555 resultados para Arteriovenous fistula
Introducción: la insuficiencia renal crónica IRC ha aumentado su prevalencia en los últimos años pasando de 44.7 pacientes por millón en 1993 a 538.46 pacientes por millón en 2010, los pacientes quienes reciben terapia de remplazo renal hemodiálisis en Colombia cada vez tienen una mayor sobrevida. El incremento de los pacientes y el incremento de la sobrevida nos enfocan a mejorar la calidad de vida de los años de diálisis. Metodología: se comparó la calidad de vida por medio del SF-36 en 154 pacientes con IRC estadio terminal en manejo con hemodiálisis, 77 pacientes incidentes y 77 pacientes prevalentes, pertenecientes a una unidad renal en Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados: se encontró una disminución de la calidad de vida en los componentes físicos (PCS) y metales (MCS) de los pacientes de hemodiálisis en ambos grupos. En el modelo de regresión logística la incapacidad laboral (p=0.05), el uso de catéter (p= 0,000), el bajo índice de masa corporal (p=0.021), la hipoalbuminemia (p=0,033) y la anemia (p=0,001) fueron factores determinantes en un 78,9% de baja calidad de vida de PCS en los pacientes incidentes con respecto a los prevalentes. En el MCS de los pacientes incidentes vs. Prevalentes se encontró la hipoalbuminemia (p=0.007), la anemia (p=0.001) y el acceso por catéter (p=0.001) como factores determinantes en un 70.6% de bajo MCS Conclusiones: la calidad de vida de los pacientes de diálisis se encuentra afectada con mayor repercusión en el grupo de los pacientes incidentes, se debe mejorar los aspectos nutricionales, hematológicos y de acceso vascular en este grupo.
Introducción: Las indicaciones por las cuales un paciente requiere una nefrectomía son múltiples: las neoplasias, la hidronefrosis y la exclusión funcional son las principales. En manos expertas la nefrectomía es un procedimiento seguro, especialmente porque en la actualidad el abordaje por excelencia es realizar una técnica mínimamente invasiva con conservación de nefronas. Se presenta el análisis de la experiencia en Mederi, Hospital Universitario Mayor en esta intervención. Metodología: Se realizó una serie de casos de pacientes llevados a nefrectomía entre mayo de 2008 y mayo de 2012. Se incluyeron la totalidad de los casos. Resultados: Se analizaron 72 registros, 49 mujeres y 25 hombres; 13 de ellas fueron laparoscópicas. La edad promedio fue de 58,6 años. El tiempo medio operatorio fue 169,23 minutos (118-220 minutos). El sangrado operatorio promedio fue de 680,63 ml (IC95%: 2,83-1358 ml). El tiempo de hospitalización promedio fue de 4,88 días IC95%. La mayoría de los pacientes se distribuyeron en estadios medios de la enfermedad tumoral, con poco compromiso ganglionar y metástasis; el diagnóstico histológico y estadio dominante fueron el carcinoma de células renales grado 3 de Fuhrman respectivamente. Se reportan 13 casos de compromiso de la capsula de Gerota y 11 con compromiso del hilio. Discusión: La experiencia en nefrectomía de la institución es muy positiva por el bajo número de mortalidad y complicaciones. En cuanto a la técnica, es importante promover la técnica laparoscópica
Marco conceptual: La enfermedad renal crónica es un serio problema de salud pública en nuestro país por la gran cantidad de recursos económicos que requiere su atención. La hemodiálisis es el tratamiento más usado en nuestro medio; el acceso vascular y sus complicaciones derivadas son el principal aspecto que incrementa los costos de atención en éstos pacientes. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio económico de los accesos vasculares en pacientes incidentes de hemodiálisis en el año 2012 en la agencia RTS-Fundación Cardio Infantil. Se estableció el costo de creación y mantenimiento del acceso con catéter central, fístula arteriovenosa nativa, fístula arteriovenosa con injerto; y el costo de atención de las complicaciones para cada acceso. Se determinó la probabilidad de ocurrencia de complicaciones. Mediante un árbol de decisiones se trazó el comportamiento de cada acceso en un período de 5 años. Se establecieron los años de vida ajustados por calidad (QALY) en cada acceso y el costo para cada uno de éstos QALY. Resultados: de 36 pacientes incidentes de hemodiálisis en 2012 el 100% inició con catéter central, 16 pacientes cambiaron a fístula arteriovenosa nativa, 1 a fístula arteriovenosa con injerto que posteriormente pasó a CAPD, 15 continuaron su acceso con catéter y 4 pacientes fallecieron. En 5 años se obtuvieron 2,36 QALY para los pacientes con catéter central que costarían $ 24.813.036,39/QALY y 2,535 QALY para los pacientes con fístula nativa que costarían $ 6.634.870,64/QALY. Conclusiones: el presente estudio muestra que el acceso vascular mediante fístula arteriovenosa nativa es el más costo-efectivo que mediante catéter
Introducción. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis tienen fístula arteriovenosa periférica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodiálisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetría de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia entre la SpO2 del brazo de la FAV y el brazo contralateral. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de correlación entre los valores de SpO2 del brazo con FAV contra el brazo sin FAV, de 40 pacientes que asistieron a hemodiálisis. La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo, con un formato que incluyó el resultado de la pulsioximetria y variables asociadas, antes, durante y después de la hemodiálisis. Se comparó la mediana de los deltas de las diferencias con pruebas estadísticas T Student – Mann Whitney, aceptando un valor significativo de p < 0,05. Resultados. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de la SpO2 entre el brazo con FAV y el brazo sin FAV, antes, durante y después de la diálisis, sin embargo si se apreció una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones. Se encontró correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa, donde no hubo diferencias en el resultado la pulsioximetría entre el brazo con FAV y brazo sin FAV, por lo tanto es válido tomar la pulsioximetría en cualquiera de los brazos.
El presente trabajo es un capítulo de libro titulado “Anestesia Regional y Periférica Guiada por Ultrasonido en el Paciente Crítico” que será incluido en la última edición del libro “Manual de Ultrasonido en Terapia Intensiva y Emergencias” cuyo editor es el Doctor José de Jesús Rincón Salas y que será publicado por la Editorial Prado de México para distribución latinoamericana desde dicho país. Por solicitud del editor y teniendo en cuenta el enfoque del libro, el presente trabajo está dirigido a estudiantes de formación, médicos graduados y especialistas en las áreas de cuidado intensivo, anestesiología, dolor, medicina interna y medicina de urgencias. Tiene como propósito empapar de conocimientos necesarios y prácticos en anestesia regional a personas que usualmente no han tenido contacto con la anestesia regional, pues desafortunadamente sólo en los últimos años ha sido posible que la anestesia regional haya comenzado a salir de las salas de cirugía, ámbito donde ha estado confinada tradicionalmente. El lenguaje utilizado es sencillo y el capítulo ha sido escrito para que sea fácil de leer y consultar, dejando así mensajes muy claros sobre la utilidad, viabilidad e implicaciones que tiene el uso de anestesia regional guiada por ultrasonido en cuidado intensivo. Los autores esperamos que de esta manera, el presente capítulo permita continuar superando los obstáculos que se interponen entre los invaluables beneficios de la anestesia regional y los pacientes de cuidado intensivo que necesitan de ella.
RESUMO A fístula arteriovenosa com bom fluxo sangüíneo é de fundamental importância para os pacientes portadores de insuficiência renal crônica em tratamento hemodialítico. Uma das complicações da fístula arteriovenosa é a síndrome do roubo, mas esta é de ocorrência incomum, e o seu tratamento está diretamente indicado quando há sintomas manifestos. Vários métodos foram propostos para sua correção nos membros superiores, sendo considerada a revascularização distal com ligadura arterial o procedimento de escolha. Neste relato de caso inédito, descreve-se o tratamento da síndrome do roubo de uma fístula arteriovenosa realizada em membro inferior, tratada com sucesso por meio da mesma técnica indicada para os membros superiores.
The aim this study was to evaluate systolic and diastolic function in volume overload induced myocardial hypertrophy in rats.Volume overload myocardial hypertrophy was induced in thirteen male Wistar rats by creating infrarenal arteriovenous fistula (AVF). The results were compared with a SHAM operated group (n = 11). Eight weeks after surgery, tail-cuff blood pressure was recorded, then rats were sacrificed for isolated heart studies using Langendorffs preparation.AVF rats presented increased left and right ventricular weights, compared to controls. The increased normalized ventricular volume (V0/LVW, 0.141 +/- 0.035 mL/g vs. 0.267 +/- 0.071 mL/g, P < 0.001) in the AVF group indicated chamber dilation. Myocardial hydroxyproline concentration remained unchanged. There was a significant decrease in +dP/dt (3318 +/- 352 mm Hg s(-1) vs. 2769 +/- 399 mm Hg s(-1); P=0,002), end-systolic pressure-volume relation (246 +/- 56 mm Hg mL(-1) vs. 114 +/- 63 mm Hg mL(-1);, P < 0,001), and -dP/dt (1746 +/- 240 min Hg s(-1) vs. 1361 +/- 217 mm Hg s(-1), P < 0.001) in the AVF group, which presented increased ventricular compliance (Delta V-25: SHAM=0.172 +/- 0.05 mL vs. AVF=0.321 +/- 0.072 mL, P < 0.001) with preserved myocardial passive stiffness (Strain(25): SHAM=13.5 +/- 3.0% vs. AVF=12.3 +/- 1.9%, P > 0.05).We conclude that volume-overload induced hypertrophy causes myocardial systolic and diastolic dysfunction with increased ventricular compliance. These haemodynamic features help to explain the long-term compensatory phase of chronic volume overload before transition to overt congestive heart failure. (c) 2006 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Surgery on the head and neck region may be complicated by vascular trauma, caused by direct injury on the vascular wall. Lesions of the arteries are more dangerous than the venous one. The traumatic lesion may cause laceration of the artery wall, spasm, dissection, arteriovenous fistula, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm.We present a case of a child with a giant ICA pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy, manifested by pulsing mass and respiratory distress, which was treated by endovascular approach, occluding the lesion and the proximal artery with Histoacryl. We reinforce that the endovascular approach is the better way to treat most of the traumatic vascular lesions.
The case of a six-day-old neonate admitted in an emergency situation because of dyspnea and increasing cyanosis is reported. Despite abnormal opacification on the chest X-ray and left ventricular overload on the electrocardiogram and echocardiogram, features compatible with the disease, the diagnosis of massive pulmonary arteriovenous fistula affecting the whole left superior lobe, was made possible only after necroscopic examination.
Catheter-related bacteremia (CRB) is one of the various complications related to hemodialysis (HD). As a result of this high rate of infection, the antibiotic lock technique (ALT) has been recommended to prevent CRB. However, adverse effects of ALT such as increased emergence of strains resistant to antibiotics and increased mechanical dysfunction catheter were poorly evaluated. We prospectively evaluated the efficacy of catheter-restricted filling using an antibiotic lock solution in preventing CRB. A total of 233 HD patients requiring 325 new tunneled catheters while waiting for placement and maturation of an arteriovenous fistula or graft were enrolled in this study. Patients with a tunneled catheter were assigned to receive either an antibiotic-heparin lock solution (antibiotic group: cefazolin 10 mg/ml, gentamicin 5 mg/ml, heparin 1,000 U/ml) or a heparin lock solution (no-antibiotic group: heparin 1,000 U/ml) as a catheter lock solution during the interdialytic period. The present study aimed to assess the efficacy of ALT using cefazolin and gentamicin in reducing CRB in patients undergoing HD with tunneled central catheter and to identify its adverse effects. CRB developed in 32.4 % of patients in the no-antibiotic group and in 13.1 % of patients in the antibiotic group. CRB rates per 1,000 catheter-days were 0.57 in the antibiotic group versus 1.74 in the no-antibiotic group (p < 0.0001). Kaplan-Meier analysis also showed that mean CRB-free catheter survival was significantly higher in the antibiotic group than in the no-antibiotic group (log-rank statistic 17.62, p < 0.0001). There was statistically significant difference between the two groups in causative organisms of CRB, with predominance of negative culture in both groups, but this prevalence was higher in ALT group (57.9 vs 90.1 %, p < 0.0001), and the two groups also were different in prevalence of gram-positive bacteria as causing organisms (ALT group 21.05 vs = 0 % in control group, p < 0.0001). There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in drug-resistant germs. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in the catheter removal causes, with higher rate of infectious cause in control group (12.32 vs 2.22 %, p < 0.0001) and mechanical cause in ALT group (28.26 vs 37.78 %, p < 0.0001). The results suggest that ALT may be a beneficial means of reducing the CRB rate in HD patients with tunneled catheter, without association between ALT and emergence of strains resistant. However, mechanical complications were more prevalent in antibiotic group. Further studies are required to determine the optimal drug regimen, concentrations for ALT, and its adverse effects. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Patients submitted to hemodialysis are at a high risk for healthcare-associated infections (HAI). Presently there are scarce data to allow benchmarking of HAI rates in developing countries. Also, most studies focus only on bloodstream infections (BSI) or local access infections (LAI). Our study aimed to provide a wide overview of HAT epidemiology in a hemodialysis unit in southeastern Brazil. We present data from prospective surveillance carried out from March 2010 through May 2012. Rates were compared (mid-p exact test) and temporally analyzed in Shewhart control charts for Poisson distributions. The overall incidence of BSI was 1.12 per 1000 access-days. The rate was higher for patients performing dialysis through central venous catheters (CVC), either temporary (RR = 13.35, 95% CI = 6.68-26.95) or permanent (RR = 2.10,95% CI = 1.09-4.13), as compared to those with arteriovenous fistula. Control charts identified a BSI outbreak caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in April 2010. LAI incidence was 3.80 per 1000 access-days. Incidence rates for other HAI (per 1000 patients-day) were as follows: upper respiratory infections, 1.72; pneumonia, 1.35; urinary tract infections, 1.25; skin/soft tissues infections, 0.93. The data point out to the usefulness of applying methods commonly used in hospital-based surveillance for hemodialysis units. (C) 2013 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Background: Duplex ultrasound scanning (DUS) is the method of choice for diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). However, only a few studies have performed prospective serial DUS after an acute episode of DVT to assess its evolution. This study aimed to report our experience using DUS combined with a thrombosis score (TS) and a newly proposed vein diameter variation index (VDVI) to evaluate the rate of resolution of DVT by assessing and quantifying the early stages of vein recanalization in proximal vein segments within 6 months after an episode of acute lower extremity DVT.Methods: Twelve patients with first episode of acute lower extremity DVT confirmed by DUS as occurring in <= 10 days after the onset of venous thrombosis symptoms were followed up prospectively for 6 months. TS and VDVI were calculated at 1, 3, and 6 months to assess vein recanalization. Intra-thrombus arteriovenous fistula formation was also investigated and related to the recanalization process.Results: Seven (58%) women were included, with a total cohort median age of 53.5 +/- 19 years. The left lower extremity was affected in 7 (58%) patients. DVT was diagnosed in 55 proximal vein segments. All patients had proximal DVT, with involvement of the external iliac, femoral, and popliteal veins. After 6 months, there was a significant decrease in TS and increase in VDVI (P < 0.001) in all proximal vein segments assessed, indicating thrombus regression. The more distal the DVT was, the faster was the VDVI increase, with most popliteal veins being recanalized at 3 months (P < 0.001). Intra-thrombus arteriovenous fistula was identified in 50% of patients at 1 month while on anticoagulation.Conclusions: The combined use of two different DUS-based assessment tools, TS and the proposed VDVI, provided an effective method to prospectively assess vein recanalization rates after an episode of acute lower extremity DVT in this series of patients and may allow a correct evaluation of DVT and its resolution or progression.
Surgery on the head and neck region may be complicated by vascular trauma, caused by direct injury on the vascular wall. Lesions of the arteries are more dangerous than the venous one. The traumatic lesion may cause laceration of the artery wall, spasm, dissection, arteriovenous fistula, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm. We present a case of a child with a giant ICA pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy, manifested by pulsing mass and respiratory distress, which was treated by endovascular approach, occluding the lesion and the proximal artery with Histoacryl. We reinforce that the endovascular approach is the better way to treat most of the traumatic vascular lesions.
Thrombosis of tunneled central venous catheters (CVC) in hemodialysis (HD) patients is common and it can lead to the elimination of vascular sites. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of thrombotic obstruction of tunneled CVC in HD patients and the efficacy of occlusion treatment with alteplase use, and identify factors associated with thrombotic occlusion. It was a prospective cohort study performed in two centers which evaluated the diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic occlusion of CVC in HD patients for 24 consecutive months. The catheter occlusion was defined as the difficulty infusing or withdrawing fluid from their paths. Alteplase dose was infused to fill the lumen of the occluded catheter and remained for 50 min. As there was no obstruction of the catheter, the procedure was repeated. Three hundred and thirty-nine CVC in 247 patients were evaluated and followed, totalling 67 244 CVC-days. One hundred fifty-seven patients had only one CVC, 88 patients had two CVC during the study, and two patients had three CVC. The median age was 58 (47–66) years, patients were predominantly men (54%), with diabetic nephropathy as the main cause of chronic kidney disease (44%), the internal jugular vein as the main site of implantation (82%), and duration of dialysis before CVC implantation of 119 (41.5 to 585.5) days. Eight hundred and fifteen occlusion episodes were diagnosed (12 episodes/1000 CVC-days), with primary success with alteplase in 596 episodes (77%) and secondary in 81 cases (10%). In 99 episodes (13%), success was not achieved after the second dose of alteplase. Two hundred and thirty CVC were removed during the study and the removal causes were arteriovenous fistula use in 88 patients (38.3%), infectious and mechanical complications in 89 (38.7%) and 21 (9.1%), respectively, and others (transplantation, transfer, or death) in 32 patients (13.9%). Adverse effects were also not observed. In the multivariate analysis, we identified the greatest number of days with CVC (OR = 1.02, CI = 1.01–1.04, P = 0.004), the presence of diabetes (OR = 1.560, CI = 1.351–1.894, P = 0.015), and exit site infection (ESI) (OR = 1.567 CI = 1347–1926, P = 0.023) as factors associated with obstruction. Thrombotic occlusion showed frequent mechanical complication in CVC of HD patients. We observed 12 episodes of obstruction per 1000 CVC-days, with a high success rate after alteplase use (87%). In the multivariate analysis, the time with CVC, the presence of diabetes, and ESI were identified as variables associated with thrombotic obstruction.