154 resultados para 4221


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[Tesis] ( Master en Derecho Laboral ) U.A.N.L.


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Selon plusieurs auteurs, l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité sont des construits fondamentaux nécessaires à l’adaptation psychosociale des individus. Bien que plusieurs études menées à partir d’échantillons d’adultes aient démontré des liens significatifs entre ces deux construits, peu d’entre elles ont tenté de vérifier si ces relations pouvaient être observées aussi chez les adolescents. De plus, un nombre très restreint d’études ont étudié la question de savoir si les relations entre l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité étaient significatives de façon prospective avec un intervalle de temps entre les évaluations. Enfin, les études disponibles ne permettent pas de déterminer si les relations entre l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité sont différentes selon le sexe. La présente étude visait à combler ces vides. Les objectifs étaient, d’une part, de déterminer s’il existe des relations prédictives concurrentes et prospectives entre l’intelligence générale et les traits de personnalité chez les adolescents et, d’autre part, de vérifier si ces relations sont différentes entre les garçons et les filles. Les données utilisées proviennent de l’étude longitudinale de la Stratégie d’intervention agir autrement (SIAA). Un large échantillon d’adolescents évalués une première fois en secondaire un et réévalués à nouveau quatre ans plus tard en secondaire cinq a été employé. À la première vague de collecte de données, seule l’intelligence générale a été évaluée, tandis qu’à la deuxième vague, autant l’intelligence générale que les traits de personnalité l’ont été. La modélisation par équations structurales sur des variables latentes a été utilisée pour tester les différentes hypothèses de recherche. Les résultats ont démontré que, sur le plan concurrent, l’intelligence générale et tous les traits de personnalité considérés sont reliés significativement de façon positive, ce qui va partiellement à l’encontre des données obtenues à partir des échantillons d’adultes. Sur le plan prospectif, les résultats ont confirmé que les corrélations diminuent avec le temps, et ce, pour presque tous les traits étudiés. Finalement, les modèles d’équations structurales multi-groupes ont confirmé la présence de différences significatives entre les garçons et les filles pour certains traits de personnalité. Dans l’ensemble, bien que plusieurs résultats de la présente étude obtenus à partir d’un échantillon d’adolescents soient conformes à ceux observés auprès d’échantillons d’adultes, certaines différences intéressantes sont observées.


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There are several centrality measures that have been introduced and studied for real world networks. They account for the different vertex characteristics that permit them to be ranked in order of importance in the network. Betweenness centrality is a measure of the influence of a vertex over the flow of information between every pair of vertices under the assumption that information primarily flows over the shortest path between them. In this paper we present betweenness centrality of some important classes of graphs.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Las Empresas Militares y de Seguridad Privada (EMSP) se han caracterizado por prestar diferentes tipos de servicios en distintos escenarios internacionales y nacionales. Asimismo, por ofrecer una amplia gama de actividades que han sido útiles para quienes solicitan de ellas. En el caso especifico de la Guerra en Irak fue relevante debido a que el gobierno decidió contratar varias compañías que además de contar con cientos de empleados, llevaron a cabo funciones que antes habían sido efectuadas únicamente por las fuerzas militares o por empleados oficiales del gobierno estadounidense. De esta forma, por medio del presente estudio de caso se buscan analizar las tareas que fueron asignadas, dar a conocer datos referentes al número de contratistas en Irak, el valor de algunos contratos, las funciones que fueron cedidas a estas compañías, como también ver de qué modo afectó positiva o negativamente al gobierno de los Estados Unidos. No obstante, el estudio del caso de Irak dio la posibilidad de indagar acerca del cómo los Estados podrían utilizar de mejor forma los servicios de las EMSP sin perder el control o crear dependencia de estas.


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Construir y validar una escala para medir la actitud de los escolares murcianos hacia la salud dental, conocer sus actitudes e identificar algunas de las variables que influyen en dicha actitud.Se hizo un muestreo aleatorio, por tipo de estudios y situaci??n del centro, y por aulas, siendo el tama??o de la muestra de 4221 alumnos. Se construyo una escala de Likert de cinco opciones para conocer la aptitud de los escolares murcianos hacia la salud dental.Como resultado final, el 6,8 por ciento de los escolares no cepilla nunca o casi nunca, mientras que el 65 por ciento lo hace una vez al d??a por lo menos. El 16,2 por ciento de la poblaci??n escolar nunca ha visitado al dentista y el 13,9 por ciento presenta ansiedad dental. La actitud media ha sido de 3,91 sobre 5, que puede considerarse regular-buena. Los escolares de EGB presentan la mejor actitud, independientemente de sus h??bitos higi??nicos dentales. En definitiva, la variable que m??s influye en la actitud es la ansiedad dental, quedando en un segundo plano la frecuencia del cepillado, la periodicidad de las visitas dentales y el sexo (las mujeres presentan mejor actitud que los hombres). Los aspectos de la salud dental mas necesitados de cambios positivos son el miedo y la preocupaci??n por la salud dental.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Dintre del projecte del cotxe de baix consum “Àliga”, vehicle experimental que participa en la “Eco-Shell Marathon”, una competició internacional que es realitza anualment, el projecte tracta del disseny d’un banc de proves per a poder mesurar les pèrdues de fregament dels pneumàtics provant diferents pressions, càrregues suportades, angles de la direcció, tipus de pneumàtics i diversos components del sistema de direcció


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Este artigo analisa o renascimento do martírio no contexto da confessionalização da Cristandande europeia e das missões ultramarinas nos sécs. XVI e XVII na Europa. Imagens, poemas e canções relativas à morte no Ultramar tornaram-se um importante instrumento de publicidade nas lutas confessionais na Europa. O seu impacto no Ultramar consistiu um importante testemunho do seu objectivo de representar a verdadeira Igreja Apostólica para a Igreja Católica.


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The Muleshoe Dunes, an east-west trending dunefield on the border separating Texas and New Mexico, consist of two distinct components: a white (carbonate rich) component and an overlying pink (quartz rich) component. The pink component exhibits significant spatial variation in redness. The reddest sands, in the western part of the dunefield, decrease in redness towards the east. This gradient is thought to result from abrasion of all iron-rich, red clay coating as the sediments were transported eastward by Late Quaternary aeolian processes. The effects of aeolian abrasion on the spectral signature and surface texture of the sediments were examined using laboratory abrasion experiments. Changes in spectral reflectance of abrasion samples from the laboratory were compared to field samples that were abraded naturally because of sediment transport. The changes resulting from increased time of abrasion are similar to those observed with increased distance downwind in the dunefield. These results suggest that downwind abrasion can explain the pattern of dune colour in the Muleshoe Dunes, although this does not preclude other possible causes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The genome of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis was shown to possess three IS3-like insertion elements, designated IS1230A, B and C, and each was cloned and their respective deoxynucleotide sequences determined. Mutations in elements IS1230A and B resulted in frameshifts in the open reading frames that encoded a putative transposase to be inactive. IS1230C was truncated at nucleotide 774 relative to IS1230B and therefore did not possess the 3' terminal inverted repeat. The three IS1230 derivatives were closely related to each other based on nucleotide sequence similarity. IS1230A was located adjacent to the sef operon encoding SEF14 fimbriae located at minute 97 of the genome of S. Enteritidis. IS1230B was located adjacent to the umuDC operon at minute 42.5 on the genome, itself located near to one terminus of an 815-kb genome inversion of S. Enteritidis relative to S. Typhimurium. IS1230C was located next to attB, the bacteriophage P22 attachment site, and proB, encoding gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase. A truncated 3' remnant of IS1230, designated IS1230T, was identified in a clinical isolate of S. Typhimurium DT193 strain 2391. This element was located next to attB adjacent to which were bacteriophage P22-like sequences. Southern hybridisation of total genomic DNA from eighteen phage types of S. Enteritidis and eighteen definitive types of S. Typhimurium showed similar, if not identical, restriction fragment profiles in the respective serovars when probed with IS1230A.


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Three Salmonella enterica serovar Orion var. 15+ isolates of distinct provenance were tested for survival in various stress assays. All were less able to survive desiccation than a virulent S. Enreritidis strain, with levels of survival similar to a rpoS mutant of the S. Enteritidis strain, whereas one isolate (F3720) was significantly more acid tolerant. The S. Orion var. 15+ isolates were motile by flagellae and elaborated type-1 and curli-like fimbriae; surface organelles that are considered virulence determinants in Salmonella pathogenesis. Each adhered and invaded HEp-2 tissue culture cells with similar proficiency to the S. Enteritidis control but were significantly less virulent than S. En teritidis in the one-day-old and seven-day-old chick model. Given an oral dose of 1 x 10(3) cfu to one-day-old chicken, S. Orion var. 15+ isolates colonised 25% of liver and spleens examined at 24 h whereas S. Enteritidis colonised 100% of organs by the same with the same dose. Given an oral dose of 1 x 10(7) cfu at seven-day old, S. Orion var. 15+ failed to colonise livers and spleens in any bird examined at 24 h whereas S. Enteritidis colonised 50% of organs by the same with the same dose. Based on the number of internal organs colonised, one of the three S. Orion var. 15+ isolates tested (strain F3720) was significantly more invasive than the other two (B1 and B7). Also, strain F3720 was shed less than either B1 or B7 supporting the concept that there may be an inverse relationship between the ability to colonise deep tissues and to persist in the gut. These data are discussed in the light that S. Orion var. 15+ is associated with sporadic outbreaks of human infection rather than epidemics.


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Biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces may provide a source of microbial contamination and may also enhance microbial environmental survival. The role of fimbrial expression by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in biofilm formation is poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate the role of STEC type 1 and curli fimbriae in adhesion to and biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces. None of 13 O157:H7 isolates expressed either fimbrial type whereas 11 of 13 and 5 of 13 non-O157 STEC elaborated type 1 fimbriae and curli fimbriae, respectively. Mutants made by allelic exchange of a diarrhoeal non-O157 STEC isolate, O128:H2 (E41509), unable to elaborate type 1 and curli fimbriae were made for adherence and biofilm assays. Elaboration of type 1 fimbriae was necessary for the adhesion to abiotic surfaces whereas curliation was associated with both adherence and subsequent biofilm formation. STEC O157:H7 adhered to thermanox and glass but poorly to polystyrene. Additionally, STEC O157:H7 failed to form biofilms. These data indicate that certain STEC isolates are able to form biofilms and that the elaboration of curli fimbriae may enhance biofilm formation leading to possible long-term survival and a potential source of human infection.


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Intimin, an outer membrane protein encoded by eaeA, is a key determinant for the formation of attaching and effacing (AE) lesions by enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). To investigate the role of intimin in adherence, the eaeA gene was insertionally inactivated in three EHEC O157:H7 strains of diverse origin. The absence or presence of intimin did not correlate with the extent of adhesion of mutant or wild-type O157:H7 in tissue culture and neonatal calf gut tissue explant adherence assays. Adherence of the eaeA mutants to HEp-2 cells was diffuse with no evidence of intimate attachment whereas wild-type bacteria formed microcolonies and AE lesions. Intimin-independent adherence to neonatal calf gut explants was demonstrated by eaeA mutants and wild-type strains which adhered in the greatest numbers to colon but least well to rumen tissue. These results confirm that intimin is necessary for intimate attachment and that additional adherence factors are involved in intimin-independent adherence.