959 resultados para statistical quantum field theory
We study the kinetics of protein folding via statistical energy landscape theory. We concentrate on the local-connectivity case, where the configurational changes can only occur among neighboring states, with the folding progress described in terms of an order parameter given by the fraction of native conformations. The non-Markovian diffusion dynamics is analyzed in detail and an expression for the mean first-passage time (MFPT) from non-native unfolded states to native folded state is obtained. It was found that the MFPT has a V-shaped dependence on the temperature. We also find that the MFPT is shortened as one increases the gap between the energy of the native and average non-native folded states relative to the fluctuations of the energy landscape. The second- and higher-order moments are studied to infer the first-passage time distribution. At high temperature, the distribution becomes close to a Poisson distribution, while at low temperatures the distribution becomes a Levy-type distribution with power-law tails, indicating a nonself-averaging intermittent behavior of folding dynamics. We note the likely relevance of this result to single-molecule dynamics experiments, where a power law (Levy) distribution of the relaxation time of the underlined protein energy landscape is observed.
We study the dynamics of protein folding via statistical energy-landscape theory. In particular, we concentrate on the local-connectivity case with the folding progress described by the fraction of native conformations. We found that the first passage-time (FPT) distribution undergoes a dynamic transition at a temperature below which the FPT distribution develops a power-law tail, a signature of the intermittent nonexponential kinetic phenomena for the folding dynamics. Possible applications to single-molecule dynamics experiments are discussed.
Using two methods: (1) three-step excitation and (2) single UV photon excitation in an atomic beam with direct observation of the decay of the fluorescence light, we have measured the lifetimes of the Rydberg levels of YbI belonging to the perturbed series 6snp J = 1 levels. The measured values have been interpreted by the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT).
The transformation field method (TFM) originated from Eshelby's transformation field theory is developed to estimate the effective permittivity of an anisotropic graded granular composite having inclusions of arbitrary shape and arbitrary anisotropic grading profile. The complicated boundary-value problem of the anisotropic graded composite is solved by introducing an appropriate transformation field within the whole composite region. As an example, the effective dielectric response for an anisotropic graded composite with inclusions having arbitrary geometrical shape and arbitrary grading profile is formulated. The validity of TFM is tested by comparing our results with the exact solution of an isotropic graded composite having inclusions with a power-law dielectric grading profile and good agreement is achieved in the dilute limit. Furthermore, it is found that the inclusion shape and the parameters of the grading profile can have profound effect on the effective permittivity at high concentrations of the inclusions. It is pointed out that TFM used in this paper can be further extended to investigate the effective elastic, thermal, and electroelastic properties of anisotropic graded granular composite materials.
The quick, easy way to master all the statistics you'll ever need The bad news first: if you want a psychology degree you'll need to know statistics. Now for the good news: Psychology Statistics For Dummies. Featuring jargon-free explanations, step-by-step instructions and dozens of real-life examples, Psychology Statistics For Dummies makes the knotty world of statistics a lot less baffling. Rather than padding the text with concepts and procedures irrelevant to the task, the authors focus only on the statistics psychology students need to know. As an alternative to typical, lead-heavy statistics texts or supplements to assigned course reading, this is one book psychology students won't want to be without. Ease into statistics – start out with an introduction to how statistics are used by psychologists, including the types of variables they use and how they measure them Get your feet wet – quickly learn the basics of descriptive statistics, such as central tendency and measures of dispersion, along with common ways of graphically depicting information Meet your new best friend – learn the ins and outs of SPSS, the most popular statistics software package among psychology students, including how to input, manipulate and analyse data Analyse this – get up to speed on statistical analysis core concepts, such as probability and inference, hypothesis testing, distributions, Z-scores and effect sizes Correlate that – get the lowdown on common procedures for defining relationships between variables, including linear regressions, associations between categorical data and more Analyse by inference – master key methods in inferential statistics, including techniques for analysing independent groups designs and repeated-measures research designs Open the book and find: Ways to describe statistical data How to use SPSS statistical software Probability theory and statistical inference Descriptive statistics basics How to test hypotheses Correlations and other relationships between variables Core concepts in statistical analysis for psychology Analysing research designs Learn to: Use SPSS to analyse data Master statistical methods and procedures using psychology-based explanations and examples Create better reports Identify key concepts and pass your course
We propose a general framework to effectively `open' a high-Q resonator, that is, to release the quantum state initially prepared in it in the form of a traveling electromagnetic wave. This is achieved by employing a mediating mode that scatters coherently the radiation from the resonator into a one-dimensional continuum of modes such as a waveguide. The same mechanism may be used to `feed' a desired quantum field to an initially empty cavity. Switching between an `open' and `closed' resonator may then be obtained by controlling either the detuning of the scatterer or the amount of time it spends in the resonator. First, we introduce the model in its general form, identifying (i) the traveling mode that optimally retains the full quantum information of the resonator field and (ii) a suitable figure of merit that we study analytically in terms of the system parameters. Then, we discuss two feasible implementations based on ensembles of two-level atoms interacting with cavity fields. In addition, we discuss how to integrate traditional cavity QED in our proposal using three-level atoms.
Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Teorias e Métodos de Sociologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Tecnológica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Ancrée dans le domaine de la didactique des mathématiques, notre thèse cible le « travail de l’erreur » effectué par trois enseignants dans leur première année de carrière. Libérés des contraintes associées au système de formation initiale, ces sujets assument pleinement leur nouveau rôle au sein de la classe ordinaire. Ils se chargent, entre autres, de l’enseignement de l’arithmétique et, plus précisément, de la division euclidienne. Parmi leurs responsabilités se trouvent le repérage et l’intervention sur les procédures erronées. Le « travail de l’erreur » constitue l’expression spécifique désignant cette double tâche (Portugais 1995). À partir d’un dispositif de recherche combinant les méthodes d’observation et d’entrevue, nous documentons des séances d’enseignement afin de dégager les situations où nos maîtres du primaire identifient des erreurs dans les procédures algorithmiques des élèves et déploient, subséquemment, des stratégies d’intervention. Nous montrons comment ces deux activités sont coordonnées en décrivant les choix, décisions et actions mises en œuvre par nos sujets. Il nous est alors possible d’exposer l’organisation de la conduite de ces jeunes enseignants en fonction du traitement effectif de l’erreur arithmétique. En prenant appui sur la théorie de champs conceptuels (Vergnaud 1991), nous révélons l’implicite des connaissances mobilisées par nos sujets et mettons en relief les mécanismes cognitifs qui sous-tendent cette activité professionnelle. Nous pouvons ainsi témoigner, du moins en partie, du travail de conceptualisation réalisé in situ. Ce travail analytique permet de proposer l’existence d’un schème du travail de l’erreur chez ces maîtres débutants, mais aussi de spécifier sa nature et son fonctionnement. En explorant le versant cognitif de l’activité enseignante, notre thèse aborde une nouvelle perspective associée au thème du repérage et de l’intervention sur l’erreur de calcul de divisions en colonne.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
En 2012, la traduction au Québec d'ouvrages littéraires d'auteurs issus de l'Amérique hispanique est encore un phénomène marginal. Pourtant, les entreprises de traduction de tels ouvrages se sont faites plus nombreuses au cours des vingt dernières années, et deux maisons d'édition québécoises leur ont fait la part belle : Les Écrits des Forges et Les Allusifs. La première a publié en français de nombreux canons de la poésie mexicaine tandis que la seconde possède à son catalogue (maintenant chez Leméac) bon nombre d'auteurs hispano-américains. Les efforts de ces éditeurs ont été précédés d'un premier mouvement d'accueil de la littérature hispano-américaine, mouvement principalement lié à la venue au Canada d'auteurs hispano-américains immigrants, souvent des réfugiés qui avaient fui la guerre ou la dictature dans leur pays d'origine. À partir de la théorie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu et de l’application de cette théorie à l’espace littéraire international par Pascale Casanova, ce mémoire cherche à expliquer plus en détail les conditions et logiques qui sous-tendent la traduction et l’édition des littératures hispano-américaines au Québec. Pour ce faire, il analyse la trajectoire de trois auteurs dont chacun a vu au moins un de ses titres publié en français. Ces auteurs sont le Salvadorien Horacio Castellanos Moya, dont le roman intitulé Le Dégoût a été publié aux Allusifs en 2003, le Mexicain Jaime Sabines, dont Poemas del peatón/Poèmes du piéton a été publié aux Écrits des Forges en 1997, et la Colombienne québécoise Yvonne América Truque, dont le recueil de poèmes Proyección de los silencios/Projection des silences a été publié au CÉDAH en 1986. Chacune des trajectoires illustre un modèle de production et de diffusion particulier de la littérature hispano-américaine en traduction qui s’est manifesté durant les vingt dernières années. Ensemble, elles permettent de dégager le parcours évolutif de l’édition vers une intégration de plus en plus mondialisée des mécanismes de diffusion des biens symboliques.
New mathematical methods to analytically investigate linear acoustic radiation and scattering from cylindrical bodies and transducer arrays are presented. Three problems of interest involving cylinders in an infinite fluid are studied. In all the three problems, the Helmholtz equation is used to model propagation through the fluid and the beam patterns of arrays of transducers are studied. In the first problem, a method is presented to determine the omni-directional and directional far-field pressures radiated by a cylindrical transducer array in an infinite rigid cylindrical baffle. The solution to the Helmholtz equation and the displacement continuity condition at the interface between the array and the surrounding water are used to determine the pressure. The displacement of the surface of each transducer is in the direction of the normal to the array and is assumed to be uniform. Expressions are derived for the pressure radiated by a sector of the array vibrating in-phase, the entire array vibrating in-phase, and a sector of the array phase-shaded to simulate radiation from a rectangular piston. It is shown that the uniform displacement required for generating a source level of 220 dB ref. μPa @ 1m that is omni directional in the azimuthal plane is in the order of 1 micron for typical arrays. Numerical results are presented to show that there is only a small difference between the on-axis pressures radiated by phased cylindrical arrays and planar arrays. The problem is of interest because cylindrical arrays of projectors are often used to search for underwater objects. In the second problem, the errors, when using data-independent, classical, energy and split beam correlation methods, in finding the direction of arrival (DOA) of a plane acoustic wave, caused by the presence of a solid circular elastic cylindrical stiffener near a linear array of hydrophones, are investigated. Scattering from the effectively infinite cylinder is modeled using the exact axisymmetric equations of motion and the total pressures at the hydrophone locations are computed. The effect of the radius of the cylinder, a, the distance between the cylinder and the array, b, the number of hydrophones in the array, 2H, and the angle of incidence of the wave, α, on the error in finding the DOA are illustrated using numerical results. For an array that is about 30 times the wavelength and for small angles of incidence (α<10), the error in finding the DOA using the energy method is less than that using the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α; and in some cases, the error increases when b increases; and the errors in finding the DOA using the energy method and the split beam correlation method with beam steered to α vary approximately as a7 / 4 . The problem is of interest because elastic stiffeners – in nearly acoustically transparent sonar domes that are used to protect arrays of transducers – scatter waves that are incident on it and cause an error in the estimated direction of arrival of the wave. In the third problem, a high-frequency ray-acoustics method is presented and used to determine the interior pressure field when a plane wave is normally incident on a fluid cylinder embedded in another infinite fluid. The pressure field is determined by using geometrical and physical acoustics. The interior pressure is expressed as the sum of the pressures due to all rays that pass through a point. Numerical results are presented for ka = 20 to 100 where k is the acoustic wavenumber of the exterior fluid and a is the radius of the cylinder. The results are in good agreement with those obtained using field theory. The directional responses, to the plane wave, of sectors of a circular array of uniformly distributed hydrophones in the embedded cylinder are then computed. The sectors are used to simulate linear arrays with uniformly distributed normals by using delays. The directional responses are compared with the output from an array in an infinite homogenous fluid. These outputs are of interest as they are used to determine the direction of arrival of the plane wave. Numerical results are presented for a circular array with 32 hydrophones and 12 hydrophones in each sector. The problem is of interest because arrays of hydrophones are housed inside sonar domes and acoustic plane waves from distant sources are scattered by the dome filled with fresh water and cause deterioration in the performance of the array.
We propose a short-range generalization of the p-spin interaction spin-glass model. The model is well suited to test the idea that an entropy collapse is at the bottom line of the dynamical singularity encountered in structural glasses. The model is studied in three dimensions through Monte Carlo simulations, which put in evidence fragile glass behavior with stretched exponential relaxation and super-Arrhenius behavior of the relaxation time. Our data are in favor of a Vogel-Fulcher behavior of the relaxation time, related to an entropy collapse at the Kauzmann temperature. We, however, encounter difficulties analogous to those found in experimental systems when extrapolating thermodynamical data at low temperatures. We study the spin-glass susceptibility, investigating the behavior of the correlation length in the system. We find that the increase of the relaxation time is accompanied by a very slow growth of the correlation length. We discuss the scaling properties of off-equilibrium dynamics in the glassy regime, finding qualitative agreement with the mean-field theory.
The mean-field theory of a spin glass with a specific form of nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions is investigated. Depending on the sign of the interaction matrix chosen we find either the continuous replica symmetry breaking seen in the Sherrington-Kirkpartick model or a one-step solution similar to that found in structural glasses. Our results are confirmed by numerical simulations and the link between the type of spin-glass behavior and the density of eigenvalues of the interaction matrix is discussed.