895 resultados para JARA IDROVO, EFRAÍN, 1926-
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Zeitschrift K.C. Blaetter (1932-1933); Festschrift of K.C., New York, 1946; Literaturwegweiser fuer den K.C., Berlin 1926; Hochschulhefte, 1921; misc. printings and publications of the K.C. including fraternity postcards with logos; clipping about the voyage of ship to St. Louis (1939).
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The following synonymies are proposed based on examination of primary types (lectotypes are designated for all taxa except those marked with a '*'): Lemidia spinnipennis Lea, 1907 syn. n. and Lemidia bicolor Schenkling, 1906 syn. n. = Lemidia biaculeata (Westwood); Lemidia mastersi Lea, 1907 syn. n. = Lemidia circumcincta Schenkling, 1906; Lemidia albonotata Pic, 1941 syn. n. = Lemidia laticeps Lea, 1907; Lemidia australiae Lea, 1907 syn. n. = Lemidia maculata Schenkling, 1902; Lemidia bilineatra Lea, 1907 syn. n. = Lemidia maculicollis Gorham, 1877; Lemidia decolor Pic, 1941 syn. n. = Lemidia munda Blackburn, 1892; *Phlogistus conspiciendus Elston, 1926 syn. n. = Mimolesterus ventralis (Westwood); Thanasimus cursorius Westwood, 1853 syn. n. and Stigmatium dispar Kuwert, 1894 syn. n. = Stigmatium acerbum (Newman); Stigmatium fasciatoventre Chevrolat, 1874 syn. n., Stigmatium flavescens Chevrolat, 1874 syn. n. and *Xestonotus eximius Kuwert, 1894 syn. n. = Stigmatium laevium Macleay, 1872; Stigmatium versipelle Gorham, 1876 syn. n. and Xestonotus (Cyclotomocerus) australicus Kuwert, 1894 syn. n. = Stigmatium varipes Chevrolat, 1876; Tarsostenus pulcher Macleay, 1872 syn. n. = *Tarsostenus carus (Newman, 1840). The available name Tarsosternus pulcher Macleay, 1872 is deemed a lapsus calami and emended to Tarsostenus pulcher Macleay, 1872.
This dissertation examines James I. Packer s view of the Bible as the book of God s revelation. However, this study could not be complete without discussion of his background ideas about God, man and the foundations of theology. The research method used in this dissertation is systematic analysis. I analyse key theological concepts in the data, such as inerrancy, God s word and the covenant of grace, and examine Packer s concepts primarily in the context of the reformed tradition that he represents. Although the dissertation presents the philosophical premises of Packer s thought, the focus is on an analysis of theological concepts. Packer claims to approach theological issues broadly and to reject legalism. However, he also considers Calvinist thinking to be best suited to theological work and emphasises the central role of law in his view of the Bible. My dissertation pays particular attention to the status of law in Packer s theology and especially in the covenant of grace. The dissertation shows that the fundamental theological structure of Packer s view of the Bible is based on Puritan covenant theology, which consists of the temporally successive covenant of works and covenant of grace. Covenant theology stresses the connection and friendship between God and man. Man s highest goal according to the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) is to glorify the triune God and to rejoice in him for all eternity. After the fall of man, this friendship between God and man can only take place in the covenant of grace. For Packer, the covenant of grace encompasses not only the time of the Gospel, but also the time of the law before the Gospel. Consequently, the covenant of grace incorporates in its very essence the demand of obedience to God s law. Covenant theology forms the foundation for both his view of the Bible and his idea that a believer lives in a covenant of grace, the key aspects of which are God s commandments and man s works. Law and the Gospel are not considered fundamental opposites in the covenant of grace, unlike in justification. In the covenant of grace, man has become God s friend who obeys the law as the law of Christ in a way which differs from Luther s view of obedience to the faith . For Packer, covenant theology is a Puritan instrument to link predestination and sanctification. Works committed in obedience show that the believer belongs to the covenant of grace and will be among the saved. Although voluntary obedience to God s commandments is not a direct instrument to achieve salvation, it is a pivotal sign of predestination. God calls the predestined to salvation with an effectual calling, the reliable message of the Bible. In sanctification, God guides a believer living in the context of covenantal nomism. In that sense, the Bible is above all an instrument of law guided by reason. In man s obedience, God completes man s nature and restores the imago Dei in man.
Practices and Thought in Michel Foucault s Philosophy The present thesis examines Michel Foucault s (1926-1984) notion of practice and argues that it is an essential concept in his philosophy, especially in his analysis of knowledge, power and ethics. The thesis reveals a previously neglected chronological and methodological unity in Foucault s work. The first chapter clarifies Foucault s philosophy by outlining it according to four central themes. First, the main philosophical goal of his historical studies is to analyse how human subjects have become objects of their own thinking. Second, this goal calls for methodological precaution to avoid all anthropological universals. Third, Foucault s studies are directed towards fields of practices. Fourth, the analysis of practices is executed along three axes: knowledge, power and ethics. The second chapter concerns the notion of practice in Foucault s archaeological method. Foucault s archaeological analysis is not directed towards objects and subjects as such, but to the way that the rules of discursive practice form them in the discourse. Many commentators have neglected Foucault s concept of practice when discussing his ideas concerning rules of discourse and limits of knowledge. I argue that Foucault s analysis concerning the limits of knowledge relates to local and contingent rules of discursive practice, not to transcendental rules of thinking in general. The third chapter deals with power relations and practices. I clarify Foucault s concept of dispositif by defining it as a functional ensemble of practices, and argue that this concept is crucial to his understanding of power relations. I stress a conceptual definition, which separates relations of power from the practices of government and show that the latter is based on the idea that power relations are integrated into practices. This conceptual clarification also helps in understanding Foucault s critique concerning modern practices of power. The fourth chapter examines Foucault s way of perceiving ethics as a practice. He separates three essential dimensions in morals: moral codes, moral behaviour and practices of self. His ethics concern practices of self and he studies how these practices have constituted different relations that subjects have to themselves, to others and to their societies. I argue that Foucault s own ethical views can be found in the ideas on the importance of practices of self in the modern world, and emphasize that these ideas should be connected to his views concerning the tradition of the Enlightenment, and to his own political action.