893 resultados para Audiovisual Media Services Directive
[EU]Europar Batasunak, zerbitzuen barne merkatua garatzeko xedez, araubide berria onartzeari ekin dio. Orain artekoan, Batasunak bere barne merkatua osatzeko estatuetako protekzionismoa mugatzeko helburua ardatz hartuta jardun badu ere (berdintasun printzipioa bermatze aldera), azken aldian jauzi kualitatiboa eman nahi izan du, estatu-kideei esku-hartzeko ahalmenak errotik mugatuz. Lan honek araubide europarraren norabidea eta hedapena aztertzea du helburu, arauen menpeko zerbitzu merkatua edo, aldiz, araurik gabekoa ezarri ote den galderari erantzun nahian.
Antonio Garnica Silva; María Losada Friend; Eloy Navarro Domínguez (eds)
[eus] Azken urteetako teknologia berrien iraultza dela eta, haur eta gazte literaturak bere forma aldatu du, ikus-entzunezko euskarrietara moldatuz, hartzaile haurrei erakargarriago eta ulergarriago suertatzearren. Adibide moduan Momo eleberria hartuta, bere moldaketa zinematografikorako erabili diren estrategiak aztertu dira eta bi adierazpen-euskarrien tramak konparatu dira. Analisi honen bidez frogatu ahal izan da moldaketa mota hauek, hain zuzen, jatorrizko lanaren sinplifikazioa inplikatzen dutela; hala ere, ez da arrazoi nahikoa hauek alde batera uzteko edo mesprezatzeko eta hezkuntza-baliabide posible gisa baztertzeko.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a imagem de Drácula ao longo de seus mais 100 anos de existência em nossa cultura, sobretudo em suas representações nos meios literários e audiovisuais. Buscamos traçar as transformações do personagem e de sua história ao longo de um grande percurso de incursões cinematográficas. Para isso iniciaremos um debate sobre a imagem do vampiro, sua origem e suas diversas evoluções desenvolvendo o que chamamos aqui de Mitologia Vampírica, aproveitando para apresentar o estudo das materialidades como um complemento metodológico às clássicas análises já existentes. Em seguida, traremos o vampiro para a literatura, destacando o livro de Stoker como o mais importante vampiro da história. Drácula, embora seja um produto literário, alcança seu ápice no meio audiovisual como um dos personagens mais representados e uma das histórias mais adaptadas como veremos através de uma pequena arqueologia de suas aparições no cinema. Para finalizar nosso estudo, nos aprofundaremos na análise de 5 filmes, que julgamos ser os mais pertinentes dentro de todas as transposições fílmicas até então feitas sobre o livro de Bram Stoker
Political drivers such as the Kyoto protocol, the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the Energy end use and Services Directive have been implemented in response to an identified need for a reduction in human related CO2 emissions. Buildings account for a significant portion of global CO2 emissions, approximately 25-30%, and it is widely acknowledged by industry and research organisations that they operate inefficiently. In parallel, unsatisfactory indoor environmental conditions have proven to negatively impact occupant productivity. Legislative drivers and client education are seen as the key motivating factors for an improvement in the holistic environmental and energy performance of a building. A symbiotic relationship exists between building indoor environmental conditions and building energy consumption. However traditional Building Management Systems and Energy Management Systems treat these separately. Conventional performance analysis compares building energy consumption with a previously recorded value or with the consumption of a similar building and does not recognise the fact that all buildings are unique. Therefore what is required is a new framework which incorporates performance comparison against a theoretical building specific ideal benchmark. Traditionally Energy Managers, who work at the operational level of organisations with respect to building performance, do not have access to ideal performance benchmark information and as a result cannot optimally operate buildings. This thesis systematically defines Holistic Environmental and Energy Management and specifies the Scenario Modelling Technique which in turn uses an ideal performance benchmark. The holistic technique uses quantified expressions of building performance and by doing so enables the profiled Energy Manager to visualise his actions and the downstream consequences of his actions in the context of overall building operation. The Ideal Building Framework facilitates the use of this technique by acting as a Building Life Cycle (BLC) data repository through which ideal building performance benchmarks are systematically structured and stored in parallel with actual performance data. The Ideal Building Framework utilises transformed data in the form of the Ideal Set of Performance Objectives and Metrics which are capable of defining the performance of any building at any stage of the BLC. It is proposed that the union of Scenario Models for an individual building would result in a building specific Combination of Performance Metrics which would in turn be stored in the BLC data repository. The Ideal Data Set underpins the Ideal Set of Performance Objectives and Metrics and is the set of measurements required to monitor the performance of the Ideal Building. A Model View describes the unique building specific data relevant to a particular project stakeholder. The energy management data and information exchange requirements that underlie a Model View implementation are detailed and incorporate traditional and proposed energy management. This thesis also specifies the Model View Methodology which complements the Ideal Building Framework. The developed Model View and Rule Set methodology process utilises stakeholder specific rule sets to define stakeholder pertinent environmental and energy performance data. This generic process further enables each stakeholder to define the resolution of data desired. For example, basic, intermediate or detailed. The Model View methodology is applicable for all project stakeholders, each requiring its own customised rule set. Two rule sets are defined in detail, the Energy Manager rule set and the LEED Accreditor rule set. This particular measurement generation process accompanied by defined View would filter and expedite data access for all stakeholders involved in building performance. Information presentation is critical for effective use of the data provided by the Ideal Building Framework and the Energy Management View definition. The specifications for a customised Information Delivery Tool account for the established profile of Energy Managers and best practice user interface design. Components of the developed tool could also be used by Facility Managers working at the tactical and strategic levels of organisations. Informed decision making is made possible through specified decision assistance processes which incorporate the Scenario Modelling and Benchmarking techniques, the Ideal Building Framework, the Energy Manager Model View, the Information Delivery Tool and the established profile of Energy Managers. The Model View and Rule Set Methodology is effectively demonstrated on an appropriate mixed use existing ‘green’ building, the Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork, using the Energy Management and LEED rule sets. Informed Decision Making is also demonstrated using a prototype scenario for the demonstration building.
The miniaturization and dissemination of audiovisual media into small, mobile assemblages of cameras, screens and microphones has brought "database cinema" (Manovich) into pockets and handbags. In turn, this micro-portability of video production calls for a reconsideration of database cinema, not as an aesthetic but rather as a media ecology that makes certain experiences and forms of interaction possible. In this context the clip and the fragment become a social currency (showing, trading online, etc.), and the enjoyment of a moment or "occasion" becomes an opportunity for recording, extending, preserving and displaying. If we are now the documentarists of our lives (as so many mobile phone adverts imply), it follows that we are also our own archivists as well. From the folksonomies of Flickr and YouTube to the slick "media centres" of Sony, Apple and Microsoft, the audiovisual home archive is a prized territory of struggle among platforms and brands. The database is emerging as the dominant (screen) medium of popular creativity and distribution – but it also brings the categories of "home" and "person" closer to that of the archive.
Since the 'completion' of Histoire(s) du cinema (1988-1998), Jean-Luc Godard's work has become increasingly mosaic-like in its forms and configurations, and markedly elegiac in its ruminations on history, cinema, art, and thought. While his associative aesthetic and citational method –including his choice of ‘actors’, and the fragmentariness of his ‘soundtracks’ – can combine to create a distinctive cinematic event, the films themselves refuse to cohere around a unifying concern, or yield to a thematic schema. Not surprisingly, Film Socialisme does not offer us the illusion of narrative or structural integrity anymore than it contributes to the quotidian rhetoric of political and moral argument. It is, however, a political film in the sense that it alters something more fundamental than opinions and points of view. It transforms a way of seeing and understanding reality and history, fiction and documentary, images, and images of images. If anything, it belongs to that dissident or ‘dissensual’ category of artwork capable of ‘emancipating the spectator’ by disturbing what Jacques Rancière terms ‘the distribution of the sensible’ in that it generates gaps, openings, and spaces, poses questions, invites associations without positing a fixed position, imposing an interpretation, or allowing itself to invest in the illusion of expressive objectivity and the stability of meaning. The myriad citations and fragments that comprise the film are never intended to culminate into anything cohesive, never mind conclusive. In one sense, they have no source and no context beyond their moment in the film itself, and what we make of that moment. This article studies the degree to which Godard allows these images and sounds to combine and collide, associate and dissolve in this film, arguing that Film Socialisme is both an important intervention in the history of contemporary cinema, and necessary point of reference in any serious discussion of the relations between that cinema and political reality.
The proliferation of media services enabled by digital technologies poses a serious challenge to public service broadcasting rationales based on media scarcity. Looking to the past and future, we articulate an important role that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) might play in the digital age. We argue that historically the ABC has acted beyond its institutional broadcasting remit to facilitate cultural development and, drawing on the example of Pool (an online community of creative practitioners established and maintained by the ABC), point to a key role it might play in fostering network innovation in what are now conceptualised as the creative industries.
Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da História e da Geografia no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Projeto de mestrado apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
The media attribute a great significance to criminal events. However, those are not all reported in the same way. The media treatment of one generally depends of its sensationalism. The more impressive the event is, the more importance will be given by the media. Although street gangs have been very much present in the news content for several years, very few studies have assessed the extent to which the phenomenon is appealing to the media in relation to all criminal news. Considering the importance of media content and its impact on our society, the present study focuses on this question in order to determine whether the news about street gangs are treated differently. The sample of this study consists of 417 reports from Radio-Canada’s TV channel and Internet content, from that 210 are related to street gangs and 207 don’t bear on the phenomenon. The results suggest that the audiovisual and digital media present a more specific aspect of the phenomenon. Reports about street gangs are also more detailed and benefit from a greater mediatic treatment, regardless the medium of information used. Independently of the components that determine what make good news, the events involving street gangs and their members seem to receive a special media treatment.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise a pour objectif de montrer la construction de la représentation visuelle de « l’indigène » de la région de Cuzco et sa relation avec le discours de « l’authenticité » tel que défini par l’indigénisme, l’anthropologie et le tourisme. Il s’intéresse au rôle que jouent les médias visuels et audiovisuels dans la création d’une image de l’indigène perçu comme « authentique » et d’un discours commun sur les Andes. Les documents visuels étudiés, tous produits par des Péruviens, sont une sélection de photographies prises par Martin Chambi entre 1920-1945, le film Kukuli (1961) coréalisé par les Cuzquéniens Luis Figueroa, Eulogio Nishiyama et César Villanueva et la publicité touristique de PromPerú, intitulée «Perú: Vive la leyenda» («Pérou : Vis la légende») (2008). Cette analyse fait ressortir la représentation folklorique et anthropologique de l’indigène telle que suggérée par ces documents, qui l’associent principalement avec les origines, la tradition et le passé précolombien. Elle démontre aussi comment les images constituent une alternative à la stratégie représentationnelle proposée par l’indigénisme lettré et offrent un autre regard sur la réalité. Ainsi, les images technologiques montrent des détails qui ne concordent pas avec les stéréotypes culturels et révèlent un monde d’identités plus nuancées. D’autre part, elles créent aussi un espace de collaboration –entre le photographe/cinéaste et leurs modèles– qui permet aux acteurs sociaux marginalisés de participer à leur propre représentation. Enfin, notre recherche établit le lien entre cette image de l’indigène andin et la promotion touristique du Pérou.
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux propriétés politiques du médium audiovisuel, et plus spécifiquement de la pratique cinématographique, devant un problème concret : la marginalisation de la jeunesse dans la société américaine contemporaine, symptomatique d’une perte d’espoir en l’avenir. Guidé par la théorie politique de Hannah Arendt, l’argumentaire consiste d’abord en deux analyses filmiques : une première de Kids (1995), réalisé par Larry Clark, porte sur l’invisibilité sociale de la jeunesse et la faculté du médium audiovisuel à confronter le spectateur. La seconde se penche sur le pouvoir systématisé auquel sont soumis les jeunes dans une institution scolaire bureaucratique, tel qu’il est mis en scène dans Elephant (2003) de Gus Van Sant, et interroge la capacité du médium à susciter la pensée chez le spectateur. Dans un troisième temps, une réflexion plus globale sur la situation actuelle de la culture cinématographique au sein du domaine audiovisuel dominé par le divertissement de masse explore la possibilité d’une polis audiovisuelle. Cette troisième et dernière partie reprend les thèmes soulevés dans les précédentes dans une perspective politique basée directement sur la pensée d’Arendt : ils donnent lieu aux questions de l’apparaître et de la durabilité du monde, qui sont les principales fonction de la polis, ainsi qu’à la question du rôle du spectateur.
El estudio responde las preguntas sobre injerencia política hacia medios radioeléctricos por parte del gobierno chavecista con el cierre de RCTV; con la identificación de instrumentos jurídicos hacia los medias y la examinación en que el gobierno manejó estos instrumentos de regulación.