast to devaluation ones. Secondly, using text analysis upon the content of the news, it is also shown that the words devaluation and revaluation are far apart in the distribution of words within the news; and revaluation is highly correlated with words related to: public institutions, exporters and the need of assistance. Finally it is also shown that the probability of the central bank buying US dollars to lessen revaluation effects increases with the number of news; even though the central bank allegedly intervenes in the exchange rate market only to tame volatility or accumulate international reserves.
Background: There is evidence that physical activity (PA) can attenuate the influence of the fat mass- and obesity-associated (FTO) genotype on the risk to develop obesity. However, whether providing personalized information on FTO genotype leads to changes in PA is unknown. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if disclosing FTO risk had an impact on change in PA following a 6-month intervention. Methods: The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs9939609 in the FTO gene was genotyped in 1279 participants of the Food4Me study, a four-arm, Web-based randomized controlled trial (RCT) in 7 European countries on the effects of personalized advice on nutrition and PA. PA was measured objectively using a TracmorD accelerometer and was self-reported using the Baecke questionnaire at baseline and 6 months. Differences in baseline PA variables between risk (AA and AT genotypes) and nonrisk (TT genotype) carriers were tested using multiple linear regression. Impact of FTO risk disclosure on PA change at 6 months was assessed among participants with inadequate PA, by including an interaction term in the model: disclosure (yes/no) × FTO risk (yes/no). Results: At baseline, data on PA were available for 874 and 405 participants with the risk and nonrisk FTO genotypes, respectively. There were no significant differences in objectively measured or self-reported baseline PA between risk and nonrisk carriers. A total of 807 (72.05%) of the participants out of 1120 in the personalized groups were encouraged to increase PA at baseline. Knowledge of FTO risk had no impact on PA in either risk or nonrisk carriers after the 6-month intervention. Attrition was higher in nonrisk participants for whom genotype was disclosed (P=.01) compared with their at-risk counterparts. Conclusions: No association between baseline PA and FTO risk genotype was observed. There was no added benefit of disclosing FTO risk on changes in PA in this personalized intervention. Further RCT studies are warranted to confirm whether disclosure of nonrisk genetic test results has adverse effects on engagement in behavior change.
Background: Health care literature supports the development of accessible interventions that integrate behavioral economics, wearable devices, principles of evidence-based behavior change, and community support. However, there are limited real-world examples of large scale, population-based, member-driven reward platforms. Subsequently, a paucity of outcome data exists and health economic effects remain largely theoretical. To complicate matters, an emerging area of research is defining the role of Superusers, the small percentage of unusually engaged digital health participants who may influence other members. Objective: The objective of this preliminary study is to analyze descriptive data from GOODcoins, a self-guided, free-to-consumer engagement and rewards platform incentivizing walking, running and cycling. Registered members accessed the GOODcoins platform through PCs, tablets or mobile devices, and had the opportunity to sync wearables to track activity. Following registration, members were encouraged to join gamified group challenges and compare their progress with that of others. As members met challenge targets, they were rewarded with GOODcoins, which could be redeemed for planet- or people-friendly products. Methods: Outcome data were obtained from the GOODcoins custom SQL database. The reporting period was December 1, 2014 to May 1, 2015. Descriptive self-report data were analyzed using MySQL and MS Excel. Results: The study period includes data from 1298 users who were connected to an exercise tracking device. Females consisted of 52.6% (n=683) of the study population, 33.7% (n=438) were between the ages of 20-29, and 24.8% (n=322) were between the ages of 30-39. 77.5% (n=1006) of connected and active members met daily-recommended physical activity guidelines of 30 minutes, with a total daily average activity of 107 minutes (95% CI 90, 124). Of all connected and active users, 96.1% (n=1248) listed walking as their primary activity. For members who exchanged GOODcoins, the mean balance was 4,000 (95% CI 3850, 4150) at time of redemption, and 50.4% (n=61) of exchanges were for fitness or outdoor products, while 4.1% (n=5) were for food-related items. Participants were most likely to complete challenges when rewards were between 201-300 GOODcoins. Conclusions: The purpose of this study is to form a baseline for future research. Overall, results indicate that challenges and incentives may be effective for connected and active members, and may play a role in achieving daily-recommended activity guidelines. Registrants were typically younger, walking was the primary activity, and rewards were mainly exchanged for fitness or outdoor products. Remaining to be determined is whether members were already physically active at time of registration and are representative of healthy adherers, or were previously inactive and were incentivized to change their behavior. As challenges are gamified, there is an opportunity to investigate the role of superusers and healthy adherers, impacts on behavioral norms, and how cooperative games and incentives can be leveraged across stratified populations. Study limitations and future research agendas are discussed.
The number of persons with dementia (PWD) is increasing rapidly worldwide. Cognitive impairments and communication difficulties are common among PWD. Therefore, gaining mutual togetherness in caring relation between PWD and their caregivers is important. This study was to investigate the effects of music therapeutic care (MTC) during morning care situations on improving verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors in people with dementia. An observation study with 10 PWD participating. Videotaped interactions (VIO) between PWD and their caregivers were conducted during eight weekly sessions, four recordings consisted of usual morning care and four recordings were of morning care with MTC intervention. The Verbal and Nonverbal Interaction Scale was used to analyze the recorded interactions at a later time. The unsociable verbal variable Cursing decreased significantly (P=.037) during MTC when compared with the baseline measurement. A significant (P=.000) reduction was observed for the unsociable nonverbal variable Does not respond to question. MTC significantly (P=.01) increased the mean score for the sociable nonverbal variable – Calm – relaxed. For sociable verbal communication, significant differences were observed for the variables Use coherent communication (P=.012), Use relevant communication (P=.009), Responds to questions (P=.000), Humming (P=.004), Singing (P=.000). MTC during morning care situations can be an effective non-pharmacological treatment, as well as nursing intervention in order to improve sociable communication behaviors, as well as reduce unsociable communication behaviors of PWDs
The objective of this study was to analyze randomized controlled trials published in the last decades involving motor intervention as a treatment for dementia, based on Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) criteria. A database search was performed using the following keywords: randomized controlled trial, dementia, physiotherapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical education, motor approach, exercise, and physical activity. Ten trials were found: 4 related to physiotherapy, 3 to occupational therapy, 1 to physical education, and 2 to interdisciplinary motor intervention. The efficacy of motor intervention was confirmed in the following variables: psychosocial function, physical health and function, affective status, and caregiver's distress (P < .05). Results related to mobility were not significant (P > .05). Behavior, cognitive performance, activities of daily living, and risk of falls were not similar among the articles. From a total score of 10 points, with excellence characterized as the highest punctuation, the articles were classified between 3 and 7 by PEDro. Motor intervention was shown to be an alternative for minimizing physical and mental decline. PEDro has been confirmed as a very reliable tool to analyze studies and as an evaluation criteria, both qualitative and quantitative, allowing the establishment of motor intervention strategies for the treatment of patients with dementia. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
The study described the interaction between therapist and clients in a group intervention with two mothers and a grandmother. Five out of thirteen taped sessions were designated for analysis. Main results: a) therapist’s categories that stood out: approval, recommendation, interpretation, information and information request; b) clients’ categories that stood out: report, agreement, relation, and opposition, c) the probability for recommendation coupled with use of approval exceeded the probability of occurrence of other combinations. Possible explanations for the results were offered and new research questions were raised.
The present study assesses the effects of a semi-structured intervention held exclusively with mothers and its effects on internalizing problems, social skills of children, and positive and negative parenting practices. The single subject experimental design with three participants was adopted. The three mothers had, in baseline, children diagnosed with internalizing and externalizing problems. The instruments used were CBCL, RE-HSE-P, QRSH-Pais and PHQ-9, they were performed in baseline, pre-test, post-test, and follow-up assessments. The intervention held is characterized as semi-structured for it promotes the development of parental practices that are considered positive by the literature on behavior problems, however, contingently to the difficulties and demands of each case. The number of sessions performed for each case was 14, 15 and 17, which lasted about two hours each. The data were analyzed according to the instruments' norms and under the perspective of each singular case. The results found include remission of internalizing problems, increase in frequency of the children's social skills, increase in frequency of positive parental practices, and decrease in variability of negative parental practices. All the improvements were maintained on the six months follow-up, with the exception of variability on the negative parental practices of one client. Results are discussed in a context of mental health promotion and indicate the need for strategies to prevent internalizing problems in children.
Restricted stimulus control refers to discrimination learning with atypical limitations in the range of controlling stimuli or stimulus features In the study reported here 4 normally capable individuals and 10 individuals with Intellectual disabilities (ID) performed two-sample delayed matching to sample Sample stimulus observing was recorded with an eye tracking apparatus High accuracy scores indicated stimulus control by both sample stimuli for the 4 nondisabled participants and 4 participants with ID and eye tracking data showed reliable observing of all stimuli Intermediate accuracy scores indicated restricted stimulus control for the remaining 6 participants Their eye tracking data showed that errors were related to failures to observe sample stimuli and relatively brief observing durations Five of these participants were then given interventions designed to improve observing behavior For 4 participants the interventions resulted initially in elimination of observing failures increased observing durations and Increased accuracy For 2 of these participants contingencies sufficient to maintain adequate observing were not always sufficient to maintain high accuracy subsequent procedure modifications restored It however For the 5th participant initial improvements in observing were not accompanied by improved accuracy in apparent Instance of observing without attending accuracy improved only after an additional intervention that imposed contingencies on observing behavior Thus interventions that control observing behavior seem necessary but may not always be sufficient for the remediation of restricted stimulus control