419 resultados para ASD
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial, domínio Cognição e Multideficiência
Este artigo surge no âmbito de um estudo mais vasto que tem como principal objetivo identificar as Necessidades de Formação dos Docentes de Ensino Regular e de Educação Especial para a inclusão de alunos com Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo (PEA) nas escolas do ensino regular. Para a realização desse estudo, realizámos observações diretas em sala de aula e auscultámos os vários agentes educativos que podem contribuir para a inclusão efetiva destes alunos, nomeadamente os docentes de ensino regular (1º ciclo) e educação especial, diretores de agrupamentos de escolas com unidades de ensino estruturado para alunos autistas e encarregados de educação dos alunos com PEA. Paralelamente, analisámos os documentos de suporte ao desenvolvimento do processo educativo destes alunos. Mais especificamente, com as observações em sala de aula do ensino regular, pretendemos conhecer as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas e as formas de organização e gestão curricular da turma e de apoio e acompanhamento específico a estes alunos. Neste artigo apresentamos a análise das observações, tendo em conta: (i) o contexto de observação; (ii) as estratégias e atividades desenvolvidas; (iii) a relação comunicativa estabelecida.Desta análise, é possível inferir necessidades de formação que se situam tanto ao nível da compreensão da problemática das crianças como do planeamento e gestão curricular da turma.
Microbiology 154 (2008) 2719-2729
Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos da implementação de um programa de autorregulação no aumento da autonomia de um aluno com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo, em contexto de sala de aula, no segmento letivo de Português. Método: A metodologia adotada foi quantitativa e experimental, num desenho de investigação de sujeito único, dividido em três fases de investigação: linha de base, início do programa de intervenção e um mês depois. Os registos dos vídeos, e a construção e implementação do programa de intervenção em conjunto com a professora, tiveram como base os princípios e procedimentos da Análise Comportamental Aplica. Resultados / Discussão: Após a implementação do programa de intervenção observou-se um acentuado aumento do envolvimento do aluno e das suas respostas às instruções académicas da professora, essencialmente ao nível das instruções de grupo que, na linha de base, apresentavam valores baixos. A eficácia da intervenção reforça a importância de se capacitar professores na aplicação de técnicas comportamentais dado que, neste estudo e à semelhança de outros, a professora aprendeu rapidamente a implementar práticas que facilmente se ajustam à sala de aula, levando à melhoria sistemática do comportamento do aluno com PEA numa sala de aula inclusiva.
Encerramento Percutâneo de Shunts Interauriculares: Experiência de uma Década de um Centro Terciário
INTRODUCTION: Atrial septal defects (ASD) are among the most common congenital anomalies and account for 10% of congenital heart disease in the pediatric age-group and 30% in adults. Closure is indicated when there is evidence of hemodynamic significance or after a paradoxical embolic event. Ten years ago, percutaneous closure became the treatment of choice in our center for all patients with a clear indication and favorable anatomy. In this paper we report the experience of this first decade. OBJECTIVE: To assess the short- and long-term results of our ten-year experience with percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects. METHODS: We studied retrospectively all patients with ASD treated with a percutaneous approach between November 1998 and December 2008. The pediatric age-group consisted of patients younger than 19 years old. Demographic data, clinical indications, minor and major complication rates, success rate and long-term outcome were assessed. RESULTS: In the first ten years of experience 510 patients, of whom 166 were in the pediatric group, were treated in our center by a team of adult and pediatric cardiologists. The overall success rate of the procedure was 98% (97.5% in ASD and 99.5% in patent foramen ovale (PFO). The minor complication rate was 3% (3.4% in ASD and 2% in PFO). The most frequent complication was supraventricular tachycardia. The major complication rate was 1.2% (0.6% in ASD and 2% in PFO). Two patients developed cardiac tamponade due to hemopericardium that was resolved by pericardiocentesis, without need for surgery. One patient had an arterial pseudoaneurysm corrected by vascular surgery. There was no device embolization and no need for urgent surgery in this population. During follow-up two patients had recurrence of ischemic stroke, one had a transient ischemic attack and another had a hemorrhagic stroke. Mortality was 0.6% (0.6% in ASD and 0.5% in PFO). There were no in-hospital deaths. During follow-up there were two deaths, both in the adult group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this population the success rate was high and most of the complications were minor. The results of this collaboration between adult and pediatric cardiologists in the first ten years of activity confirm the safety and efficacy of percutaneous closure of septal defects, when there is careful patient selection and a standardized technique.
With the recent technical improvement in echocardiography imaging (second harmonics) the number of interatrial septum aneurysms (ASA) increased and are easily recognized. We assist to an overdiagnosing number of cases and diagnostic criteria emerged to face this problem. In the great majority of the cases ASA are small and inoffensive, but as ASA is considered a risk factor for cardioembolism when associated with persistence of foramen oval (PFO), an examination by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) for exclusion of PFO makes the sense and is a common testing in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Besides these frequent ASA, other forms exist; the authors describe two cases of uncommon and huge ASA, one mimicking a right atrial tumor and the other a quistic, hipoechoic mass. The first case was associated with mitral stenosis and was submitted to surgery and the second was closed with an Amplatzer occluder device usually used in atrial septal defect (ASD).
With the recent technical improvement in echocardiography imaging (second harmonics) the number of interatrial septum aneurysms (ASA) increased and are easily recognized. We assist to an overdiagnosing number of cases and diagnostic criteria emerged to face this problem. In the great majority of the cases ASA are small and inoffensive, but as ASA is considered a risk factor for cardioembolism when associated with persistence of foramen oval (PFO), an examination by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) for exclusion of PFO makes the sense and is a common testing in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Besides these frequent ASA, other forms exist; the authors describe two cases of uncommon and huge ASA, one mimicking a right atrial tumor and the other a quistic, hipoechoic mass. The first case was associated with mitral stenosis and was submitted to surgery and the second was closed with an Amplatzer occluder device usually used in atrial septal defect (ASD).
Objectivo: Avaliar a acuidade da angiografia de subtracção digital (ASD) no diagnóstico morfológico da conexão venosa pulmonar anómala (CVPA) em crianças. Concepção do estudo: Estudo prospectivo de doentes consecutivos entre Janeiro de 1989 e Julho de 1992. Tipo de Atendimento: Serviço de Cardiologia Pediátrica de um Hospital Central. População: Vinte e quatro doentes com CVPA. Métodos: Todos os doentes fizeram avaliação clínica e ecocardiográfica completa (modo M, bidimensional e Doppler) antes da realização do exame hemodinâmico. Em todos os casos se fizeram, de modo sistemático, injecções selectivas de contraste de baixa osmolaridade (0,5-1 ml/kg; dose total <6 mi/kg) no tronco e ramos da artéria pulmonar com registo em angiografia com subtracção digital (ASD). As imagens colhidas foram trabalhadas, selecciona das e armazenadas em video-cassetes e películas fotográficas (câmara multiformato). Resultados: Dezasseis doentes tinham CVPA total (CVPAT): onze à veia cava superior (VCS), dois ao seio coronário e três infradiafragmáticos (dois à veia cava inferior (VCI) e um à veia porta). Oito crianças tinham CVPA parcial (CVPAP): três à VCS, uma à aurícula direita (AD), três à VCI (síndroma da cimitarra) e num caso a CVPA era mista. Em oito doentes (seis com CVPAT e dois com CVPAP), a ASD contribuiu significativamente para o diagnóstico final tendo completado ou corrigido a informação obtida por ecocardiografia. Nos dezoito doentes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca foi confirmado o diagnóstico obtido por ASD. Conclusões: A ASD é um método muito útil para o diagnóstico anatómico de doentes com CVPA. Na nossa experiência foi particularmente informativa a análise de registos em «video». A ASD está indicada nos casos em que os achados clínicos e ecocardiográficos não sejam típicos.
RESUMO: O objectivo do presente estudo consistiu em avaliar as necessidades de apoio de 63 pais com filhos (crianças, jovens ou adultos) com Perturbação do Espectro Autista (PEA), no que diz respeito a: (1) necessidades de apoio identificadas pelos pais, (2) redes de suporte destes pais e (3) relação entre necessidades de apoio e características dos pais e filhos. Todos os pais tinham participado no 1º nível do projecto nacional intitulado “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” – o Grupo de Apoio Emocional (GAE). No sentido de verificar se ocorreram mudanças nas suas necessidades de apoio, avaliou-se o antes (momento I) e o depois do GAE (momento II). Utilizou-se a Escala de Funções de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as necessidades de apoio e a Escala de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as redes de apoio social. Os resultados demonstram que os pais de pessoas com PEA apresentam (tanto antes como após a frequência nas oficinas do GAE) sobretudo necessidades de apoio de carácter emocional e profissional, e menos necessidades de carácter prático. Para suprir as necessidades de apoio, antes e após o GAE, estes pais recorreram, numa primeira opção, ao cônjuge, aos profissionais e posteriormente aos amigos. Os vizinhos constituíram a rede de apoio social a quem menos recorreram. Apesar de algumas diferenças observadas entre o momento I e momento II, estas não foram estatisticamente significativas nem para as necessidades de apoio, nem para as redes de apoio social.------------------------- ABSTRACT: The study aimed to evaluate the support needs of 63 parents of children, adolescents and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), concerning three aspects: (1) support needs that parents identified as major target, (2) social support network of these parents, and (3) the relationship between support needs and parent and children characteristics. All parents had participated in the first level of the national project “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” - the Emotional Support Group (ESG). In order to verify if any changes occurred in the needs of support, evaluation was carried before (moment I) and after (moment II) the ESG. In this context, parents filled the Supports Function Scale (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988), which evaluated their different needs of support, and also the Social Supports Scale (Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1988) which in turn evaluated their social support network. The results showed that parents of children with ASD, both before and after the ESG, revealed emotional and professional needs and, in a less extent, also practical needs. To address the referred needs (before and after the ESG) these parents seek in the first place the support of their spouse, then that of professionals and, later on, that of friends. Neighbours are the support that parents least address. Despite some observed differences in support needs and social support networks between the two moments, these were, however, not statistically significant.
Burn wound healing involves a complex set of overlapping processes in an environment conducive to ischemia, inflammation, and infection costing $7.5 billion/year in the US alone, in addition to the morbidity and mortality that occur when the burns are extensive. We previously showed that insulin, when topically applied to skin excision wounds, accelerates re-epithelialization, and stimulates angiogenesis. More recently, we developed an alginate sponge dressing (ASD) containing insulin encapsulated in PLGA microparticles that provides a sustained release of bioactive insulin for >20days in a moist and protective environment. We hypothesized that insulin-containing ASD accelerates burn healing and stimulates a more regenerative, less scarring, healing. Using a heat-induced burn injury in rats, we show that burns treated with dressings containing 0.04mg insulin/cm2, every three days for 9 days, have faster closure, faster rate of disintegration of dead tissue, and decreased oxidative stress.In addition, in insulin-treated wounds the pattern of neutrophil inflammatory response suggests faster clearing of the burn dead tissue. We also observe faster resolution of the pro-inflammatory macrophages. We also found that insulin stimulates collagen deposition and maturation with the fibers organized more like a basket weave (normal skin) than aligned and crosslinked (scar tissue). In summary , application of ASD-containing insulin-loaded PLGA particles on burns every three days stimulates faster and more regenerative healing. These results suggest insulin as a potential therapeutic agent in burn healing and, because of its long history of safe use in humans, insulin could become one of the treatments of choice when repair and regeneration are critical for proper tissue function.
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização Intervenção Precoce)
Objective To systematically review the scientific literature on the psychometric properties of international instruments for the assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the Brazilian population. Methods A search of bibliographic references was conducted in six electronic databases: PsycINFO, PubMed, IndexPsi, Lilacs, Capes (theses and dissertations) and SciELO. The studies were selected by two independent researchers. Results The procedure identified 11 studies of the Brazilian population that encompassed six ASD assessment tools. Given the information provided, the adaptation of the M-CHAT, a screening instrument, was the best conducted. All steps of the adaptation process were described and the changes made to the final version of the instrument were presented, which was not addressed in other studies. In terms of reliability, all of the instruments that assessed internal consistency showed adequate values. In addition, the ADI-R and the CARS adaptations also satisfactorily contemplated inter-rater reliability and test-retest indices, respectively. Finally, all studies aiming to validate instruments showed evidence of validity and sensitivity, and specificity values above 0.90 were observed in the ASQ, ADI-R and ABC. Conclusion Considering both the psychometric aspects and the copyright information, the screening instrument that currently appears to be best indicated for clinical and research use is the M-CHAT. It was also noticed that there are still no specific ASD diagnostic tools available for use in Brazil. This lack of diagnostic instruments consists in a critical situation for the improvement of clinical practice and the development of research in this area.
PURPOSE: Evaluation of the role of transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) with the Amplatzer septal occluder. METHODS: Patients were selected for percutaneous closure of ASD by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), which was also used to monitor the procedure, helping to select the appropriate size of the Amplatzer device, to verify its position, and to access the immediate results of the procedure. During the follow-up, TEE was used to evaluate the presence and magnitude of residual shunt (RS), device position, and right cardiac chamber diameters. RESULTS: Twenty-two (40%) of a total of 55 studied patients were selected. Thirteen underwent Amplatzer device implantation, eight are still waiting for it, and one preferred the conventional surgical treatment. All procedures were successful, which was mainly due to proper patient selection. Six (23%) patients acutely developed RS, which spontaneously disapeared at the three-month follow-up examination in three patients. There was a significant reduction in the right ventricle diastolic diameter, from 27mm (average) to 24mm and 20mm, one and three months after the procedure, respectively (p<0.0076). CONCLUSION: With the aid of TEE, percutaneous closure of ASD can be successfully, safely, and effectively performed.