681 resultados para Managing Plans of Natal


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a atuação revolucionária no interior do Rio Grande do Norte, ocorrida durante a Revolta comunista de 1935, tendo como foco principal as colunas rebeldes estabelecidas durante o evento. Os objetivos das colunas eram a tomada das cidades do interior potiguar, a captação de novos integrantes e recursos que pudessem ser utilizados na consolidação e ampliação do controle dos rebeldes estabelecido a partir da cidade de Natal. No presente estudo foram identificadas as causas da adesão popular à revolta comunista nas cidades ocupadas pelas colunas rebeldes. Baseado nas fontes pesquisadas, sobretudo nos processos dos indiciados julgados pelo Tribunal de Segurança Nacional, e à luz da bibliografia sobre o tema, buscou-se os possíveis fatores de ordem política, econômica, social ou ideológica que podem ter atuado na aproximação dos moradores situados no interior do Rio Grande do Norte com o discurso de modificação da ordem então vigente, proferido pelos rebeldes


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Focal beam analysis is a method for assessment of acquisition geometries that is directly linked to pre-stack migration. About dealing with the complex subsurface structures, the conventional survey design methods which do not take into account the subsurface are no longer valid. Based on the Fourier finite-difference (FFD) large-step wave field extrapolation and Born-Kirchhoff (BK) small-step wavefield interpolation, the thesis presents a rapid resolution analysis of 3D seismic survey design by focal beams in complicated media. Subsequently, The SEG/EAEG salt model is used to illustrate the method. Based on the focal beam resolution definition, each kind of influence factor is discussed. The focal beam analysis usually is carried out in a single frequency, but the actual seismic waves always contain a frequency bandwidth. In this thesis, theoretical relationship between focal beam analysis and frequency is derived. Since the effects of focal beam analysis are linear with frequency simply, the multi-frequency focal beam analysis using interpolation is developed. At the same time, the resolution of different frequency bandwidth is interconvertible in accordance with Signal uncertainty principle. The resolution of all frequency bands can be calculated by using only a few focal beam analysis for a seismic survey. In the last section of this thesis, I propose a new approach to predicting acquisition footprint, based on the assumption of Common-Middle-Point stack without constructing a special velocity model. The approach is a simplistic analytical method in which the acquisition footprint pattern is a weighted, linear summation of limited-offset fold-of-stack plots. Because the value of acquisition can be got by quantificational and rapidly calculating, we can exactly do a comparative analysis among different plans of seismic survey by this method.


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Study of 3D visualization technology of engineering geology and its application to engineering is a cross subject which includes geosciences, computer, software and information technology. Being an important part of the secondary theme of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) whose name is Study of Multi-Scale Structure and Occurrence Environment of Complicated Geological Engineering Mass(No.2002CB412701), the dissertation involves the studies of key problems of 3D geological modeling, integrated applications of multi-format geological data, effective modeling methods of complex approximately layered geological mass as well as applications of 3D virtual reality information management technology.The main research findings are listed below:Integrated application method of multi-format geological data is proposed,which has solved the integrated application of drill holes, engineering geology plandrawings, sectional drawings and cutting drawings as well as exploratory trenchsketch. Its application can provide as more as possible fundamental data for 3Dgeological modeling.A 3D surface construction method combined Laplace interpolation points withoriginal points is proposed, so the deformation of 3D model and the crossing error ofupper and lower surface of model resulted from lack of data when constructing alaminated stratum can be eliminated.3D modeling method of approximately layered geological mass is proposed,which has solved the problems of general modeling method based on the sections or points and faces when constructing terrain and concordant strata.The 3D geological model of VII dam site of Xiangjiaba hydropower stationhas been constructed. The applications of 3D geological model to the auto-plotting ofsectional drawing and the converting of numerical analysis model are also discussed.3D virtual reality information integrated platform is developed, whose mostimportant character is that it is a software platform having the functions of 3D virtualreality flying and multi-format data management simultaneously. Therefore, theplatform can load different 3D model so as to satisfy the different engineeringdemands.The relics of Aigong Cave of Longyou Stone Caves are recovered. Thereinforcement plans of 1# and 2# cave in phoenix hill also be expressed. The intuitiveexpression provided decision makers and designers a very good environment.The basic framework and specific functions of 3D geological informationsystem are proposed.The main research findings in the dissertation have been successfully applied to some important engineering such as Xiangjiaba hydropower station, a military airport and Longyou Stone Caves etc.


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Piorunek Magdalena, Kasperek Ewa, Proces kształtowania się planów zawodowo- edukacyjnych młodzieży. Wyniki badań (The process of formation of professional and educational plans of young people - results of studies). „Neodidagmata” XX, Poznań 1991, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 101-112. ISBN 83-232-0302-4. ISSN 0077-653X. Received: October 1988. Studies were conducted on the formation of professional and educational plans of young people in the primary school. It was found that the period of specific search for professional and educational careers of young people is preceded by an initial elimination of the definite ways of education (types of school) which determines further decisions of various stages of education of adolescents. The eighth class (form) is the the stage of most intensive searching as far as professions and education are concerned and their characteristic feature is great variability. The liability of professional-educational plans is decisively greater in young people from large cities.


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PURPOSE: To demonstrate the feasibility of using a knowledge base of prior treatment plans to generate new prostate intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plans. Each new case would be matched against others in the knowledge base. Once the best match is identified, that clinically approved plan is used to generate the new plan. METHODS: A database of 100 prostate IMRT treatment plans was assembled into an information-theoretic system. An algorithm based on mutual information was implemented to identify similar patient cases by matching 2D beam's eye view projections of contours. Ten randomly selected query cases were each matched with the most similar case from the database of prior clinically approved plans. Treatment parameters from the matched case were used to develop new treatment plans. A comparison of the differences in the dose-volume histograms between the new and the original treatment plans were analyzed. RESULTS: On average, the new knowledge-based plan is capable of achieving very comparable planning target volume coverage as the original plan, to within 2% as evaluated for D98, D95, and D1. Similarly, the dose to the rectum and dose to the bladder are also comparable to the original plan. For the rectum, the mean and standard deviation of the dose percentage differences for D20, D30, and D50 are 1.8% +/- 8.5%, -2.5% +/- 13.9%, and -13.9% +/- 23.6%, respectively. For the bladder, the mean and standard deviation of the dose percentage differences for D20, D30, and D50 are -5.9% +/- 10.8%, -12.2% +/- 14.6%, and -24.9% +/- 21.2%, respectively. A negative percentage difference indicates that the new plan has greater dose sparing as compared to the original plan. CONCLUSIONS: The authors demonstrate a knowledge-based approach of using prior clinically approved treatment plans to generate clinically acceptable treatment plans of high quality. This semiautomated approach has the potential to improve the efficiency of the treatment planning process while ensuring that high quality plans are developed.


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Definición de la etapa de crisis del aparato cinematográfico franquista, llamada aquí “Período Oscuro” (1969-1975), discusión de la etiqueta de subgéneros aplicada al cinema bis de la época, y caracterización histórica del thriller español y de sus corrientes estéticas y conceptuales internas en dicho período. La acotación del período 1969-1975 es clarificada previamente ante el vacío historiográfico al respecto. Se caracteriza la crisis que tiene lugar en el “Período Oscuro”, desde su comienzo oficial en 1969, que supuso el definitivo cierre de las políticas proteccionistas emprendidas por el Director General de Cinematografía García Escudero en 1962. Después se define y discute la etiqueta de subgéneros aplicada tradicionalmente al cine español de género de bajo presupuesto. Luego, se especifican, definen y analizan las diversas categorías dentro del thriller español de 1969-1975: se trata de categorías temáticas y argumentales, estéticas, o bien relacionadas con corrientes internacionales del policíaco europeo. Por último, se extraen las conclusiones pertinentes.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe the value of a formal room blessing ritual held within a long-term care facility, from the perspectives of staff, residents, and family members. Method: A qualitative research study involving interviews with staff, residents, and family members was conducted to examine the perceived value of a room blessing ritual. Results: Twenty-four room blessing attendees participated in the study (nine staff, eight residents, and seven family members). Attendees felt that the room blessing provided an opportunity to formally acknowledge the death of the resident and their grief; the majority felt that this was a positive experience and that it provided an element of closure. Staff members and residents expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to connect with family members of the deceased to express their condolences during the ritual. Participants also identified the inclusivity of the ritual (i.e., an open invitation to all staff, residents, and family members) as a positive aspect that served as a reminder that others shared in their grief. Staff members felt that blessing the room for the new resident was an important component of the ritual, helping to bridge the gap between mourning and welcoming a new person. Staff, residents, and family members felt that the room blessing positively reflected the mission and values of the facility. The most highly valued aspect of the ritual for all attendees was the sharing of stories about the deceased to celebrate that person's life. Significance of results: Long-term care facilities need to recognize that formal supports to manage the bereavement needs of staff and residents, such as a room blessing ritual, should be incorporated into their model for managing end-of-life care, given the relationship between the emotional health of staff and the quality of care provided for residents. © 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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El presente artículo estudia la cartografía de Cacela en el sur de Portugal con el propósito de interpretar su transformación a través del tiempo, considerando la arquitectura, el urbanismo y el paisaje de forma integrada. La lectura de esa transformación se lleva de la mano de las principales cartas de Cacela que coinciden con el inicio del siglo XVII, la aproximación al final del Antiguo Régimen y la transición del siglo XIX al XX, asociando cada uno de estos tiempos a un modo particular de representación. La interpretación de las diferentes cartas está organizada, en términos me- todológicos, a partir del recurso a fuentes escritas de la época, culminando con la elaboración de un dibujo final que contiene la representación del espacio edificado y del paisaje de Cacela a mediados del siglo pasado. Este trabajo se inscribe en una investigación más amplia sobre las aglomeraciones urbanas de pequeña dimensión en las diver- sas subunidades geográficas del sur de Portugal, comprendiendo el paisaje, la morfología urbana y el levantamiento integral de todo el núcleo edificado.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os seguintes tópicos: a possibilidade de interpretação literal do artigo 798 do Código Civil brasileiro, a aplicação das súmulas 61 e 105 do STF, o cabimento de indenização à família do suicida, os entendimentos da neurociência sobre possibilidades que podem interferir na ideação suicida, a visão e, finalmente, posicionamentos do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e do Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil e quanto ao pagamento da indenização estabelecido no contrato de seguro de vida em caso de suicídio do contratante antes dos dois anos da assinatura do contrato. Buscou-se, também, comparar a doutrina e jurisprudência do Brasil e de Portugal. Na estrutura, iniciou-se por considerações sobre a interpretação jurídica e, em seguida, foram desenvolvidos os capítulos acerca de negócio jurídico, dos contratos, dos contratos de seguro de vida e da boa fé presente e necessária. Como o foco principal eram os contratos de seguro de vida e baseando-se na doutrina e na jurisprudência, de modo geral, mesmo a legislação dos dois países diferindo em pequenos aspectos, concluiu-se que: (1) o seguro é a cobertura de evento futuro e incerto que poderá gerar o dever de indenizar por parte do segurador; (2) a boa-fé - que é presumida - constitui elemento intrínseco do seguro, e é caracterizada pela lealdade nas informações prestadas pelo segurado ao garantidor do risco pactuado; (3) o legislador procurou evitar fraudes contra as seguradoras na hipótese de contratação de seguro de vida por pessoas que já tinham a idéia de suicídio quando firmaram o instrumento contratual; (4) uma coisa é a contratação causada pela premeditação ao suicídio, que pode excluir a indenização. Outra, diferente, é a premeditação para o próprio ato suicida;(5) é possível a interpretação entre os enunciados das Súmulas 105 do STF e 61 da Corte Superior na vigência do Código Civil de 2002; e (6) as regras relativas aos contratos de seguro devem ser interpretadas sempre com base nos princípios da boa fé e da lealdade contratual. Essa premissa é extremamente importante para a hipótese de indenização securitária decorrente de suicídio, pois dela extraise que a presunção de boa fé deverá também prevalecer sobre a exegese literal do art. 798 do Código Civil 2002. O período de 02 anos contido na norma não deve ser examinado isoladamente, mas em conformidade com as demais circunstâncias que envolveram sua elaboração, pois seu objetivo certamente não foi substituir a prova da premeditação do suicídio pelo mero transcurso de um lapso temporal. Há de se distinguir a premeditação que diz respeito ao ato do suicídio daquela que se refere ao ato de contratar o seguro com afinalidade única de favorecer o beneficiário que receberá o capital segurado. Somente a última hipótese permite a exclusão da cobertura contratada, pois configura a má-fé contratual. Em Portugal, salvo em raras exceções, apenas o critério temporal tem sido considerado. Continuando com o objetivo deste estudo, pretendeu-se refletir sobre as pesquisas neurocientíficas acerca do suicídio e, nelas, constam aspectos efetivamente que merecem ser considerados pela ciência jurídica. Suicídio é tema complexo e digno de reflexões por parte de profissionais de várias áreas de atuação. Suas causas ainda são motivo de curiosidade e de investigação. A idéia de uma associação entre disfunção serotoninérgica e suicídio é antiga e bastante consistente, surgindo ainda nos anos 1970 com as primeiras pesquisas. Defende-se que a boa fé necessária nos contratos de seguro, especialmente nos de seguro de vida, prevalece mesmo nos casos em que o contratante se esquece ou deixa de informar algum detalhe que, mais tarde, possa vir a comprometer o recebimento do prêmio por seus beneficiários. Há fortes evidências de que determinantes neurobiológicos, independentes das doenças psiquiátricas, implicam em comportamento suicida, estudados especialmente nos últimos 20 anos. Assim, noções básicas sobre a neurobiologia do suicídio podem finalmente produzir ferramentas clínicas para tratar comportamento suicida e evitar mortes, além de poder nortear seguradoras na análise de propostas de seguros de vida. Textos legais não têm sido elaborados com fundamento na sedimentação existente nos repositórios da psicopatologia forense, psiquiatria, psicanálise e sociologia sobre o suicídio, disponíveis há décadas e de forma reiteradamente confirmados. Na mesma linha, os textos deixaram de lado incontáveis pesquisas sobre o tema, notadamente a respeito de sua etiologia, causas primárias, efeitos, e correlação com outras ciências, como neurociência, psiquiatria e psicanálise. Não buscaram informações sobre o comportamento singular do suicida, nem reconheceram o estado sui generis de desequilíbrio mental em que o ato final foi praticado. Sabe-se que os transtornos psiquiátricos são fundamentais para o entendimento do comportamento suicida, mas também já está comprovada a realidade de problemas comuns, como distúrbios do sono, e sono insuficiente é um problema da sociedade moderna. Dentre os neurotransmissores, a serotonina é considerada como a maior candidata a um vínculo etiológico entre distúrbios do sono e suicídio, pois suas alterações promovem estados de vigília e de início do sono. Como somente 14% de pessoas que tentaram suicídio tiveram pensamentos suicidaprévios à tentativa de suicídio de forma potencialmente impulsiva ou reativa, a insônia foi o fator importante visualizado antes de tentativas de suicídio graves e letais em relação a planosespecíficos de suicídio. Nas pesquisas neurocientíficas revisadas, constatou-se que: (1) a frequência de pesadelos está diretamente associada a maior risco de suicídios na população em geral; (2) sono de má qualidade está associado a suicídios na maturidade e velhice na população em geral; (3) sono curto (menos de cinco horas) está associado a maiores probabilidades de ideação suicida e tentativa de suicídio; (4) pesadelos frequentes são preditores de tentativas de suicídio; e (5) a presença de qualquer problema de sono está associada com maior risco de suicídio na população em geral. A associação entre redução da resposta de hormônio de crescimento e comportamento suicida nos pacientes com depressão só é encontrada quando há simultaneamente uma alteração serotoninérgica. Geneticamente analisados, determinantes neurobiológicos são independentes de transtorno psiquiátrico com o qual estão associados, pois muitos suicídios ocorrem de maneira inesperada. Além disso, quando se considera a depressão como único fator, percebe-se que muitas pessoas depressivas nunca se tornam suicidas e muitos suicídios são cometidos por pessoas consideradas normais.Quanto à colesterolemia, na maior categoria de concentração de colesterol total no soro, o risco relativo ajustado de suicídio violento é mais do que o dobro em comparação com a categoria mais baixa. Nas avaliações eletroencefalográficas em adolescentes suicidas pode-se dizer existir uma hipótese de ativação reduzida esquerda posterior, que não está relacionada à depressão, mas ao comportamento agressivo ou suicida. Essas abordagens da Neurociência servem, portanto, para indicar que um contratante de seguro de vida, mesmo saudável, pode estar vivenciando problemas da vida contemporânea e, mesmo sem jamais ter tido qualquer pensamento ou ideação suicida, vir a cometer esse ato extremo por alterações independentes de sua vontade. Entende-se que, neste foco, a ciência jurídica deve refletir para fazer inserir de maneira obrigatória nos pré-requisitos da apólice, informações sobre exames molecu-lares e sobre algum eventual distúrbio do sono, já que existem achados evidenciados sobre alguns fenômenos não antes considerados. Como abordado neste estudo, já existe uma seguradora portuguesa que solicitam exames moleculares, mas nenhuma no Brasil. Assim, isto indica já ser um início de mudança.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the planning of subgroup analyses in protocols of randomised controlled trials and the agreement with corresponding full journal publications. DESIGN: Cohort of protocols of randomised controlled trial and subsequent full journal publications. SETTING: Six research ethics committees in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada. DATA SOURCES: 894 protocols of randomised controlled trial involving patients approved by participating research ethics committees between 2000 and 2003 and 515 subsequent full journal publications. RESULTS: Of 894 protocols of randomised controlled trials, 252 (28.2%) included one or more planned subgroup analyses. Of those, 17 (6.7%) provided a clear hypothesis for at least one subgroup analysis, 10 (4.0%) anticipated the direction of a subgroup effect, and 87 (34.5%) planned a statistical test for interaction. Industry sponsored trials more often planned subgroup analyses compared with investigator sponsored trials (195/551 (35.4%) v 57/343 (16.6%), P<0.001). Of 515 identified journal publications, 246 (47.8%) reported at least one subgroup analysis. In 81 (32.9%) of the 246 publications reporting subgroup analyses, authors stated that subgroup analyses were prespecified, but this was not supported by 28 (34.6%) corresponding protocols. In 86 publications, authors claimed a subgroup effect, but only 36 (41.9%) corresponding protocols reported a planned subgroup analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Subgroup analyses are insufficiently described in the protocols of randomised controlled trials submitted to research ethics committees, and investigators rarely specify the anticipated direction of subgroup effects. More than one third of statements in publications of randomised controlled trials about subgroup prespecification had no documentation in the corresponding protocols. Definitive judgments regarding credibility of claimed subgroup effects are not possible without access to protocols and analysis plans of randomised controlled trials.


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Patients with Ebstein's anomaly can present after childhood or adolescence with cyanosis, arrhythmias, severe right ventricular dysfunction and frequently with left ventricular dysfunction secondary to the prolonged cyanosis and to the right ventricular interference. At this point conventional repair is accompanied by elevated mortality and morbidity and poor functional results. We report our experience with three patients (8, 16 and 35 years of age) with Ebstein's anomaly, very dilated right atrium, severe tricuspid valve regurgitation (4/4), bi-directional shunt through an atrial septal defect and reduced left ventricular function (mean ejection fraction = 58%, mean shortening fraction = 25%). All underwent one and a half ventricular repair consisting of closure of the atrial septal defect, tricuspid repair with reduction of the atrialised portion of the right ventricle and end-to-side anastomosis of the superior vena cava to the right pulmonary artery. All patients survived, with a mean follow-up of 33 months. In all there was complete regression of the cyanosis and of the signs of heart failure. Postoperative echocardiography showed reduced degree of tricuspid regurgitation (2/4) and improvement of the left ventricular function (mean ejection fraction = 77%, mean shortening fraction = 40%). In patients with Ebstein's anomaly referred late for surgery with severely compromised right ventricular function or even with reduced biventricular function, the presence of a relatively hypoplastic and/or malfunctioning right ventricular chamber inadequate to sustain the entire systemic venous return but capable of managing part of the systemic venous return, permits a one and a half ventricular repair with good functional results.


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Tutkielma on kvalitatiivinen haastattelututkimus, jonka tavoitteena on tarkastella HR-asiantuntijapalveluiden;konsultoinnin, ulkoistamisen ja vuokrajohtajuuden käyttöä sekä mahdollisuuksia PK-sektorilla. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään myös työn toimeksiantajan, case-yritys Virvon liiketoimintaan HR-asiantuntijapalveluiden markkinoilla ja siihen, miten Virvo pystyy vastaamaan näihin haasteisiin. HR-asiantuntijapalveluiden markkinoiden selvittämiseksi on haastateltu neljää HR-asiantuntijaa. Tämän pohjalta on tehty 15 PK-yrityksen toimitusjohtajan haastattelua HR-asiantuntijapalveluiden käytön selvittämiseksi. Tehdyt haastattelut ovat olleet puolistrukturoituja, jolloin on käytetty valmiita kysymyspohjia. Tutkimuksessa on selvinnyt, että HR-asiantuntijamarkkinat ovat vasta muotoutumassa ja että ala on varsin uusi. PK-yritysten HR-toimintojen haasteisiin pystytään parhaiten vastaamaan HR-asiantuntijapalveluilla, jotka ovat selkeitä kokonaisuuksia ja järkevästi hinnoiteltuja. Tärkeinä asioina on nähty esimerkiksi käytännön toteutus sekä lisäajan saaminen varsinaisen liiketoiminnan hoitamiseen. Palveluiden käyttö korostuu erityisesti erilaisissa muutostilanteissa kuten esimerkiksi yrityksen kasvuvaiheessa. Voidaan todeta myös, että liiketoiminnan tila vaikuttaa HR-asiantuntijapalveluiden käyttöön.


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Gideon Sundback was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1880. He was educated as an engineer and settled in the United States in 1905. While working for the Universal Fastener Company, New Jersey in 1913 he developed and patented a “separable fastener”, which improved on an earlier version of what today is known as the zipper. He later moved his family to Meadville, Pennsylvania and sought a Canadian location for the production of his new invention. He settled on St. Catharines as it was an easy commute from his Pennsylvania home and opened The Lightning Fastener Company on Niagara Street. Sundback died on June 21, 1954 and is interred in Meadville, Pennsylvania. The plant continued to operate, but with increased foreign competition the manufacture of the zipper declined. The plant closed in 1981. Source: The St. Catharines Standard, July 3, 2004 Harold Fox was a noted lawyer, academic, businessman, author and a leading authority on intellectual property. He was engaged by Gideon Sunback and the Lightening Fastening Company to combat patent infringements by Colonial Fastener in the 1930s. The relationship continued when Fox was asked to become the managing director of the company, which he did until 1949. Fox lived in St. Catharines at his home “Foxcroft” until his death in 1969. Source: http://thefoxfund.com/harold.htm (November 2, 2009)


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Norah and Fred Fisher welcomed John Fisher into the world on November 29, 1912, not knowing what an influential role he would play in shaping Canada's history. John Fisher grew up as the middle child of five brothers and sisters in Frosty Hollow, New Brunswick, close to today’s town of Sackville. Sackville’s main industry was the Enterprise Foundry which the Fisher family owned and operated; however, Fisher had no plans of going into the family business. He was more inspired by his maternal grandfather, Dr. Cecil Wiggins, who lived with the family after retiring from the Anglican ministry. Wiggins encouraged all his grandchildren to be well read and to take part in discussions on current events. There were often visitors in the Fisher household taking part in discussions about politics, religion, and daily life. Fisher forced himself to take part in these conversations to help overcome his shyness in social settings. These conversations did help with his shyness and also in forming many opinions and observations about Canada. It put Fisher on the road to becoming Mr. Canada and delivering the many eloquent speeches for which he was known. Fisher did not venture far from home to complete his first degree. In 1934 he graduated from Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB with an Arts degree. The same year Fisher enrolled in Dalhousie’s law school. During his time at Dalhousie, Fisher discovered radio through Hugh Mills. Mills or “Uncle Mel” was on CHNS, Halifax’s only radio station at the time. Fisher began by making appearences on the radio drama show. By 1941 he had begun writing and broadcasting his own works and joined the staff as an announcer and continuity writer. In 1936 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was formed, the first National radio station. Fisher joined the CBC shortly after it’s beginning and remained with them, as well as the Halifax Herald newspaper, even after his law school graduation in 1937. By 1943 Fisher’s talks became a part of the CBC’s programming for a group of maritime radio stations. Fisher once described his talks as follows “my talks weren’t meant to be objective. . . they were meant to be favourable. They were ‘pride builders’” He began his famed John Fisher Reports at CBC Toronto when he transfered there shortly after the war. This program brought emmence pride to the fellow Canadians he spoke about leading to approximately 3500 requests per year to speak at banquets and meeting throughout Canada and the United States. Fisher was a well travelled indivdual who would draw on personal experiences to connect with his audience. His stories were told in simple, straight forward language for anyone to enjoy. He became a smooth, dynamic and passionate speaker who sold Canada to Canadians. He became a renowned journalist, folk historian, writer and broadcaster. Fisher was able to reach a vast array of people through his radio work and build Canadian pride, but he did not stop there. Other ways Fisher has contributed to Canada and the Canadian people include: Honoured by five Canadian Universities. 1956, became the Director of the Canadian Tourist Association. 1961, was appointed Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Canada. 1963, Commissioner of the Centennial Commission (the Federal Agency Responsible for Canada’s 100th birthday) 1968, received the Service Medal , a coveted Order of Canada. President of John Fisher Enterprises Ltd., private consultant work, specializing in Centennial planning, broadcasts, lectures and promotion. John Fisher continued recording radio broadcasts even after his diagnosis with cancer. He would record 3 or 4 at a time so he was free to travel across Canada, the U.S., Europe and Mexico in search of treatments. Fisher passed away from the disease on February 15, 1981 and he is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto.