999 resultados para Tedesco Romanzo Traduzione letteraria Erpenbeck
This thesis has been written as a result of the Language Toolkit project, organised by the Department of Interpreting and Translation of Forlì in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna. The aim of the project is to facilitate the internationalisation of small and medium enterprises in Romagna by making available to them the skills acquired by the students of the Faculty of Specialized Translation, who in turn are given the opportunity to approach an authentic professional context. Specifically, this thesis is the outcome of the 300-hour internship envisaged by the project, 75 of which were carried out at Jopla S.r.l. SB. The task assigned to the student was the translation into French of the Jopla For You web app and the Jopla PRO mobile app. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter provides a general description of the Language Toolkit project and it focuses on the concept of translation into a non-native language. The second chapter outlines the theoretical context in which translation is set. Subsequently, the focus shifts to the topics of text, discourse, genre and textual typology, alongside a reflection on the applicability of these notions to web texts, and an analysis of the source text following Nord's model. The fourth chapter is dedicated to a description of the resources used in the preparation and translation phases. The fifth chapter describes the macro and micro strategies employed to carry out the translation. Furthermore, a comparative analysis between the human translation and the one provided by Google Translator is delivered. This analysis involves two methods: the first one follows the linguistic norms of the target language, while the second one relies on the error categorisation of the MQM model. Finally, the performance of Google Translate is investigated through the comparison of the results obtained from the MQM evaluation conducted in this thesis with the results obtained by Martellini (2021) in her analysis.
Il presente lavoro è incentrato sulla traduzione dell’audioguida del Museu Egipci di Barcellona dal catalano verso l’italiano. Dopo una prima parte in cui si ripercorre la storia del turismo moderno e si esamina il settore turistico in Spagna, si affronta il tema delle lingue speciali e della traduzione specializzata, fornendone le definizioni date dai diversi studiosi e si giunge alla conclusione che, nonostante la sua varietà lessicale, sintattica e funzionale, la lingua del turismo è da considerarsi una lingua specializzata. Viene quindi approfondito, in particolare, il genere dell’audioguida, soffermandosi sull’importanza della comunicazione orale nel turismo. Dopo aver presentato il progetto di traduzione, contestualizzandolo all’interno dell’ente per cui si forniranno i testi dell’audioguida tradotti in italiano, verrà analizzato il testo di partenza in catalano, confrontando con la versione in castigliano. Infine, si procederà con la proposta di traduzione e l’analisi traduttiva che prenderà in esame l’importanza della comunicazione interculturale nella traduzione turistica, così come gli aspetti linguistici, culturali e pragmatici del testo di partenza.
The main topic of this thesis is the italian translation from Chinese of the 2005 short science fiction story, Shanyang Renlei 赡养人类 (known as For the Benefit of Mankind/The Wages of Humanity in English), by Liu Cixin 刘慈欣, the leading figure in contemporary Chinese science fiction, and the analysis of the major problems and challenges encountered during the translation. In terms of its internal structure, the thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction both for science fiction enthusiasts and laypersons. Thus, it starts with the very concept of “science fiction”; then it analyzes some of the most relevant definitions of the genre throughout the years, with particular attention to the one proposed by Darko Suvin; lastly, it presents a brief but thorough excursus that goes all the way through the origins and development of science fiction in the West and of kehuan xiaoshuo in China, so that the readers can have a glimpse into their similarities and differ-ences as they evolved. The second chapter focuses on Liu Cixin himself and his works. After a short account of the novels and short stories that are considered the most representative of the three creative phases of his career as a science fiction author, with a section dedicated to his opus magnum, the trilogy Diqiu Wangshi 地球往事 (Remembrance of Earth’s Past), the chapter then goes on to analyze the most characteristic features and themes of his narrative style. The chapter ends with a detailed description of the plot of Shanyang Renlei and an in-depth look at the thematic content of the story. Chapters Three and Four presents, respectively, the Italian translation of the short story, and the thorough analysis of some of the most interesting and challenging issues that have arisen during the translation, along with an illustration of the corresponding strategies and solutions.
Lo scopo di questo progetto è quello di offrire una proposta di traduzione verso lo spagnolo dell’opera letteraria Sciroppo, appartenente al genere letterario della letteratura per bambini e ragazzi, così come una sua analisi. La suddetta opera, scritta dall’autore italiano Giuseppe Viroli, racconta le avventure di un pupazzo di gomma di nome Sciroppo, e un gatto d’appartamento chiamato Serse, che dopo essersi conosciuti per caso, vivono tantissime avventure insieme, interagendo con una gran quantità di animali e di persone. Questo progetto contiene quattro capitoli: il primo sarà dedicato all’analisi dell’opera in questione, concentrandosi sugli elementi paratestuali presenti nel libro, sul contenuto, i temi e la finalità dell’opera, lo stile letterario e il percorso dell’autore. Il capitolo successivo offre un quadro teorico della letteratura per bambini e ragazzi in generale, spiegando le caratteristiche di questa disciplina e contestualizzandola sul piano storico. Nel terzo capitolo si presenta la proposta si traduzione verso lo spagnolo mentre nel quarto capitolo trova spazio il commento alla traduzione in cui si illustreranno la metodologia impiegata, i problemi riscontrati durante il processo traduttivo e le strategie per risolverli.
The participation in the Language Toolkit program—a joint initiative of the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Forlì (University of Bologna) and the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna—led to the creation of this dissertation. This program aims to support the internationalization of SMEs while also introducing near-graduates to a real professional context. The author collaborated on this project with Leonori, a company that produces and sells high jewelry products online and through retailers. The purpose of this collaboration is to translate and localize a part of the company website from Italian into Chinese, so as to facilitate their internationalization process to Chinese-speaking countries. This dissertation is organized according to the usual stages a translator goes through when carrying out a translation task. First and foremost, however, it was necessary to provide a theoretical background pertaining to the topics of the project. Specifically, the first chapter introduces the Language Toolkit program, the concept of internationalization and the company itself. The second chapter is dedicated to the topic of inverse translation, including the advantages and disadvantages of this practice. The third chapter highlights the main features of localization, with a particular emphasis on web localization. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of the source text, according to the looping model developed by Nord (1991). The fifth chapter describes in detail the methods implemented for the creation of the language resources i.e., two comparable monolingual corpora and a termbase, which were built ad hoc for this specific project. In the sixth chapter all the translation strategies that were implemented are outlined, providing some examples from the source text. The final chapter describes the revision process, which occurred both during and after the translation phase.
Il presente lavoro si concentra sugli scostamenti di tipo morfosintattico tra un discorso orale e formale-istituzionale tenuto in italiano e le rispettive rese, in interpretazione simultanea, verso il francese e il tedesco. Alla base dell’osservazione condotta vi è la volontà di comprendere fino a che punto un interprete professionista si discosti dalla struttura morfosintattica del testo originale e quali strategie attui, partendo dall'ipotesi che nei punti di maggiore marcatezza morfosintattica l'interprete si allontani maggiormente dalla struttura dell'originale. Dapprima si discutono alcune delle caratteristiche dell’italiano contemporaneo. In seguito, viene proposta un’osservazione teorica dei punti di maggiore vicinanza o lontananza tra la morfosintassi dell’italiano e delle due lingue straniere considerate. Vengono poi affrontate le principali difficoltà in interpretazione simultanea (IS), passando in rassegna le più frequenti strategie di risposta a tali difficoltà. Segue un’illustrazione della metodologia seguita al fine di reperire e raccogliere i discorsi pronunciati nelle Commissioni del Parlamento europeo per la costituzione di un corpus parallelo trilingue su SketchEngine. Infine, vengono presentati i risultati emersi dall'osservazione parallela basata sul corpus, in un confronto in cui vengono individuati i punti di comunanza e di divergenza tra l’originale nella lingua di partenza e le rese nelle lingue di arrivo in corrispondenza di alcuni fenomeni morfosintattici scelti.
L’elaborato presenta una proposta di traduzione/adattamento dei due albi illustrati La perra, la cerda, la zorra y la loba (Luis Amavisca e Marta Sevilla, 2020) e Más puta que las gallinas (y otras animalads machistas) (Luis Amavisca e Sonia Pulido, 2021). È diviso in cinque capitoli: il primo propone un quadro teorico sul linguaggio e gli insulti sessisti in Italia e Spagna, con alcuni accorgimenti su come utilizzare un linguaggio non sessista. Il secondo capitolo si concentra sull’educazione alla parità di genere, partendo dalle leggi in merito nei due paesi e dalle linee guida sul linguaggio non sessista per arrivare alla scuola e al ruolo della letteratura per l’infanzia e per ragazze e ragazzi e, in particolare, dell’albo illustrato. Il terzo è dedicato all’analisi dettagliata dei due testi, la cui proposta di traduzione/adattamento viene presentata nel quarto capitolo. Infine, il quinto capitolo verte sul commento alla traduzione proposta, concentrandosi sugli aspetti più interessanti e sull’influenza delle immagini.
Nell’a.a. 20/21 viene attivato presso il Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione dell’Università di Bologna il corso Service Learning Laboratory. L’insegnamento si basa sul service-learning, un approccio didattico sviluppatosi alla fine del XX secolo che integra il servizio significativo reso alla comunità all’interno del curriculum. D’accordo con tale proposta, il corso di service-learning si poneva un obiettivo tanto virtuoso quanto ambizioso: la fondazione di un’agenzia di servizi linguistici pro bono a gestione studentesca. Tale scopo è stato raggiunto nel marzo del 2021 con la fondazione di IN.TRA. Il presente elaborato si pone l’obiettivo di effettuare una valutazione finale del corso Service Learning Laboratory al duplice scopo di provare la rilevanza e la qualità del servizio sociale offerto alla comunità e di dimostrare la sua utilità nella formazione degli studenti e delle studentesse che hanno preso parte al corso. A tal fine, sono state raccolte le autovalutazioni e le opinioni dei protagonisti del progetto IN.TRA e analizzate sulla base delle tre domande di valutazione: quali risultati sono stati raggiunti dal punto di vista dell’apprendimento degli studenti? Quali risultati sono stati raggiunti dal punto di vista del servizio sociale offerto? Sono stati rispettati i criteri che rendono un’esperienza di service-learning di qualità? I risultati mostrano alti livello di apprendimento da parte dei discenti a fianco di un servizio rilevante e di qualità offerto ai partner comunitari. Tutto ciò, nel pieno rispetto degli elementi cardine di un progetto di service-learning di qualità. Il presente elaborato si propone inoltre di offrire un contributo alla limitata letteratura circa l’implementazione del service-learning nei curricula di traduzione, senza tuttavia la pretesa di generalizzare i risultati ottenuti. A tale scopo, si rendono necessarie ulteriori ricerche che l’autrice si auspica possano trovare ispirazione dal presente elaborato.
Polylactic-co-glycolic nanocapsules, loaded with nanosized magnetic particles and Selol (a selenium-based anticancer drug), were successfully prepared by the precipitation method. Maghemite (gamma-Fe(2)O(3)) nanoparticles were incorporated into the nanocapsules using a highly stable ionic magnetic fluid sample. The obtained nanocapsules presented no agglomeration, negative surface charge while revealing a narrow monomodal size distribution. All the nanocapsule formulations exhibited a good physical stability at 4 degrees C during 3 month storage period. The in vitro antitumoral activity of Selol-magnetic nanocapsules was assessed using a murine melanoma cell line. The influence of nanocapsules on cell viability was investigated by spectrophotometric assay. The results demonstrated that Selol-loaded magnetic nanocapsules (at 100 mu g/ml/5 x 10(9) particle/ml) showed antitumoral activity of 50% on melanoma cells (absence of magnetic field). These results clearly indicate that the loaded nanocapsules represent a novel and promising magnetic drug delivery system suitable for cancer treatment via the active drug and magnetohyperthermia. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3556950]
Background: The magnetic albumin nanosphere (MAN), encapsulating maghemite nanoparticles, was designed as a magnetic drug delivery system (MDDS) able to perform a variety of biomedical applications. It is noteworthy that MAN was efficient in treating Ehrlich's tumors by the magnetohyperthermia procedure. Methods and materials: In this study, several nanotoxicity tests were systematically carried out in mice from 30 minutes until 30 days after MAN injection to investigate their biocompatibility status. Cytometry analysis, viability tests, micronucleus assay, and histological analysis were performed. Results: Cytometry analysis and viability tests revealed MAN promotes only slight and temporary alterations in the frequency of both leukocyte populations and viable peritoneal cells, respectively. Micronucleus assay showed absolutely no genotoxicity or cytotoxicity effects and histological analysis showed no alterations or even nanoparticle clusters in several investigated organs but, interestingly, revealed the presence of MAN clusters in the central nervous system (CNS). Conclusion: The results showed that MAN has desirable in vivo biocompatibility, presenting potential for use as a MDDS, especially in CNS disease therapy.
This study reports on the successful use of magnetic albumin nanosphere (MAN) with in vivo magnetohyperthermia (MHT) in a mouse Ehrlich tumor. Maghemite nanoparticles (8.9 nm average diameter) were encapsulated within MAN (73.0 nm average diameter). Ehrlich tumor obtained after implantation of tumor cells in the subcutaneous tissue of mice was used as a model throughout this study. MHT was performed with MAN (40 mu L) containing 1.2 x 10(15) particle/mL and 40 Oe amplitude ac magnetic field oscillating at 1 MHz. Animals not treated, treated with MAN, or exposed to the ac field were used as controls. Histopathological analysis was carried out after 2, 5, or 11 days of tumor implantation. We found that the MHT most efficient condition was obtained while applying the ac field protocol twice a day during three consecutive days. Further, in this ac field-treated group no proliferation cells were detected. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3559498]
Objective: This in vitro study evaluated the influence of cavity preparation using the Er:YAG laser and restorative materials containing fluoride on preventing caries lesions. Background: It has been suggested that cavity preparation using the Er:YAG laser has a potential for improving resistance to secondary caries on enamel. Methods: Forty unerupted human third molars teeth were sectioned into 72 blocks of dental enamel and distributed into two groups to prepare cavities measuring (1.6 mm diameter) with diamond burs (DB) or Er:YAG laser (LA; 6 Hz, 300 mJ, 47 J/cm(2)). After that, each group was divided into three subgroups and restored with a glass-ionomer cement (GI), a resin-modified glass-ionomer (RM), or a composite resin (CR). Blocks were thermal cycled and submitted to a pH challenge to develop artificial caries-like lesions. Lesions were evaluated by Knoop microhardness test. An average of four indentations was used. Statistical analyses were performed by ANOVA followed by Tukey's test. Results: The results (in Knoop hardness number) for DB cavity preparation were GI, 235.5 (+/- 75.5); RM, 137.1 (+/- 64.1); and CR, 39.3 (+/- 26.5). For LA cavity preparation, the results were GI, 410.0 (+/- 129.7); RM, 310.3 (+/- 119.5); and CR, 96.4 (+/- 57.4). Conclusions: There was less development of caries lesion around LA-prepared cavities than around the DB-prepared cavities; however, no synergistic cariostatic effect was observed between the Er:YAG laser and glass ionomer cement.
The synthesis, structural aspects, pharmacological assays, and in vitro photoinduced cytotoxic properties of [Ru(NO)(ONO)(pc)] (pc = phthalocyanine) are described. Its biological effect on the B16F10 cell line was studied in the presence and absence of visible light irradiation. At comparable irradiation levels, [Ru(NO) (ONO)(pc)] was more effective than [Ru(pc)] at inhibiting cell growth, suggesting that occurrence of nitric oxide release following singlet oxygen production upon light irradiation may be an important mechanism by which the nitrosyl ruthenium complex exhibits enhanced biological activity in cells. Following visible light activation, the [Ru(NO)(ONO)(pc)] complex displayed increased potency in B16F10 cells upon modifications to the photoinduced dose; indeed, enhanced potency was detected when the nitrosyl ruthenium complex was encapsulated in a drug delivery system. The liposome containing the [Ru(NO)(ONO)(pc)] complex was over 25% more active than the corresponding ruthenium complex in phosphate buffer solution. The activity of the complex was directly proportional to the ruthenium amount present inside the cell, as determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that the photocytotoxic activity was mainly due to apoptosis. Furthermore, the vasorelaxation induced by [Ru(NO)(ONO)(pc)], proposed as NO carrier, was studied in rat isolated aorta. The observed vasodilation was concentration-dependent. Taken together, the present findings demonstrate that the [Ru(NO)(ONO)(pc)] complex induces vascular relaxation and could be a potent anti-tumor agent. Nitric oxide release following singlet oxygen production upon visible light irradiation on a nitrosyl ruthenium complex produces two radicals and may elicit phototoxic responses that may find useful applications in photodynamic therapy. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Under continuous photolysis at 675 nm, liposomal zinc phthalocyanine associated with nitrosyl ruthenium complex [Ru(NH.NHq)(tpy)NO](3+) showed the detection and quantification of nitric oxide (NO) and singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)) release. Photophysical and photochemical results demonstrated that the interaction between the nitrosyl ruthenium complex and the photosensitizer can enable an electron transfer process from the photosensitizer to the nitrosyl ruthenium complex which leads to NO release. Synergistic action of both photosensitizers and the nitrosyl ruthenium complex results in the production of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species, which is a potent oxidizing agent to many biological tissues, in particular neoplastic cells.
In this study was developed a new nano drug delivery system (NDDS) based on association of biodegradable surfactants with biocompatible magnetic fluid of maguemita citrate derivative. This formulation consists in a magnetic emulsion with nanostructured colloidal particles. Preliminary in vitro experiments showed that the formulation presents a great potential for synergic application in the topical release of photosensitizer drug (PS) and excellent target tissue properties in the photodynamic therapy (PDT) combined with hyperthermia (HPT) protocols. The physical chemistry characterization and in vitro assays were carried out by Zn(II) Phtalocyanine (ZnPc) photosensitizer incorporated into NDDS in the absence and the presence of magnetic fluid, showed good results and high biocompatibility. In vitro experiments were accomplished by tape-stripping protocols for quanti. cation of drug association with different skin tissue layers. This technique is a classical method for analyses of drug release in stratum corneum and epidermis+ dermis skin layers. The NDDS formulations were applied directly in pig skin (tissue model) fixed in the cell`s Franz device with receptor medium container with a PBS/EtOH 20% solution (10mM, pH 7.4) at 37 degrees C. After 12 h of topical administration stratum corneum was removed from fifty tapes and the ZnPc retained was evaluated by solvent extraction in dimetil-sulphoxide under ultrasonic bath. These results indicated that magnetic nanoemulsion (MNE) increase the drug release on the deeper skin layers when compared with classical formulation in the absence of magnetic particles. This could be related with the increase of biocompatibility of NDDS due to the great affinity for the polar extracelullar matrix in the skin and also for the increase in the drug partition inside of corneocites wall. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.