770 resultados para Hierarquia de normas
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. 8-17: ... Editore et pro parte auctore Alphonse de Candollo.
As normas da transparência fiscal (LC 101/00, LC131/09, Decreto 7185/10) determinam que todos os entes da federação das três esferas de poder disponibilizem na internet, em tempo real, informações pormenorizadas sobre a execução orçamentária e financeira. O ente federativo mais próximo do cidadão é o município, onde o seu espaço de vida é constituído. A transparência das informações municipais possibilita um melhor acompanhamento das contas públicas. Dessa forma, o cidadão poderá exercer de forma mais eficaz o seu direito de accountability. O objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar o nível de transparência do orçamento público dos municípios do ABC Paulista, com base na conformidade com as normas legais da transparência fiscal. A pesquisa é exploratória e de natureza descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa. Foram construídos escores de conformidade para os municípios, permitindo classificá-los em quatro categorias de transparência: transparente, translúcido, diáfano e opaco. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de fevereiro a junho de 2013 por meio da observação nos portais eletrônicos da transparência de cada município. As evidências empíricas apontam que os portais não estão em total conformidade com as exigências legais. No que tange a accountability os avanços ainda são modestos, a assimetria informacional ainda persiste e o conteúdo divulgado é muito técnico.
The social and economic changes of the last decades have enhanced the dehumanization of labor relations and the deterioration of the work environment, by the adoption of management models that foster competitiveness and maximum productivity, making it susceptible to the practice of workplace bullying. Also called mobbing, bullying can occur through actions, omissions, gestures, words, writings, always with the intention of attacking the self-esteem of the victim and destroy it psychologically. In the public sector, where relations based on hierarchy prevail, and where the functional stability makes it difficult to punish the aggressor, bullying reaches more serious connotations, with severe consequences to the victim. The Federal Constitution of 1988, by inserting the Human Dignity as a fundamental principle of the Republic, the ruler of the entire legal system, sought the enforcement of fundamental rights, through the protection of honor and image of the individual, and ensuring reparation for moral and material damage resulting from its violation. Therefore, easy to conclude that the practice of moral violence violates fundamental rights of individuals, notably the employee's personality rights. This paper therefore seeked to analyze the phenomenon of bullying in the workplace, with emphasis on the harassment practiced in the public sector as well as the possibility of state liability for harassment committed by its agents. From a theoretical and descriptive methodology, this work intended to study the constitutional, infra and international rules that protect workers against this practice, emphasizing on the fundamental rights violated. With this research, it was found that doctrine and jurisprudence converge to the possibility of state objective liability for damage caused by its agents harassers, not forgetting the possibility of regressive action against the responsible agent, as well as its criminal and administrative accountability.
The Ultimatum Game is a methodology of the Game Theory that intends to investigate the individuals cooperative behavior in situations of resources division. Studies have shown that half of the subjects don’t accept unfair division of resources, and prefer to bear a momentary cost to revenge the deceivers. However, people who have assertiveness impairment, such as social phobic individuals, could have some difficulties to reject unfair offer division resource, especially in situations that cause over anxiety, like being in the presence of an individual considered to be in a high hierarchical level. A negative perception about his own worth can also make the person thinks that he does not deserve a fair division. These individuals also have a strong desire to convey a positive impression to the others, which could cause them to be more generous in a resource division. The aim of this study was to verify, through the Ultimatum Game, if social anxiety individuals would accept more high confederate’s unfair offers that low confederate’s unfair offers; and if they would be more generous in goods division, in the same game, when compared to individuals without social anxiety. Ninety-five (95) college students participated in this study answering the Social Phobia Inventory, the Factorial Scale of Extroversion, socio-demographic questionnaire, situational anxiety scale and, finally, the Ultimatum Game in four rounds (1st and 3rd – confederate representing high or low ranking using an unfair proposal; 2nd – confederate without social status using fair proposal; 4th – subject’s research proposes the offer). The results showed a significant negative correlation between social anxiety and haughtiness, and social anxiety and assertiveness, and a significant positive correlation between social anxiety and situational anxiety. There was no significant difference in situational anxiety due to the status for anxious individuals. Also we found no significant difference in the amount of donated goods, showing that generous behavior does not differ between groups. Finally, the social status did not influence the decision in response to the game for anxious individuals. These results corroborate to other studies that show the relationship between social anxiety and assertiveness, and social anxiety and negative self-perception capability and value (low haughtiness). As show the results of situational anxiety scale, the high status stimulus was not perceived as threatening to the individual, which may have affected his answer in the game. The results for the Ultimatum Game follow the same direction as the acceptance rate for unfair proposals (approximately 50%) in studies with non-clinical sample.
The Ultimatum Game is a methodology of the Game Theory that intends to investigate the individuals cooperative behavior in situations of resources division. Studies have shown that half of the subjects don’t accept unfair division of resources, and prefer to bear a momentary cost to revenge the deceivers. However, people who have assertiveness impairment, such as social phobic individuals, could have some difficulties to reject unfair offer division resource, especially in situations that cause over anxiety, like being in the presence of an individual considered to be in a high hierarchical level. A negative perception about his own worth can also make the person thinks that he does not deserve a fair division. These individuals also have a strong desire to convey a positive impression to the others, which could cause them to be more generous in a resource division. The aim of this study was to verify, through the Ultimatum Game, if social anxiety individuals would accept more high confederate’s unfair offers that low confederate’s unfair offers; and if they would be more generous in goods division, in the same game, when compared to individuals without social anxiety. Ninety-five (95) college students participated in this study answering the Social Phobia Inventory, the Factorial Scale of Extroversion, socio-demographic questionnaire, situational anxiety scale and, finally, the Ultimatum Game in four rounds (1st and 3rd – confederate representing high or low ranking using an unfair proposal; 2nd – confederate without social status using fair proposal; 4th – subject’s research proposes the offer). The results showed a significant negative correlation between social anxiety and haughtiness, and social anxiety and assertiveness, and a significant positive correlation between social anxiety and situational anxiety. There was no significant difference in situational anxiety due to the status for anxious individuals. Also we found no significant difference in the amount of donated goods, showing that generous behavior does not differ between groups. Finally, the social status did not influence the decision in response to the game for anxious individuals. These results corroborate to other studies that show the relationship between social anxiety and assertiveness, and social anxiety and negative self-perception capability and value (low haughtiness). As show the results of situational anxiety scale, the high status stimulus was not perceived as threatening to the individual, which may have affected his answer in the game. The results for the Ultimatum Game follow the same direction as the acceptance rate for unfair proposals (approximately 50%) in studies with non-clinical sample.
The motorcycle service, a public service consisting in transporting people and small loads by motorcycle, appeared in Brazil in the great Northeast, in the mid-1990s, but soon spread to all regions of the country. No entanto, a sua ampliação e consolidação pelo território nacional aconteceu de maneira desordenada e desacompanhada de regulamentação. Despite being present in Uberlândia - MG approximately 17 (seventeen) years, the motorcycle taxi service has not been regulated in the city yet. According to the most common theoretical perspective in Brazil, which considers all informal activities that are exempt from regulation by the government, the motorcycle taxi is considered an informal activity in Uberlândia. In this context, this research uses another approach on the informality, based on Anthropology, which takes as its object of analysis the specific meanings attributed by the workers themselves to their informal activities, to demonstrate how the motorcycle taxi service in Uberlândia - MG, although it was done on the sidelines of state regulation, it is able to create a generis operating logic, developing structures, own rules and regulations. Through ethnographic research method and research techniques such as observation and interview, it could demonstrate that Uberlandia citizens moto-taxi drivers are subject to many different stories, in spite of its social life to some small area of their institutional fragile ties , that shape institutional informality, but not the rule of formal relations, socially constructed through private and own cultural codes. The work also seeks to demonstrated that the point of view of institutional relations, much as the motorcycle taxi service is an activity held on the margins of government regulation, it creates its own logic of operation, a kind of organizational subculture, which guides the actions of bike -taxis in the activities and around the city.
Actualmente en internet se puede encontrar información y materiales prácticamente de cualquier tema. Sin embargo los avances para clasificar y medir la calidad de los materiales han sido mínimos y dispersos. Cualquiera puede crear un material y publicarlo, pero nadie asegura ni garantiza que ese material será accesible o si sus contenidos serán adecuados para el estudio. Esta situación hace que, aunque se disponga de un número inabarcable de materiales, sea complicado recuperar aquellos con una calidad mínima. Este problema general se agudiza en dominios de formación, como el universitario, donde los profesores crean y actualizan continuamente sus materiales educativos digitales sin ninguna orientación sobre los requisitos mínimos para que sus materiales no tengan problemas técnicos – como portabilidad y durabilidad-, didácticos –como la coherencia entre objetivos y destinatarios, y formato y diseño adecuados al estudio- y, de accesibilidad –como garantizar la perceptibilidad del contenido audiovisual y textual-. En este contexto, se ha creado una norma UNE de calidad de los materiales educativos. Tomando como base dicha nota se ha desarrollado una herramienta web que implementa la norma y facilita la evaluación de la calidad de un material educativo digital. En el presente trabajo fin de grado se presenta la herramienta desarrollada, sus principales características y funcionalidades desarrolladas.
De "formas" y "normas" en la apropiación del espacio. Reflexiones para una sociología urbana crítica
Las ciudades latinoamericanas presentan cada vez mayores niveles de desigualdad, con crecientes procesos de fragmentación y segregación socioespacial. En las últimas décadas, y como consecuencia de la profundización de un modelo de acumulación excluyente, amplios sectores de la población quedan imposibilitados de acceder a la tenencia del suelo a través del "mercado formal" y lo hacen tanto a través de ocupaciones de tierras como de formas mercantiles no reguladas oficialmente (subastas públicas, alquiler de tierra, etc.), creadas en función de la maximización de la renta del suelo. En ese sentido, los procesos de apropiación de la tierra, y más específicamente la institución de la propiedad privada y, con ello, el derecho como práctica social, constituyen uno de los elementos fundamentales a la hora de entender la organización social del espacio urbano. Sin embargo, existe una tendencia a disociar los procesos sociales de las instituciones que tratan de regularlos. Este trabajo se propone una doble reflexión: por un lado, la necesidad de pensar la producción del espacio social a partir de la coexistencia de diversas formas mercantiles de acceso al hábitat; y, con ello, la revalorización de la dimensión jurídica de los procesos de construcción de la ciudad, ya sea tanto por su ausencia de los estudios urbanos críticos como por su aprehensión como fenómeno separado de las relaciones sociales que le dan origen y a partir de las cuales se estructura el espacio urbano
De "formas" y "normas" en la apropiación del espacio. Reflexiones para una sociología urbana crítica
Las ciudades latinoamericanas presentan cada vez mayores niveles de desigualdad, con crecientes procesos de fragmentación y segregación socioespacial. En las últimas décadas, y como consecuencia de la profundización de un modelo de acumulación excluyente, amplios sectores de la población quedan imposibilitados de acceder a la tenencia del suelo a través del "mercado formal" y lo hacen tanto a través de ocupaciones de tierras como de formas mercantiles no reguladas oficialmente (subastas públicas, alquiler de tierra, etc.), creadas en función de la maximización de la renta del suelo. En ese sentido, los procesos de apropiación de la tierra, y más específicamente la institución de la propiedad privada y, con ello, el derecho como práctica social, constituyen uno de los elementos fundamentales a la hora de entender la organización social del espacio urbano. Sin embargo, existe una tendencia a disociar los procesos sociales de las instituciones que tratan de regularlos. Este trabajo se propone una doble reflexión: por un lado, la necesidad de pensar la producción del espacio social a partir de la coexistencia de diversas formas mercantiles de acceso al hábitat; y, con ello, la revalorización de la dimensión jurídica de los procesos de construcción de la ciudad, ya sea tanto por su ausencia de los estudios urbanos críticos como por su aprehensión como fenómeno separado de las relaciones sociales que le dan origen y a partir de las cuales se estructura el espacio urbano
De "formas" y "normas" en la apropiación del espacio. Reflexiones para una sociología urbana crítica
Las ciudades latinoamericanas presentan cada vez mayores niveles de desigualdad, con crecientes procesos de fragmentación y segregación socioespacial. En las últimas décadas, y como consecuencia de la profundización de un modelo de acumulación excluyente, amplios sectores de la población quedan imposibilitados de acceder a la tenencia del suelo a través del "mercado formal" y lo hacen tanto a través de ocupaciones de tierras como de formas mercantiles no reguladas oficialmente (subastas públicas, alquiler de tierra, etc.), creadas en función de la maximización de la renta del suelo. En ese sentido, los procesos de apropiación de la tierra, y más específicamente la institución de la propiedad privada y, con ello, el derecho como práctica social, constituyen uno de los elementos fundamentales a la hora de entender la organización social del espacio urbano. Sin embargo, existe una tendencia a disociar los procesos sociales de las instituciones que tratan de regularlos. Este trabajo se propone una doble reflexión: por un lado, la necesidad de pensar la producción del espacio social a partir de la coexistencia de diversas formas mercantiles de acceso al hábitat; y, con ello, la revalorización de la dimensión jurídica de los procesos de construcción de la ciudad, ya sea tanto por su ausencia de los estudios urbanos críticos como por su aprehensión como fenómeno separado de las relaciones sociales que le dan origen y a partir de las cuales se estructura el espacio urbano
El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar la conexión entre reglas discursivas y normas morales en el marco de la ética del discurso. El trabajo comienza con un análisis de la diferencia entre acción y operación y con una reconstrucción del concepto de discurso. Luego es presentada la diferencia y la relación entre ley y obligación. La conclusión es que la conexión entre acción y discurso posible está implícita en la noción de responsabilidad moral.