796 resultados para literacy education
Career Academy instructors’ technical literacy is vital to the academic success of students. This nonexperimental ex post facto study examined the relationships between the level of technical literacy of instructors in career academies and student academic performance. It was also undertaken to explore the relationship between the pedagogical training of instructors and the academic performance of students. Out of a heterogeneous population of 564 teachers in six targeted schools, 136 teachers (26.0 %) responded to an online survey. The survey was designed to gather demographic and teaching experience data. Each demographic item was linked by researchers to teachers’ technology use in the classroom. Student achievement was measured by student learning gains as assessed by the reading section of the FCAT from the previous to the present school year. Linear and hierarchical regressions were conducted to examine the research questions. To clarify the possibility of teacher gender and teacher race/ethnic group differences by research variable, a series of one-way ANOVAs were conducted. As revealed by the ANOVA results, there were not statistically significant group differences in any of the research variables by teacher gender or teacher race/ethnicity. Greater student learning gains were associated with greater teacher technical expertise integrating computers and technology into the classroom, even after controlling for teacher attitude towards computers. Neither teacher attitude toward technology integration nor years of experience in integrating computers into the curriculum significantly predicted student learning gains in the regression models. Implications for HRD theory, research, and practice suggest that identifying teacher levels of technical literacy may help improve student academic performance by facilitating professional development strategies and new parameters for defining highly qualified instructors with 21st century skills. District professional development programs can benefit by increasing their offerings to include more computer and information communication technology courses. Teacher preparation programs can benefit by including technical literacy as part of their curriculum. State certification requirements could be expanded to include formal surveys to assess teacher use of technology.
Descrevem-se as diversas fases do “Projeto para uma Estratégia de Literacia Informacional na NOVA” com vista à implementação de uma estratégia transversal de literacia da informação que abrangesse todas as Unidades Orgânicas da NOVA e o modo como a sua orientação de topo, dinâmica, metodologia e objetivos conduziram, posteriormente, à inclusão de um curso de Literacia Informacional no programa da NOVA Escola Doutoral. Realçando que a implementação do curso de Literacia Informacional nesse projeto passou a constituir um dos poucos exemplos de oferta formativa e de efetiva concretização de um projeto de intervenção curricular e pedagógica ao nível da literacia da informação no ensino superior em Portugal, promovendo a colaboração entre colegas e indo ao encontro de uma transferência de saberes e de uma partilha de competências abertas à colaboração de doutorandos e orientadores, enunciamse os objetivos do curso de Literacia Informacional e de cada módulo que o constitui e os resultados esperados ao nível do ensino e da aprendizagem. Conclui-se que a diversificação dos percursos formativos em contexto universitário, em estreita convergência com outras aprendizagens ao nível sociocultural, confere aos bibliotecários a responsabilidade de desempenhar um papel ativo no ensino e na promoção e consolidação das competências transversais dos estudantes, contribuindo a literacia da informação para o sucesso académico também ao nível do ensino superior.
This study investigates the ‘self’ of six Irish working-class women, all parenting alone and all returned to the field of adult education. Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capital are the backdrop for the study of the ‘self’, which is viewed through his lens. This study commenced in September 2012 and concluded in August 2014, in a small urban educational setting in an Irish city. All of the women in the study are single parents, most of them did not complete second level education, and none of them had experienced adult or third level education. Their ages vary from 30 to 55 years. The study pursues the women’s motivations for returning to education, the challenges they faced throughout the journey, and their experiences, views and perspectives of Adult Education. The methodology chosen for this research is critical eethnography, and as an emerging ethnographer, I was able to view the phenomena from both an emic (inside) and an etic (outside) perspective. The critically oriented approach is a branch of qualitative research. It is a holistic and humanistic approach that is cyclical and reflective. The critical ethnographic case studies that developed are theoretically framed in critical theory and critical pedagogy. The data is collected from classroom observations (recorded in a journal) and interviews (both individual and group). The women's life experiences inform their sense of self and their capital reserves derive from their experience of habitus. It also attempts to understand the delivery of the programmes and how it can impact the journey of the adult learners. The analysis of the interviews, observations, field notes and reflective journals demonstrate what the women have to say about their new journey in adult education. This crucial information informs best practice for adult education programmes. This study also considers the complexity of habitus and the many forms of capital. The theme of adults returning to education and their disposition to this is one of the major themes of this study. Findings reflect this uncertainty but also underline how the women unshackled themselves of some of the constraints of a restricted view of self. Witnessing this new habitus forming was the core of their transformational possibility becoming real. The study provides a unique contribution to knowledge as it utilises Bourdieuian concepts and theories, not only as theoretical tools but as conceptual tools for analysis. The study examined transformative pedagogy in the field of adult education and it offers important recommendations for future policy and practice.
The study proposed in this paper aims to present a review and theoretical reflection on the concepts of alphabetization and literacy. Whereas the term literacy emerged in Brazil in the 80s, we intend to investigate how it has been used in Brazilian education and reflexes which provoked its use in school pedagogical practices. Used as theoretical studies such as Kleiman (1995), Smith (2000, 2004), Matencio (1994, 2004), Tfouni (1995) and Rojo (2004). From the references cited crave draw a parallel between the use of these two terms and how literacy can contribute to improving the quality of teaching and learning of reading and writing. Given that school practices seek to form proficient readers, not for us to choose between alphabetize or write the lyrics what becomes necessary is alphabetize from social practices.
: The present work has as its theme the continuing education of teachers and their close relationship with the Development Index of Basic Education (IDEB) in the early years. Its main objective is to offer to this level of education professionals and other interested parties, a discussion of ways to a more consistent performance in the classroom. To this end, we have made consideration of the municipal public policies for continuing education of teachers of Portuguese in order to reflect on the importance of planning of actions aimed at continuing education in the municipalities and their reflections in IDEB. The discussion will be subsidized by the propositions of Linguistics of Enunciation based on Bakhtin (1992, 2003) among others. Thus, to sustain the discussion, we selected a town in western Paraná, for which we will launch our eye on the public policy of continuing education and its impact on the teaching of Portuguese. These reflections are connected with the Center for Research Project organized by the Continuing Education for teachers of basic education in the early years: actions for literacy in cities with low IDEB the western Paraná, linked to the Post-graduate studies in Literature and Monitoring Program of Education - CAPES / INEP / SECAD.
This article focuses on the difficulties encountered in text production students of the first phase of an undergraduate distance learning course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina with regard to working with the gender discourse academic review. The research question that drives this study is: In terms of social experiences with written language system, which factors are inferreds in the analysis of problems of adaptation to the visualized gender in textual production reviews in the academic sphere in the course of Portuguese Language distance? The study developed is anchored in theories of literacy based on Street (1984; 2003; 2009), Hamilton (2000), Barton and Hamilton (2004), among other authors who discuss the new studies of literacy through ethnographic perspectives; as well as the theories of genres of Bakhtin and his Circle (2003 [1952/53]). The results show problems (not) appropriate to the genre, both in terms of compositional configuration as in relation to the thematic content and style and signal distinctions between school and family literacy practices and academic literacy practices, demanding methodological resignifications in addressing gender in the academic sphere. The study contributes to the Applied Linguistics area paying attention to the need to undertake a teaching preparation (Halte, 2008) that includes the experiences of students and their weaknesses, so as to focus on them.
Regarding reading and writing practice, Higher Education context is one privileged setting for text study in order to provide knowledge acquisition and production for students. It is also recognizable that texts vary linguistically depending on the purpose and context of production which leads to academic literacy notion. In such context, courses are developed aiming to prepare students to master texts and practices in order to achieve academic success. Text Reading and Production I Course is an example of a course which has been introduced in the university programs. The paper aims to analyze the pedagogical practice that takes such projects as leading planning for reading and writing education at the university. It is part of a research carried out by the researcher who is a professor of Text Reading and Production I Course of a university center placed in the Taquari Valley/RS. The present essay aims to analyze texts the students read and wrote in the mentioned project. It is understood that (KLEIMAN, 2000, P. 238) literacy projects represent activities that result from real interest in students’ life and the implementation involves reading and writing as social practice. Data were collected from a group of students enrolled in the Text Reading and Production I Course during 2013/B term. One of the eleven projects developed by the students and the importance as literacy practices for reading and writing education at the university are analyzed.
Integrating Enterprise Systems solutions in the curriculum of not only universities but all types of institutes of higher learning has been a major challenge for nearly ten years. Enterprise Systems education is surprisingly well documented in a number of papers on Information Systems education. However, most publications in this area report on the individual experiences of an institution or an academic. This paper focuses on the most popular Enterprise System - SAP - and summarizes the outcomes of a global survey on the status quo of SAP-related education. Based on feedback of 305 lecturers and more than 700 students, it reports on the main factors of Enterprise Systems education including, critical success factors, alternative hosting models, and students’ perceptions. The results show among others an overall increasing interest in advanced SAP solutions and international collaboration, and a high satisfaction with the concept of using Application Hosting Centers.