890 resultados para MAG double-wire welding
Aiempien ultralujia teräksiä koskevien tutkimusten jatkoksi tässä diplomityössä keskityttiin jännityssuhteen varioinnin tuomien ilmiöiden esille tuomiseen koesauvojen väsytyskoestuk-sessa. Pohjana diplomityölle ovat mm. Timo Björkin tutkimustulokset ULTRASTEEL-hankkeesta sekä Tuomas Skrikon kandidaatintyöhönsä koostamat väsytyskoetulokset. Testattujen 12 koesauvan väsytyskoetulosten perusteella jännityssuhteen kasvattaminen alen-taa hitsattujen ultralujien teräsrakenteiden FAT-luokitusta. FAT-luokkien ja jännityssuhteen välillä on havaittu säännönmukaisuutta ja huomattavaa FAT-luokituksen lasku on jännitys-suhteen 0.35 jälkeen. Jälkikäsiteltyjen koesauvojen FAT-luokat ovat jälkikäsittelemättömiä parempia. Myös käsit-telemättömillä sauvoilla päästään mekanisoidussa MAG-hitsauksessa keskimääräisen kone-pajalaadun FAT = 100 MPa yläpuolelle.
Rapid depletion of easy-to-access fossil fuel, predominantly, oil and gas resources has now necessitated increase in need to develop new oil and gas sources in ever more remote and hostile environments. This is necessary in order to explore more oil and gas resources to meet rapidly rising long-term energy demand in the world, both at present and in the nearest future. Arctic is one of these harsh environments, where enormous oil and gas resources are available, containing about 20% of the world total oil and gas, but the environmental conditions are very harsh and hostile. However, virtually all the facilities required for the exploration and development of this new energy source are constructed with metals as well as their alloys and are predominantly joined together by welding processes and technologies. Meanwhile, due to entirely different environment from the usual moderate temperate region, conventional welding technologies, common metals and their alloys cannot be applied as this Arctic environment demand metals structures with very high toughness and strength properties under extremely low temperature. This is due to the fact that metals transit from ductility to brittleness as the temperature moves toward extreme negative values. Hence, this research work investigates and presents the advanced welding technologies applicable to Arctic metal structures which can give satisfactory weldments under active Arctic service conditions. .
OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the role of the spleen and splenic allograft in lipid control and evaluate its effect on the lipid profile of rats.METHOD: 32 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups: control group (1), total splenectomy group (2), splenectomy and implantation of allograft group (3) and double spleen group (4). Each group was subdivided into two subgroups: A and B, based on the death of the animals after 30 or 120 days of monitoring. The procedures in groups 2, 3 and 4 were made simultaneously, and splenectomized animals, groups 2 and 3 were donors, respectively, for the animals of groups 3 and 4. In group 4 the spleen was preserved and the animals received implants from the spleens of rats from group 3. The regeneration of splenic tissue was evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic analyzes of the grafts and own spleens, as well as with measurements of VLDL, HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides.RESULTS: after 120 days, Group 4 showed levels of total cholesterol and LDL lower than the other groups. Group 1 had higher levels of lipids.CONCLUSION: The technique of double spleen was effective in the control of lipid metabolism, corroborating the function of the spleen as a reserve of lipids.
Objective: to investigate the effects of preoperative fasting abbreviation with oral supplementation with carbohydrate in the evolution of grip strength in patients undergoing cholecystectomy by laparotomy. Methods : we conducted a clinical, randomizeddouble blind study with adult female patients, aged 18-60 years. Patients were divided into two groups: Control Group, with fasting prescription 6-8h until the time of operation; and Intervention Group, which received prescription of fasting for solids 6-8h before surgery, but ingested an oral supplement containing 12.5% carbohydrate, six (400ml) and two (200ml) hours before theprocedure. The handgrip strength was measured in both hands in both groups, at patient's admission (6h before surgery), the immediate pre-operative time (1h before surgery) and 12-18h postoperatively. Results : we analyzed 27 patients, 14 in the intervention group and 13 in the control group. There was no mortality. The handgrip strength (mean [standard deviation]) was significantly higher in the intervention group in the three periods studied, in at least one hand: preoperatively in the dominant hand (27.8 [2.6] vs 24.1 [3.7] kg; p=0.04), in the immediate preoperative in both hands, and postoperatively in the non-dominant hand (28.5 [3.0] vs 21.3 [5.9] kg; p=0.01). Conclusion : the abbreviation of preoperative fasting to two hours with drink containing carbohydrate improves muscle function in the perioperative period.
In ship and offshore terminal construction, welded cross sections are thick and the number of welds very high. Consequently, there are two aspects of great importance; cost and heat input. Reduction in the welding operation time decreases the costs of the work force and avoids excessive heat, preventing distortion and other weld defects. The need to increase productivity while using a single wire in the GMAW process has led to the use of a high current and voltage to improve the melting rate. Unfortunately, this also increases the heat input. Innovative GMAW processes, mostly implemented for sheet plate sections, have shown significant reduction in heat input (Q), low distortion and increase in welding speed. The aim of this study is to investigate adaptive pulsed GMAW processes and assess relevant applications in the high power range, considering possible benefits when welding thicker sections and high yield strength steel. The study experimentally tests the usability of adaptive welding processes and evaluates their effects on weld properties, penetration and shapes of the weld bead.The study first briefly reviews adaptive GMAW to evaluate different approaches and their applications and to identify benefits in adaptive pulsed. Experiments are then performed using Synergic Pulsed GMAW, WiseFusionTM and Synergic GMAW processes to weld a T-joint in a horizontal position (PB). The air gap between the parts ranges from 0 to 2.5 mm. The base materials are structural steel grade S355MC and filler material G3Si1. The experiment investigates heat input, mechanical properties and microstructure of the welded joint. Analysis of the literature reveals that different approaches have been suggested using advanced digital power sources with accurate waveform, current, voltage, and feedback control. In addition, studies have clearly indicated the efficiency of lower energy welding processes. Interest in the high power range is growing and a number of different approaches have been suggested. The welding experiments in this study reveal a significant reduction of heat input and a weld microstructure with the presence of acicular ferrite (AF) beneficial for resistance to crack propagation. The WiseFusion bead had higher dilution, due to the weld bead shape, and low defects. Adaptive pulse GMAW processes can be a favoured choice when welding structures with many welded joints. The total heat reduction mitigates residual stresses and the bead shape allows a higher amperage limit. The stability of the arc during the process is virtually spatter free and allows an increase in welding speed.
High strength steel (HSS) has been in use in workshops since the 1980s. At that time, the significance of the term HSS differed from the modern conception as the maximum yield strength of HSSs has increased nearly every year. There are three different ways to make HSS. The first and oldest method is QT (quenched and tempered) followed by the TMCP (thermomechanical controlled process) and DQ (direct quenching) methods. This thesis consists of two parts, the first of which part introduces the research topic and discusses welded HSS structures by characterizing the most important variables. In the second part of the thesis, the usability of welded HSS structures is examined through a set of laboratory tests. The results of this study explain the differences in the usability of the welded HSSs made by the three different methods. The results additionally indicate that usage of different HSSs in the welded structures presumes that manufacturers know what kind of HSS they are welding. As manufacturers use greater strength HSSs in welded structures, the demands for welding rise as well. Therefore, during the manufacturing process, factors such as heat input, cooling time, weld quality, and more must be under careful observation.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää, kuinka robotisoitua hitsausta on mahdollista hyödyntää teollisuuskaiteiden valmistuksessa. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin kirjallisuusselvitystä, hitsauskokeita ja makrohietutkimuksia. Työssä keskityttiin robottihitsauksen menetelmiin ja työstä on rajattu pois kaikki kustannuslaskelmat sekä alumiinin hitsaus. Hitsattavat materiaalit olivat rakenneteräs ja ruostumaton teräs. Rakenneteräsputken koko oli 42,4 x 2,6 mm ja ruostumattoman putken koko 42,4 x 2,0 mm. Käytetyt liitosmuodot olivat T-liitoksia, joista suorassa T-liitoksessa putkien välinen kulma oli 90 astetta ja vinossa T-liitoksessa noin 45 astetta. Tehdyn selvitystyön ja hitsauskokeiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kaiteissa käytettävien materiaalipaksuuksien ja liitosmuotojen hitsaaminen robotilla on mahdollista. Hitsauksen lopputulos riippuu hitsausasennosta ja paras tulos saavutetaan, kun kappaletta pyöritetään hitsauksen aikana siten, että hitsaus tapahtuu koko ajan jalkoasennossa.
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään ilman hitsauslisäainetta tapahtuvan laser–TIG–hybridihitsausprosessin soveltuvuus 6 mm ja 8 mm paksujen päittäisliitettyjen S355 K2 ja Laser 355 MC rakenneterästen hitsaukseen. Hitsien tarkastelussa huomio kiinnitetään hitsausnopeuteen, hitsien tunkeumaan, liittämistehokkuuteen, hitsien kovuuteen ja hitsausliitoksen ulkonäköön. Muita tutkittavia asioita ovat laser-TIG-hybridihitsattujen levyjen muodonmuutokset ja suuresta hitsausnopeudesta sekä pienestä t8/5 jäähtymisajasta johtuvat mahdolliset kylmähalkeamat. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsejä verrataan robotti-MAG- ja käsin MAG-hitseihin sekä kaarihitsausstandardin SFS-EN ISO 5817 hitsiluokkien mukaisiin raja-arvoihin. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessissa TIG-valokaari mahdollistaa tasaisen ja lähes roiskeettoman hitsin ja lasersäde aikaansaa syvän tunkeuman sekä tasalaatuisen juurihitsin. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla 6 mm paksut S355 K2 rakenneteräslevyt on mahdollista hitsata levyn yhdeltä puolelta kerralla valmiiksi. Paksummat 8 mm levyt voidaan hitsata levyn yhdeltä tai molemmilta puolilta suoritettavalla laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksella. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla hitsatut hitsit ovat hyvin siistejä ja lähes roiskeettomia. Verrattaessa laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessia muihin hitsausprosesseihin sen voidaan todeta olevan erittäin kilpailukykyinen 6 mm paksujen päittäisliitettyjen rakenneterästen hitsaamisessa, mutta se soveltuu myös 8 mm paksujen rakenneterästen hitsaamiseen. Tutkitut hitsit täyttävät kaarihitsausstandardin SFS-EN ISO 5817 B- ja D-hitsiluokkien mukaiset raja-arvot. Vertailukokeet 6 mm paksulla S355 rakenneteräksellä osoittavat, että yhdeltä puolelta suoritettavan laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksen hitsausnopeus on robotti-MAG-hitsaukseen verrattuna yli nelinkertainen ja MAG-käsinhitsaukseen verrattuna yli viisinkertainen. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksessa liittämistehokkuus on noin viisinkertainen robotti-MAGhitsaukseen verrattuna. Molemmilta puolilta suoritettavalla laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksella voidaan 8 mm paksulla S355 rakenneteräksellä saavuttaa noin kolminkertainen hitsausnopeus ja liittämistehokkuus robotti-MAG-hitsaukseen verrattuna. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksessa TIG-kaaren tuoman lisälämmön ansiosta suurillakin hitsausnopeuksilla (1 m/min) voidaan saavuttaa edulliset kovuusarvot. Kovuusmittausten tulosten perusteella 6 mm ja 8 mm paksujen S355 K2 ja Laser 355 MC rakenneterästen hitsit eivät ylittäneet kaarihitsausstandardin määrittelemää 350 HV kovuuden enimmäisrajaa. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsauksen edullisesta lämmöntuonnista johtuen levyjen pituus- ja poikittaissuuntaiset muodonmuutokset ovat noin 80 prosenttia pienemmät kuin käsin suoritettavassa MAG-hitsauksessa. Laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla käytetään I-railoa, mutta robotti-MAG- ja käsin MAG-hitsausprosesseilla joudutaan käyttämään V-railoa, jolloin lämmöntuonti ja siitä johtuvat muodonmuutokset ovat suuremmat. Korkea liittämistehokkuus ja edullinen lämmöntuonti merkitsevät vähäisempiä muodonmuutoksia ja siten merkittäviä säästöjä työ-, materiaali- ja energiakustannuksissa. 8 mm ja sitä paksummilla S355 rakenneteräksillä levyn yhdeltä puolelta suoritettava päittäisliitoksen hitsaaminen on laser-TIG hybridihitsauksella haastavaa, koska yli 200 A:n TIG-kaarivirralla suuri metallisula aiheuttaa avaimenreiän sulkeutumisen ja avaimenreiän alaosaan muodostuu kaasukuplia. Tästä voidaan tehdä sellainen johtopäätös, että päittäisliitettävien levyjen ilmarakoa pitäisi kasvattaa niin suureksi, että avaimenreiän sulavirtaus ei pääse estymään. Yli 0,25 mm:n ilmarako edellyttää lasersäteen vaaputusta tai säteen halkaisijan kasvattamista. Ilmaraon kasvattaminen edellyttää myös lisäaineen käyttöä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella laser-TIG-hybridihitsausprosessilla voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä etuja ja kustannussäästöjä, joten sen hyödyntämistä kannattaa harkita 8 mm ja sitä ohuempien päittäisliitettävien tuotteiden konepaja- ja tehdastuotannossa. Laser-TIGhybridihitsausprosessi soveltuu esimerkiksi seuraavien tuotteiden hitsaamiseen: päittäisliitettävät levyt, palkit, koneenosat, putket, säiliöt ja erilaiset pyörähdyskappaleet.
Joining processes and techniques need to meet the trend of new applications and the development of new materials. The application in connection with thick and thin plates in industrial fields is wide and the joining technology is in very urgent need. The laser-TIG hybrid welding technology can play the respective advantages of both of them. One major advantage of the hybrid laser-TIG welding technology is its efficient use of laser energy. Additionally, it can develop into a high and new advanced welding technology and become a hot spot in both the application and research area. This thesis investigated laser –TIG hybrid welding with the aim of enlightening the reader on its advantages, disadvantages and future areas of improvement. The main objective is to investigate laser-TIG hybrid on the welding of various metals (steels, magnesium, aluminium etc.). In addition, it elaborates on various possible combinations on hybrid laser-TIG welding technology and their benefits. The possibility of using laser-TIG hybrid in welding of thick materials was investigated. The method applied in carrying out this research is by using literature review. The results showed that hybrid laser-TIG is applicable to almost all weldable metals. Also it proves to be effective in welding refractive metals. The possibility of welding with or without filler materials is of economic advantage especially in welding of materials with no filler material. Thick plate’s hybrid laser-TIG welding is showing great prospects although it normally finds its used in welding thin materials in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 mm. The findings show that laser-TIG hybrid welding can be a versatile welding process and therefore will be increasingly used industrially due to its numerous advantages and the development of new TIG arc that enhances its capabilities.
Diplomityössä tarkastellaan hitsaavan verkoston laadunhallintaa ja siinä ilmeneviä erilaisia ongelmakohtia. Tämän lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan kolmen eri laatutyökalun Lean, Six Sigma ja Total Welding Management soveltamista hitsaavan verkoston laadunhallinnassa. Teoriaosassa käsitellään sekä yleisesti että hitsauksen osalta laatua ja laadunhallintaa, sekä edellä mainittuja laatutyökaluja. Tutkimusosaan tietoja hitsaavista verkostoista kerättiin kaikkiaan kolmesta eri verkostosta. Näiden kerättyjen tietojen pohjalta tarkasteltiin valittujen laatutyökalujen soveltuvuutta verkostomaiseen käyttöön. Verkostoitunut toiminta aiheuttaa monia uusia haasteita yritysten laadunhallinnalle verrattuna yksittäisiin hitsaaviin yrityksiin. Suurimpia tutkimuksessa havaittuja ongelmakohtia ovat suunnittelun ja valmistuksen yhteistyön erilaiset puutteet, laatutasoon ja sen varmistukseen liittyvät asiat, sekä verkoston sisälle syntyvä niin sanottu hiljainen tieto ja sen häviäminen. Tutkimuksen tarkastelujen perusteella havaittiin, että kaikkien tutkimukseen valitun kolmen laatutyökalun soveltaminen myös verkostomaisessa toiminnassa on mahdollista, mutta se vaatii huomattavasti suurempaa työpanosta kuin soveltaminen yksittäisessä yrityksessä. Myös näiden kaikkien kolmen työkalun yhtä aikainen käyttö on mahdollista. Juuri oikean työkalun valitseminen kullekin hitsaavalle verkostolle vaatii tarkkaa perehtymistä verkostoon ja sen tilanteeseen.
Welding has a growing role in modern world manufacturing. Welding joints are extensively used from pipes to aerospace industries. Prediction of welding residual stresses and distortions is necessary for accurate evaluation of fillet welds in relation to design and safety conditions. Residual stresses may be beneficial or detrimental, depending whether they are tensile or compressive and the loading. They directly affect the fatigue life of the weld by impacting crack growth rate. Beside theoretical background of residual stresses this study calculates residual stresses and deformations due to localized heating by welding process and subsequent rapid cooling in fillet welds. Validated methods are required for this purpose due to complexity of process, localized heating, temperature dependence of material properties and heat source. In this research both empirical and simulation methods were used for the analysis of welded joints. Finite element simulation has become a popular tool of prediction of welding residual stresses and distortion. Three different cases with and without preload have been modeled during this study. Thermal heat load set is used by calculating heat flux from the given heat input energy. First the linear and then nonlinear material behavior model is modeled for calculation of residual stresses. Experimental work is done to calculate the stresses empirically. The results from both the methods are compared to check their reliability. Residual stresses can have a significant effect on fatigue performance of the welded joints made of high strength steel. Both initial residual stress state and subsequent residual stress relaxation need to be considered for accurate description of fatigue behavior. Tensile residual stresses are detrimental and will reduce the fatigue life and compressive residual stresses will increase it. The residual stresses follow the yield strength of base or filler material and the components made of high strength steel are typically thin, where the role of distortion is emphasizing.
The fuel element of LMFBR consists of a bundle of rods wrapped with an helical wire as spacer, surrounded by an hexagonal duct. In the present work, a semi-empirical model is developed to calculate bundle average and subchannel based friction factors and flow redistribution. The obtained results were compared to experimental data and they were considered satisfactory for wide range of geometrical parameters.
The purpose of the present paper is to review work that has been done on the pulsed wire anemometer technique and also suggest further developments that could be made in its range of application. The aper discusses the three types of probes that have been used in pulsed wire anemometry: the crossed wire velocity probe, the parallel wire wall shear stress probe and the parallel wire velocity probe. The work shows that the crossed wire and the parallel wire techniques can be used to make velocity, turbulence and wall shear stress measurements in highly turbulent flows without any upper restriction on turbulence level. Comments are also made on the potential of a parallel wire probe for use in highly turbulent flows that would enable higher order velocity cross-product terms to be measured.
An experimental investigation is performed in a turbulent flow in a seven wire-wrapped rod bundle, mounted in an open air facility. Static pressure distributions are measured on central and peripheral rods. By using a Preston tube, the wall shear stress profiles are experimentally obtained along the perimeter of the rods. The geometric parameters of the test section are P/D=1.20 and H/D=15. The measuring section is located at L/D=40 from the air inlet. It is observed that the dimensionless static pressure and wall shear stress profiles are nearly independent of the Reynolds number and strongly dependent of the wire-spacer position, with abrupt variations of the parameters in the neighborhood of the wires.
The aim of this work was to propose, apply and evaluate a methodical approach to select welding processes in a productive environment based on market requirements of Quality and Costs. A case study was used. The welds were carried out in laboratory, simulating the joint conditions of a manufacturer and using several welding processes: SMAW, GTAW, pulsed GTAW, GMAW with CO2 and Ar based shielding gases and pulsed GMAW. For Quality analysis geometrical aspects of the beads were considered and for Cost analysis, welding parameters and consumable prices. Quantitative indices were proposed and evaluated. After that, evaluation of both Quality and Costs was done, showing to be possible to select the most suitable welding process to a specific application, taking into account the market conditions of a company.