888 resultados para Sgreccia, Elio, 1928-


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Durante el Maximato, período azotado por la crisis económica mundial, el Gobierno del Estado se encontraba orgulloso por el notable control que ejercía sobre las masas campesinas que veían cubiertas sus necesidades en forma parcial, al estar aglutinadas en una organización agraria ideada por un sistema paternalista y populista


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La presente investigación se propone recuperar la densidad ideológica y material del movimiento político-cultural que se gestó en la ciudad de Buenos Aires en el marco de la Reforma Universitaria, y se ocupa de precisar las conexiones que esa cultura tramó con la registrada en las ciudades de Córdoba, La Plata, Montevideo y Santa Fe. Para ello son colocados en el centro del análisis los grupos (con sus publicaciones periódicas) animados por estudiantes universitarios porteños durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. A su vez, la investigación se propone iluminar el itinerario intelectual de varios líderes estudiantiles y reconstruye la recepción que realizaron los reformistas de las tres figuras extranjeras que convocaron, a saber, el filósofo catalán Eugenio D?Ors, el fisiólogo judeoalemán Georg Nicolai y el economista, también judeoalemán, Alfons Goldschmidt. Si bien la investigación se apoya en los estudios previos sobre la Reforma Universitaria, la mayoría de los grupos, revistas y visitas aquí analizados permanecían hasta la actualidad muy poco explorados. Así, es fundamentalmente a través de un exhaustivo rastreo y análisis de las revistas, los archivos personales y la correspondencia de los protagonistas del movimiento estudiantil que la tesis busca iluminar todo un conjunto de prácticas, ideas y redes que terminarán conformando al estudiante como un nuevo actor de la sociedad moderna y a la Reforma Universitaria como un movimiento político-cultural de duradera proyección continental. Los distintos capítulos de la tesis exploran las iniciativas de los estudiantes universitarios porteños desde la fundación, durante la primera década del siglo XX, de centros de estudiantes y revistas que expresan reclamos estudiantiles de carácter gremial hasta la aparición de grupos y publicaciones estudiantiles que construyen una identidad socialista o nacionalista de la juventud universitaria, pasando por agrupaciones de carácter fundamentalmente cultural. Si bien el foco está puesto en la construcción del movimiento político-cultural de la Reforma, también es analizado el debate en torno del positivismo y el antipositivismo que atraviesa el proceso de configuración reformista. La primera parte de la tesis se concentra en la reconstrucción y el análisis de la sociabilidad e 5intervención propuestas por los tres grupos porteños que, en los años anteriores al estallido de la Reforma, más se empeñan en la construcción de una identidad estudiantil que exceda los reclamos gremiales. Esos grupos son: el Centro Ariel y su revista Ariel; el Ateneo de Estudiantes Universitarios y su revista Ideas; y el Colegio Novecentista y sus Cuadernos. La segunda parte de la tesis se detiene en las nuevas estrategias culturales que despliegan los grupos estudiantiles una vez que, hacia mediados de 1918, la Reforma y la coyuntura nacional e internacional instalan entre los estudiantes una fuerte preocupación política. Si bien hacia 1928 queda configurado un movimiento político-cultural reformista que, durante décadas, liga al estudiante a una identidad latinoamericanista y antiimperialista, esta parte de la investigación muestra que en los diez años anteriores tuvieron lugar diversas empresas reformistas que propusieron asociar la figura del estudiante a identidades políticas tan diversas como el nacionalismo de resonancias católicas o el socialismo revolucionario. Y entre esas olvidadas empresas la presente tesis identifica a la Federación de Asociación Culturales, la Unión Reformista y la Federación de Estudiantes Revolucionarios, así como las revistas Clarín, Revista Nacional, Bases, Insurrexit y Hoy


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La presente investigación se propone recuperar la densidad ideológica y material del movimiento político-cultural que se gestó en la ciudad de Buenos Aires en el marco de la Reforma Universitaria, y se ocupa de precisar las conexiones que esa cultura tramó con la registrada en las ciudades de Córdoba, La Plata, Montevideo y Santa Fe. Para ello son colocados en el centro del análisis los grupos (con sus publicaciones periódicas) animados por estudiantes universitarios porteños durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. A su vez, la investigación se propone iluminar el itinerario intelectual de varios líderes estudiantiles y reconstruye la recepción que realizaron los reformistas de las tres figuras extranjeras que convocaron, a saber, el filósofo catalán Eugenio D?Ors, el fisiólogo judeoalemán Georg Nicolai y el economista, también judeoalemán, Alfons Goldschmidt. Si bien la investigación se apoya en los estudios previos sobre la Reforma Universitaria, la mayoría de los grupos, revistas y visitas aquí analizados permanecían hasta la actualidad muy poco explorados. Así, es fundamentalmente a través de un exhaustivo rastreo y análisis de las revistas, los archivos personales y la correspondencia de los protagonistas del movimiento estudiantil que la tesis busca iluminar todo un conjunto de prácticas, ideas y redes que terminarán conformando al estudiante como un nuevo actor de la sociedad moderna y a la Reforma Universitaria como un movimiento político-cultural de duradera proyección continental. Los distintos capítulos de la tesis exploran las iniciativas de los estudiantes universitarios porteños desde la fundación, durante la primera década del siglo XX, de centros de estudiantes y revistas que expresan reclamos estudiantiles de carácter gremial hasta la aparición de grupos y publicaciones estudiantiles que construyen una identidad socialista o nacionalista de la juventud universitaria, pasando por agrupaciones de carácter fundamentalmente cultural. Si bien el foco está puesto en la construcción del movimiento político-cultural de la Reforma, también es analizado el debate en torno del positivismo y el antipositivismo que atraviesa el proceso de configuración reformista. La primera parte de la tesis se concentra en la reconstrucción y el análisis de la sociabilidad e 5intervención propuestas por los tres grupos porteños que, en los años anteriores al estallido de la Reforma, más se empeñan en la construcción de una identidad estudiantil que exceda los reclamos gremiales. Esos grupos son: el Centro Ariel y su revista Ariel; el Ateneo de Estudiantes Universitarios y su revista Ideas; y el Colegio Novecentista y sus Cuadernos. La segunda parte de la tesis se detiene en las nuevas estrategias culturales que despliegan los grupos estudiantiles una vez que, hacia mediados de 1918, la Reforma y la coyuntura nacional e internacional instalan entre los estudiantes una fuerte preocupación política. Si bien hacia 1928 queda configurado un movimiento político-cultural reformista que, durante décadas, liga al estudiante a una identidad latinoamericanista y antiimperialista, esta parte de la investigación muestra que en los diez años anteriores tuvieron lugar diversas empresas reformistas que propusieron asociar la figura del estudiante a identidades políticas tan diversas como el nacionalismo de resonancias católicas o el socialismo revolucionario. Y entre esas olvidadas empresas la presente tesis identifica a la Federación de Asociación Culturales, la Unión Reformista y la Federación de Estudiantes Revolucionarios, así como las revistas Clarín, Revista Nacional, Bases, Insurrexit y Hoy


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La presente investigación se propone recuperar la densidad ideológica y material del movimiento político-cultural que se gestó en la ciudad de Buenos Aires en el marco de la Reforma Universitaria, y se ocupa de precisar las conexiones que esa cultura tramó con la registrada en las ciudades de Córdoba, La Plata, Montevideo y Santa Fe. Para ello son colocados en el centro del análisis los grupos (con sus publicaciones periódicas) animados por estudiantes universitarios porteños durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. A su vez, la investigación se propone iluminar el itinerario intelectual de varios líderes estudiantiles y reconstruye la recepción que realizaron los reformistas de las tres figuras extranjeras que convocaron, a saber, el filósofo catalán Eugenio D?Ors, el fisiólogo judeoalemán Georg Nicolai y el economista, también judeoalemán, Alfons Goldschmidt. Si bien la investigación se apoya en los estudios previos sobre la Reforma Universitaria, la mayoría de los grupos, revistas y visitas aquí analizados permanecían hasta la actualidad muy poco explorados. Así, es fundamentalmente a través de un exhaustivo rastreo y análisis de las revistas, los archivos personales y la correspondencia de los protagonistas del movimiento estudiantil que la tesis busca iluminar todo un conjunto de prácticas, ideas y redes que terminarán conformando al estudiante como un nuevo actor de la sociedad moderna y a la Reforma Universitaria como un movimiento político-cultural de duradera proyección continental. Los distintos capítulos de la tesis exploran las iniciativas de los estudiantes universitarios porteños desde la fundación, durante la primera década del siglo XX, de centros de estudiantes y revistas que expresan reclamos estudiantiles de carácter gremial hasta la aparición de grupos y publicaciones estudiantiles que construyen una identidad socialista o nacionalista de la juventud universitaria, pasando por agrupaciones de carácter fundamentalmente cultural. Si bien el foco está puesto en la construcción del movimiento político-cultural de la Reforma, también es analizado el debate en torno del positivismo y el antipositivismo que atraviesa el proceso de configuración reformista. La primera parte de la tesis se concentra en la reconstrucción y el análisis de la sociabilidad e 5intervención propuestas por los tres grupos porteños que, en los años anteriores al estallido de la Reforma, más se empeñan en la construcción de una identidad estudiantil que exceda los reclamos gremiales. Esos grupos son: el Centro Ariel y su revista Ariel; el Ateneo de Estudiantes Universitarios y su revista Ideas; y el Colegio Novecentista y sus Cuadernos. La segunda parte de la tesis se detiene en las nuevas estrategias culturales que despliegan los grupos estudiantiles una vez que, hacia mediados de 1918, la Reforma y la coyuntura nacional e internacional instalan entre los estudiantes una fuerte preocupación política. Si bien hacia 1928 queda configurado un movimiento político-cultural reformista que, durante décadas, liga al estudiante a una identidad latinoamericanista y antiimperialista, esta parte de la investigación muestra que en los diez años anteriores tuvieron lugar diversas empresas reformistas que propusieron asociar la figura del estudiante a identidades políticas tan diversas como el nacionalismo de resonancias católicas o el socialismo revolucionario. Y entre esas olvidadas empresas la presente tesis identifica a la Federación de Asociación Culturales, la Unión Reformista y la Federación de Estudiantes Revolucionarios, así como las revistas Clarín, Revista Nacional, Bases, Insurrexit y Hoy


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La presente investigación pretende explorar la relación entre el discurso político y un proyecto hegemónico ruso para la conquista de territorio en la península de Crimea mediante la migración humana, evidente en los hechos de 2014. A partir de la evaluación de algunos momentos de migración en los últimos dos siglos (1860, 1928 y 1991) se vincula la práctica articulatoria del discurso político de cada una de las elites políticas rusas de turno con la crisis política en Crimea 2014. Lo anterior permite identificar un cierto proyecto hegemónico ruso –transversal en el tiempo - que tuvo como resultado principal la anexión de facto de Crimea a Rusia. Ésta no habría sido posible sin las acciones políticas de cada una de los gobernantes que motivaron la migración hacia Crimea, lo cual puede ser en gran parte uno de los motivos para la gran concentración de rusos en Crimea que votaron a favor de unirse a Rusia y dejar a Ucrania.


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How does the image of the future operate upon history, and upon national and individual identities? To what extent are possible futures colonized by the image? What are the un-said futurecratic discourses that underlie the image of the future? Such questions inspired the examination of Japan’s futures images in this thesis. The theoretical point of departure for this examination is Polak’s (1973) seminal research into the theory of the ‘image of the future’ and seven contemporary Japanese texts which offer various alternative images for Japan’s futures, selected as representative of a ‘national conversation’ about the futures of that nation. These seven images of the future are: 1. Report of the Prime Minister’s Commission on Japan’s Goals in the 21st Century—The Frontier Within: Individual Empowerment and Better Governance in the New Millennium, compiled by a committee headed by Japan’s preeminent Jungian psychologist Kawai Hayao (1928-2007); 2. Slow Is Beautiful—a publication by Tsuji Shinichi, in which he re-images Japan as a culture represented by the metaphor of the sloth, concerned with slow and quality-oriented livingry as a preferred image of the future to Japan’s current post-bubble cult of speed and economic efficiency; 3. MuRatopia is an image of the future in the form of a microcosmic prototype community and on-going project based on the historically significant island of Awaji, and established by Japanese economist and futures thinker Yamaguchi Kaoru; 4. F.U.C.K, I Love Japan, by author Tanja Yujiro provides this seven text image of the future line-up with a youth oriented sub-culture perspective on that nation’s futures; 5. IMAGINATION / CREATION—a compilation of round table discussions about Japan’s futures seen from the point of view of Japan’s creative vanguard; 6. Visionary People in a Visionless Country: 21 Earth Connecting Human Stories is a collection of twenty one essays compiled by Denmark born Tokyo resident Peter David Pedersen; and, 7. EXODUS to the Land of Hope, authored by Murakami Ryu, one of Japan’s most prolific and influential writers, this novel suggests a future scenario portraying a massive exodus of Japan’s youth, who, literate with state-of-the-art information and communication technologies (ICTs) move en masse to Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido to launch a cyber-revolution from the peripheries. The thesis employs a Futures Triangle Analysis (FTA) as the macro organizing framework and as such examines both pushes of the present and weights from the past before moving to focus on the pulls to the future represented by the seven texts mentioned above. Inayatullah’s (1999) Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) is the analytical framework used in examining the texts. Poststructuralist concepts derived primarily from the work of Michel Foucault are a particular (but not exclusive) reference point for the analytical approach it encompasses. The research questions which reflect the triangulated analytic matrix are: 1. What are the pushes—in terms of current trends—that are affecting Japan’s futures? 2. What are the historical and cultural weights that influence Japan’s futures? 3. What are the emerging transformative Japanese images of the future discourses, as embodied in actual texts, and what potential do they offer for transformative change in Japan? Research questions one and two are discussed in Chapter five and research question three is discussed in Chapter six. The first two research questions should be considered preliminary. The weights outlined in Chapter five indicate that the forces working against change in Japan are formidable, structurally deep-rooted, wide-spread, and under-recognized as change-adverse. Findings and analyses of the push dimension reveal strong forces towards a potentially very different type of Japan. However it is the seven contemporary Japanese images of the future, from which there is hope for transformative potential, which form the analytical heart of the thesis. In analyzing these texts the thesis establishes the richness of Japan’s images of the future and, as such, demonstrates the robustness of Japan’s stance vis-à-vis the problem of a perceived map-less and model-less future for Japan. Frontier is a useful image of the future, whose hybrid textuality, consisting of government, business, academia, and creative minority perspectives, demonstrates the earnestness of Japan’s leaders in favour of the creation of innovative futures for that nation. Slow is powerful in its aim to reconceptualize Japan’s philosophies of temporality, and build a new kind of nation founded on the principles of a human-oriented and expanded vision of economy based around the core metaphor of slowness culture. However its viability in Japan, with its post-Meiji historical pushes to an increasingly speed-obsessed social construction of reality, could render it impotent. MuRatopia is compelling in its creative hybridity indicative of an advanced IT society, set in a modern day utopian space based upon principles of a high communicative social paradigm, and sustainability. IMAGINATION / CREATION is less the plan than the platform for a new discussion on Japan’s transformation from an econo-centric social framework to a new Creative Age. It accords with emerging discourses from the Creative Industries, which would re-conceive of Japan as a leading maker of meaning, rather than as the so-called guzu, a term referred to in the book meaning ‘laggard’. In total, Love Japan is still the most idiosyncratic of all the images of the future discussed. Its communication style, which appeals to Japan’s youth cohort, establishes it as a potentially formidable change agent in a competitive market of futures images. Visionary People is a compelling image for its revolutionary and subversive stance against Japan’s vision-less political leadership, showing that it is the people, not the futures-making elite or aristocracy who must take the lead and create a new vanguard for the nation. Finally, Murakami’s Exodus cannot be ruled out as a compelling image of the future. Sharing the appeal of Tanja’s Love Japan to an increasingly disenfranchised youth, Exodus portrays a near-term future that is achievable in the here and now, by Japan’s teenagers, using information and communications technologies (ICTs) to subvert leadership, and create utopianist communities based on alternative social principles. The principal contribution from this investigation in terms of theory belongs to that of developing the Japanese image of the future. In this respect, the literature reviews represent a significant compilation, specifically about Japanese futures thinking, the Japanese image of the future, and the Japanese utopia. Though not exhaustive, this compilation will hopefully serve as a useful starting point for future research, not only for the Japanese image of the future, but also for all image of the future research. Many of the sources are in Japanese and their English summations are an added reason to respect this achievement. Secondly, the seven images of the future analysed in Chapter six represent the first time that Japanese image of the future texts have been systematically organized and analysed. Their translation from Japanese to English can be claimed as a significant secondary contribution. What is more, they have been analysed according to current futures methodologies that reveal a layeredness, depth, and overall richness existing in Japanese futures images. Revealing this image-richness has been one of the most significant findings of this investigation, suggesting that there is fertile research to be found from this still under-explored field, whose implications go beyond domestic Japanese concerns, and may offer fertile material for futures thinkers and researchers, Japanologists, social planners, and policy makers.


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Orlando (Sally Potter, 1992) is a significant filmic achievement: in only ninety minutes it offers a rich, layered, and challenging account of a life lived across four hundred years, across two sexes and genders, and across multiple countries and cultures. Already established as a feminist artist, Potter aligns herself with a genealogy of feminist art by adapting Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Biography (1928) to tell the story of Orlando: a British subject who must negotiate their “identity” while living a strangely long time and, also somewhat strangely, changing biological sex from male to female. Both novel and film interrogate norms of gender and culture. They each take up issues of sex, gender, and sexuality as socially-constructed phenomena rather than as “essential truths”, and Orlando’s attempts to tell his/her story and make sense of his/her life mirror readers’ attempts to understand and interpret Orlando’s journey within inherited artistic traditions.


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Purpose: Young novice drivers experience significantly greater risk of being injured or killed in car crashes than older more experienced drivers. This research utilised a qualitative approach guided by the framework of Akers’ social learning theory. It explored young novice drivers’ perspectives on risky driving including rewards and punishments expected from and administered by parents, friends, and police, imitation of parents’ and friends’ driving, and advantages and disadvantages of risky driving. Methods: Twenty-one young drivers (12 females, 9 males) aged 16–25 years (M = 17.71 years, SD = 2.15) with a Learner (n = 11) or Provisional (n = 10) driver licence participated in individual or small group interviews. Findings and conclusions: Content analysis supported four themes: (1) rewards and (2) punishments for risky driving, and the influence of (3) parents and (4) friends. The young novice drivers differed in their vulnerability to the negative influences of friends and parents, with some novices advising they were able to resist risky normative influences whilst others felt they could not. The authority of the police as enforcers of road rules was either accepted and respected or seen as being used to persecute young novices. These findings suggest that road safety interventions should consider the normative influence of parents and friends on the risky and safe behaviour of young novices. Police were also seen as influential upon behaviour. Future research should explore the complicated relationship between parents, friends, the police, young novices, and their risky driving behaviour.


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This paper considers VECMs for variables exhibiting cointegration and common features in the transitory components. While the presence of cointegration between the permanent components of series reduces the rank of the long-run multiplier matrix, a common feature among the transitory components leads to a rank reduction in the matrix summarizing short-run dynamics. The common feature also implies that there exists linear combinations of the first-differenced variables in a cointegrated VAR that are white noise and traditional tests focus on testing for this characteristic. An alternative, however, is to test the rank of the short-run dynamics matrix directly. Consequently, we use the literature on testing the rank of a matrix to produce some alternative test statistics. We also show that these are identical to one of the traditional tests. The performance of the different methods is illustrated in a Monte Carlo analysis which is then used to re-examine an existing empirical study. Finally, this approach is applied to provide a check for the presence of common dynamics in DSGE models.


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A frame-rate stereo vision system, based on non-parametric matching metrics, is described. Traditional metrics, such as normalized cross-correlation, are expensive in terms of logic. Non-parametric measures require only simple, parallelizable, functions such as comparators, counters and exclusive-or, and are thus very well suited to implementation in reprogrammable logic.


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Synopsis and review of For the Term of His Natural Life (Norman Dawn, 1927). Includes cast and credits. For the Term of His Natural Life was one of the last Australian silent films, and also one of the most significant in the history of Australian cinema. At the time of its production, controversy raged over its depiction of convict life, its scale and cost (which was reported to be around 50,000 pounds at a time when most Australian films had budgets of less than 2,000 pounds1) and the fact that the director, several of the crew and the leading cast members were American. Australasian Films launched a publicity campaign of unprecedented scale to counter opposition to the film’s subject matter and the charge that they were “seeking to make capital out of the drab and sordid days of Australia”.2 The film’s expense was turned into a virtue: hundreds of unemployed men were used as extras, while the film also provided work for many within the Australian film industry and, according to Australasian, enabled the establishment of new production companies. The American imports who earlier had been accused of being “party to the slaughtering” of the Australian film industry, were feted for their artistic contributions, and the concerns raised in federal parliament about an American “invasion” were deflected by claims about what the local industry could learn from those with Hollywood experience.3 The publicity campaign was successful, as the film proved enormously popular at the Australian box office in its initial run. But the coming of sound film in 1928 had a considerable impact on audiences for silent films like For the Term, and its early local success was not repeated in subsequent seasons or in overseas markets...


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Uanda house is of historical importance to Queensland both in terms of its architectural design and its social history. Uanda is a low set, single story house built in 1928, located in the inner city Brisbane suburb of Wilston. Architecturally, the house has a number of features that distinguish it from the surrounding bungalow influenced inter-war houses. The house has been described as a Queensland style house with neo-Georgian influences. Historically, it is associated with the entry of women into the profession of architecture in Queensland. Uanda is the only remaining intact work of architect/draftswoman Nellie McCredie and one of a very few examples of works by pioneering women architects in Queensland. The house was entered into the Queensland Heritage Register, in 2000, after an appeal against Brisbane City Council’s refusal of an application to demolish the house was disputed in the Queensland Planning and Environment court in 1998/1999. In the court’s report, Judge Robin QC, DCJ, stated that, “The importance of preserving women's history and heritage, often previously marginalised or lost, is now accepted at government level, recognising that role models are vital for bringing new generations of women into the professions and public life.” While acknowledging women’s contribution to the profession of architecture is an important endeavour, it also has the potential to isolate women architects as separate to a mainstream history of architecture. As Julie Willis writes, it can imply an atypical, feminine style of architecture. What is the impact or potential implications of recognising heritage buildings designed by women architects? The Judge also highlights the absence of a recorded history of unique Brisbane houses and questions the authority of the heritage register. This research looks at these points of difference through a case study of the Uanda house. The paper will investigate the processes of adding the house to the heritage register, the court case and existing research on Nellie McCredie and Uanda House.


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We report the synthesis, structure and properties of [2]rotaxanes prepared by the assembly of benzylic amide macrocycles around a series of amide and sulfide-/sulfoxide-/sulfone-containing threads. The efficacy of rotaxane formation is related to the hydrogen bond accepting properties of the various sulfur-containing functional groups in the thread, with the highest yields (up to 63% with a rigid vinyl spacer in the template site) obtained for sulfoxide rotaxanes. X-Ray crystallography of a sulfoxide rotaxane, 5, shows that the macrocycle adopts a highly symmetrical chair-like conformation in the solid state, with short hydrogen bonds between the macrocycle isophthalamide NH-protons and the amide carbonyl and sulfoxide S-O of the thread. In contrast, in the X-ray crystal structures of the analogous sulfide (4) and sulfone (6) rotaxanes the macrocycle adopts boat-like conformations with long intercomponent NH…O=SO and NH…S hydrogen bonds (in addition to several intercomponent amide-amide hydrogen bonds). Taking advantage of the different hydrogen bonding modes of the sulfur-based functional groups, a switchable molecular shuttle was prepared in which the oxidation level of sulfur determines the position of the macrocycle on the thread.