891 resultados para Difference Equations with Maxima


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Esta tesis se basa en el estudio de la trayectoria que pasa por dos puntos en el problema de los dos cuerpos, inicialmente desarrollado por Lambert, del que toma su nombre. En el pasado, el Problema de Lambert se ha utilizado para la determinación de órbitas a partir de observaciones astronómicas de los cuerpos celestes. Actualmente, se utiliza continuamente en determinación de órbitas, misiones planetaria e interplanetarias, encuentro espacial e interceptación, o incluso en corrección de orbitas. Dada su gran importancia, se decide investigar especialmente sobre su solución y las aplicaciones en las misiones espaciales actuales. El campo de investigación abierto, es muy amplio, así que, es necesario determinar unos objetivos específicos realistas, en el contexto de ejecución de una Tesis, pero que sirvan para mostrar con suficiente claridad el potencial de los resultados aportados en este trabajo, e incluso poder extenderlos a otros campos de aplicación. Como resultado de este análisis, el objetivo principal de la Tesis se enfoca en el desarrollo de algoritmos para resolver el Problema de Lambert, que puedan ser aplicados de forma muy eficiente en las misiones reales donde aparece. En todos los desarrollos, se ha considerado especialmente la eficiencia del cálculo computacional necesario en comparación con los métodos existentes en la actualidad, destacando la forma de evitar la pérdida de precisión inherente a este tipo de algoritmos y la posibilidad de aplicar cualquier método iterativo que implique el uso de derivadas de cualquier orden. En busca de estos objetivos, se desarrollan varias soluciones para resolver el Problema de Lambert, todas ellas basadas en la resolución de ecuaciones transcendentes, con las cuales, se alcanzan las siguientes aportaciones principales de este trabajo: • Una forma genérica completamente diferente de obtener las diversas ecuaciones para resolver el Problema de Lambert, mediante desarrollo analítico, desde cero, a partir de las ecuaciones elementales conocidas de las cónicas (geométricas y temporal), proporcionando en todas ellas fórmulas para el cálculo de derivadas de cualquier orden. • Proporcionar una visión unificada de las ecuaciones más relevantes existentes, mostrando la equivalencia con variantes de las ecuaciones aquí desarrolladas. • Deducción de una nueva variante de ecuación, el mayor logro de esta Tesis, que destaca en eficiencia sobre todas las demás (tanto en coste como en precisión). • Estudio de la sensibilidad de la solución ante variación de los datos iniciales, y como aplicar los resultados a casos reales de optimización de trayectorias. • También, a partir de los resultados, es posible deducir muchas propiedades utilizadas en la literatura para simplificar el problema, en particular la propiedad de invariancia, que conduce al Problema Transformado Simplificado. ABSTRACT This thesis is based on the study of the two-body, two-point boundary-value problem, initially developed by Lambert, from who it takes its name. Since the past, Lambert's Problem has been used for orbit determination from astronomical observations of celestial bodies. Currently, it is continuously used in orbit determinations, for planetary and interplanetary missions, space rendezvous, and interception, or even in orbit corrections. Given its great importance, it is decided to investigate their solution and applications in the current space missions. The open research field is very wide, it is necessary to determine specific and realistic objectives in the execution context of a Thesis, but that these serve to show clearly enough the potential of the results provided in this work, and even to extended them to other areas of application. As a result of this analysis, the main aim of the thesis focuses on the development of algorithms to solve the Lambert’s Problem which can be applied very efficiently in real missions where it appears. In all these developments, it has been specially considered the efficiency of the required computational calculation compared to currently existing methods, highlighting how to avoid the loss of precision inherent in such algorithms and the possibility to apply any iterative method involving the use of derivatives of any order. Looking to meet these objectives, a number of solutions to solve the Lambert’s Problem are developed, all based on the resolution of transcendental equations, with which the following main contributions of this work are reached: • A completely different generic way to get the various equations to solve the Lambert’s Problem by analytical development, from scratch, from the known elementary conic equations (geometrics and temporal), by providing, in all cases, the calculation of derivatives of any order. • Provide a unified view of most existing relevant equations, showing the equivalence with variants of the equations developed here. • Deduction of a new variant of equation, the goal of this Thesis, which emphasizes efficiency (both computational cost and accuracy) over all other. • Estudio de la sensibilidad de la solución ante la variación de las condiciones iniciales, mostrando cómo aprovechar los resultados a casos reales de optimización de trayectorias. • Study of the sensitivity of the solution to the variation of the initial data, and how to use the results to real cases of trajectories’ optimization. • Additionally, from results, it is possible to deduce many properties used in literature to simplify the problem, in particular the invariance property, which leads to a simplified transformed problem.


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El presente trabajo estudia el empleo del olmo de Siberia (Ulmus Pumila L.) y el chopo (Populus spp.) en corta rotación y alta densidad para la producción de biomasa con fines energéticos. En el área mediterránea las disponibilidades hídricas son limitadas, por lo que la mayoría de los cultivos energéticos utilizados hasta el momento requieren el aporte de agua de riego; por ello resulta fundamental encontrar especies con bajos requerimientos hídricos, analizar la eficiencia en el uso del agua de diferentes materiales genéticos y optimizar la dosis de riego. Las parcelas experimentales se ubicaron en la provincia de Soria. En el ensayo llevado a cabo con olmo de Siberia se ha analizado el efecto en la producción de la disponibilidad de agua mediante el establecimiento de parcelas en secano y con dos dosis de riego (2000 m3 ha-1 año-1 y 4000 m3 ha-1 año-1 aproximadamente); además, al ser una especie poco estudiada hasta el momento, se ha estudiado también el efecto que tiene sobre el rendimiento la densidad de plantación (3.333 plantas ha-1 y 6.666 plantas ha-1), el tipo de suelo (2 calidades diferentes) y el turno de corta (3 y 4 años). En el caso del chopo, se han evaluado cuatro clones (AF-2, I-214, Monviso y Pegaso) establecidos con una densidad de 20.000 plantas por hectárea. Durante el primer ciclo de tres años se aportó el mismo volumen de riego a todas las parcelas, mientras que durante el segundo ciclo se establecieron 8 regímenes hídricos diferentes. Por otra parte, se ha investigado sobre el uso del potencial hídrico de las plantas para evaluar el estrés hídrico de las mismas y se ha estimado la producción de biomasa foliar y el Índice de Área Foliar (LAI) de ambas especies, relacionando los valores obtenidos con la dosis de riego y la producción de biomasa. Los resultados muestran que los suelos inundados reducen la tasa de supervivencia de los olmos durante el periodo de implantación, sin embargo la mortalidad durante los siguientes periodos vegetativos es baja y muestra buena capacidad de rebrote. La productividad (kg ha-1 año-1) obtenida fue mayor con un turno de corta de cuatro años que con turno de tres años. El área basal y la altura fueron variables eficaces para predecir la producción de biomasa del olmo de Siberia, obteniendo una variabilidad explicada de más del 80%. En cuanto a los parámetros que mayor influencia tuvieron sobre el crecimiento, el tipo de suelo resulto ser el más relevante, obteniéndose en un suelo agrícola considerado de buena calidad una producción en condiciones de secano de unos 8.000 kg ha-1 año-1. En condiciones de regadío el rendimiento del olmo de Siberia fue al menos el doble que en secano, pero la diferencia entre las dos dosis de riego estudiadas fue pequeña. La producción de biomasa fue mayor en la densidad de plantación más alta (6.666 plantas ha–1) en las parcelas de regadío, sin embargo no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las dos densidades en secano. El clon de chopo que presentó un mayor rendimiento durante el primer ciclo fue AF-2, alcanzando los 14.000 kg ha-1 año-1, sin embargo la producción de este clon bajó sustancialmente durante el segundo ciclo debido a su mala capacidad de rebrote, pasando a ser I-214 el clon más productivo llegando también a los 14.000 kg ha-1 año-1. Un aporte adicional de agua proporcionó un incremento de la biomasa recogida, pero a partir de unos 6.500 m3 ha-1 año-1 de agua la producción se mantiene constante. El potencial hídrico foliar ha resultado ser una herramienta útil para conocer el estrés hídrico de las plantas. Los olmos de regadío apenas sufrieron estrés hídrico, mientras que los implantados en condiciones de secano padecieron un acusado estrés durante buena parte del periodo vegetativo, que se acentuó en la parte final del mismo. Los chopos regados con las dosis más altas no sufrieron estrés hídrico o fue muy pequeño, en las dosis intermedias sufrieron un estrés moderado ocasionalmente y únicamente en las dosis más bajas sufrieron puntualmente un estrés severo. El LAI aumenta con la edad de los brotes y oscila entre 2 y 4 m2 m−2 en los chopos y entre 2 y 7 m2 m−2 en los olmos. Se encontró una buena relación entre este índice y la producción de biomasa del olmo de Siberia. En general, puede decirse que el olmo de Siberia podría ser una buena alternativa para producir biomasa leñosa en condiciones de secano, mientras que el chopo podría emplearse en regadío siempre que se haga una buena elección del clon y de la dosis de riego. ABSTRACT This work explores the possibilities of biomass production, for energy purposes, of Siberian elm (Ulmus Pumila L.) and poplar (Populus spp.) in Spain. Irrigation is required for the viable cultivation of many energy crops in Mediterranean areas because of low water availability, for this reason species with low water requirements should be a good alternative for biomass production. Moreover, the optimal amount of irrigation water and the performance of the different genetic material in terms of production and water use efficiency should be studied in order to use water wisely. The experimental plots were established in the province of Soria in Spain. Given the small amount of information available about Siberian elm, besides studying the influence of water availability (rain-fed and two different irrigation doses) on biomass production, two different plantation densities (3,333 plants ha-1 and 6,666 plants ha-1), two different soil type and two cutting cycles (three years and four years) were assessed. In the case of poplar, four clones belonging to different hybrids (I-214, AF2, Pegaso, and Monviso) were included in a high density plantation (20,000 plants ha-1). During the first cycle, the water supplied in all plots was the same, while 8 different watering regimes were used during the second cycle. The suitability of the use of the leaf water potential to assess the water stress situations has also been investigated. Moreover, leaf biomass production and leaf area index (LAI) were estimated in both species in order to analyze the relationship between these parameters, irrigation dose and biomass production. The results shows that flooded soils have an adverse effect on elm survival in the implantation period, but the percentage of mortality is very low during the following vegetative periods and it shows a good ability of regrowth. The annual yield from a four-year cutting cycle was significantly greater than that from the three-year cutting cycle. Basal diameter and height are effective variables for predicting the production of total biomass; equations with R squared higher than 80% were obtained. The analysis of parameters having an influence on elm growth shows that soil type is the most important factor to obtain a good yield. In soils with enough nutrients and higher waterholding capacity, biomass productions of 8,000 kg ha-1 yr-1 were achieved even under rain-fed conditions. In irrigated plots, Siberian elm production was double than the production of biomass under rain-fed conditions; however, small differences were obtained between the 2 different irrigation doses under study. Biomass yield was greater for the highest planting density (6,666 plants ha–1) in irrigated plots, but significant differences were not found between the 2 densities in rain-fed plots. The clone AF-2 showed the highest production (14,000 kg ha-1 yr-1) during the first cycle, however during the second cycle its growth was lower because of a high mortality rate after regrowth and I-214 achieves the greatest production (14,000 kg ha-1 yr-1). An additional water supply provided a greater amount of biomass, but over about 6500 m3 ha-1 yr-1 of water the production is constant. Leaf water potential has been shown to be a useful tool for finding out plant water status. Irrigated elms hardly suffered water stress, while rain-fed elms suffered a pronounced water stress, which was more marked at the end of the vegetative period. Most of poplars did not show water stress; leaf water potentials only showed an important water stress in the plots irrigated with the lowest doses. LAI increases with shoot age and it ranges from 2 to 4 m2 m−2 in poplars and from 2 to 7 m2 m−2 in elms. A good relationship has been found between this index and Siberian elm production. In general, Siberian elm could be a good alternative to produce woody biomass in rainfed plots, while poplar could be used in irrigated plots if a suitable clone and irrigation dose are chosen.


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As empresas que almejam garantir e melhorar sua posição dentro de em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo precisam estar sempre atualizadas e em constante evolução. Na busca contínua por essa evolução, investem em projetos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento (P&D) e em seu capital humano para promover a criatividade e a inovação organizacional. As pessoas têm papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da inovação, mas para que isso possa florescer de forma constante é preciso comprometimento e criatividade para a geração de ideias. Criatividade é pensar o novo; inovação é fazer acontecer. Porém, encontrar pessoas com essas qualidades nem sempre é tarefa fácil e muitas vezes é preciso estimular essas habilidades e características para que se tornem efetivamente criativas. Os cursos de graduação podem ser uma importante ferramenta para trabalhar esses aspectos, características e habilidades, usando métodos e práticas de ensino que auxiliem no desenvolvimento da criatividade, pois o ambiente ensino-aprendizagem pesa significativamente na formação das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo é de identificar quais fatores têm maior influência sobre o desenvolvimento da criatividade em um curso de graduação em administração, analisando a influência das práticas pedagógicas dos docentes e as barreiras internas dos discentes. O referencial teórico se baseia principalmente nos trabalhos de Alencar, Fleith, Torrance e Wechsler. A pesquisa transversal de abordagem quantitativa teve como público-alvo os alunos do curso de Administração de uma universidade confessional da Grande São Paulo, que responderam 465 questionários compostos de três escalas. Para as práticas docentes foi adaptada a escala de Práticas Docentes em relação à Criatividade. Para as barreiras internas foi adaptada a escala de Barreiras da Criatividade Pessoal. Para a análise da percepção do desenvolvimento da criatividade foi construída e validada uma escala baseada no referencial de características de uma pessoa criativa. As análises estatísticas descritivas e fatoriais exploratórias foram realizadas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), enquanto as análises fatoriais confirmatórias e a mensuração da influência das práticas pedagógicas e das barreiras internas sobre a percepção do desenvolvimento da criatividade foram realizadas por modelagem de equação estrutural utilizando o algoritmo Partial Least Squares (PLS), no software Smart PLS 2.0. Os resultados apontaram que as práticas pedagógicas e as barreiras internas dos discentes explicam 40% da percepção de desenvolvimento da criatividade, sendo as práticas pedagógicas que exercem maior influencia. A pesquisa também apontou que o tipo de temática e o período em que o aluno está cursando não têm influência sobre nenhum dos três construtos, somente o professor influencia as práticas pedagógicas.


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We have studied telomere length in Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains carrying mutations affecting cell cycle checkpoints, DNA repair, and regulation of the Cdc2 protein kinase. Telomere shortening was found in rad1, rad3, rad17, and rad26 mutants. Telomere lengths in previously characterized rad1 mutants paralleled the replication checkpoint proficiency of those mutants. In contrast, rad9, chk1, hus1, and cds1 mutants had intact telomeres. No difference in telomere length was seen in mutants affected in the regulation of Cdc2, whereas some of the DNA repair mutants examined had slightly longer telomeres than did the wild type. Overexpression of the rad1+ gene caused telomeres to elongate slightly. The kinetics of telomere shortening was monitored by following telomere length after disruption of the rad1+ gene; the rate was ∼1 nucleotide per generation. Wild-type telomere length could be restored by reintroduction of the wild-type rad1+ gene. Expression of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RCK1 protein kinase gene, which suppresses the radiation and hydroxyurea sensitivity of Sz. pombe checkpoint mutants, was able to attenuate telomere shortening in rad1 mutant cells and to increase telomere length in a wild-type background. The functional effects of telomere shortening in rad1 mutants were assayed by measuring loss of a linear and a circular minichromosome. A minor increase in loss rate was seen with the linear minichromosome, and an even smaller difference compared with wild-type was detected with the circular plasmid.


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Convection in the tropics is observed to involve a wide-ranging hierarchy of scales from a few kilometers to the planetary scales and also has a profound impact on short-term climate. The mechanisms responsible for this behavior present a major unsolved problem. A promising emerging approach to address these issues is cloud-resolving modeling. Here a family of numerical models is introduced specifically to model the feedback of small-scale deep convection on tropical planetary waves and tropical circulation in a highly efficient manner compatible with the approach through cloud-resolving modeling. Such a procedure is also useful for theoretical purposes. The basic idea in the approach is to use low-order truncation in the meriodonal direction through Gauss–Hermite quadrature projected onto a simple discrete radiation condition. In this fashion, the cloud-resolving modeling of equatorially trapped planetary waves reduces to the solution of a small number of purely zonal two-dimensional wave systems along a few judiciously chosen meriodonal layers that are coupled only by some additional source terms. The approach is analyzed in detail with full mathematical rigor for linearized equatorial primitive equations with source terms.


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The level of mRNAs derived from the plastid-encoded psbD light-responsive promoter (LRP) is controlled by a circadian clock(s) in wheat (Triticum aestivum). The circadian oscillations in the psbD LRP mRNA level persisted for at least three cycles in continuous light and for one cycle in continuous dark, with maxima in subjective morning and minima in subjective early night. In vitro transcription in chloroplast extracts revealed that the circadian cycles in the psbD LRP mRNA level were dominantly attributed to the circadian-regulated transcription of the psbD LRP. The effects of various mutations introduced into the promoter region on the psbD LRP activity in vitro suggest the existence of two positive elements located between −54 and −36, which generally enhance the transcription activity, and an anomalous core promoter structure lacking the functional “−35” element, which plays a crucial role in the circadian fluctuation and light dependency of psbD LRP transcription activity.


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To clarify the molecular basis of the photoperiodic induction of flowering in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil cv Violet, we examined changes in the level of mRNA in cotyledons during the flower-inductive photoperiod using the technique of differential display by the polymerase chain reaction. A transcript that accumulated during the inductive dark period was identified and a cDNA corresponding to the transcript, designated PnC401 (P. nil C401), was isolated. RNA-blot hybridization verified that levels of PnC401 mRNA fluctuated with a circadian rhythm, with maxima between 12 and 16 h after the beginning of the dark period) and minima of approximately 0. This oscillation continued even during an extended dark period but was damped under continuous light. Accumulation of PnC401 mRNA was reduced by a brief exposure to red light at the 8th h of the dark period (night-break treatment) or by exposure to far-red light at the end of the light period (end-of-day far-red treatment). These results suggest that fluctuations in levels of PnC401 mRNA are regulated by phytochrome(s) and a circadian clock and that they are associated with photoperiodic events that include induction of flowering.


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Benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase (BA2H) catalyzes the biosynthesis of salicylic acid from benzoic acid. The enzyme has been partially purified and characterized as a soluble protein of 160 kDa. High-efficiency in vivo labeling of salicylic acid with 18O2 suggested that BA2H is an oxygenase that specifically hydroxylates the ortho position of benzoic acid. The enzyme was strongly induced by either tobacco mosaic virus inoculation or benzoic acid infiltration of tobacco leaves and it was inhibited by CO and other inhibitors of cytochrome P450 hydroxylases. The BA2H activity was immunodepleted by antibodies raised against SU2, a soluble cytochrome P450 from Streptomyces griseolus. The anti-SU2 antibodies immunoprecipitated a radiolabeled polypeptide of around 160 kDa from the soluble protein extracts of L-[35S]-methionine-fed tobacco leaves. Purified BA2H showed CO-difference spectra with a maximum at 457 nm. These data suggest that BA2H belongs to a novel class of soluble, high molecular weight cytochrome P450 enzymes.


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Proportion correct in two-alternative forcedchoice (2AFC) detection tasks often varies when the stimulus is presented in the first or in the second interval.Reanalysis of published data reveals that these order effects (or interval bias) are strong and prevalent, refuting the standard difference model of signal detection theory. Order effects are commonly regarded as evidence that observers use an off-center criterion under the difference model with bias. We consider an alternative difference model with indecision whereby observers are occasionally undecided and guess with some bias toward one of the response options. Whether or not the data show order effects, the two models fit 2AFC data indistinguishably, but they yield meaningfully different estimates of sensory parameters. Under indeterminacy as to which model governs 2AFC performance, parameter estimates are suspect and potentially misleading. The indeterminacy can be circumvented by modifying the response format so that observers can express indecision when needed. Reanalysis of published data collected in this way lends support to the indecision model. We illustrate alternative approaches to fitting psychometric functions under the indecision model and discuss designs for 2AFC experiments that improve the accuracy of parameter estimates, whether or not order effects are apparent in the data.


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Neste trabalho, estudamos propriedades de continuação única para as soluções da equação tipo Schrödinger com um ponto interação centrado em x=0, \\partial_tu=i(\\Delta_Z+V)u, onde V=V(x,t) é uma função de valor real e -\\Delta_Z é o operador escrito formalmente como \\[-\\Delta_Z=-\\frac\\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+Z\\delta_0,\\] sendo \\delta_0 a delta de Dirac centrada em zero e Z qualquer número real. Logo, usamos estes resultados para ver o possível fenômeno de concentração das soluções, que explodem, da equação de tipo Schrödinger não linear com um ponto de interação em x=0, \\[\\partial_tu=i(\\Delta_Zu+|u|^u),\\] com ho>5. Também, mostramos que para certas condições sobre o potencial dependente do tempo V, a equação linear em cima tem soluções não triviais.


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In order to build dynamic models for prediction and management of degraded Mediterranean forest areas was necessary to build MARIOLA model, which is a calculation computer program. This model includes the following subprograms. 1) bioshrub program, which calculates total, green and woody shrubs biomass and it establishes the time differences to calculate the growth. 2) selego program, which builds the flow equations from the experimental data. It is based on advanced procedures of statistical multiple regression. 3) VEGETATION program, which solves the state equations with Euler or Runge-Kutta integration methods. Each one of these subprograms can act as independent or as linked programs.


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In order to investigate production pathways of methyl iodide and controls on emissions from the surface ocean, a set of repeated in-vitro incubation experiments were performed over an annual cycle in the context of a time-series of in-situ measurements in Kiel Fjord (54.3 N, 10.1E). The incubation experiments revealed a diurnal variation of methyl iodide in samples exposed to natural light, with maxima during day time and losses during night hours. The amplitude of the daily accumulation varied seasonally and was not affected by filtration (0.2µm), consistent with a photochemical pathway for CH3I production. The methyl iodide loss rate during night time correlated with the concentration accumulated during daytime. Daily (24 hour) net production (Pnet) was similar in magnitude between in vitro and in situ mass balances. However, the estimated gross production (Pgross) of methyl iodide ranged from -0.07 to 2.24 pmol/day and were 5 times higher in summer than Pnet calculated from the in-situ study [Shi et al., 2014]. The large excess of Pgross over Pnet revealed by the in-vitro (incubation) experiments in summer is a consequence of large losses of CH3I by as-yet uncharacterized processes (e.g. biological degradation or chemical pathways other than Cl- substitution).


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Surface sediment samples and three gravity cores from the eastern terrace of the Vema Channel, the western flank of the Rio Grande Rise, and the Brazilian continental slope were investigated for physical properties, grain size, and clay mineral composition. Discharge of the Rio Doce is responsible for kaolinite enrichments on the slope south of 20° and at intermediate depths of the Rio Grande Rise. The long-distance advection of kaolinite with North Atlantic Deep Water from lower latitudes is of minor importance as evidenced by low kaolinite/chlorite ratios on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Cyclic variations of kaolinite/chlorite ratios in all our cores, with maxima in interglacials, are attributed to low-and high-latitude forcing of paleoclimate on the Brazilian mainland and the related discharge of the Rio Doce. A long-term trend toward more arid and 'glacial' conditions from 1500 ka to present is superimposed on the glacial-interglacial cyclicity.


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An increase in whole ocean alkalinity during glacial periods could account, in part, for the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 into the ocean. Such an increase was inevitable due to the near elimination of shelf area for the burial of coral reef alkalinity. We present evidence, based on down-core measurements of benthic foraminiferal B/Ca and Mg/Ca from a core in the Weddell Sea, that the deep ocean carbonate ion concentration, [CO3 2-], was elevated by ~25 µmol/kg during each glacial period of the last 800 kyrs. The heterogeneity of the preservation histories in the different ocean basins reflects control of the carbonate chemistry of the deep glacial ocean in the Atlantic and Pacific by the changing ventilation and chemistry of Weddell Sea waters. These waters are more corrosive than interglacial northern sourced waters, but not as undersaturated as interglacial southern sourced waters. Our inferred increase in whole ocean alkalinity can be reconciled with reconstructions of glacial saturation horizon depth and the carbonate budget, if carbonate burial rates also increased above the saturation horizon as a result of enhanced pelagic calcification. The Weddell records display low [CO3 2-] during deglaciations and peak interglacial warmth, coincident with maxima in %CaCO3 in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Should the burial rate of alkalinity in the more alkaline glacial deepwaters outstrip the rate of alkalinity supply, then pelagic carbonate production by the coccolithophores, at the end of the glacial maximum could drive a decrease in ocean [CO3 2-] and act to trigger the deglacial rise in pCO2.


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Abundance and species composition of copepods were studied during the expedition ANT XXI/1 on a latitudinal transect in the eastern Atlantic from 34°49.5' N to 27°28.1' S between 2-20 November 2002. Stratified zooplankton tows were carried out at 19 stations with a multiple opening-closing net between 300 m water depth and the surface. Cyclopoid and calanoid copepods showed similar patterns of distribution and abundance. Oithona was the most abundant cyclopoid genus, followed by Oncaea. A total of 149 calanoid copepod species were identified. Clausocalanus was by far the most abundant genus, comprising on average about 45% of all calanoids, followed by Calocalanus (13%), Delibus (9%), Paracalanus (6%), and Pleuromamma (5%). All other genera comprised on average less than 5% each, with 40 genera less than 1%. The calanoid copepod communities were distinguished broadly in accordance with sea surface temperature, separating the subtropical from the tropical stations, and were largely determined by variation in species composition and species abundance. Nine Clausocalanus species were identified. The most numerous Clausocalanus species was C. furcatus, which on average comprised half of all adult of this genus. C. pergens, C. paululus, and C. jobei, contributed an average of 19%, 9%, and 9%, respectively. The Clausocalanus species differed markedly in their horizontal and vertical distributions: C. furcatus, C. jobei, and C. mastigophorus had widespread distributions and inhabited the upper water layers. Major differences between the species were found in abundance. C. paululus and C. arcuicornis were biantitropical and were absent or occurred in very low numbers in the equatorial zone. C. parapergens was found at all stations and showed a bimodal distribution pattern with maxima in the subtropics. C. pergens occurred in higher numbers only at the southern stations, where it replaced C. furcatus in dominance. In contrast to the widespread species, the bulk of the C. paululus, C. arcuicornis, C. parapergens, and C. pergens populations was concentrated in the colder, deeper water layers below the thermocline, thereby avoiding the warm surface waters. C. lividus was found only at the most northern and C. ingens only at the most southern stations. Both species were found almost exclusively in the upper 50 m. The distinct differences in abundance and horizontal and vertical distribution suggest a strong ecological differentiation among the Clausocalanus species.