918 resultados para Second Language Teaching
En aquest article s'analitzen quatre factors que poden incidir en el desenvolupament i el resultats de les tasques de reflexió metalingüística quan es realitzen en grup: tipus de tasca, formes d'interacci ó del grup, condici ó de monolingüe o bilingüe dels participants i llengua objecte de reflexió. Les dades analitzades provenen de la gravació i transcripci ó d'un seguit de sessions de treball en grup en les quals es proposava a nois i noies de secundària (14-15 anys) diferents tasques de tipus metalingüístic. Com a complement de l'an àlisi dels quatre factors esmentats, l'article tamb e inclou un apartat on es compara el proc és de reflexió que segueixen els estudiants de secundària amb el procés que segueixen alumnes del Curs d'Aptitud Pedag ògica (CAP).
A robust finding of studies investigating the Aspect Hypothesis is that learners at early stages of acquisition show a strong preference for using the progressive aspect as associated with activity verbs. As they advance in their acquisition of the second or foreign language, learners move from this prototypical association to associations traditionally considered to be more peripheral (e.g.-ing with accomplishments or achievements). Within this framework, the goal of this paper is to provide further evidence from groups of learners with different proficiency levels with regard to the acquisition of progressive aspect by tutored learners of English who are bilingual Catalan-Spanish. This is done by eliciting data by means of two different task types and by looking at both tokens and types. Our results are consistent with previous research according to which-ing morphology is closely associated with durative lexical aspect, although not necessarily with activity predicates. The study also shows that the type of task has an influence on the frequency and the distribution of learners" progressive forms.
This paper analyses the effects of manipulating the cognitive complexity of L2 oral tasks on language production. It specifically focuses on self-repairs, which are taken as a measure of accuracy since they denote both attention to form and an attempt at being accurate. By means of a repeated measures de- sign, 42 lower-intermediate students were asked to perform three different tasks types (a narrative, and instruction-giving task, and a decision-making task) for which two degrees of cognitive complexity were established. The narrative task was manipulated along +/− Here-and-Now, an instruction-giving task ma- nipulated along +/− elements, and the decision-making task which is manipu- lated along +/− reasoning demands. Repeated measures ANOVAs are used for the calculation of differences between degrees of complexity and among task types. One-way ANOVA are used to detect potential differences between low- proficiency and high-proficiency participants. Results show an overall effect of Task Complexity on self-repairs behavior across task types, with different be- haviors existing among the three task types. No differences are found between the self-repair behavior between low and high proficiency groups. Results are discussed in the light of theories of cognition and L2 performance (Robin- son 2001a, 2001b, 2003, 2005, 2007), L1 and L2 language production models (Levelt 1989, 1993; Kormos 2000, 2006), and attention during L2 performance (Skehan 1998; Robinson, 2002).
Cuando en 1994 se creo el primer foro de debate en Internet para profesores de español como lengua extranjera, no podíamos imaginar hasta qué punto la comunicación electrónica llegaría a formar parte de nuestras vidas cotidianas, pero ya entonces intuimos que un gran cambio social estaba en marcha y, con la curiosidad que nos caracteriza como docentes, quisimos ver qué podían aportar esas 'nuevas tecnologías' a nuestras clases. Veinte años más tarde, en el presente artículo se analizan estas dos décadas de"tecnologías y ELE" con la intención de contribuir a la comprensión del momento actual. El recorrido se distribuye en cuatro etapas que corresponden a las cuatro grandes aportaciones de la tecnología a la comunicación: los medios textuales para la comunicación electrónica, las denominadas Web 1.0 y Web 2.0, y las redes sociales. Finalmente, la revisión de los trabajos publicados permitirá comprobar que la red se ha instalado en nuestras vidas acompañada de unos códigos discursivos particulares, que la novedad inicial ya no es tal, que los entornos de aprendizaje se abren hoy a las redes sociales y que, aunque las tecnologías cambien sin cesar, muchas de las reflexiones de aquellos docentes pioneros continúan vigentes.
Este trabajo persigue dos objetivos: el primero es analizar el uso de las TIC en un grupo de estudiantes de segundo curso de Magisterio de la Universidad de Girona; el segundo es analizar los documentos normativos legales que establecen el currículum de educación primaria en Cataluña para observar qué tipo de papel juegan las TIC en las nuevas programaciones educativas. La primera parte se ha llevado a cabo mediante una encuesta, cuyos resultados permiten observar tres aspectos distintos: el primero, que una parte considerable del grupo considera las TIC más como un complemento para el aprendizaje que como una forma de aprendizaje; el segundo, que a pesar de hacer un uso considerable de las TIC, el conocimiento que tienen de ellas es muy básico y utilizan aplicaciones muy genéricas; y el tercero es que una parte de sus propuestas didácticas para el uso de las TIC son propuestas tradicionales simplemente adaptadas a un nuevo instrumento, sin buscar realmente la innovación que puede suponer la incorporación de las TIC. En la segunda parte del artículo, a partir del análisis e interpretación de los documentos legales que establecen el currículum de Educación Primaria, se observa que en un mismo documento conviven aserciones sobre las TIC como complemento al aprendizaje de contenidos con otras formulaciones que consideran las TIC como constructoras de conocimiento. A partir del perfil de los estudiantes y del estado de los documentos legales, al final del artículo se hacen propuestas para formar al futuro maestro teniendo en cuenta las TIC como herramientas básicas de conocimiento
Mar Cruz Piñol es profesora titular de Lengua Española en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Barcelona, donde desde 1995 ha impartido, entre otras, las asignaturas"Cuestiones del español como L2","Lingüística de corpus","Bases de datos para el estudio de la lengua española" y"Metodología de la investigación filológi- ca".
L’article planteja que el model d’immersió lingüística que ha produït excel·lents resultats sobre la competència lingüística dels alumnes autòctons, presenta problemes a l’hora d’aplicar-lo a l’alumnat d’origen estranger, independentment de quina sigui la seva llengua inicial. Això és així perquè, d’una banda, aquests estudiants presenten un escenari d’escolarització molt diversificat, i de l’altra, perquè les seves actituds lingüístiques són diferents de les que s’havien conegut fins ara. Tot plegat comporta que, pel que fa a les habilitats lingüístiques, assoleixin uns resultats més baixos que els autòctons
Aquest treball pretén ser l’estudi i la correcció fonètica d’un parlant de castellà com a primera llengua que té la llengua catalana coma segona llengua i presenta un problema a l’hora de pronunciar les laterals palatals. Per tant, és l’estudi d’un cas molt concret. Per a fer aquest estudi s’ha seguit el mètode verbotonal de correcció fonètica, ja que també es pretén comprovar la funcionalitat d’aquest mètode i els resultats possibles
L’escolarització de la infància estrangera es fa en programes de canvi de llengua de la llar a l’escola. Per això, el progrés de les criatures estrangeres en el domini de la llengua del centre docent remet a fer possible una pràctica educativa semblant a aquella que permet assolir l’èxit escolar en els programes d’immersió lingüística. L’article discuteix aquesta qüestió a partir d’un estudi empíric i proposa alguns criteris per orientar la pràctica educativa amb aquest alumnat
Aquest article presenta el Portafolis Europeu de les Llengües en versió electrònica (ePEL+14) validat pel Consell d'Europa l"any 2010. En primer lloc, s"introdueix en que consisteix un portafolis educatiu, com s"ha passat al portafolis electrònic per l"ensenyament de llengües. En segon lloc, es descriu aquest nou portafolis electrònic europeu adreçat a l"aprenentatge de llengües i cultures, que pot ser utilitzat com a suport de l"ensenyament de llengües, com a instrument transversal per fomentar l"autonomia de l"aprenent de llengües cap a l"adquisició progressiva dels nivells del Marc Comú Europeu de Referència per a les Llengües (MCER) o com a eina d"auto-aprenentatge de les competències lingüístiques assolides per part de l"aprenent de llengües autònom. En darrer lloc, s"extreuen algunes conclusions preliminars de l"experiència d"incorporar l"ePEL+14 en els Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILC) de llengua catalana de la Xarxa Vives d"Universitats.
En una situación como la actual, en la que nuestro sistema educativo no pasa por sus mejores momentos (recortes, resultados de los informes Pisa...), no deja de resultar sorprendente que algunos parezcan empeñados en desmantelar uno de sus aspectos más exitosos: la inmersión lingüística en catalán en las escuelas.
Se supone que los responsables políticos del sistema educativo han de dedicar sus esfuerzos a la mejora del mismo y a la resolución de los problemas reales que tiene planteados. Pero, según parece, en lo que se empeñan a veces algunos de estos gobernantes es justamente en lo contrario: crear problemas donde no los hay o poner trabas a lo que ya funciona satisfactoriamente.
The research assesses the skills of upper comprehensive school pupils in history. The focus is on locating personal motives, assessing wider reasons hidden in historical sources and evaluating source reliability. The research also questions how a wide use of multiple sources affects pupils’ holistic understanding of historical phenomena. The participants were a multicultural group of pupils. The origins of their cultures can be traced to the Balkan, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. The number of native Finnish speakers and pupils speaking Finnish as their second language was almost equal. The multicultural composition provides opportunities to assess how culturally responsive learning history from sources is. The intercultural approach to learning in a multicultural setting emphasizes equality as a precondition for learning. In order to set assignments at least to some extent match with all participants only those answers were taken into account which were produced by pupils who had studied history for a similar period of time in the Finnish comprehensive school system. Due to the small number of participants (41), the study avoids wide generalizations. Nevertheless, possible cultural blueprints in pupils’ way of thinking are noted. The first test examined the skills of pupils to find motives for emigration. The results showed that for 7th graders finding reasons is not a problematic task. However, the number of reasons noticed and justifications varied. In addition, the way the pupils explained their choices was a distinguishing factor. Some pupils interpreted source material making use of previous knowledge on the issue, while other pupils based their analysis solely on the text handed and did not try to add their own knowledge. Answers were divided into three categories: historical, explanatory and stating. Historical answers combined smoothly previously learned historical knowledge to one’s own source analysis; explanatory answers often ignored a wider frame, although they were effective when explaining e.g. historical concepts. The stating answers only noticed motives from the sources and made no attempts to explain them historically. Was the first test culturally responsive? All pupils representing different cultures tackled the first source exam successfully, but there were some signs of how historical concepts are understood in a slightly different way if the pupil’s personal history has no linkage to the concepts under scrutiny. The second test focused on the history of Native Americans. The test first required pupils to recognize whether short source extracts (5) were written by Indians or Caucasians. Based on what they had already learned from North American history, the pupils did not find it hard to distinguish between the sources. The analysis of multiphase causes and consequences of the disputes between Native Americans and white Americans caused dispersion among pupils. Using two historical sources and combining historical knowledge from both of them simultaneously was cumbersome for many. The explanations of consequences can be divided into two groups: the ones emphasizing short term consequences and those placing emphasis on long term consequences. The short term approach was mainly followed by boys in every group. The girls mainly paid attention to long term consequences. The result suggests that historical knowledge in sources is at least to some extent read through role and gender lenses. The third test required pupils to explain in their own words how the three sources given differed in their account of living conditions in Nazi Germany, which turned out to be demanding for many pupils. The pupils’ stronghold was rather the assessment of source reliability and accounts why the sources approached the same events differently. All participants wrote critical and justified comments on reliability and aspects that might have affected the content of the sources. The pupils felt that the main reasons that affected source reliability were the authors’ ethnic background, nationality and profession. The assessment showed that pupils were well aware that position in a historical situation has an impact on historical accounts, but in certain cases the victim’s account was seen as a historical truth. The account of events by a historian was chosen most often as the most reliable source, but it was often justified leniently with an indication to professionalism rather than with clear ideas of how historians conduct accounts based on sources. In brief, the last source test demonstrates that pupils have a strong idea that the ethnicity or nationalism determines how people explained events of the past. It is also an implication that pupils understand how historical knowledge is interpretative. The results also imply that history can be analyzed from a neutral perspective. One’s own membership in an ethnical or religious group does not automatically mean that a person’s cultural identity excludes historical explanations if something in them contradicts with his or her identity. The second method of extracting knowledge of pupils’ historical thinking was an essay analysis. The analysis shows that an analytical account of complicated political issues, which often include a great number of complicated political concepts, leads more likely to an inconsistent structure in the written work of pupils. The material also demonstrates that pupils have a strong tendency to take a critical stance when assessing history. Historical empathy in particular is shown if history somehow has a linkage to young people, children or minorities. Some topics can also awake strong feelings, especially among pupils with emigrant background, if there is a linkage between one’s own personal history and that of the school; and occasionally a student’s historical experience or thoughts replaced school history. Using sources during history lessons at school seems to have many advantages. It enhances the reasoning skills of pupils and their skills to assess the nature of historical knowledge. Thus one of the main aims and a great benefit of source work is to encourage pupils to express their own ideas and opinions. To conclude, when assessing the skills of adolescents in history - their work with sources, comments on history, historical knowledge and finally their historical thinking - one should be cautious and avoid cut off score evaluations. One purpose of pursuing history with sources is to encourage pupils to think independently, which is a useful tool for further identity construction. The idea that pupils have the right to conduct their own interpretations of history can be partially understood as part of a wider learning process, justification to study history comes from extrinsic reasons. The intrinsic reason is history itself; in order to understand history one should have a basic understanding of history as a specific domain of knowledge. Using sources does not mean that knowing history is of secondary importance. Only a balance between knowing the contextual history, understanding basic key concepts and working with sources is a solid base to improve pupils’ historical understanding.
El artículo repasa algunos aspectos sobre la relación entre educación escolar e inmigración. Así, al inicio se analizande manera descriptiva las características de la inmigración ligada a la sociedad de la información y sus repercusiones educativas. Igualmente, se repasan algunos trabajos sobreel rendimiento académico de la infancia y la adolescencia extranjera, y se enfatiza el factor lingüístico como una de lasfuentes explicativas de dicho rendimiento. En este sentido, se muestran varias investigaciones dedicadas a conocerlos factores que inciden en el aprendizaje por el alumnado extranjero de la lengua de la escuela y, finalmente, se ofrecen varios criterios para encarar con éxito la relación entre escolarización e inmigración
This piece of research compares knowledge of Catalan, Castilian and mathematics, as well as the attitudes to these two languages, of a sample of non-Catalan speaking pupils of low sociocultural level in their fourth year of primary school. Some of the pupils had followed an immersion programme in Catalan, whereas others had approached Catalan through their habitual language (Castilian). The findings show that not only did the immersion pupils obtain significantly better results in L2 (Catalan), but their mother tongue (Castilian) competence was undiminished and their performance on the mathematics test was superior to that of the other group. Moreover, the findings indicate that in pupils starting out from less favourable conditions (a low sociocultural level and a low I.Q.) the effect of the educational approach variable is greater than in other cases