1000 resultados para Procesamiento en lenguaje natural
This study aimed to determine the level of computer practical experience in a sample of Spanish nursing students. Each student was given a Spanish language questionnaire, modified from an original used previously with medical students at the Medical School of North Carolina University (USA) and also at the Education Unit of Hospital General Universitario del Mar (Spain). The 10-item self-report questionnaire probed for information about practical experience with computers. A total of 126 students made up the sample. The majority were female (80.2%; n=101). The results showed that just over half (57.1%, n=72) of the students had used a computer game (three or more times before), and that only one third (37.3%, n=47) had the experience of using a word processing package. Moreover, other applications and IT-based facilities (e.g. statistical packages, e-mail, databases, CD-ROM searches, programming languages and computer-assisted learning) had never been used by the majority of students. The student nurses' practical experience was less than that reported for medical students in previous studies.
A Mass Customisation model is discussed as a competitive positioning strategy in the marketplace adding value to the customer’s end-use. It includes the user as part of the construction process responding to the customer’s demands and wishes. To the present day, almost all proposals for Mass Customisation have been focused on the design phase and single family houses. The reality is that the processes carried out in the work execution are so inefficient that the costs of the Mass Customisation models are assumed by the customer and they do not offer solutions that support the change management. Furthermore, this inefficiency often makes Mass Customisation unfeasible in terms of deadlines and site management. Therefore, the present proposal focuses on achieving the paradigm of Mass Customisation in the traditional residential construction complementary to the existing proposals in the design phase. All this through the proposal of a framework for the integral management in the work execution, which will address change management introduced by the users offering an efficient and productive model that reduces costs in the process. This model will focus on the synergy between different strategies, techniques and technologies currently used in the construction management (such as Lean Construction or Six Sigma), together with, other strategies and technologies that have proven to be valid solutions in other fields (such as Business Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, etc.).
Citation corpus composed by 85 articles taken randomly from ACL Anthology with a total of 2195 bibliography cites.
Social networking apps, sites and technologies offer a wide range of opportunities for businesses and developers to exploit the vast amount of information and user-generated content produced through social networking. In addition, the notion of second screen TV usage appears more influential than ever, with viewers continuously seeking further information and deeper engagement while watching their favourite movies or TV shows. In this work, the authors present SAM, an innovative platform that combines social media, content syndication and targets second screen usage to enhance media content provisioning, renovate the interaction with end-users and enrich their experience. SAM incorporates modern technologies and novel features in the areas of content management, dynamic social media, social mining, semantic annotation and multi-device representation to facilitate an advanced business environment for broadcasters, content and metadata providers, and editors to better exploit their assets and increase their revenues.
In this work we present a semantic framework suitable of being used as support tool for recommender systems. Our purpose is to use the semantic information provided by a set of integrated resources to enrich texts by conducting different NLP tasks: WSD, domain classification, semantic similarities and sentiment analysis. After obtaining the textual semantic enrichment we would be able to recommend similar content or even to rate texts according to different dimensions. First of all, we describe the main characteristics of the semantic integrated resources with an exhaustive evaluation. Next, we demonstrate the usefulness of our resource in different NLP tasks and campaigns. Moreover, we present a combination of different NLP approaches that provide enough knowledge for being used as support tool for recommender systems. Finally, we illustrate a case of study with information related to movies and TV series to demonstrate that our framework works properly.
Los suelos estabilizados mediante compactación, permiten obtener materiales con ventajas ténicas y economicas en diferentes tipos de obras de ingeniería. Ejemplos de su uso se tiene en bases viales de autopistas, rutas o calles urbanas, pistas de aterrizaje, barreras de contención para enterramientos sanitarios o lagunas de estabilización, apoyos de plateas para fundación de edificios, losas industriales, entre otras aplicaciones. Las fallas en este tipo de construcciones pueden resultar en catástrofes ambientales, sociales y elevadas pérdidas económicas, por lo que resulta de gran importancia optimizar el diseño e incrementar la seguridad de este tipo de construcciones. Las obras con estas características involucran grandes volúmenes y/o superficies que requieren controles sistemáticos durante su desarrollo, a los fines de garantizar el cumplimiento de las propiedades de los materiales establecidos en la etapa de diseño. De esta forma, es necesario contar con ensayos de campo sencillos, confiables y eficientes que permitan identificar propiedades físicas, mecánicas e hidráulicas. Las geoestructuras generadas mediante la compactación del suelo próximo al sector de construcción pueden funcionar adecuadamente, con reducidos costos de material y transporte. Su estabilización puede ejecutarse en forma natural, o con la incorporación de agregados minerales como bentonita, cal o cemento. Estas incorporaciones mejoran las propiedades hidráulicas y mecánicas del material, optimizando el comportamiento requerido para la obra. Para establecer la forma en la que estos minerales modifican el comportamiento del suelo local compactado deben realizarse investigaciones especiales con los materiales involucrados. En el ámbito internacional existen numerosas investigaciones sobre comportamiento de suelos compactados, no obstante, si bien aportan antecedentes para la planificación de estudios locales, sus resultados no pueden trasladarse de manera directa. Las características propias del suelo local constituye la principal variable debido a la diversidad en las propiedades geotécnicas de cada Región. Esta investigación, se focaliza en el empleo de suelos limosos de la formación loéssica de la zona central de Argentina. Los suelos de la llanura cordobesa poseen comportamientos particulares, los cuales son contemplados en los diseños presentados como resutado de las investigaciones internacionales. Esta particularidad se relaciona con su inestabilidad, lo que los clasifica como suelos colapsables. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo podrán ser extendidos a una gran superficie de la Provincia de Córdoba y a la Región Pampeana en general, a los fines de establecer recomendaciones de diseño y construcción para la confección de Pliegos de Especificaciones Técnicas de diferentes tipos de obras públicas y privadas. El estudio contempla la ejecución de un plan experimental a escala de laboratorio y campo. Los materiales corresponden a suelo limosos puros, y diferentes agregados tales como bentonita, cal y cemento. Se planifican ensayos para evaluar el desempeño del material, a partir de la confección de muestras preparadas con diferentes condiciones de compactación (energía, humedad y método), y en forma de mezcla con los distintos tipos de agregados. Se realizarán ensayos de permeabilidad en celdas de pared rígida y flexible, junto a ensayos mecánicos de compresión confinada, simple y triaxial. Para el trabajo experimental de campo se prevé la ejecución de terraplenes de prueba instrumentados con tensiómetros e infiltrómetros para evaluar el comportamiento hidraúlico en el tiempo, junto con ensayos de penetración y plato de carga para la caracterización mecánica. En forma conjunta se propone el desarrollo de modelos numéricos de caracterización hidromecánica.
Background The seas around Scotland are rich and diverse – Scotland’s position at the edge of the continental shelf, the long coastline, large area of sea and the mixing of warm and coldwater currents combine to make its waters a special place for marine wildlife and habitats. Scotland has over 18,000 km of coastline and its inshore and offshore areas are among the largest of any EU country, representing 13% of all European seas. Scotland’s seas are of outstanding scenic, historical and cultural value and are part of the national identity at home and abroad. The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 include new powers and duties to ensure that our seas are managed sustainably for future generations, integrating the economic growth of marine industries with the need to protect these assets. Measures to conserve Scotland’s marine natural heritage are based on a three pillar approach, with action at the wider seas level (e.g. marine planning or sectoral controls); specific species conservation measures (e.g. improved protection for seals); and through site protection measures - the identification of new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). To help target action under each of the three pillars, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) have generated a focused list of habitats and species of priority conservation importance - the Priority Marine Features (PMFs). The aim of the current study was to produce a descriptive catalogue of the Scottish PMFs (including component habitats and species where appropriate) to serve as a reference for future nature conservation action. Whilst derived from available existing accounts, the succinct 1-page descriptions are written from a Scottish perspective, refining, but clearly linking to more generic UK, EC or OSPAR (Oslo and Paris Commission) commentary. Available information on the geographic distribution of the features was collated as part of the project and a summary map is provided in each description. Main findings This project has generated a descriptive catalogue of the 81 PMFs that have been identified in the seas around Scotland (out to the limit of the UK continental shelf). The list comprises 26 broad habitats (e.g. burrowed mud), seven low or limited mobility species (e.g. ocean quahog) and 48 mobile species, including fish (e.g. blue ling) and marine mammals (e.g. minke whale). Information on the distribution of the PMFs was collated within a Geographic Information System (GIS). This is the first time that data about such a diverse range of Scottish marine nature conservation interests have been compiled within a single repository. These data have and will be used in conjunction with other contextual base-mapping to inform the development of nature conservation advice and commentary (e.g. in the production of the Scotland’s Marine Atlas - Baxter et al., 2011). The feature distribution mapping used in the production of this report is being made available to view online via the National Marine Plan Interactive web portal (NMPi - http://www.gov.scot/Topics/marine/seamanagement/nmpihome). As new or refined data on Scottish PMFs become available, these will be fed into updates to the project geodatabase and NMPi.
Background The seas around Scotland are rich and diverse – Scotland’s position at the edge of the continental shelf, the long coastline, large area of sea and the mixing of warm and coldwater currents combine to make its waters a special place for marine wildlife and habitats. Scotland has over 18,000 km of coastline and its inshore and offshore areas are among the largest of any EU country, representing 13% of all European seas. Scotland’s seas are of outstanding scenic, historical and cultural value and are part of the national identity at home and abroad. The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 include new powers and duties to ensure that our seas are managed sustainably for future generations, integrating the economic growth of marine industries with the need to protect these assets. Measures to conserve Scotland’s marine natural heritage are based on a three pillar approach, with action at the wider seas level (e.g. marine planning or sectoral controls); specific species conservation measures (e.g. improved protection for seals); and through site protection measures - the identification of new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). To help target action under each of the three pillars, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) have generated a focused list of habitats and species of priority conservation importance - the Priority Marine Features (PMFs). The aim of the current study was to produce a descriptive catalogue of the Scottish PMFs (including component habitats and species where appropriate) to serve as a reference for future nature conservation action. Whilst derived from available existing accounts, the succinct 1-page descriptions are written from a Scottish perspective, refining, but clearly linking to more generic UK, EC or OSPAR (Oslo and Paris Commission) commentary. Available information on the geographic distribution of the features was collated as part of the project and a summary map is provided in each description. Main findings This project has generated a descriptive catalogue of the 81 PMFs that have been identified in the seas around Scotland (out to the limit of the UK continental shelf). The list comprises 26 broad habitats (e.g. burrowed mud), seven low or limited mobility species (e.g. ocean quahog) and 48 mobile species, including fish (e.g. blue ling) and marine mammals (e.g. minke whale). Information on the distribution of the PMFs was collated within a Geographic Information System (GIS). This is the first time that data about such a diverse range of Scottish marine nature conservation interests have been compiled within a single repository. These data have and will be used in conjunction with other contextual base-mapping to inform the development of nature conservation advice and commentary (e.g. in the production of the Scotland’s Marine Atlas - Baxter et al., 2011). The feature distribution mapping used in the production of this report is being made available to view online via the National Marine Plan Interactive web portal (NMPi - http://www.gov.scot/Topics/marine/seamanagement/nmpihome). As new or refined data on Scottish PMFs become available, these will be fed into updates to the project geodatabase and NMPi.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la presencia de la fraseología en los niveles de enseñanza obligatoria y proponer una serie de actividades cuyo objetivo sea desarrollar la competencia fraseológica de hablantes nativos de español. Tras mostrar la importancia de la fraseología como parte fundamental del caudal lingüístico de un hablante nativo y defender la existencia de la competencia fraseológica también en lengua materna, se examina la presencia de la fraseología en las diferentes vertientes de la competencia en comunicación lingüística del actual currículo: pragmática, lingüística, sociolingüística y literaria. Se indica, además, el importante papel que puede jugar al abordar determinados contenidos desde una perspectiva transversal (fraseología y cultura). Para finalizar, se hacen algunas propuestas sobre cómo debe presentarse la fraseología en lengua materna y se presentan diferentes actividades según el nivel de enseñanza.
This study investigates the Spanish indefinite pronoun uno (“one”). After a detailed analysis of its occurrences in authentic language, we find that its interpretation varies depending on the linguistic context. Therefore, we examine which elements of the context - we focus on the broader context, beyond the sentence – have an impact on its interpretation and develop a typology of the indefinite pronoun as to its interpretation. The pronoun may be interpreted as completely generic or specific (referring to the speaker, the listener or a third person). Its interpretation can also be located in an intermediate position between these interpretive extremes.In addition, we compare its use in various discursive genres - spontaneous conversations, academic essays and web forum - which are distinguished by the presence or absence of interactivity and of more or less subjectivity / intersubjectivity. The comparison shows that pronoun use depends on these characteristics.
[EN]Enabling natural human-robot interaction using computer vision based applications requires fast and accurate hand detection. However, previous works in this field assume different constraints, like a limitation in the number of detected gestures, because hands are highly complex objects difficult to locate. This paper presents an approach which integrates temporal coherence cues and hand detection based on wrists using a cascade classifier. With this approach, we introduce three main contributions: (1) a transparent initialization mechanism without user participation for segmenting hands independently of their gesture, (2) a larger number of detected gestures as well as a faster training phase than previous cascade classifier based methods and (3) near real-time performance for hand pose detection in video streams.
[EN]This grade project involves the study, design, implementation and test of an signature identification system using neural networks. Recurrent neural networks,also known as recursive neural networks, show a architectonic configuration that able output signals to be fed back to the same, or previous neurons. This feature can be used, as in this project, to build a system especialized on temporal pattern recognition, given that signatures can be seen as sequence of points in time.
Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Grant/Contract No: Federal Aid Project F-123 R-16
Work during this reporting period focused on characterizing temperature, habitat, and biological communities at candidate coolwater sites. During the past year we have collected additional temperature data from 57 candidate streams and other locations and now have records from 232 stream reaches. Eighty-two sites in Illinois have been identified as cool- or coldwater based on these records. Physical habitat surveys have been conducted at 79 sites where temperature data were available. Fish and macroinvertebrate data were obtained from the cooperative basin survey program data managers for candidate sites whenever possible and added to collections made during previous project years. This report summarizes progress for the period beginning 1 October 2009 and ending 30 September 2010. Additional analyses are ongoing and will be presented in the final report upon completion of this project.
Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Grant/Contract No: Federal Aid Project F-123 R-15