996 resultados para Ambient Intelligence


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Providing security to the emerging field of ambient intelligence will be difficult if we rely only on existing techniques, given their dynamic and heterogeneous nature. Moreover, security demands of these systems are expected to grow, as many applications will require accurate context modeling. In this work we propose an enhancement to the reputation systems traditionally deployed for securing these systems. Different anomaly detectors are combined using the immunological paradigm to optimize reputation system performance in response to evolving security requirements. As an example, the experiments show how a combination of detectors based on unsupervised techniques (self-organizing maps and genetic algorithms) can help to significantly reduce the global response time of the reputation system. The proposed solution offers many benefits: scalability, fast response to adversarial activities, ability to detect unknown attacks, high adaptability, and high ability in detecting and confining attacks. For these reasons, we believe that our solution is capable of coping with the dynamism of ambient intelligence systems and the growing requirements of security demands.


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Most of the current evacuation plans are based on static signaling, fixed monitoring infrastructure, and limited user notification and feedback mechanisms. These facts lead to lower situation awareness, in the case event of an emergency, such as blocked emergency exits, while delaying the reaction time of individuals. In this context, we introduce the E-Flow communication system, which improves the user awareness by integrating personal, mobile and fixed devices with the existing monitoring infrastructure. Our system broadens the notification and monitoring alternatives, in real time, among, safety staff, end-users and evacuation related devices, such as sensors and actuators.


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The primary hypothesis stated by this paper is that the use of social choice theory in Ambient Intelligence systems can improve significantly users satisfaction when accessing shared resources. A research methodology based on agent based social simulations is employed to support this hypothesis and to evaluate these benefits. The result is a six-fold contribution summarized as follows. Firstly, several considerable differences between this application case and the most prominent social choice application, political elections, have been found and described. Secondly, given these differences, a number of metrics to evaluate different voting systems in this scope have been proposed and formalized. Thirdly, given the presented application and the metrics proposed, the performance of a number of well known electoral systems is compared. Fourthly, as a result of the performance study, a novel voting algorithm capable of obtaining the best balance between the metrics reviewed is introduced. Fifthly, to improve the social welfare in the experiments, the voting methods are combined with cluster analysis techniques. Finally, the article is complemented by a free and open-source tool, VoteSim, which ensures not only the reproducibility of the experimental results presented, but also allows the interested reader to adapt the case study presented to different environments.


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Ambient Intelligence could support innovative application domains like motor impairments' detection at the home environment. This research aims to prevent neurodevelopmental disorders through the natural interaction of the children with embedded intelligence daily life objects, like home furniture and toys. Designed system uses an interoperable platform to provide two intelligent interrelated home healthcare services: monitoring of children¿s abilities and completion of early stimulation activities. A set of sensors, which are embedded within the rooms, toys and furniture, allows private data gathering about the child's interaction with the environment. This information feeds a reasoning subsystem, which encloses an ontology of neurodevelopment items, and adapts the service to the age and acquisition of expected abilities. Next, the platform proposes customized stimulation services by taking advantage of the existing facilities at the child's environment. The result integrates Embedded Sensor Systems for Health at Mälardalen University with UPM Smart Home, for adapted services delivery.


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En esta Tesis se plantea una nueva forma de entender la evacuación apoyándonos en tecnologías existentes y accesibles que nos permitirán ver este proceso como un ente dinámico. Se trata de una metodología que implica no solo el uso de herramientas de análisis que permitan la definición de planes de evacuación en tiempo real, sino que también se apunta hacia la creación de una infraestructura física que permita alimentar con información actualizada al sistema de forma que, según la situación y la evolución de la emergencia, sea posible realizar planes alternativos que se adapten a las nuevas circunstancias. En base a esto, el sistema asimilará toda esa información y aportará soluciones que faciliten la toma de decisiones durante toda la evolución del incidente. Las aportaciones originales de esta Tesis son múltiples y muy variadas, pudiéndolas resumir en los siguientes puntos: 1. Estudio completo del estado del arte: a. Detección y análisis de diferentes proyectos a nivel internacional que de forma parcial tratan algunos aspectos desarrollados en la Tesis. b. Completo estudio a nivel mundial del software desarrollado total o parcialmente para la simulación del comportamiento humano y análisis de procesos de evacuación. Se ha generado una base de datos que cataloga de forma exhaustiva estas aplicaciones, permitiendo realizar un completo análisis y posibilitando la evolución futura de los contenidos de la misma. En la tesis se han analizado casi un centenar de desarrollos, pero el objetivo es seguir completando esta base de datos debido a la gran utilidad y a las importantes posibilidades que ofrece. 2. Desarrollo de un importante capítulo que trata sobre la posibilidad de utilizar entornos virtuales como alternativa intermedia al uso de simuladores y simulacros. En esta sección se divide en dos bloques: a. Ensayos en entornos reales y virtuales. b. Ensayos en entornos virtuales (pruebas realizadas con varios entornos virtuales). 3. Desarrollo de e-Flow net design: paquete de herramientas desarrolladas sobre Rhinoceros para el diseño de la red de evacuación basada en los elementos definidos en la tesis: Nodes, paths, Relations y Areas. 4. Desarrollo de e-Flow Simulator: Conjunto de herramientas que transforman Rhinoceros en un simulador 3D de comportamiento humano. Este simulador, de desarrollo propio, incorpora un novedoso algoritmo de comportamiento a nivel de individuo que incluye aspectos que no se han encontrado en otros simuladores. Esta herramienta permite realizar simulaciones programadas de grupos de individuos cuyo comportamiento se basa en el análisis del entorno y en la presencia de referencias dinámicas. Incluye otras importantes novedades como por ejemplo: herramientas para análisis de la señalización, elementos de señalización dinámica, incorporación sencilla de obstáculos, etc. También se ha creado una herramienta que posibilita la implementación del movimiento del propio escenario simulando la oscilación del mismo, con objeto de reflejar la influencia del movimiento del buque en el desplazamiento de los individuos. 5. En una fase avanzada del desarrollo, se incorporó la posibilidad de generar un vídeo de toda la simulación, momento a partir del cual, se han documentado todas las pruebas (y se continúan documentando) en una base de datos que recoge todas las características de las simulaciones, los problemas detectados, etc. Estas pruebas constituyen, en el momento en que se ha cerrado la redacción de la Tesis, un total de 81 GB de datos. Generación y análisis de rutas en base a la red de evacuación creada con e-Flow Net design y las simulaciones realizadas con e-Flow Net simulator. a. Análisis para la optimización de la configuración de la red en base a los nodos por área existentes. b. Definición de procesos previos al cálculo de rutas posibles. c. Cálculo de rutas: i. Análisis de los diferentes algoritmos que existen en la actualidad para la optimización de rutas. ii. Desarrollo de una nueva familia de algoritmos que he denominado “Minimum Decision Algorithm (MDA)”, siendo los algoritmos que componen esta familia: 1. MDA básico. 2. MDA mínimo. 3. MDA de no interferencia espacial. 4. MDA de expansión. 5. MDA de expansión ordenada para un único origen. 6. MDA de expansión ordenada. iii. Todos estos algoritmos se han implementado en la aplicación e-Flow creada en la Tesis para el análisis de rutas y que constituye el núcleo del Sistema de Ayuda al Capitán. d. Determinación de las alternativas para el plan de evacuación. Tras la definición de las rutas posibles, se describen diferentes procesos existentes de análisis por ponderación en base a criterios, para pasar finalmente a definir el método de desarrollo propio propuesto en esta Tesis y cuyo objetivo es responder en base a la población de rutas posibles obtenidas mediante los algoritmos MDA, qué combinación de rutas constituyen el Plan o Planes más adecuados para cada situación. La metodología creada para la selección de combinaciones de rutas que determinan un Plan completo, se basa en cuatro criterios básicos que tras su aplicación ofrecen las mejores alternativas. En esta fase también se incluye un complejo análisis de evolución temporal que incorpora novedosas definiciones y formulaciones. e. Derivado de la definición de la metodología creada en esta Tesis para la realización de los análisis de evolución temporal, se ha podido definir un nuevo teorema matemático que se ha bautizado como “Familia de cuadriláteros de área constante”. 7. Especificación de la infraestructura física del Sistema de Ayuda al Capitán: parte fundamental de sistema es la infraestructura física sobre la que se sustentaría. Esta infraestructura estaría compuesta por sensores, actuadores, aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles, etc. En este capítulo se analizan los diferentes elementos que la constituirían y las tecnologías implicadas. 8. Especificación de la infraestructura de servicios. 9. Creación del Blog Virtual Environments (http://epcinnova-virtualenvironments.blogspot.com.es/) en el que se han publicado todas las pruebas realizadas en el capítulo que analiza los entornos virtuales como alternativa a los simuladores y a los ensayos en laboratorio o los simulacros, incluyendo en muchos casos la posibilidad de que el visitante del blog pueda realizar la simulación en el entorno virtual. Este blog también incluye otras secciones que se han trabajado durante la Tesis: • Recopilación de diferentes entornos virtuales existentes. • Diagrama que recopila información sobre accidentes tanto en el ámbito marítimo como en el terrestre (en desarrollo). • Esquema propuesto para el acopio de información obtenida a partir de un simulacro. 10. Esta Tesis es la base para el proyecto e-Flow (nombre de una de las aplicaciones que desarrolladas en esta obra), un proyecto en el que el autor de esta Tesis ha trabajado como Project Manager. En el proyecto participa un consorcio de empresas y la UPM, y tiene como objetivo trasladar a la realidad gran parte de los planteamientos e ideas presentadas en esta Tesis. Este proyecto incluye el desarrollo de la infraestructura física y de servicios que permitirán, entre otras cosas, implementar en infraestructuras complejas una plataforma que posibilita la evacuación dinámica y un control ubicuo de los sistemas de monitorización y actuación implementados. En estos momentos se está finalizando el proyecto, cuyo objetivo final es la implementación de un piloto en un Hospital. También destacamos los siguientes avances a nivel de difusión científico-tecnológico: • Ponencia en el “52 congreso de la Ingeniería Naval en España” presentando un artículo “e-Flow- Sistema integral inteligente de soporte a la evacuación”. En este artículo se trata tanto el proyecto e-Flow del que soy Project Manager, como esta Tesis Doctoral, al ser temas estrechamente vinculados. En 2014 se publicó en dos números de la Revista Ingeniería Naval el artículo presentado a estas jornadas. • Co-autor en el artículo “E-Flow: A communication system for user notification in dynamic evacuation scenarios” presentado en el 7th International Conference on Ubicuous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAMI) celebrado en Costa Rica. Por último, una de las aportaciones más interesantes, es la definición de un gran número de líneas de investigación futuras en base a todos los avances realizados en esta Tesis. ABSTRACT With this Thesis a new approach for understanding evacuation process is considered, taking advantage of the existing and open technologies that will allow this process to be interpreted as a dynamic entity. The methodology involves not only tools that allows on.-time evacuation plans, but also creates a physical insfrastructure that makes possible to feed the system with information on real time so, considering in each moment the real situation as well as the specific emergency development it will be feasible to generate alternative plans that responds to the current emergency situation. In this respect, the system will store all this information and will feedback with solutions that will help the decision making along the evacuation process. The innovative and singular contributions of this Thesis are numerous and rich, summarised as follows: 1.- Complete state-of-art study: a. Detection and analysis of different projects on an international level that, although partially, deal with some aspects developed in this Thesis. b. Thorough study at a international level of the developed software - total or partially done - for the simulation of the human behaviour and evacuation processes analysis. A database has been generated that classifies in detail these applications allowing to perform a full analysis and leading to future evolution of its contents. Within the Thesis work, almost a hundred of developments have been analysed but the purpose is to keep up updating this database due to the broad applications and possibilities that it involves. 2. Development of an important chapter that studies the possibility of using virtual scenarios as mid-term alternative for the use of simulations. This section is divided in two blocks: a. Trials in virtual and real scenarios b. Trials in virutal scenarios (trials performed with several ones). 3. E-Flow net design development: Set of tools developed under Rhinoceros for the evacuation net design based on the elements defined in the Thesis: Nodes, Paths, Relations, Areas 4. E-Flow simulator development: Set of tools that uses Rhinoceros as a 3D simulator of human behaviour. This simulator, of my own design, includes a new and original algorithm of human behaviour that involves aspects that are not found in other simulators. This tool allows to perform groups programmed simulations which behaviour is based on their enviroment analysis and presence of dynamic references. It includes other important innovations as for example: tools for signals analysis, dynamic signal elements, easy obstacle adding etc... More over, a tool that allows the own scenario movement implementation has been created by simulating the own oscillation movement, with the purpose of playing the vessel movement's influences in the individuals' displacements. 5. In an advanced stage of the development, the possibility of generating a video recording of all the simulation was also integrated, then from that moment all tests have been filed (and keep on doing so) in a database that collects all simulation characteristics, failures detected, etc. These stored tests amounts to a total of 81 GB at the moment of finishing the Thesis work. Generation and analysis of paths regarding the evacuation net created with E-Flow design and the simulations performed with E-Flow net Simulator. a. Analysis for the optimisation of the network configuration based in the existing nodes per area. b. Definition of the processes previous to the calculation of the feasible paths c. Paths calculation: i. Analysis of the different algorithms on existance nowadays for the routes optimisation. ii. Development of a new family of algorithms that I have called “Minimum Decision Algorithm (MDA)”, being composed of: 1. MDA basic 2. MDA minimum 3. MDA of not spacial interference 4. MDA of expansion (es de extenderse) o enlargement ( es de crecimiento) 5. MDA of organised expansion for a single origin (of organised enlargement for a single origin) 6. MDA of organised expansion (of organised enlargement) iii. All these algorithms have been implemented in the E-Flow application created in the Thesis dfor the routes analysis and it is the core of the Captain's support system. d. Determination of the alternatives for the evacuation plan. After defining all possible paths, different processes of analysis existing for weighing-based criteria are described, thus to end defining the own development method proposed in this Thesis and that aims to respond in an agreggation of possible routes basis obtained by means of the MDA algorithms what is the routes' combination more suitable for the Plan or Plans in every situation. The methodology created fot the selection of the combinations of routes that determine a complete Plan is baesd in four basic criteria that after applying, offer the best alternatives. In this stage a complex analysis of the progress along time is also included, that adds original and innovative defintions and formulations. e. Originated from the methodology created in this Thesis for the perfoming of the analysy of the progress along time, a new mathematic theorem has been defined, that has been called as "Family of quadrilateral of constant area". 7. Specification of the physiscal infrastructure of the Captain's help system: essential part is this physical infrastructure that will support it. This system will be made of sensors, actuators, apps for mobile devices etc... Within this chapter the different elements and technologies that make up this infrastructure will be studied. 8. Specification for the services infrastructure. 9. Start up of the Blog. " Virtual Environments (http://epcinnova-virtualenvironments.blogspot.com.es/)" in which all tests performed have been published in terms of analysis of the virtual enviroments as alternative to the simulators as well as to the laboratory experiments or simulations, including in most of the cases the possibility that the visitor can perform the simulation within the virtual enviroment. This blog also includes other sections that have been worked along and within this Thesis: - Collection of different virtual scenarios existent. - Schema that gathers information concerning accidents for maritime and terrestrial areas (under development) - Schema proposed for the collecting of information obtained from a simulation. 10. This Thesis is the basis of the E-Flow project (name of one of the applications developed in this work), a project in which the Thesis' author has worked in as Project Manager. In the project takes part a consortium of firms as well as the UPM and the aim is to bring to real life most part of the approaches and ideas contained in this Thesis. This project includes the development of the physical infrastructure as well as the services that will allow, among others, implement in complex infrastrucutres a platform that will make possible a dynamic evacuation and a continuous control of the monitoring and acting systems implemented. At the moment the project is getting to an end which goal is the implementation of a pilot project in a Hospital. We also would like to highlight the following advances concerning the scientific-technology divulgation: • Talk in the " 52th Congress of the Naval Engineering in Spain" with the article "E-Flow . Intelligent system integrated for supporting evacuation". This paper is about project E-Flow which I am Project Manager of, as well as this Thesis for the Doctorate, being both closely related. Two papers published In 2014 in the Naval Engineering Magazine. • Co-author in the article “E-Flow: A communication system for user notification in dynamic evacuation scenarios” [17] introduced in the 7th International Conference on Ubicuous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAMI) held in Costa Rica. Last, but not least, one of the more interesting contributions is the defintion of several lines of research in the future, based on the advances made in this Thesis.


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A first-rate e-Health system saves lives, provides better patient care, allows complex but useful epidemiologic analysis and saves money. However, there may also be concerns about the costs and complexities associated with e-health implementation, and the need to solve issues about the energy footprint of the high-demanding computing facilities. This paper proposes a novel and evolved computing paradigm that: (i) provides the required computing and sensing resources; (ii) allows the population-wide diffusion; (iii) exploits the storage, communication and computing services provided by the Cloud; (iv) tackles the energy-optimization issue as a first-class requirement, taking it into account during the whole development cycle. The novel computing concept and the multi-layer top-down energy-optimization methodology obtain promising results in a realistic scenario for cardiovascular tracking and analysis, making the Home Assisted Living a reality.


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The deployment of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm requires designing and integrating user-centered smart environments to assist people in their daily life activities. This research paper details an integration and validation of multiple heterogeneous sensors with hybrid reasoners that support decision making in order to monitor personal and environmental data at a smart home in a private way. The results innovate on knowledge-based platforms, distributed sensors, connected objects, accessibility and authentication methods to promote independent living for elderly people. TALISMAN+, the AmI framework deployed, integrates four subsystems in the smart home: (i) a mobile biomedical telemonitoring platform to provide elderly patients with continuous disease management; (ii) an integration middleware that allows context capture from heterogeneous sensors to program environment¿s reaction; (iii) a vision system for intelligent monitoring of daily activities in the home; and (iv) an ontologies-based integrated reasoning platform to trigger local actions and manage private information in the smart home. The framework was integrated in two real running environments, the UPM Accessible Digital Home and MetalTIC house, and successfully validated by five experts in home care, elderly people and personal autonomy.


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In this project, we propose the implementation of a 3D object recognition system which will be optimized to operate under demanding time constraints. The system must be robust so that objects can be recognized properly in poor light conditions and cluttered scenes with significant levels of occlusion. An important requirement must be met: the system must exhibit a reasonable performance running on a low power consumption mobile GPU computing platform (NVIDIA Jetson TK1) so that it can be integrated in mobile robotics systems, ambient intelligence or ambient assisted living applications. The acquisition system is based on the use of color and depth (RGB-D) data streams provided by low-cost 3D sensors like Microsoft Kinect or PrimeSense Carmine. The range of algorithms and applications to be implemented and integrated will be quite broad, ranging from the acquisition, outlier removal or filtering of the input data and the segmentation or characterization of regions of interest in the scene to the very object recognition and pose estimation. Furthermore, in order to validate the proposed system, we will create a 3D object dataset. It will be composed by a set of 3D models, reconstructed from common household objects, as well as a handful of test scenes in which those objects appear. The scenes will be characterized by different levels of occlusion, diverse distances from the elements to the sensor and variations on the pose of the target objects. The creation of this dataset implies the additional development of 3D data acquisition and 3D object reconstruction applications. The resulting system has many possible applications, ranging from mobile robot navigation and semantic scene labeling to human-computer interaction (HCI) systems based on visual information.


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One of the leading motivations behind the multilingual semantic web is to make resources accessible digitally in an online global multilingual context. Consequently, it is fundamental for knowledge bases to find a way to manage multilingualism and thus be equipped with those procedures for its conceptual modelling. In this context, the goal of this paper is to discuss how common-sense knowledge and cultural knowledge are modelled in a multilingual framework. More particularly, multilingualism and conceptual modelling are dealt with from the perspective of FunGramKB, a lexico-conceptual knowledge base for natural language understanding. This project argues for a clear division between the lexical and the conceptual dimensions of knowledge. Moreover, the conceptual layer is organized into three modules, which result from a strong commitment towards capturing semantic knowledge (Ontology), procedural knowledge (Cognicon) and episodic knowledge (Onomasticon). Cultural mismatches are discussed and formally represented at the three conceptual levels of FunGramKB.


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Current Ambient Intelligence and Intelligent Environment research focuses on the interpretation of a subject’s behaviour at the activity level by logging the Activity of Daily Living (ADL) such as eating, cooking, etc. In general, the sensors employed (e.g. PIR sensors, contact sensors) provide low resolution information. Meanwhile, the expansion of ubiquitous computing allows researchers to gather additional information from different types of sensor which is possible to improve activity analysis. Based on the previous research about sitting posture detection, this research attempts to further analyses human sitting activity. The aim of this research is to use non-intrusive low cost pressure sensor embedded chair system to recognize a subject’s activity by using their detected postures. There are three steps for this research, the first step is to find a hardware solution for low cost sitting posture detection, second step is to find a suitable strategy of sitting posture detection and the last step is to correlate the time-ordered sitting posture sequences with sitting activity. The author initiated a prototype type of sensing system called IntelliChair for sitting posture detection. Two experiments are proceeded in order to determine the hardware architecture of IntelliChair system. The prototype looks at the sensor selection and integration of various sensor and indicates the best for a low cost, non-intrusive system. Subsequently, this research implements signal process theory to explore the frequency feature of sitting posture, for the purpose of determining a suitable sampling rate for IntelliChair system. For second and third step, ten subjects are recruited for the sitting posture data and sitting activity data collection. The former dataset is collected byasking subjects to perform certain pre-defined sitting postures on IntelliChair and it is used for posture recognition experiment. The latter dataset is collected by asking the subjects to perform their normal sitting activity routine on IntelliChair for four hours, and the dataset is used for activity modelling and recognition experiment. For the posture recognition experiment, two Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classifiers are trained (one for spine postures and the other one for leg postures), and their performance evaluated. Hidden Markov Model is utilized for sitting activity modelling and recognition in order to establish the selected sitting activities from sitting posture sequences.2. After experimenting with possible sensors, Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) is selected as the pressure sensing unit for IntelliChair. Eight FSRs are mounted on the seat and back of a chair to gather haptic (i.e., touch-based) posture information. Furthermore, the research explores the possibility of using alternative non-intrusive sensing technology (i.e. vision based Kinect Sensor from Microsoft) and find out the Kinect sensor is not reliable for sitting posture detection due to the joint drifting problem. A suitable sampling rate for IntelliChair is determined according to the experiment result which is 6 Hz. The posture classification performance shows that the SVM based classifier is robust to “familiar” subject data (accuracy is 99.8% with spine postures and 99.9% with leg postures). When dealing with “unfamiliar” subject data, the accuracy is 80.7% for spine posture classification and 42.3% for leg posture classification. The result of activity recognition achieves 41.27% accuracy among four selected activities (i.e. relax, play game, working with PC and watching video). The result of this thesis shows that different individual body characteristics and sitting habits influence both sitting posture and sitting activity recognition. In this case, it suggests that IntelliChair is suitable for individual usage but a training stage is required.


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Internet users consume online targeted advertising based on information collected about them and voluntarily share personal information in social networks. Sensor information and data from smart-phones is collected and used by applications, sometimes in unclear ways. As it happens today with smartphones, in the near future sensors will be shipped in all types of connected devices, enabling ubiquitous information gathering from the physical environment, enabling the vision of Ambient Intelligence. The value of gathered data, if not obvious, can be harnessed through data mining techniques and put to use by enabling personalized and tailored services as well as business intelligence practices, fueling the digital economy. However, the ever-expanding information gathering and use undermines the privacy conceptions of the past. Natural social practices of managing privacy in daily relations are overridden by socially-awkward communication tools, service providers struggle with security issues resulting in harmful data leaks, governments use mass surveillance techniques, the incentives of the digital economy threaten consumer privacy, and the advancement of consumergrade data-gathering technology enables new inter-personal abuses. A wide range of fields attempts to address technology-related privacy problems, however they vary immensely in terms of assumptions, scope and approach. Privacy of future use cases is typically handled vertically, instead of building upon previous work that can be re-contextualized, while current privacy problems are typically addressed per type in a more focused way. Because significant effort was required to make sense of the relations and structure of privacy-related work, this thesis attempts to transmit a structured view of it. It is multi-disciplinary - from cryptography to economics, including distributed systems and information theory - and addresses privacy issues of different natures. As existing work is framed and discussed, the contributions to the state-of-theart done in the scope of this thesis are presented. The contributions add to five distinct areas: 1) identity in distributed systems; 2) future context-aware services; 3) event-based context management; 4) low-latency information flow control; 5) high-dimensional dataset anonymity. Finally, having laid out such landscape of the privacy-preserving work, the current and future privacy challenges are discussed, considering not only technical but also socio-economic perspectives.


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Presentaciones de la asignatura Interfaces para Entornos Inteligentes del Máster en Tecnologías de la Informática/Machine Learning and Data Mining.


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Part 20: Health and Care Networks


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Telepresence robots have emerged as a new means of interaction in remote environments. However, the use of such robots is still limited due to safety and usability issues when operating in human-like environments. This work addresses these issues by enhancing the robot navigation through a collaborative control method that assists the user to negotiate obstacles. The method has been implemented in a commercial telepresence robot and a user study has been conducted in order to test the suitability of our approach.


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Sensor networks are becoming popular nowadays in the development of smart environments. Heavily relying on static sensor and actuators, though, such environments usually lacks of versatility regarding the provided services and interaction capabilities. Here we present a framework for smart environments where a service robot is included within the sensor network acting as a mobile sensor and/or actuator. Our framework integrates on-the-shelf technologies to ensure its adaptability to a variety of sensor technologies and robotic software. Two pilot cases are presented as evaluation of our proposal.