671 resultados para Infinity


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Numerical simulation of the Oldroyd-B type viscoelastic fluids is a very challenging problem. rnThe well-known High Weissenberg Number Problem" has haunted the mathematicians, computer scientists, and rnengineers for more than 40 years. rnWhen the Weissenberg number, which represents the ratio of elasticity to viscosity, rnexceeds some limits, simulations done by standard methods break down exponentially fast in time. rnHowever, some approaches, such as the logarithm transformation technique can significantly improve rnthe limits of the Weissenberg number until which the simulations stay stable. rnrnWe should point out that the global existence of weak solutions for the Oldroyd-B model is still open. rnLet us note that in the evolution equation of the elastic stress tensor the terms describing diffusive rneffects are typically neglected in the modelling due to their smallness. However, when keeping rnthese diffusive terms in the constitutive law the global existence of weak solutions in two-space dimension rncan been shown. rnrnThis main part of the thesis is devoted to the stability study of the Oldroyd-B viscoelastic model. rnFirstly, we show that the free energy of the diffusive Oldroyd-B model as well as its rnlogarithm transformation are dissipative in time. rnFurther, we have developed free energy dissipative schemes based on the characteristic finite element and finite difference framework. rnIn addition, the global linear stability analysis of the diffusive Oldroyd-B model has also be discussed. rnThe next part of the thesis deals with the error estimates of the combined finite element rnand finite volume discretization of a special Oldroyd-B model which covers the limiting rncase of Weissenberg number going to infinity. Theoretical results are confirmed by a series of numerical rnexperiments, which are presented in the thesis, too.


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In den letzten Jahren stieg in Deutschland der Gebrauch bzw. Missbrauch von Opioid-Analgetika zunehmend an. Das entwickelte Verfahren sollte unter Einbeziehung neuer Substanzen möglichst viele verschiedene Opioide und auch ihre pharmakologisch aktiven Stoffwechselprodukte berücksichtigen.rnVor Analyse wurden Blut-, Serum- oder Urinproben mit Phosphatpuffer versetzt und mittels Festphasenextraktion an C18-Säulenmaterial aufgearbeitet. Post-Mortem-Gewebematerial wurde mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung versetzt, homogenisiert und anschließend durch eine Festphasenextraktion aufgereinigt. Haarproben wurden nach Zerkleinerung mit Methanol unter Ultrabeschallung extrahiert. Die Flüssigchromatographie gekoppelt mit Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (Elektrosprayionisation im positiven Modus) erwies sich als geeignetes Verfahren für die simultane Bestimmung der Opioide in biologischem Probenmaterial (Körperflüssigkeiten, Gewebe und Haaren). Der Multi-Analyt Assay erlaubt die quantitative Analyse von 35 verschiedenen Opioiden. Die Analyten wurden durch eine Phenyl-Hexyl Säule und einen Wasser/Acetonitril Gradienten durch eine UPLC 1290 Infinity gekoppelt mit einem 6490 Triple Quadrupol von Agilent Technologies separiert.rnDie LC/MS Methode zur simultanen Bestimmung von 35 Opioiden in Serum und Haaren wurde nach den Richtlinien der Gesellschaft für Toxikologische und Forensische Chemie (GTFCh) validiert. Im Fall der Serumvalidierung lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.02 und 0.6 ng/ml und die Bestimmungsgrenzen im Bereich von 0.1 bis 2.0 ng/ml. Die Kalibrationskurven waren für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 linear. Wiederfindungsraten lagen für alle Verbindungen zwischen 51 und 88 %, außer für Alfentanil, Bisnortiliidn, Pethidin und Morphin-3-Glucuronid. Der Matrixeffekt lag zwischen 86 % (Ethylmorphin) und 105 % (Desomorphin). Für fast alle Analyten konnten akzeptable Werte bei der Bestimmung der Genauigkeit und Richtigkeit nach den Richtlinien der GTFCh erhalten werden. Im Fall der Validierung der Haarproben lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.004 und 0.6 ng/Probe und die Bestimmungsgrenzen zwischen 0.1 ng/Probe und 2.0 ng/Probe. Für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 waren alle Kalibrationsgeraden linear. Die Wiederfindungsraten lagen für die Opioide im Bereich von 73.5 % (Morphin-6-Glucuronid) und 114.1 % (Hydrocodon). Die Werte für die Bestimmung der Richtigkeit lagen zwischen - 6.6 % (Methadon) und + 11.7 % (Pholcodin). Präzisionsdaten wurden zwischen 1.0 % für Dextromethorphan und 11.5 % für Methadon ermittelt. Die Kriterien der GTFCh konnten bei Ermittlung des Matrixeffekts für alle Substanzen erfüllt werden, außer für 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Bisnortilidin, Meperidin, Methadon, Morphin-3-glucuronid, Morphin-6-glucuronid, Normeperidin, Nortilidin und Tramadol.rnZum Test des Verfahrens an authentischem Probenmaterial wurden 206 Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten mit Hilfe der simultanen LC/MS Screening Methode untersucht. Über 150 Proben wurden im Rahmen von forensisch-toxikologischen Untersuchungen am Instituts für Rechtsmedizin Mainz analysiert. Dabei konnten 23 der 35 Opioide in den realen Proben nachgewiesen werden. Zur Untersuchung der Pharmakokinetik von Opioiden bei Patienten der anästhesiologischen Intensivstation mit Sepsis wurden über 50 Blutproben untersucht. Den Patienten wurde im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie einmal täglich vier Tage lang Blut abgenommen. In den Serumproben wurde hauptsächlich Sufentanil (0.2 – 0.8 ng/ml in 58 Fällen) und Piritramid (0.4 – 11 ng/ml in 56 Fällen) gefunden. Außerdem wurden die Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten und Gewebe von 13 verschiedenen Autopsiefällen mit Hilfe des Multi-Analyt Assays auf Opioide untersucht.rnIn einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Extraktions- und Messmethode zur Quantifizierung der 35 Opioide am Forensic Medicine Center in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) etabliert. Insgesamt wurden 85 Herzblutproben von Obduktionsfällen mit Verdacht auf Opiatintoxikation näher untersucht. Der überwiegende Teil der untersuchten Fälle konnte auf eine Heroin- bzw. Morphin-Vergiftung zurückgeführt werden. Morphin wurde in 68 Fällen im Konzentrationsbereich 1.7 – 1400 ng/ml und der Heroinmetabolit 6-Monoactetylmorphin in 34 Fällen (0.3 – 160 ng/ml) nachgewiesen werden.rnSchließlich wurden noch 15 Haarproben von Patienten einer psychiatrischen Klinik, die illegale Rauschmittel konsumiert hatten, mit Hilfe der simultanen Opioid-LC/MS Screeningmethode gemessen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung wurden mit früheren Auswertungen von gaschromatographischen Analysen verglichen. Es zeigte sich eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung der Untersuchungsergebnisse für die Opioide 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Morphin, Codein, Dihydrocodein und Methadon. Mit der LC/MS Methode konnten weitere Substanzen, wie zum Beispiel Bisnortilidin, Dextromethorphan und Tramadol in den Haarproben gefunden werden, die bislang nicht entdeckt worden waren.rn


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We show that to each inner function, there corresponds at least one interpolating Blaschke product whose angular derivatives have precisely the same behavior as the given inner function. We characterize the Blaschke products invertible in the closed algebra H-infinity[(b) over bar : b has finite angular derivative everywhere. We study the most well-known example of a Blaschke product with infinite angular derivative everywhere and show that it is an interpolating Blaschke product. We conclude the paper with a method for constructing thin Blaschke products with infinite angular derivative everywhere.


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Let O-2n be a symplectic toric orbifold with a fixed T-n-action and with a tonic Kahler metric g. In [10] we explored whether, when O is a manifold, the equivariant spectrum of the Laplace Delta(g) operator on C-infinity(O) determines O up to symplectomorphism. In the setting of tonic orbifolds we shmilicantly improve upon our previous results and show that a generic tone orbifold is determined by its equivariant spectrum, up to two possibilities. This involves developing the asymptotic expansion of the heat trace on an orbifold in the presence of an isometry. We also show that the equivariant spectrum determines whether the toric Kahler metric has constant scalar curvature. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Let M-k(#)(N) be the space of weakly holomorphic modular forms for Gamma(0)(N) that are holomorphic at all cusps except possibly at infinity. We study a canonical basis for M-k(#)(2) and M-k(#)(3) and prove that almost all modular forms in this basis have the property that the majority of their zeros in a fundamental domain lie on a lower boundary arc of the fundamental domain.


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We provide a new proof of Volberg's Theorem characterizing thin interpolating sequences as those for which the Gram matrix associated to the normalized reproducing kernels is a compact perturbation of the identity. In the same paper, Volberg characterized sequences for which the Gram matrix is a compact perturbation of a unitary as well as those for which the Gram matrix is a Schatten-2 class perturbation of a unitary operator. We extend this characterization from 2 to p, where 2 <= p <= infinity.


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Suppose that one observes pairs (x1,Y1), (x2,Y2), ..., (xn,Yn), where x1 < x2 < ... < xn are fixed numbers while Y1, Y2, ..., Yn are independent random variables with unknown distributions. The only assumption is that Median(Yi) = f(xi) for some unknown convex or concave function f. We present a confidence band for this regression function f using suitable multiscale sign tests. While the exact computation of this band seems to require O(n4) steps, good approximations can be obtained in O(n2) steps. In addition the confidence band is shown to have desirable asymptotic properties as the sample size n tends to infinity.


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The phylogeographic population structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis suggests local adaptation to sympatric human populations. We hypothesized that HIV infection, which induces immunodeficiency, will alter the sympatric relationship between M. tuberculosis and its human host. To test this hypothesis, we performed a nine-year nation-wide molecular-epidemiological study of HIV-infected and HIV-negative patients with tuberculosis (TB) between 2000 and 2008 in Switzerland. We analyzed 518 TB patients of whom 112 (21.6%) were HIV-infected and 233 (45.0%) were born in Europe. We found that among European-born TB patients, recent transmission was more likely to occur in sympatric compared to allopatric host-pathogen combinations (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 7.5, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.21-infinity, p = 0.03). HIV infection was significantly associated with TB caused by an allopatric (as opposed to sympatric) M. tuberculosis lineage (OR 7.0, 95% CI 2.5-19.1, p<0.0001). This association remained when adjusting for frequent travelling, contact with foreigners, age, sex, and country of birth (adjusted OR 5.6, 95% CI 1.5-20.8, p = 0.01). Moreover, it became stronger with greater immunosuppression as defined by CD4 T-cell depletion and was not the result of increased social mixing in HIV-infected patients. Our observation was replicated in a second independent panel of 440 M. tuberculosis strains collected during a population-based study in the Canton of Bern between 1991 and 2011. In summary, these findings support a model for TB in which the stable relationship between the human host and its locally adapted M. tuberculosis is disrupted by HIV infection.


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In this thesis, we develop an adaptive framework for Monte Carlo rendering, and more specifically for Monte Carlo Path Tracing (MCPT) and its derivatives. MCPT is attractive because it can handle a wide variety of light transport effects, such as depth of field, motion blur, indirect illumination, participating media, and others, in an elegant and unified framework. However, MCPT is a sampling-based approach, and is only guaranteed to converge in the limit, as the sampling rate grows to infinity. At finite sampling rates, MCPT renderings are often plagued by noise artifacts that can be visually distracting. The adaptive framework developed in this thesis leverages two core strategies to address noise artifacts in renderings: adaptive sampling and adaptive reconstruction. Adaptive sampling consists in increasing the sampling rate on a per pixel basis, to ensure that each pixel value is below a predefined error threshold. Adaptive reconstruction leverages the available samples on a per pixel basis, in an attempt to have an optimal trade-off between minimizing the residual noise artifacts and preserving the edges in the image. In our framework, we greedily minimize the relative Mean Squared Error (rMSE) of the rendering by iterating over sampling and reconstruction steps. Given an initial set of samples, the reconstruction step aims at producing the rendering with the lowest rMSE on a per pixel basis, and the next sampling step then further reduces the rMSE by distributing additional samples according to the magnitude of the residual rMSE of the reconstruction. This iterative approach tightly couples the adaptive sampling and adaptive reconstruction strategies, by ensuring that we only sample densely regions of the image where adaptive reconstruction cannot properly resolve the noise. In a first implementation of our framework, we demonstrate the usefulness of our greedy error minimization using a simple reconstruction scheme leveraging a filterbank of isotropic Gaussian filters. In a second implementation, we integrate a powerful edge aware filter that can adapt to the anisotropy of the image. Finally, in a third implementation, we leverage auxiliary feature buffers that encode scene information (such as surface normals, position, or texture), to improve the robustness of the reconstruction in the presence of strong noise.


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We introduce a version of operational set theory, OST−, without a choice operation, which has a machinery for Δ0Δ0 separation based on truth functions and the separation operator, and a new kind of applicative set theory, so-called weak explicit set theory WEST, based on Gödel operations. We show that both the theories and Kripke–Platek set theory KPKP with infinity are pairwise Π1Π1 equivalent. We also show analogous assertions for subtheories with ∈-induction restricted in various ways and for supertheories extended by powerset, beta, limit and Mahlo operations. Whereas the upper bound is given by a refinement of inductive definition in KPKP, the lower bound is by a combination, in a specific way, of realisability, (intuitionistic) forcing and negative interpretations. Thus, despite interpretability between classical theories, we make “a detour via intuitionistic theories”. The combined interpretation, seen as a model construction in the sense of Visser's miniature model theory, is a new way of construction for classical theories and could be said the third kind of model construction ever used which is non-trivial on the logical connective level, after generic extension à la Cohen and Krivine's classical realisability model.


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We present a new approach to the issues of spacetime singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity. This is based on the idea that standard 4-dimensional spacetime is the conformal infinity of an ambient metric for the 5-dimensional Einstein equations with fluid sources. We then find that the existence of spacetime singularities in four dimensions is constrained by asymptotic properties of the ambient 5-metric, while the non-degeneracy of the latter crucially depends on cosmic censorship holding on the boundary.


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We show that the non-embedded eigenvalues of the Dirac operator on the real line with complex mass and non-Hermitian potential V lie in the disjoint union of two disks, provided that the L1-norm of V is bounded from above by the speed of light times the reduced Planck constant. The result is sharp; moreover, the analogous sharp result for the Schrödinger operator, originally proved by Abramov, Aslanyan and Davies, emerges in the nonrelativistic limit. For massless Dirac operators, the condition on V implies the absence of non-real eigenvalues. Our results are further generalized to potentials with slower decay at infinity. As an application, we determine bounds on resonances and embedded eigenvalues of Dirac operators with Hermitian dilation-analytic potentials.


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We discuss the topological nature of the boundary spacetime, the conformal infinity of the ambient cosmological metric. Due to the existence of a homothetic group, the bounding spacetime must be equipped not with the usual Euclidean metric topology but with the Zeeman fine topology. This then places severe constraints to the convergence of a sequence of causal curves and the extraction of a limit curve, and also to our ability to formulate conditions for singularity formation.


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A three-level satellite to ground monitoring scheme for conservation easement monitoring has been implemented in which high-resolution imagery serves as an intermediate step for inspecting high priority sites. A digital vertical aerial camera system was developed to fulfill the need for an economical source of imagery for this intermediate step. A method for attaching the camera system to small aircraft was designed, and the camera system was calibrated and tested. To ensure that the images obtained were of suitable quality for use in Level 2 inspections, rectified imagery was required to provide positional accuracy of 5 meters or less to be comparable to current commercially available high-resolution satellite imagery. Focal length calibration was performed to discover the infinity focal length at two lens settings (24mm and 35mm) with a precision of O.1mm. Known focal length is required for creation of navigation points representing locations to be photographed (waypoints). Photographing an object of known size at distances on a test range allowed estimates of focal lengths of 25.lmm and 35.4mm for the 24mm and 35mm lens settings, respectively. Constants required for distortion removal procedures were obtained using analytical plumb-line calibration procedures for both lens settings, with mild distortion at the 24mm setting and virtually no distortion found at the 35mm setting. The system was designed to operate in a series of stages: mission planning, mission execution, and post-mission processing. During mission planning, waypoints were created using custom tools in geographic information system (GIs) software. During mission execution, the camera is connected to a laptop computer with a global positioning system (GPS) receiver attached. Customized mobile GIs software accepts position information from the GPS receiver, provides information for navigation, and automatically triggers the camera upon reaching the desired location. Post-mission processing (rectification) of imagery for removal of lens distortion effects, correction of imagery for horizontal displacement due to terrain variations (relief displacement), and relating the images to ground coordinates were performed with no more than a second-order polynomial warping function. Accuracy testing was performed to verify the positional accuracy capabilities of the system in an ideal-case scenario as well as a real-world case. Using many welldistributed and highly accurate control points on flat terrain, the rectified images yielded median positional accuracy of 0.3 meters. Imagery captured over commercial forestland with varying terrain in eastern Maine, rectified to digital orthophoto quadrangles, yielded median positional accuracies of 2.3 meters with accuracies of 3.1 meters or better in 75 percent of measurements made. These accuracies were well within performance requirements. The images from the digital camera system are of high quality, displaying significant detail at common flying heights. At common flying heights the ground resolution of the camera system ranges between 0.07 meters and 0.67 meters per pixel, satisfying the requirement that imagery be of comparable resolution to current highresolution satellite imagery. Due to the high resolution of the imagery, the positional accuracy attainable, and the convenience with which it is operated, the digital aerial camera system developed is a potentially cost-effective solution for use in the intermediate step of a satellite to ground conservation easement monitoring scheme.


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El artículo expone la originalidad de la comprensión levinasiana del lenguaje, en tanto señala una dimensión proto-lingüística de carácter ético, fuente de la significación lingüística. El análisis se detiene en dos momentos de la fenomenología levinasiana del lenguaje: la fenomenología de la intersubjetividad como origen de la objetividad desarrollada en Totalidad e Infinito, y la fenomenología del lenguaje articulada en torno a los conceptos de Dicho-Decir y Desdecir lo Dicho, desplegada en De otro modo que ser o más allá de la Esencia.