588 resultados para casas-torre


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Revisión bibliográfica sobre la Enfermedad de Alzheimer con la que se pretende conocer la enfermedad y las repercusiones que tiene tanto para el enfermo como para el cuidador, y en la que se plantean unos cuidados centrados en la fase avanzada del Alzheimer y se describe la situación del cuidador y sus propias necesidades.


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Duarte Nunes do Leão, jurista, historiógrafo e geontólogo português, desembargador da Casa de Suplicação, nasceu em Évora, aproximadamente em 1530, e morreu em Lisboa, provavelmente em 1608. Tendo estudado Direito Civil na Universidade de Coimbra, dedicou-se no início de sua carreira, exclusivamente, aos estudos jurídicos. Escritor muito laborioso e aplicado, foi autor de muitas obras, algumas impressas durante a sua vida e outras ainda inéditas. Devendeu arduamente os interesses de Flipe II à sucessão do trono, à época da reunião de Portugal à Coroa da Espanha, inclusivie manifestando-se por escrito contra aqueles que a impugnavam. Foi encarregado pelo Conde Redondo, regedor das justiças de Portugal, a fazer o repertório dos cinco livros das Ordenações Manuelinas, com a adição das Leis extravagantes, um edição realizada por ordem do Governo.


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En el siguiente trabajo se proporcionará una clasificación detallada de las úlceras vasculares y pie diabético, así como de su fisiopatología y epidemiología, posibles complicaciones, métodos diagnósticos, pautas de prevención y tratamiento, y por último, se añade un apartado, con la finalidad de conseguir la comprensión por parte del lector de la repercusión de las úlceras en la calidad de vida del paciente.


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El proyecto incluye objetivizar las causas de una mala calidad de sueño en los pacientes hospitalizados, y sacar unas actividades para que enfermería pueda implementar el descanso y sueño. Castellano


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[ES] La documentación contenida en este registro ha servido de base para el siguiente proyecto fin de carrera:


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Analisa como as Escolas do Legislativo, que têm a finalidade precípua de formar, treinar e capacitar os profissionais que atuam nas Casas Legislativas, passaram a ter função difusora da educação política. Conclui-se que o fortalecimento do Poder Legislativo, a melhoria da sua imagem institucional, a manutenção da democracia e o aumento da participação popular nestes processos são consequências possíveis do funcionamento das Escolas do Legislativo.


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This case study is part of STREAM’s four-country research project, which is exploring how recent advances in sustainable aquaculture have helped and can help improve coastal livelihoods and prevent unsustainable fishing practices in reef fisheries. (Pdf contains 65 pages).


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Wild-harvest fisheries for live reef fish are largely over-exploited or unsustainable because of over-fishing and the widespread use of destructive fishing practices such as blast and cyanide fishing. Sustainable aquaculture – such as that of groupers – is one option for meeting the strong demand for reef fish, as well as potentially maintaining or improving the livelihoods of coastal communities. This report from a short study by the STREAM Initiative draws on secondary literature, media sources and four diverse case studies from at-risk reef fisheries, to frame a strategy for encouraging sustainable aquaculture as an alternative to destructive fishing practices. It was undertaken as a component of the APEC-funded project Collaborative Grouper Research and Development Network (FWG/01/2001) to better understand how recent technical advances in grouper culture and other complementary work – including that of the Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network (APMFAN) hosted by NACA – could better support the livelihoods of poor coastal communities. (PDF contains 49 pages)


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Trata-se de uma "esplêndida edição, adornada de escudos alegóricos com armas reais portuguesas no centro -- que encabeçam as dedicatórias--, de artísticas letras iniciais, vinhetas, cabeções e florões decorativs, tudo aberto em chapa de madeira. Os frontispícios das crônicas são impressos em linhas alternadas, em preto e vermelho, e ornados de escudos das armas de Portugal", conforme esclarece o Catálogo da Livraria do Conde Ameal.


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[EU]Bada etxe handiek eskain ditzaketen baino esperientzi aberats eta biziagoak eskaintzen dituen etxe txikirik. Hori dela-eta, badira nahita tamaina murriztean pentsatu eta eraiki izan diren adibideak ere. Etxearen kalitatea bertan egiten den bizimoduaren arabera neurtuko da. Transzenditze beharra gizadiaren funtsezko beharra bada, betikotasuna izango da etxeak biztanleari eskain diezaiokeen gehiena. Etxe txikietan behar hau nabariagoa egingo da, mingarriagoa, sakonagoa.


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[ES] El edificio tiene planta rectangular de unos 30 x 15 metros con un interior con una altura de 10 metros. Cuenta con una torre anexa a los pies y un pórtico de piedra de ocho arcos de posible factura medieval. La antigua cabecera ha quedado como la sacristía actual.


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Background: Vitamin K has been related to glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity and diabetes. Because inflammation underlies all these metabolic conditions, it is plausible that the potential role of vitamin K in glucose metabolism occurs through the modulation of cytokines and related molecules. The purpose of the study was to assess the associations between dietary intake of vitamin K and peripheral adipokines and other metabolic risk markers related to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Cross-sectional and longitudinal assessments of these associations in 510 elderly participants recruited in the PREDIMED centers of Reus and Barcelona (Spain). We determined 1-year changes in dietary phylloquinone intake estimated by food frequency questionnaires, serum inflammatory cytokines and other metabolic risk markers. Results: In the cross-sectional analysis at baseline no significant associations were found between dietary phylloquinone intake and the rest of metabolic risk markers evaluated, with exception of a negative association with plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. After 1-year of follow-up, subjects in the upper tertile of changes in dietary phylloquinone intake showed a greater reduction in ghrelin (-15.0%), glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (-12.9%), glucagon-like peptide-1 (-17.6%), IL-6 (-27.9%), leptin (-10.3%), TNF (-26.9%) and visfatin (-24.9%) plasma concentrations than those in the lowest tertile (all p<0.05). Conclusion: These results show that dietary phylloquinone intake is associated with an improvement of cytokines and other markers related to insulin resistance and diabetes, thus extending the potential protection by dietary phylloquinone on chronic inflammatory diseases.


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Background: The diagnosis of invasive candidiasis is difficult because there are no specific clinical manifestations of the disease and colonization and infection are difficult to distinguish. In the last decade, much effort has been made to develop reliable tests for rapid diagnosis of invasive candidiasis, but none of them have found widespread clinical use. Results: Antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the Candida albicans germ tube-specific antigen hyphal wall protein 1 (Hwp1) generated in Escherichia coli were detected by both immunoblotting and ELISA tests in a group of 36 hematological or Intensive Care Unit patients with invasive candidiasis and in a group of 45 control patients at high risk for the mycosis who did not have clinical or microbiological data to document invasive candidiasis. Results were compared with an immunofluorescence test to detect antibodies to C. albicans germ tubes (CAGT). The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of a diagnostic test based on the detection of antibodies against the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by immunoblotting were 27.8 %, 95.6 %, 83.3 % and 62.3 %, respectively. Detection of antibodies to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA increased the sensitivity (88.9 %) and the negative predictive value (90.2 %) but slightly decreased the specificity (82.6 %) and positive predictive values (80 %). The kinetics of antibody response to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA was very similar to that observed by detecting antibodies to CAGT. Conclusion: An ELISA test to detect antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the C. albicans germ tube cell wall antigen Hwp1 allows the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis with similar results to those obtained by detecting antibodies to CAGT but without the need of treating the sera to adsorb the antibodies against the cell wall surface of the blastospore.