816 resultados para home birth


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Myosin Va functions as a processive, actin-based motor molecule highly enriched in the nervous system, which transports and/or tethers organelles, vesicles, and mRNA and protein translation machinery. Mutation of myosin Va leads to Griscelli disease that is associated with severe neurological deficits and a short life span. Despite playing a critical role in development, the expression of myosin Va in the central nervous system throughout the human life span has not been reported. To address this issue, the cerebellar expression of myosin Va from newborns to elderly humans was studied by immunohistochemistry using an affinity-purified anti-myosin Va antibody. Myosin Va was expressed at all ages from the 10th postnatal day to the 98th year of life, in molecular, Purkinje and granular cerebellar layers. Cerebellar myosin Va expression did not differ essentially in localization or intensity from childhood to old age, except during the postnatal developmental period. Structures resembling granules and climbing fibers in Purkinje cells were deeply stained. In dentate neurons, long processes were deeply stained by anti-myosin Va, as were punctate nuclear structures. During the first postnatal year, myosin Va was differentially expressed in the external granular layer (EGL). In the EGL, proliferating prospective granule cells were not stained by anti-myosin Va antibody. In contrast, premigratory granule cells in the EGL stained moderately. Granule cells exhibiting a migratory profile in the molecular layer were also moderately stained. In conclusion, neuronal myosin Va is developmentally regulated, and appears to be required for cerebellar function from early postnatal life to senescence.


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The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of the use of continuous positive airway pressure installed prophylactically in the delivery room (DR-CPAP), for infants with a birth weight between 500 and 1000 g in settings with limited resources. During 23 months, infants with a birth weight between 500 and 1000 g consecutively received DR-CPAP. A total of 33 infants with low birth weight were enrolled, 16 (48.5%) were females. Only 14 (42.4%) received antenatal corticosteroids and only 2 of those 14 (14.3%) infants weighing 500-750 g were not intubated in the delivery room, and apnea was given as the reason for intubation of these patients. Of the 19 infants in the 751-1000 g weight range, 9 (47.4%) were intubated in the delivery room, 6 due to apnea and 3 due to respiratory discomfort. For DR-CPAP to be successful, it is probably necessary for preterm babies to be more prepared at birth to withstand the respiratory effort without the need for intubation. Antenatal corticosteroids and better prenatal monitoring are fundamental for success of DR-CPAP.


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Neste trabalho, apresenta-se uma visão geral da evolução do uso da SFE (extração com fluido supercrítico) na análise de plantas medicinais brasileiras dentro das pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Laboratório de Cromatografia do IQSC-USP. Utilizou-se como fluido extrator o CO2, puro ou modificado com solventes de polaridade baixa a alta (pentano, solventes halogenados, álcoois, água), para a extração seletiva de princípios ativos de Maytenus aquifolium ("espinheira santa") e Mikania glomerata ("guaco"), respectivamente contendo triterpenos e cumarina. Os extratos obtidos por SFE foram analisados por CGAR (cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução), CLAE-DAD (cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector" photodiodearray") ou CCD (cromatografia de camada delgada). A SFE forneceu resultados similares ou melhores do que os obtidos com métodos convencionais de extração (Soxhlet, maceração, etc), indicando o potencial uso da SFE para análise e/ou produção de preparações contendo estas plantas medicinais.


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O Laboratório de Cromatografia do IQSC-USP tem desenvolvido pesquisas em conjunto com outros grupos de pesquisa do Brasil e da América Latina, visando a futura implantação da SFE (extração com fluido supercrítico) nestes laboratórios. No presente trabalho, apresenta-se alguns dos resultados obtidos na cooperação com pesquisadores do Chile e da Venezuela, direcionados para a SFE de substâncias de potencial interesse econômico, princípios ativos ou substâncias tóxicas: triglicerídeos, ácidos graxos, flavonóides, alcalóides, etc. Foram estudadas plantas nativas do Chile e da Venezuela, algumas delas nunca estudadas por métodos fitoquímicos convencionais e pertencentes a várias famílias vegetais: Leguminosae, Chrysobalanaceae, Annonnaceae, etc. O uso da SFE em conjunto com CGAR-EM (cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução - espectrometria de massas) ou CLAE-DAD (cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector" photodiodearray") permitiu a identificação de algumas substâncias presentes em baixa concentração, a partir de pequenas quantidades de material vegetal; estes dados são de grande importância para a caracterização química das espécies estudadas.


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Este trabalho apresenta três aplicações da SFE com diferentes fluídos supercríticos, matrizes e sistemas de extração. Um sistema estático "home made" foi utilizado na pesquisa de fontes alternativas de insumos químicos e energéticos tais como o bagaço de cana-de-açucar e o carvão mineral. Foram usados, respectivamente, o etanol (sem e com catalisador) e o tolueno como fluídos extratores e hidrogênio como gás de pressurização. Na extração dos contaminantes do óleo mineral adsorvidos em bauxita, foi utilizado o dióxido de carbono como fluído extrator em um sistema "home made"/dinâmico. Estudos visando a maximização do rendimento de alguns dos processos também foram realizados, utilizando o planejamento fatorial e a metodologia da superfície de resposta. Os produtos de maior interesse neste trabalho (fração de resinas), obtidos do processo de extração do bagaço de cana-de-açucar e aqueles contaminantes do óleo isolante adsorvidos em bauxita extraídos com fluídos supercríticos foram caracterizados usando cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução com detector de ionização de chama (CGAR - DIC) e cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução com detector seletivo de massas (CGAR - EM) após fracionamento por cromatografia líquida preparativa em 8 frações distintas.


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São apresentadas algumas aplicações de um sistema "Home-Made" para Extração com Fluido Supercrítico (EFS) na análise de resíduos de pesticidas e de óleos essenciais em alimentos. Foram desenvolvidos diversos estudos com os parâmetros: temperatura, pressão, escolha e concentração de modificadores. Os resultados são apresentados para amostras de maracujá (resíduos de pesticidas organofosforados e piretróides), mel (resíduos de pesticidas organoclorados) e laranja (óleo essencial).


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No presente trabalho apresentamos um sistema para extração com fluido supercrítico (SFE)" home-made" utilizado em extrações de resíduos de pesticidas de diversas matrizes. Os pesticidas estudados foram extraídos usando-se como fluido extrator CO2 no estado supercrítico com ou sem modificadores. Os resultados obtidos mostraram-se mais vantajosos do que aqueles obtidos por métodos convencionais de extração.


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This study aims to analyze the influence of dehydration and different preparation methods during home processing related toalpha-carotene, beta-carotene and total carotenoids stability in carrots. Vitamin A values were evaluated after different treatments. Thus, carrots were submitted to steam cooking, water cooking with and without pressure, moist/dry cooking and conventional dehydration. Determination of alpha- and beta-carotenes was made by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) (conditions were developed by us) using spectrophotometric detection visible-UV at 470 nm; a RP-18 column and methanol: acetonitrile: ethyl acetate (80: 10: 10) as mobile phase. Total carotenoids quantification was made by 449 nm spectrophotometer. The retention of the analyzed carotenoids ranged from 60.13 to 85.64%. Water cooking without pressure promoted higher retention levels of alpha- and beta-carotene and vitamin A values, while water cooking with pressure promoted higher retention levels of total carotenoids. Dehydration promoted the highest carotenoid losses. The results showed that, among the routinely utilized methods under domestic condition, cooking without pressure, if performed under controlled time and temperature, is the best method as it reduces losses in the amount of alpha- and beta-carotene, the main carotenoids present in the carrots. Despite the significant carotenoid losses, carrots prepared through domestic methods, remain a rich source of provitamin A.


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Principen om nationalismen där det politiska och det nationella är samspelt kan vara av markant betydelse för uppbyggande av autonomiska regimer. Likaså tillåter decentralicering och delegering av befogenheter för språk och utbildning (officiellt erkännande av språk, standardisering av språk, undervisningsspråk och relaterade läroplaner) formning av identiteter inom dessa autonomiska regimer. Resultatet är en ofullkomlig cirkulär relation där språk, samfund och politiska institutioner ömsesidigt och kontinuerligt formar varandra: lingvistiskt mångfald prägar och formger autonomiska ordningar och vice-versa. De juridiska implikationerna av territoriella och icke-territoriella former av autonomi är dock av en annan art. Emedan territoriell autonomi bygger på idéen om ett eventuellt inkluderande hemland för lingvistiska grupper, vars vistelseort är avgörande, förstärker den icke-territoriella autonomin idéen om ett exclusivt samfund bestående av själv-identifierade medlemmar som är kapabla till självstyre oavsett territoriella gränser. Denna avhandling utgör an analys av sådana juridiska implikationer genom komparativa och institutionella analyser. Avhandlingen föreslår som resultat en serie av normativa och pragmatiska rekommendationer inriktade på att främja demokratiseringsprocesser i linje med principer om multikulturalism.


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Carotenoids have antioxidant activity, but few are converted by the body into retinol, the active form of vitamin A. Among the 600 carotenoids with pro-vitamin A activity, the most common are α- and β-carotene. These carotenoids are susceptible to degradation (e.g., isomerization and oxidation) during cooking. The aim of this study was to assess the total carotenoid, α- and β-carotene, and 9 and 13-Z- β-carotene isomer contents in C. moschata after different cooking processes. The raw pumpkin samples contained 236.10, 172.20, 39.95, 3.64 and 0.8610 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoids, β-carotene, α-carotene, 13-cis-β-carotene, and 9-Z-β-carotene, respectively. The samples cooked in boiling water contained 258.50, 184.80, 43.97, 6.80, and 0.77 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoids, β-carotene, α-carotene, 13-Z-β-carotene, and 9-Z-β-carotene, respectively. The steamed samples contained 280.77, 202.00, 47.09, 8.23, and 1.247 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoids, β-carotene, α-carotene,13-Z-β-carotene, and 9-Z-β-carotene, respectively. The samples cooked with added sugar contained 259.90, 168.80, 45.68, 8.31, and 2.03 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoid, β-carotene, α-carotene, 13-Z- β-carotene, and 9-Z- β-carotene, respectively. These results are promising considering that E- β-carotene has 100% pro-vitamin A activity. The total carotenoid and carotenoid isomers increased after the cooking methods, most likely as a result of a higher availability induced by the cooking processes.


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The parents of premature infants, especially the mothers, are at increased risk for distress. Infants born prematurely are at risk for developmental problems. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the psychological well-being of both parents is associated with child development in very low birth weight (VLBW, ≤1500g) children. The burden of prematurity-related morbidity to the children and to the family was also assessed. A cohort of 201 VLBW infants born during 2001–2006 in the Turku University Hospital, Finland, and their parents were studied (I–IV). One study included a control group (n=166) of full-term infants (IV). The psychological well-being of the parents was evaluated by assessments of depressive symptoms, parenting stress, the sense of coherence and general family functioning. Cognitive, behavioral, and socio-emotional development, and the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of the children were determined when the children were 2 to 8 years old. The psychological well-being of the parents was associated with the cognitive, behavioral and social development of the VLBW children. The VLBW infants with prematurity-related morbidities had a poorer HRQoL and the general functioning of the family was inferior compared to the control children and their families. 64.5% of the VLBW children survived without morbidities. Most of the VLBW children did not have significant behavior problems (93%), had normal social skills (63%), had no emotional problems (64%), and had no problems in executive functioning (62%). Only 3% of the surviving VLBW infants had significant cognitive delay. In conclusion, the depressive symptoms and stress of the parents can be risk factors for disadvantageous child development, while a strong sense of coherence can be protective. Parents of the premature children with developmental delays might also experience more depressive symptoms and stress than other parents. Prematurity-related morbidities were a burden to the VLBW child as well as to the family.


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Saab outstands in the history of the Finnish car manufacturing. This is not only due to that these cars have been manufactured in Finland more than other passenger vehicles altogether. Finns also have a special emotional attachment to the “Finnish Saabs”. Findings from previous studies show that consumers connect cars well to the origin of the brand (COB). They are however rarely aware of the Country of Manufacturing (COM). Domestic brands are often popular in the COB, but research from situations in which the domestic origin is limited to the COM is rare. The case of this study is a phenomenon, in which the products origin is two dimensional and divided into domestic COM and foreign COB. The aim is to understand the phenomenon’s effect on consumer behavior. The research problem is approached with two sub questions: • Which country do consumers perceive as the origin country of the car? • What is the role of this origin in the consumers’ product perception and purchasing decision of the car? The theoretical framework of this study applies previous findings of two areas of interest: Country of Origin effect and Consumer Ethnocentrism. This is followed by feasibility studies that present and discuss the history and current state of Finnish car manufacturing. Based on the findings of earlier stages of the study, the role of the domestic COM on consumer behavior is presumed high. This expectation is confirmed by the experts and also by the first consumer respondent, who states domestic origin having been the main motivation to his car choice. All further consumer respondents do however not connect Saab to the home country, but discuss it as a Nordic car. This unexpected finding means that they do not perceive the origin to be neither the COM nor COB, but a geographical area that includes both countries. In other words, consumers have widened their in-group in a way that is in this thesis explained with reference group theory. The consumers’ perceived origin of the car is in this research found to be an important factor to the consumers’ product perception and purchasing decision. Being fit for the yields of the local environment is discovered to have been the most important factor to Finnish consumers purchasing choice of a Saab and the Nordic origin has been an indicator of this fit to them.


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As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's birth on October 6, 1969, a piece of granite from Isaac Brock's childhood home in Guernsey was unveiled along with a plaque commemorating the ties between the General, the University, and Guernsey. The granite had been donated by Sir William Arnold, Bailiff of Guernsey, two years prior and had been in the possession of the university since that time before it was unveiled. The granite block was integrated into a wall in the Thistle Complex. It has since been relocated and is now part of a wall in the Walker Complex. Pictured here from left to right are: Sir William Arnold, Mrs. Arnold, Dr. Gibson and Governor General Michener.


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This study explores the tension that has emerged around the rise of home schooling in a faith-community strongly committed to establishing and maintaining day schools in the tradition of John Calvin. It aims to identify and understand factors that contributed to this tension and to find ways to bridge, diffuse, reduce, or eliminate it. In line with Calvin, personal convictions, and the nature of the community, the study takes a Christian epistemological and axiological stance. Its premise is that the integrity of the commvmity is more important than the manner in which its children are taught. The study reviews relevant literature and several interviews. It considers both secular and Christian literature to understand communities, community breakdown, and community restoration. It also examines literature about the significance of home, school, and community relationships; the attraction of Reformed day schools; and the appeal of home schooling. Interviews were conducted with 4 home schooling couples and 2 focus groups. One focus group included local school representatives, and the other home schoolers and school representatives from an area with reputedly less tension on the issue. Interviews were designed for participants to give their perspectives on reasons for home schooling, the existing tension, and ways to resolve the issues. The study identifies the rise of home schooling in this particular context as the initial issue and the community's deficiency to properly deal with it as the chief cause for the rising tensions. However, I argue that, within the norms the community firmly believes in, home schooling need not jeopardize its integrity. I call for personal, social, and spiritual renewal to restore the covenant community in gratitude to God.