976 resultados para 340210 Welfare Economics


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Intertemporal social-evaluation rules provide us with social criteria that can be used to assess the relative desirability of utility distributions across generations. The trade-offs between the well-being of different generations implicit in each such rule reflect the underlying ethical position on issues of intergenerational equity or justice. We employ an axiomatic approach in order to identify ethically attractive socialevaluation procedures. In particular, we explore the possibilities of using welfare information and non-welfare information in a model of intertemporal social evaluation. We focus on the individuals’ birth dates and lengths of life as the relevant non-welfare information. As usual, welfare information is given by lifetime utilities. It is assumed that this information is available for each alternative to be ranked. Various weakenings of the Pareto principle are employed in order to allow birth dates or lengths of life (or both) to matter in social evaluation. In addition, we impose standard properties such as continuity and anonymity and we examine the consequences of an intertemporal independence property. For each of the Pareto conditions employed, we characterize all social-evaluation rules satisfying it and our other axioms. The resulting rules are birth-date dependent or lifetime-dependent versions of generalized utilitarianism. Furthermore, we discuss the ethical and axiomatic foundations of geometric discounting in the context of our model.


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In practice we often face the problem of assigning indivisible objects (e.g., schools, housing, jobs, offices) to agents (e.g., students, homeless, workers, professors) when monetary compensations are not possible. We show that a rule that satisfies consistency, strategy-proofness, and efficiency must be an efficient generalized priority rule; i.e. it must adapt to an acyclic priority structure, except -maybe- for up to three agents in each object's priority ordering.


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Pérez-Castrillo and Wettstein (2002) propose a multi-bidding mechanism to determine a winner from a set of possible projects. The winning project is implemented and its surplus is shared among the agents. In the multi-bidding mechanism each agent announces a vector of bids, one for each possible project, that are constrained to sum up to zero. In addition, each agent chooses a favorite a object which is used as a tie-breaker if several projects receive the same highest aggregate bid. Since more desirable projects receive larger bids, it is natural to consider the multi-bidding mechanism without the announcement of favorite projects. We show that the merits of the multi-bidding mechanism appear not to be robust to this natural simplification. Specifically, a Nash equilibrium exists if and only if there are at least two individually optimal projects and all individually optimal projects are efficient.


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In the past quarter century, there has been a dramatic shift of focus in social choice theory, with structured sets of alternatives and restricted domains of the sort encountered in economic problems coming to the fore. This article provides an overview of some of the recent contributions to four topics in normative social choice theory in which economic modelling has played a prominent role: Arrovian social choice theory on economic domains, variable-population social choice, strategy-proof social choice, and axiomatic models of resource allocation.


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Consistency, a natural weakening of transitivity introduced in a seminal contribution by Suzumura (1976b), has turned out to be an interesting and promising concept in a variety of areas within economic theory. This paper summarizes its recent applications and provides some new observations in welfarist social choice and in population ethics. In particular, it is shown that the conclusion of the welfarism theorem remains true if transitivity is replaced by consistency and that an impossibility result in variable-population social-choice theory turns into a possibility if transitivity is weakened to consistency.


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In this paper, we present graphical and quantitative evidence on the important role played by changes in labor market institutions on the rise in wage inequality in the United States during the 1980s. We show that the decline in the real value of the minimium wage and in the rate of unionization explains over a third of the rise in inequality among men.


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We consider the following question: does market failure justify redistribution? We argue that the general answer to this question is no, in the sense that policies for correcting market failures do not aim at producing a "desirable" income distribution. This follows from the fact that, by construction, market failure is a deviation from "efficiency" that does not involve any notion of a desirable distribution of welfare (or income). However, there are special cases where a "corrective measure" involving redistribution can offset a market failure, so this can provide a form of efficiency- based justification for redistribution.


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Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades que ha presentado el Sistema de Salud colombiano caracterizado por la corrupción, las barreras administrativas para el acceso a los servicios de salud y la falta de una estructura administrativa, que le permita desarrollar mecanismos para ser eficiente en la prestación de servicios de salud, entre otros (Pantoja, 2011) (Colprensa, 2011) (Ruíz Gómez, 2012); el presente proyecto de investigación busca determinar los factores clave de éxito de una aseguradora Estadounidense y que se podrían adaptar al Sistema de Salud colombiano. Para lograr el propósito de este proyecto, se realizó una búsqueda de artículos donde se describieran los factores claves de éxito del modelo de aseguramiento y prestación de la aseguradora Kaiser Permanente, con el fin de analizar si dichos factores se pueden implementar de acuerdo al marco normativo en el que se desarrolla el sistema de salud colombiano. De acuerdo al análisis de la información y a la revisión de la normatividad que modela el Sistema de Salud colombiano, se pudo determinar que el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS) cuenta con los mecanismos normativos que le permiten adoptar e implementar los factores claves de éxito que caracterizan el modelo de aseguramiento y prestación de servicios de Kaiser Permanente; por otra parte, es necesario tener en cuenta que en el modelo colombiano se permite la integración vertical sólo en un 40% , lo que no se ha estudiado es si este modelo de integración es beneficioso o no, a la hora de buscar la eficiencia en la prestación en salud, ya que el modelo Kaiser se caracteriza por aplicar una integración vertical del 100%, característica que le permite, por la evidencia encontrada, ser eficiente en la atención de sus usuarios.


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Introducción: el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es considerado una enfermedad de alto costo. La expresión clínica de la enfermedad depende de la ubicación geografía y la etnicidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue el calcular los costos ambulatorios relacionado al LES en una cohorte colombiana, identificar los predictores de costos y comparar nuestro resultados con otras poblaciones. Métodos: Se realizó una aproximación de tipo prevalencia en 100 pacientes LES en quienes se evaluaron los costos directos médicos, directos no médicos, indirectos e intangibles. Todos los costos médicos fueron evaluados usando una metodología abajo hacia arriba. Los costos directos fueron valorados desde una perspectiva social usando una metodología de micro-costeo. Los costos indirectos se evaluaron mediante una aproximación de capital humano, y los costos intangibles calculados a partir de los años de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC). Se analizaron los datos por medio de un análisis multivariado. Para comparaciones con otras poblaciones todos los costos fueron expresados como la razón entre los costos y producto interno bruto nacional per cápita. Resultados: La media de costos totales fue 13.031±9.215 USD (ajustados por el factor de conversión de paridad del poder adquisitivo), lo cual representa el 1,66 del PIB per capita de Colombia. Los costos directos son el 64% de los costos totales. Los costos médicos representan el 80% de los costos directos,. Los costos indirectos fueron el 10% y los costos intangibles el 25% de los costos totales. Los medicamentos representaron el 45% de los costos directos. Mayores costos se relacionaron con el estrato socioeconómico, seguro médico privado, AVAC, alopecia, micofenolato mofetilo, y terapia anticoagulante. Los costos directos ajustados de los pacientes con LES en Colombia fueron mayores que en Norte América y en Europa. Conclusiones: el LES impone una carga económica importante para la sociedad. Los costos relacionados con la atención médica y AVAC fueron los principales contribuyentes al alto costo de la enfermedad. Estos resultados pueden ser referencia para determinar políticas en salud pública así como comparar el gasto en salud de forma internacional.


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El presente documento intenta esquematizar los conceptos que han sido estudiados en la teoría económica y que son necesarios para evaluar las condiciones de vida de las personas. Se estudian las distintas posturas que se enmarcan tanto dentro de la vieja como de la nueva economía del bienestar y se concluye que la teoría económica ha llegado a un concepto de bienestar y justicia ampliamente definido que permite evaluar de una manera distinta a los agentes y que también, permite considerar posturas alternativas cuando se habla de condiciones de vida.


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En este documento se quiere demostrar que una teoría que pretenda fundamentar la política social que no permita las comparaciones interpersonales es inadecuada. Por esta razón, el punto de partida es una crítica a la economía normativa neoclásica. Esta crítica consiste, en últimas, en una crítica al concepto de bienestar de los utilitaristas. Se plantea que el bienestar entendido como utilidad excluye información relevante para juzgar el bienestar de las personas, y se propone que el concepto de bienestar del profesor Amartya Sen es adecuado como base de una teoría para la política social.


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The inequality of nutrition and obesity re-focuses concern on who in society is consuming the worst diet. Identification of individuals with the worst of dietary habits permits for targeting interventions to assuage obesity among the population segment where it is most prevalent. We argue that the use of fiscal interventions does not appropriately take into account the economic, social and health circumstances of the intended beneficiaries of the policy. This paper reviews the influence of socio-demographic factors on nutrition and health status and considers the impacts of nutrition policy across the population drawing on methodologies from both public health and welfare economics. The effects of a fat tax on diet are found to be small and while other studies show that fat taxes saves lives, we show that average levels of disease risk do not change much: those consuming particularly bad diets continue to do so. Our results also suggest that the regressivity of the policy increases as the tax becomes focused on products with high saturated fat contents. A fiscally neutral policy that combines the fat tax with a subsidy on fruit and vegetables is actually more regressive because consumption of these foods tends to be concentrated in socially undeserving households. We argue that when inequality is of concern, population-based measures must reflect this and approaches that target vulnerable populations which have a shared propensity to adopt unhealthy behaviours are appropriate.


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The literature on fiscal food policies focuses on their effectiveness in altering diets and improving health, while this paper focuses on their welfare costs. A formal welfare economics framework is developed to calculate the combined individualistic and distributional impacts of a tax-subsidy. Distributional characteristics of foods targeted by a tax tend to be concentrated in lower-income households. Further, consumption of fruit and vegetables tends to be concentrated in higher-income households; therefore, a subsidy on such foods increases regressivity. Aggregate welfare changes that result from a fiscal food policy are found to range from an increase of 1.41 per cent to a reduction of 2.06 per cent according to whether a subsidy is included, the degree of inequality aversion, and whether substitution among foods is allowed.


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The importance of good health of a population is crucial when determining social welfare. A new health-adjusted national income indicator that explores the relationships between economic growth, health and social welfare in Bangkok, Thailand from 1975 to 1999 is applied. This new approach to social welfare analysis is based on normative social choice theory, cost–benefit and systems analysis and is called (new)3 welfare economics. This paper argues that traditional measures of welfare, such as national income, fail to reflect accurately the impact of health on social welfare.