998 resultados para Poésie en prose
A travers l’étude de la Correspondance Jules Supervielle-Etiemble et sa confrontation avec les manifestes du poète que sont « Eléments d’une poétique » et « En songeant à un art poétique », notre article tente de définir la spécificité de la conception supervilienne de la poésie tout en évoquant les difficultés du poète à extérioriser, dans les premières années de sa jeunesse, les images inhérentes à son univers intérieur, et en faisant l’inventaire de quelques principes qui régissent son activité poétique : le refus de toutes les esthétiques et de toutes les techniques qui régissent préalablement la création poétique, l’adoption d’une technique a posteriori ou d’une « technique mouvante qui ne se fixe qu’à chaque poème », le travail de corrections, de retouches et de ratures, et le culte de l’oubli considéré moins comme une défaillance de la mémoire que comme le catalyseur des associations et images inattendues.
En este trabajo se abordan los problemas que presenta la traducción de textos poéticos, en concreto las dificultades que conlleva el trasvase del ritmo en poemas escritos en verso libre. Para ello, presentamos la traducción que hemos realizado del poema “Sonate à S.”, incluido en Avec un peu plus de ciel (2012), obra reciente del reconocido escritor contemporáneo francés André Velter. Tras una breve introducción sobre el verso libre, el ritmo y las posibles estrategias traductológicas, se analizan las características del poema original y se comentan las dificultades que plantea su trasvase. A continuación, el artículo se cierra con las principales conclusiones obtenidas. Asimismo, se incluye un anexo con el texto origen y el texto meta.
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’examiner la part de poésie contenue dans les romans Kamouraska (1970) d’Anne Hébert et L’Amant (1984) de Marguerite Duras. Alors même que ces oeuvres sont souvent qualifiées de poétiques par la critique, la question générique se trouve formulée par les auteures elles-mêmes, qui remettent en cause le partage entre récit et poésie dans leur production. En mobilisant dans un premier temps le modèle théorique du récit poétique de Jean-Yves Tadié, puis en se livrant dans un deuxième temps à un examen de certaines spécificités stylistiques des oeuvres retenues, le présent mémoire s’efforce de mener à la fois une interrogation sur la possibilité d’une hybridation entre narration et poésie et une recherche des traces de pareil phénomène dans les romans hébertien et durassien. Il procède, par le fait même, à une réflexion sur le modèle de Tadié, l’analyse réalisée permettant d’en questionner les modalités.
Denna tvärvetenskapliga studie kontextualiserar den skönlitterära framställningen av hungersnöden i Irland i mitten av 1800-talet i förhållande till tre olika faser av irländsk historieskrivning ‒ den nationalistiska, den revisionistiska, och den postrevisionistiska ‒ med syfte att granska i vilken mån prosafiktionen antingen återspeglar eller motsäger historikernas tolkningar. År 1845 drabbades landet av en dittills okänd potatispest som förstörde skörden helt eller delvis under de följande fem åren. Missväxten ledde till utbredd svält och epidemiska sjukdomar som dödade åtminstone en miljon människor, medan ytterligare en och en halv miljon flydde, huvudsakligen till Förenta Staterna, England, och Kanada. I sina försök att hitta en rationell förklaring till hur potatispesten kunde utvecklas till den värsta svältkatastrofen i Europa under modern tid, har historiker påvisat ett antal bidragande faktorer, till exempel överbefolkning, de fattigaste jordlösa småbrukarnas och lantarbetarnas beroende av potatisen som sitt baslivsmedel, underutveckling inom jordbruket, det rådande jordegendomssystemet, och den dåvarande brittiska regeringens misslyckande att tillhandahålla effektiv och tillräcklig nödhjälp. Historiska förklaringar är naturligtvis nödvändiga för att vi skall kunna bilda oss en uppfattning om hungersnödens orsaker och konsekvenser, men svårigheten med att skildra offrens situation i en historiografisk analys baserad på fakta är uppenbar då deras egna vittnesmål till största delen saknas i källmaterialet. Följaktligen finns det en risk att historieskrivningen förmörkar det som onekligen var centrala realiteter för de värst drabbade, nämligen svält, vräkning, sjukdom och död. Här kan skönlitteraturen bidra till att komplettera historien. Genom att fokusera på ett specifikt (fiktivt) samhälle och dess (fiktiva) individer, kan skönlitterära verk ge en inblick i hur hungersnöden inverkade på olika samhällsskikt, vad människorna gjorde för att överleva, hur nöden och fasorna påverkade deras psyke, och vad eller vem de höll ansvariga för katastrofen. Å andra sidan kan denna fokusering innebära att författaren misslyckas med att ge en helhetsbild av hungersnödens enorma omfattning och att redogöra för alla faktorer som orsakade och förlängde den. Paul Ricoeurs teori om samspelet mellan historia och fiktion (the interweaving of history and fiction) är därför ett nyckelbegrepp för att bättre förstå denna traumatiska period i Irlands historia. Avhandlingen omfattar en textanalytisk, komparativ kritik av ett antal historiska och skönlitterära verk. Genom närläsning av dessa texter granskar jag vilka aspekter av hungersnöden (politiska, ekonomiska, sociala) de olika författarna valt att behandla, och på vilket sätt, samt hur deras synvinklar har format tolkningarna i sin helhet. I detta sammanhang tar jag också upp skillnaderna mella fakta och fiktion, och speciellt de etiska problem som är förknippade med skildringen av traumatiska händelser och mänskligt lidande. Samtidigt undersöker jag, med hänvisning till Roger D. Sells kommunikationsteori, huruvida vissa författare anslår en påstridig ton i sina verk och hur detta påverkar dialogen mellan författare och läsare. Med utgångspunkt i Ricoeurs teori argumenterar jag för att historia och fiktion inte bör ses som ömsesidigt antitetiska diskurser i skildringen och tolkningen av det förflutna, och att skönlitteraturen genom fokuseringen på offren, som ofta tenderar att reduceras till statistik i historieskrivningen, kan förmedla en bättre förståelse och en djupare känsla för den mänskliga dimensionen av den tragedi som utspelades under hungeråren.
Se describen los resultados de la aplicación del denominado "tratamiento completo", en la traducción de dos fragmentos poéticos insertos en prosa no literaria. Se examina la deconstrucción del texto original, sugerida como resultado de un análisis teórico que destaca la importancia del componente cultural y la función apelativa inherente como la base de las soluciones traductológicas.A description is provided of the resulting application of the so-called complete treatment for the translation of two poetic fragments inserted in nonliterary prose. The suggested deconstruction of the source text, resulting from a theoretical analysis, is examined: thus the emphasis on the importance of both the cultural component and the inherent appellative function as a basis for different solutions for translation problems.
Se describe y analiza el cultivo y desarrollo del poema en prosa en las letras costarricenses, considerando que no ha sido objeto de suficiente atención por parte de la crítica. Una vez expuestos los aspectos históricos, conceptuales y teóricos, y la procedencia europea de esta modalidad discursiva, se exploran sus manifestaciones desde sus orígenes, a finales del siglo XIX, y el desarrollo posterior hasta sus manifestaciones en la literatura contemporánea.The development and evolution of prose poetry in Costa Rica is described and analyzed in view of the fact that critics have not given it the attention it deserves. A discussion of historical, conceptual and theoretical aspects, together with the European origins of this genre, provides the basis to explore its appearance around the end of the 19th century, and its later development up to the present time.
This dissertation analyses, through a theoretical framework and a critical approach, letters of Cuban writers Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda and Juana Borrero. While love letters have captured the interest of some scholars, such as Claudio Guillén, Cintio Vitier and Alexander Roselló Selimov, the conflict that the analysis of non-literary texts poses has prevented further research in this field. Therefore, I propose a systematic method of analysis encompassing but not limited to evaluating letters based on their purpose, intent, interpretation, and temporal and spatial composition; analyzing the perspective and function of epistolary entities, and examining the textual signs that distinguish the epistolary forms from the literary forms. With this analytical tool, I examine a selection of letters of Gómez de Avellaneda and demonstrate that the writer displaces her identify from the autobiographic self to the epistolary self, in order to manipulate the perspective of her addressee. Caught between the Neoclassical way of thinking and the Romantic aesthetics, her assertive discourse, also reflected in her epistolary work, contributed to the incursion of women writers into the social and professional life of the nineteen century. Following the same method of investigation, an analysis of letters written by Borrero proves that, by building a world of delusion, hallucination and fantasy the writer brings to prose what first generation of female modernistas had done in poetry. In both cases, my focus is on the strategies that turn these letters into instruments of power, process that transformed the love-letter paradigm and forever renovated the women epistolary genre. This dissertation further explores the possibility of initiating a cycle in the study of personal letters to uncover a forgotten genre, mission that might build a bridge to embrace the new forms of written communication that scholars have already begun to explore in contemporary literature.
This PhD thesis sets out to show, firstly, that Spanish modernist poets are lavish in their sublimation of the figure of the prostitute in their lyrical compositions. It argues that ultimately, they do not do this randomly or arbitrarily, but in response to a series of mechanisms that turn this sublimation into an investigation within the modernist movement. The need for a study such as this one seems indisputable, as not very much work has been done on this topic in Spanish literature, unlike in other literatures (particularly Latin American literature, precisely in the same turn-of-the-century period and in connection with Modernism). What little work has been published on the treatment of the figure of the prostitute in turn-of-the-century Spanish literature refers to narrative prose, notably the realist and naturalist novel, as well as the short story. Also, such work usually lacks a general theoretical framework, as it deals with one novel, one author, or in the case of greater generalisation, a specific type of novel. The study of this figure in literary texts involves studying Modernism itself, as it neatly draws together the panoply of topics so dear to Modernism, namely, the erotic, the marginal, the feminine, the cursed and Culturalism...
Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux apports possibles de la biomécanique meyerholdienne à l’expression théâtrale et plastique du slam de poésie, l’objectif initial de la recherche consistant à bonifier et à développer l’expression tant gestuelle que vocale du poète performant son texte à slamer. Il s’agissait donc, à travers le processus de recherche-création proposé, de conduire une série de laboratoires et d’expérimentations théâtrales afin de développer Panpan!, un spectacle expérimental hybridant à la fois biomécanique et slam de poésie. Des multiples expériences nécessaires à la réalisation de ce court spectacle, j’ai dégagé une série d’outils théoriques et pratiques, que j’ai ensuite exposés en profondeur dans cet essai. En annexe, le lecteur trouvera également l’ensemble de mes outils de travail, développés au fil de ma pratique expérimentale et ayant permis tant la réalisation de Panpan! que la découverte et l’étude des principes théoriques et pratiques dont fait état ma recherche. Mots clés: poésie slamée, slam de poésie, biomécanique, Vsevolod E. Meyerhold, slam-théâtre, expression corporelle, expression vocale, partition dramaturgique, mécanique dramaturgique, musicalité, virtuosité, rythme, constructivisme russe, grotesque, cabotinage.
In the title compound, C17H15NO4, the conformation about the C=C double bond [1.348 (2) Å] is E with the ketone group almost co-planar [C-C-C-C torsion angle = 7.2 (2)°] but the phenyl group twisted away [C-C-C-C = 160.93 (17)°]. The terminal aromatic rings are almost perpendicular to each other [dihedral angle = 81.61 (9)°] giving the mol-ecule an overall U-shape. The crystal packing feature benzene-C-H⋯O(ketone) contacts that lead to supra-molecular helical chains along the b axis. These are connected by π-π inter-actions between benzene and phenyl rings [inter-centroid distance = 3.6648 (14) Å], resulting in the formation of a supra-molecular layer in the bc plane.
In the title compound, C17H14N2O6, the conformation about the C=C double bond [1.345 (2) Å] is E, with the ketone moiety almost coplanar [C-C-C-C torsion angle = 9.5 (2)°] along with the phenyl ring [C-C-C-C = 5.9 (2)°]. The aromatic rings are almost perpendicular to each other [dihedral angle = 86.66 (7)°]. The 4-nitro moiety is approximately coplanar with the benzene ring to which it is attached [O-N-C-C = 4.2 (2)°], whereas the one in the ortho position is twisted [O-N-C-C = 138.28 (13)°]. The mol-ecules associate via C-H⋯O inter-actions, involving both O atoms from the 2-nitro group, to form a helical supra-molecular chain along [010]. Nitro-nitro N⋯O inter-actions [2.8461 (19) Å] connect the chains into layers that stack along [001].
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is common among subjects who undergo bariatric surgery and its postsurgical improvement has been reported. This study aimed to determine the evolution of liver disease evaluated through NAFLD fibrosis score 12 months after surgery. It is a prospective cohort study which evaluated patients immediately before and 12 months following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Mean score decreased from 1.142 to 0.066; surgery led to a resolution rate of advanced fibrosis of 55 %. Resolution was statistically associated with female gender, percentage of excess weight loss, postsurgical body mass index, postsurgical platelet count, and diabetes resolution. As previously reported by studies in which postsurgical biopsies were performed, RYGB leads to a great resolution rate of liver fibrosis. Since postsurgical biopsy is not widely available and has a significant risk, calculation of NAFLD fibrosis score is a simple tool to evaluate this evolution through a noninvasive approach.
Weight loss failure is a widely recognized occurrence following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This study aims to identify predictors associated with weight loss failure. It is a retrospective cohort which enrolled 187 subjects who underwent RYGB. Comparisons were made between patients' features at baseline and 24 months after surgery. A weight loss failure rate of 11.2% was found. Advanced age and diabetes were statistically associated with failure. The results found were close to previous reports. As weight loss failure represents an important concern, there is the possibility to perform revisional surgeries, which may emphasize the restrictive or malabsorptive characteristics of RYGB, leading to varied results. It is reinforced that weight loss cannot be used as the unique outcome to evaluate the success of surgery.
In this paper we present a study of reading comprehension based on a contrastive argumentative-discursive approach. We examine the relationship between linguistic materiality and discursive processes, observing the connection between reading in a foreign language, writing production and textual memories in the mother tongue. In addition to an interest in practical language teaching and learning processes (in this case of Spanish and Portuguese), we investigate the question of politeness and the theoretical relationship between subjectivity, language, and textuality. The latter, being understood as the result of discourse regularities, is unique for each and every production, yet is also conditioned by plural discursive memories resulting from contradictory social relationships in a specific historical context (Foucault, 1986; Pêcheux, 1990). In the experiment presented here, we follow some of the procedures of the methodology applied in the European Galatea Project developed for the study of reading strategies in the inter-comprehension between Romance languages (Dabène, 1996). We use the procedure of simulation and the subjective projection of participants as well as the notion of discursive resonance in the analysis. The results, having to do with directness and indirectness in speech and the question of politeness in two typologically close languages, lead to the conclusion that the concept of politeness goes beyond a pragmatic strategy used to avoid conflicts to be approached as a marker of cultural identity constitution. The relevance of discursive awareness and its theoretical and practical consequences are then emphasized.
Datos de humedad de equilibrio de polvo de pulpa de lulo (PL) con y sin aditivos - 58% de maltodextrina (MD) o 58% de goma Arábiga (GA) - fueran determinados en las temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 y 50 °C utilizando el método estático gravimétrico para un rango de actividades de agua entre 0.06 y 0.90. Las isotermas presentaran formato sigmoidal del tipo III, y el modelo de Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) fue ajustado satisfactoriamente a los datos experimentales de humedad de equilibrio en función de la actividad de agua. La adición de encapsulantes afecto las isotermas de tal manera que en la misma actividad de agua, las muestras PL + GA y PL + MD presentaron un menor contenido de humedad de equilibrio y no fueron afectadas por la variación de temperatura. Los calores isostéricos de sorción de las pulpas en polvo con encapsulantes fueron mayores (menos negativos) con relación a las pulpas de lulo en polvo, sugiriendo la existencia de sitios polares más activos en el producto sin adición de GA o MD. Una relación exponencial empírica fue utilizada para describir la dependencia del calor de sorción con el contenido de humedad del material.