866 resultados para Wolf, Naomi
In diesem Werkstattbericht wollen wir den derzeitigen Arbeitsstand des Teilprojekts "Mathematik für Maschinenbauer" der AG Ing-Math vorstellen. Es werden eine Reihe von Anwendungsaufgaben, sowie deren Lösungen und das zugrunde liegende Konzept vorgestellt. Die Aufgaben sind für die Veranstaltungen Mathematik 1 und 2 für Maschinenbauer konzipiert, jedoch lässt sich das Konzept auch auf andere ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge übertragen. Das Ziel ist es mit diesen Aufgaben die Motivation zu fördern und den Studierenden die Relevanz der Mathematik bereits in den ersten Semestern zu verdeutlichen.
Summary - Cooking banana is one of the most important crops in Uganda; it is a staple food and source of household income in rural areas. The most common cooking banana is locally called matooke, a Musa sp triploid acuminate genome group (AAA-EAHB). It is perishable and traded in fresh form leading to very high postharvest losses (22-45%). This is attributed to: non-uniform level of harvest maturity, poor handling, bulk transportation and lack of value addition/processing technologies, which are currently the main challenges for trade and export, and diversified utilization of matooke. Drying is one of the oldest technologies employed in processing of agricultural produce. A lot of research has been carried out on drying of fruits and vegetables, but little information is available on matooke. Drying of matooke and milling it to flour extends its shelf-life is an important means to overcome the above challenges. Raw matooke flour is a generic flour developed to improve shelf stability of the fruit and to find alternative uses. It is rich in starch (80 - 85%db) and subsequently has a high potential as a calorie resource base. It possesses good properties for both food and non-food industrial use. Some effort has been done to commercialize the processing of matooke but there is still limited information on its processing into flour. It was imperative to carry out an in-depth study to bridge the following gaps: lack of accurate information on the maturity window within which matooke for processing into flour can be harvested leading to non-uniform quality of matooke flour; there is no information on moisture sorption isotherm for matooke from which the minimum equilibrium moisture content in relation to temperature and relative humidity is obtainable, below which the dry matooke would be microbiologically shelf-stable; and lack of information on drying behavior of matooke and standardized processing parameters for matooke in relation to physicochemical properties of the flour. The main objective of the study was to establish the optimum harvest maturity window and optimize the processing parameters for obtaining standardized microbiologically shelf-stable matooke flour with good starch quality attributes. This research was designed to: i) establish the optimum maturity harvest window within which matooke can be harvested to produce a consistent quality of matooke flour, ii) establish the sorption isotherms for matooke, iii) establish the effect of process parameters on drying characteristics of matooke, iv) optimize the drying process parameters for matooke, v) validate the models of maturity and optimum process parameters and vi) standardize process parameters for commercial processing of matooke. Samples were obtained from a banana plantation at Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID), Technology Business Incubation Center (TBI) at Nyaruzunga – Bushenyi in Western Uganda. A completely randomized design (CRD) was employed in selecting the banana stools from which samples for the experiments were picked. The cultivar Mbwazirume which is soft cooking and commonly grown in Bushenyi was selected for the study. The static gravitation method recommended by COST 90 Project (Wolf et al., 1985), was used for determination of moisture sorption isotherms. A research dryer developed for this research. All experiments were carried out in laboratories at TBI. The physiological maturity of matooke cv. mbwazirume at Bushenyi is 21 weeks. The optimum harvest maturity window for commercial processing of matooke flour (Raw Tooke Flour - RTF) at Bushenyi is between 15-21 weeks. The finger weight model is recommended for farmers to estimate harvest maturity for matooke and the combined model of finger weight and pulp peel ratio is recommended for commercial processors. Matooke isotherms exhibited type II curve behavior which is characteristic of foodstuffs. The GAB model best described all the adsorption and desorption moisture isotherms. For commercial processing of matooke, in order to obtain a microbiologically shelf-stable dry product. It is recommended to dry it to moisture content below or equal to 10% (wb). The hysteresis phenomenon was exhibited by the moisture sorption isotherms for matooke. The isoteric heat of sorption for both adsorptions and desorption isotherms increased with decreased moisture content. The total isosteric heat of sorption for matooke: adsorption isotherm ranged from 4,586 – 2,386 kJ/kg and desorption isotherm from 18,194– 2,391 kJ/kg for equilibrium moisture content from 0.3 – 0.01 (db) respectively. The minimum energy required for drying matooke from 80 – 10% (wb) is 8,124 kJ/kg of water removed. Implying that the minimum energy required for drying of 1 kg of fresh matooke from 80 - 10% (wb) is 5,793 kJ. The drying of matooke takes place in three steps: the warm-up and the two falling rate periods. The drying rate constant for all processing parameters ranged from 5,793 kJ and effective diffusivity ranged from 1.5E-10 - 8.27E-10 m2/s. The activation energy (Ea) for matooke was 16.3kJ/mol (1,605 kJ/kg). Comparing the activation energy (Ea) with the net isosteric heat of sorption for desorption isotherm (qst) (1,297.62) at 0.1 (kg water/kg dry matter), indicated that Ea was higher than qst suggesting that moisture molecules travel in liquid form in matooke slices. The total color difference (ΔE*) between the fresh and dry samples, was lowest for effect of thickness of 7 mm, followed by air velocity of 6 m/s, and then drying air temperature at 70˚C. The drying system controlled by set surface product temperature, reduced the drying time by 50% compared to that of a drying system controlled by set air drying temperature. The processing parameters did not have a significant effect on physicochemical and quality attributes, suggesting that any drying air temperature can be used in the initial stages of drying as long as the product temperature does not exceed gelatinization temperature of matooke (72˚C). The optimum processing parameters for single-layer drying of matooke are: thickness = 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode. From practical point of view it is recommended that for commercial processing of matooke, to employ multi-layer drying of loading capacity equal or less than 7 kg/m², thickness 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode.
Various research fields, like organic agricultural research, are dedicated to solving real-world problems and contributing to sustainable development. Therefore, systems research and the application of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches are increasingly endorsed. However, research performance depends not only on self-conception, but also on framework conditions of the scientific system, which are not always of benefit to such research fields. Recently, science and its framework conditions have been under increasing scrutiny as regards their ability to serve societal benefit. This provides opportunities for (organic) agricultural research to engage in the development of a research system that will serve its needs. This article focuses on possible strategies for facilitating a balanced research evaluation that recognises scientific quality as well as societal relevance and applicability. These strategies are (a) to strengthen the general support for evaluation beyond scientific impact, and (b) to provide accessible data for such evaluations. Synergies of interest are found between open access movements and research communities focusing on global challenges and sustainability. As both are committed to increasing the societal benefit of science, they may support evaluation criteria such as knowledge production and dissemination tailored to societal needs, and the use of open access. Additional synergies exist between all those who scrutinise current research evaluation systems for their ability to serve scientific quality, which is also a precondition for societal benefit. Here, digital communication technologies provide opportunities to increase effectiveness, transparency, fairness and plurality in the dissemination of scientific results, quality assurance and reputation. Furthermore, funders may support transdisciplinary approaches and open access and improve data availability for evaluation beyond scientific impact. If they begin to use current research information systems that include societal impact data while reducing the requirements for narrative reports, documentation burdens on researchers may be relieved, with the funders themselves acting as data providers for researchers, institutions and tailored dissemination beyond academia.
Dieser Werkstattbericht ist die zweite, verbesserte und um weitere Aufgaben ergänzte Version der Veröffentlichung von 2014. Hier wollen wir den aktuellen Arbeitsstand des Teilprojekts "Mathematik für Maschinenbauer" der AG Ing-Math vorstellen. Es werden eine Reihe von Anwendungsaufgaben und das zugrunde liegende Konzept vorgestellt. Die Aufgaben sind für die Veranstaltungen Mathematik 1 und 2 für Maschinenbauer konzipiert, jedoch lässt sich das Konzept auch auf andere ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge übertragen. Das Ziel ist es mit diesen Aufgaben die Motivation zu fördern und den Studierenden die Relevanz der Mathematik bereits in den ersten Semestern zu verdeutlichen.
Array technologies have made it possible to record simultaneously the expression pattern of thousands of genes. A fundamental problem in the analysis of gene expression data is the identification of highly relevant genes that either discriminate between phenotypic labels or are important with respect to the cellular process studied in the experiment: for example cell cycle or heat shock in yeast experiments, chemical or genetic perturbations of mammalian cell lines, and genes involved in class discovery for human tumors. In this paper we focus on the task of unsupervised gene selection. The problem of selecting a small subset of genes is particularly challenging as the datasets involved are typically characterized by a very small sample size ?? the order of few tens of tissue samples ??d by a very large feature space as the number of genes tend to be in the high thousands. We propose a model independent approach which scores candidate gene selections using spectral properties of the candidate affinity matrix. The algorithm is very straightforward to implement yet contains a number of remarkable properties which guarantee consistent sparse selections. To illustrate the value of our approach we applied our algorithm on five different datasets. The first consists of time course data from four well studied Hematopoietic cell lines (HL-60, Jurkat, NB4, and U937). The other four datasets include three well studied treatment outcomes (large cell lymphoma, childhood medulloblastomas, breast tumors) and one unpublished dataset (lymph status). We compared our approach both with other unsupervised methods (SOM,PCA,GS) and with supervised methods (SNR,RMB,RFE). The results clearly show that our approach considerably outperforms all the other unsupervised approaches in our study, is competitive with supervised methods and in some case even outperforms supervised approaches.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Durante la crisis financiera global de 2008 muchas organizaciones y mercados financieros tuvieron que terminar sus operaciones o replantearlas debido a los choques que golpearon el bienestar de sus empresas. A pesar de esta grave situación, en la actualidad se pueden encontrar empresas que se recuperaron y salieron del terrible panorama que les presentó la crisis, incluso encontrando nuevas oportunidades de negocio y fortaleciendo su futuro. Esta capacidad que algunas organizaciones tuvieron y que permitió su salida victoriosa de la crisis se denomina resiliencia, la cual es la capacidad de sobreponerse a los efectos negativos de choques internos o externos (Briguglio, Cordina, Farrugia & Vella 2009). Por tanto en el presente trabajo se estudiará esta capacidad tanto en la organización como en los líderes para hallar factores que mejoren el desempeño de las empresas en crisis como la que ocurrió en el 2008 – 2009. Primero se realizará un estudio sobre los sucesos y el desarrollo de la crisis subprime del año 2008 para tener un entendimiento claro de sus antecedentes, desarrollo, magnitud y consecuencias. Posteriormente se realizará un estudio profundo sobre la teoría de la resiliencia organizacional y la resiliencia en el líder como individuo y los estilos de liderazgo. Finalmente teniendo un sustento teórico tanto de la crisis como del concepto de resiliencia se tomarán casos de estudio de empresas que lograron perdurar en la crisis financiera del 2008 y empresas que no lograron sobrevivir para posteriormente hallar características del líder y del liderazgo que puedan aumentar o afectar la capacidad de resiliencia de las organizaciones con el objetivo de brindar herramientas a los líderes actuales para que manejen de forma eficiente y eficaz las empresas en un mundo complejo y variable como el actual.
Introducción: La Preeclampsia ocurre entre el 2-7% de los embarazos. Previos estudios han sugerido la asociación entre los niveles alterados de PAPP-A y la β-hCG libre con el desarrollo de Preeclampsia (PE) y/o Bajo Peso al Nacer (BPN). Metodología: El diseño del estudio es de Prueba Diagnóstica con enfoque de casos y controles. Las mediciones séricas de PAPP-A y la β-hCG libre, fueron realizadas entre la semana 11-13.6 días durante 2 años. Resultados: La cohorte incluyó 399 pacientes, la incidencia de PE fue de 2,26% y de BPN fue de 14.54%. El punto de corte del percentil 10 fue MoM PAPP-A: 0,368293 y MoM β-hCG libre: 0,412268; la especificidad en PE leve fue de 90,5 y para BPN de 90. Los MoM de la β-hCG libre, la edad y el peso materno se comportan como factores de riesgo, mientras que mayores valores de MoM de la PAPP-A y mayor número de partos factores de protección. Para el BPEG severo la edad materna y la paridad se comportan como factores de riesgo, mientras que un aumento promedio de los valores de los MoM de la PAPP-A y la β-hCG libre, como factores de protección en el desarrollo de BPEG Severo. Conclusiones: Existe una relación significativa entre los valores alterados de PAPP-A y de β-hCG libre, valorados a la semana 11 a 13 con la incidencia de Preeclampsia y de Bajo Peso al nacer en fetos cromosómicamente normales, mostrando unos niveles significativamente más bajos a medida que aumentaba la severidad de la enfermedad.
La bacteriemia asociada a catéter afecta a pacientes en las unidades de cuidado intensivo con una alta morbilidad, mortalidad y aumento de los costos al sistema de salud. Los recién nacidos son la población de más alto riesgo por el mayor uso de catéteres centrales. Objetivo: Caracterizar factores de riesgo para bacteriemia asociada a catéter en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal de la Fundación Cardioinfantil entre 2005 - 2010 Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, incluyó todos los recién nacidos con diagnostico de bacteriemia asociada a catéter. Se analizó la información utilizando frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: Se encontraron 50 pacientes con diagnostico de bacteriemia asociada a catéter. 50% de género masculino, 52% con edad gestacional al nacimiento menor a 36 semanas y 24% con peso menor a 1500 gramos al momento de la inserción del catéter. La edad fue de 24.2 días al momento de la inserción del catéter. En el 66% de los pacientes el sitio de inserción fue el miembro superior, siendo el Sthaphylococcus Epidermidis el germen con el 50% de las bacteriemias. Conclusión: La bacteriemia asociada a catéter afecta paciente prematuros, de bajo peso sin diferencias en genero. La manipulación de dichos dispositivos, el sitio de inserción, el uso previo de antibióticos, la duración del catéter y el uso de nutrición parenteral son factores que están asociados al mayor riesgo de infección. Siendo el Staphylococcus Epidermidis el germen mas frecuente.
No es requerido en este caso
Las infecciones respiratorias altas y bajas son una causa común de morbimortalidad infantil. Se ha propuesto el uso de los lisados bacterianos para prevenir las infecciones recurrentes sin embargo su uso aún se considera controversial. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se realizó a través de las bases de datos PUBMED, Embase, Ovid, LiLaCS y Cochrane library plus. Se incluyeron metanálisis publicados en idiomas inglés y español, entre los años 1998 y 2012. Se realizó una evaluación de calidad siguiendo la estrategia Quorum y un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los resultados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 4 revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura con metanálisis. Fue apreciable la disminución de las recurrencias de las infecciones respiratorias relacionadas con el uso de los lisados bacterianos. Los lisados bacterianos disminuyen la necesidad de uso de antibióticos. No se encontró evidencia sobre el uso de los lisados sobre desenlaces como la necesidad de intervenciones adicionales, tiempo de hospitalización, costo relacionado con la atención en salud. No se reportaron eventos adversos de importancia. Conclusión: Los lisados bacterianos son eficaces en disminuir la recurrencia de las infecciones respiratorias en pacientes en edad pediátrica.