141 resultados para 3511
Survey map and description of George Adam's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; lock no.4, channel of 12 mile creek, road, canal, dock yard, Hayward Distillery, bridge. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The land was a total of 3 acres including the creek.See also record for page 36. The land was required for canal towpath and lock house.
As a result of the issues of care and conservation and sustainable utilisation, the proper management of mangrove forests have become more pressing than ever. Much recent ecological and toxicological debate has been centered around the question of validity of making predictions about the future of mangrove ecosystemas a result of the newly evolved environmental policy. Though muchinformation exist on the biodiversity, floristic composition and characteristics, geographical distribution and uses of mangroves, systematic documentation of the various sedimentological and geochemical phenomena in relation to the mangrove flora are scarce. Hazardous, persistent, man-made chemicals and waste produces are entering the mangrove ecosystem at from the adjacent watersheds which strengthened alarming rates the indispensible need for further researches on the environmental behaviours, fate and the effect of such products. Studies on the effect of heavy metals, pesticides and the other toxic signals through bioassay and toxicity tests on mangrove species as well as in sediments definitely will furnish ample clues to establish the actual operative mechanisms of these environments. A thorough review of literature made in this angle reveals that some attempts have already been initiated the world over the record the physico-chemical characteristics of major abiotic components such as sediments and water of many mangrove ecosystem, however, adequate information is lacking in the Indian Environmental Science scenario. The present investigation is an attempt to record the sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of sediments as well as the heavy metal enrichment in the various species ofmangrove flora of three important mangrove ecosystems of Kerala, located at Veli (SouthKerala), Kochi (Central Kerala) and Kannur (North Kerala). The results of the above investigation have been analysed statistically, discussed based on the available literature and presented in this thesis under seven chapters
Los CD contienen los trabajos de la III Edición de los premios TIC en las modalidades de: software, recursos didácticos para las aulas de informática y recursos educativos interactivos en formato web
Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Ayudas a la innovación e investigación educativa en centros docentes de niveles no universitarios, Gobierno de Aragón 2009-10
Resumen basado en la publicaci??n
Nova et Vetera, ISSN 1692-5866, Año 7, No. 09 (Abril 9 de 2012)
Escuchar es la primera modalidad de aprendizaje y si el canal de transmisión del lenguaje (el aula) es deficiente, no se puede enseñar, ni aprender. Tras estudiar los indicadores acústico-arquitectónicos tradicionales en 150 aulas de establecimientos escolares se exponen los criterios de calidad acústica de las edificaciones escolares españolas, las características arquitectónicas que deben cumplir y se definen parámetros que se deben controlar y vertebrar en el diseño de espacios educativos.
Confederación Española de Familias de Personas Sordas antes Federación Española de Asociaciones de Padres y Amigos de los Sordos
Las redes son un importante elemento topológico que tiene poco soporte en el software libre. Hay redes que cuentan con millones de nodos, lo que conlleva la necesidad de manejarlas de forma cuidadosa para optimizar los recursos. Consultando el estado del arte, hemos concluido que existe cierta cantidad de librerías de código abierto disponible, que generalmente emplean un modelo de gestión de los grafos que genera una estructura mallada de objetos en memoria precisando grandes cantidades de memoria y tiempos de puesta en marcha elevados. Estas carencias adquieren especial relevancia cuando se trata de manejar grandes redes. Además las librerías analizadas no suelen ser aptas para procesado multihilo por lo que no pueden usarse en entornos de servidores. Para estos casos hemos puesto en marcha el proyecto IDELabRoute la solución propuesta consiste en una librería genérica de análisis de redes “thread-safe” con gestión dinámica de memoria; para lo cual, se usa una arquitectura modular con gestores de memoria intercambiables, que desde distintas fuentes de almacenamiento persistente (i.e. bases de datos o sistemas de ficheros), maneja grafos de forma dinámica atendiendo a criterios espaciales y/o topológicos. Se trata de una solución de compromiso, puesto que el precio a pagar por la reducción del tamaño de los objetos en memoria es un incremento en el tiempo de respuesta, debido a la gestión de memorias con diversos tiempos de respuesta. Se trata, por tanto, de un sistema de gestión de grafos dinámico que permite manejar grandes modelos de redes de forma escalable, por lo que puede resultar adecuado en entornos con pocos recursos en relación al tamaño total de la red. El primer objetivo práctico del proyecto es proporcionar a la comunidad del GIS libre un servicio WPS para el cálculo de rutas
Using data from the EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter) VHF radar and DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) spacecraft passes, we study the motion of the dayside open-closed field line boundary during two substorm cycles. The satellite data show that the motions of ion and electron temperature boundaries in EISCAT data, as reported by Moen et al. (2004), are not localised around the radar; rather, they reflect motions of the open-closed field line boundary at all MLT throughout the dayside auroral ionosphere. The boundary is shown to erode equatorward when the IMF points southward, consistent with the effect of magnetopause reconnection. During the substorm expansion and recovery phases, the dayside boundary returns poleward, whether the IMF points northward or southward. However, the poleward retreat was much faster during the substorm for which the IMF had returned to northward than for the substorm for which the IMF remained southward – even though the former substorm is much the weaker of the two. These poleward retreats are consistent with the destruction of open flux at the tail current sheet. Application of a new analysis of the peak ion energies at the equatorward edge of the cleft/cusp/mantle dispersion seen by the DMSP satellites identifies the dayside reconnection merging gap to extend in MLT from about 9.5 to 15.5 h for most of the interval. Analysis of the boundary motion, and of the convection velocities seen near the boundary by EISCAT, allows calculation of the reconnection rate (mapped down to the ionosphere) from the flow component normal to the boundary in its own rest frame. This reconnection rate is not, in general, significantly different from zero before 06:45 UT (MLT<9.5 h) – indicating that the X line footprint expands over the EISCAT field-of-view to earlier MLT only occasionally and briefly. Between 06:45 UT and 12:45UT (9.5