905 resultados para Hindu sculpture
A multi-channel sound installation involving fixed loudspeakers and multiple mp3 players, commissioned by the Sainsbury Centre of Visual Arts, Norwich as a response to the sculpture of Ian Tyson and the architecture of Denys Lasdun.
Kathmandu has been the last few cities in the world which retained its medieval urban culture up until twentieth century. Various Hindu and Buddhist religious practices shaped the arrangement of houses, roads and urban spaces giving the city a distinctive physical form, character and a unique oriental nativeness. In recent decades, the urban culture of the city has been changing with the forces of urbanisation and globalisation and the demand for new buildings and spaces. New residential design is increasingly dominated by distinctive patterns of Western suburban ideal comprising detached or semi-detached homes and high rise tower blocks. This architectural iconoclasm can be construed as a rather crude response to the indigenous spaces and builtform. The paper attempts to dismantle the current tension between traditional and contemporary 'culture' (and hence society) and housing (or builtform) in Kathmandu by engaging in a discussion that cuts across space, time and meaning of building. The paper concludes that residential architecture in Kathmandu today stands disoriented and lost in the transition.
This dissertation examines the emergence and development of sound installation art, an under-recognized tradition that has developed between music, architecture, and media art practices since the late 1950s. Unlike many musical works, which are concerned with organizing sounds in time, sound installations organize sounds in space; they thus necessitate new theoretical and analytical models that take into consideration the spatial situated-ness of sound. Existing discourses on “spatial sound” privilege technical descriptions of sound localization. By contrast, this dissertation examines the ways in which concepts of space are socially, culturally, and politically construed, and how spatially-organized sound works reflect and resist these different constructions. Using an interdisciplinary methodology of critical spatial analysis and critical studies in music, this dissertation explores such topics as: conceptions of acoustic space in postwar Western art music, architecture, and media theory; the development of sound installation art in relation to philosophies of everyday life and social space; the historical links between musical performance, conceptual art, and sound sculpture; the body as a site for sound installations; and sonicspatial strategies that confront politics of race and gender. Through these different investigations, this dissertation proposes an “ontopological” model for considering sound: a critical model of analysis and reception that privileges an understanding of sound in relation to ontologies of space and place.
How is it possible that civilization has a global understanding of the abstraction of the human form? At a subconscious level as humans we have the ability to find the form of the body in the most minimal of shapes, objects, landscape and even natural phenomena such as clouds, it is an ability inherent in human nature. This deep-rooted facility to recognise the human form at various levels of abstraction is also developed further by our life experiences, environment and total education; specifically in the fine and applied arts. For this research I have focused on the change between realistic representations of the human form to complete abstraction. I have broken it down to its most basic elements to explore at what point our visual language allows us to recognise and define a shape or object as being influenced by, or connected to, the human form. I have concentrated on extending my own visual language relating to the human form within my own practice. A series of practical research projects has been undertaken and has been supported by a new series of investigative works, drawings and written evidence of the ways in which the figure can be represented, documenting the process via the thesis and final works. As part of my research, I have investigated the way artists working with clay have abstracted the human form focusing in particular on work from the 1950s to the present day using clay, drawing and installation. I have looked at how, over this period, artists have developed their own visual signifiers of the human form within their abstract/representational creations. The aim of this research will be falls into two parts: • To investigate how far one can push the human form in clay before it moves into abstraction • To locate the vanishing point where viewers still identify the human within ceramic abstract sculpture
Tese de mestrado, Arte, Património e Teoria do Restauro, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2010
Tese de mestrado Arte, Património e Teoria do Restauro, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Pintura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Desenho), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Escultura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Ciências da Arte), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2014
'Decorative Newsfeeds' use a live feed from the web to present up to the minute headline news from around the world as a series of pleasant animations, allowing viewers to keep informed while contemplating a kind of readymade sculpture or perhaps an automatic drawing.
Moderna Museet invited Mejan Labs to curate two installations by the British artists Thomson & Craighead. This solo exhibition was in Studion at Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Works included: BEACON when it is shown as a data projection in a gallery. As with the online version and railway flap sign, live web searches are continuously relayed as they are being made around the world -in this case onto a gallery wall in series and at regular intervals as an endless concrete poetry. Decorative Newsfeeds use a live feed from the web to present up to the minute headline news from around the world as a series of pleasant animations, allowing viewers to keep informed while contemplating a kind of readymade sculpture or perhaps an automatic drawing.
A recusa da estratificação do tempo, que surge na segunda metade do século XX, resulta da perda de fé numa grande narrativa e modifica a percepção do tempo cronológico: os acontecimentos já não se sucedem ordeiramente, manifestam-se em simultâneo no presente ou são criteriosamente convocados a partir do presente. Esta reformulação do tempo implica a reformulação do conceito de contemporâneo, permitindo questionarmo-nos, tal como Giorgio Agamben: “De quem e do que somos contemporâneos? E, antes de tudo, o que significa ser contemporâneo?” Com esta dissertação pretende-se analisar algumas formulações do conceito de contemporâneo, especialmente a partir de Giorgio Agamben, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt e Georges Didi-Huberman, com a intenção de compreender as implicações da temporalidade na experiência estética e as possibilidades que as conceptualizações elaboradas oferecem à constituição de uma comunidade humana. Na segunda parte do trabalho, relaciona-se a problemática da contemporaneidade com as reflexões sobre arte e estética do escultor Rui Chafes através do seu texto “A História da Minha Vida”, um relato das principais influências da formação artística do narrador. Este relato ultrapassa os limites cronológicos, onde o artista olha para trás definindo o seu próprio tempo presente e o seu passado. O presente surge como a inteireza que resume a atenção do artista e nos descreve a sua caminhada através do tempo artístico. O narrador revive na primeira pessoa o percurso dos artistas que desde a Idade Média ao Barroco – trabalharam anonimamente a pedra e a madeira em nome dos mestres e ao fazê-lo assume-se como o escultor-aprendiz que recusa a promoção a mestre, e revela em si, através dos valores supremos do trabalho, da sabedoria e da experiência, toda a arte que o precedeu.
Esta dissertação é um percurso de descoberta e de reflexão em torno da comunidade hindu residente no bairro do Armador, em Lisboa. O trabalho faz a apresentação das problemáticas do realojamento e da integração num bairro social, aplicando esses conceitos à comunidade hindu. Traçamos o percurso desta comunidade até ter chegado ao Bairro do Armador, apresentando de forma breve o que foi a Quinta da Holandesa e o que representou o realojamento na vida destes hinduss, alguns já de segunda e terceira geração. Analisamos o material recolhido no terreno, junto das pessoas que entrevistámos, para compreender melhor as dinâmicas de interação que conduzem (ou não) à integração de uma comunidade num espaço, lançando pistas de reflexão em torno das problemáticas, com a visão do bairro sobre esta comunidade e da comunidade sobre o bairro.