999 resultados para Devir (Conceito filosófico)


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Um dos objetivos do livro é o de verificar até que ponto as influências intelectuais recebidas por Zygmunt Bauman no começo de sua carreira contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de sua teoria sobre a ética e a moral no mundo contemporâneo, eivada de críticas ao pós-modernismo e hoje considerada uma das grandes referências sobre o assunto. Sociólogo e filósofo polonês nascido em 1925 que se notabilizou por seu marxismo de vanguarda (devido ao qual teve de deixar a Universidade de Varsóvia em 1968 e a sua obra foi proibida naquele país), Bauman é também conhecido por sua prodigiosa produção intelectual, nas quais se destacam as análises das ligações entre a modernidade e o holocausto e o consumismo pós-moderno. Para o autor, foram os círculos neomarxistas de Varsóvia que forneceram a Bauman as matrizes críticas que, pouco a pouco, o levariam a desenvolver a ideia de que a perspectiva pós-moderna da ética está introduzindo uma concepção de moralidade bem diversa da ortodoxa, e que se tornou referenciada por elementos exteriores ao sujeito moral - de acordo com o livro, uma verdadeira ironia, nesses tempos de proclamação da autonomia e liberdade do indivíduo, característica também central do ideal iluminista. Assim, hoje, para Bauman, a referência para a ação moral, em tese baseada nas concepções do direito natural racional, ao invés de proclamar e reafirmar a autonomia do indivíduo diante das normas das instituições, nada mais faria do que reforçar a sua dependência de parâmetros externos advindos de outras fontes, impossibilitando a reflexão e a decisão próprias do sujeito moral


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O estudo apresentado neste livro trata da relação entre Lógica e Psicologia e parte da questão apresentada na obra Ensaio de Lógica Operatória de Jean Piaget (1896-1980): [...] como se constituem as estruturas elementares de classes, de relações, de números, de proposições, etc., formalizadas com toda independência e autonomia pelo lógico e [...] quais são suas relações com as 'operações' do pensamento 'natural', muito mais pobre e não formalizado.. Os autores Rafael dos Reis Ferreira e Ricardo Pereira Tassinari observam que nessa questão, Piaget pressupõe que as operações lógico-formais estão vinculadas a um sujeito. O que interessa ao pensador francês é a compreensão de como se formam as estruturas necessárias ao conhecimento lógico-matemático e como isso é possível a partir do desenvolvimento psicológico. Eles mostram que, apesar de recorrer à Psicologia, trata-se no contexto dessa investigação de Piaget, fundamentalmente, de um interesse filosófico, relacionado à Teoria do Conhecimento e à Epistemologia, particularmente ao que o francês chama de Epistemologia Genética, e não propriamente uma investigação de pura Psicologia. A questão da relação entre Lógica e Psicologia estudada nesse livro é basicamente de como o sujeito epistêmico usa e se torna capaz de usar funções proposicionais para estruturar a realidade e produzir conhecimento sobre ela. A obra inicia-se com a contextualização do pensamento de Piaget no âmbito das discussões filosóficas e os pressupostos gerais da Epistemologia Genética e suas relações com a Psicologia Genética. O segundo capítulo é dedicado a algumas das discussões de princípios realizadas por Piaget no Ensaio, acerca do objeto e da definição da Lógica Operatória. No capítulo seguinte, os autores procuram responder à questão central do estudo, focando a análise sobre o conceito de função proposicional para Piaget e a relação desta com o ...


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In the past few years several GPS (Global Position System) positioning techniques have been develope and/or improved with the goal of obtaining high accuracy and productivity in real time. The reference station network concept besides to enabling quality and reliability in positioning for scientific and civil GPS community, allows studies concerning tropospheric refraction modeling in the network region. Moreover, among the network corrections transmission methods available to users, there is the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) concept. In this method, the data of a virtual station are generated near the rover receiver (user). This provides a short baseline and the user has the possibility of using a single frequency receiver to accomplish the relative positioning. In this paper, the methodology applied to generate VRS data, using different tropospheric models is described. Thus, comparative tests were conducted in the four seasons with the NWP/INPE (Numerical Weather Prediction/National Institute for Space Research) and Hopfield tropospheric models. In order to analyse the VRS data quality, it was used the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) method, where satisfactory results were found. Mean differences between PNT/INPE and Hopfield models of 9.75% and 24.2% for the hydrostatic and wet days, respectively were obtained.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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The concept of ontoloy as a tool for knowledge organization and representation, which is not yet stable, is analyzed in two spanish journals of information science, namely “Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento” and “Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación”, both published by the University of Zaragoza. The term "ontology" and its variations were searched in the fields of title, keywords and abstract. A corpus of eighteen articles was obtained. The approaches to ontologies were classified into four categories of analysis: conceptualization, comparison, application and new applications. It was observed that the way which the concept of ontologies is treated in both periodicals is in consonance with their editorial policies. The term ontology is suffering a process of meta-terminologization, from the field of philosophy towards information science, a fact that deserves further and more vertical studies.


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The school geographic knowledge must remain in line with theoretical advances produced by academic geographical knowledge. This is important for guarantee much better quality of education which is offered in schools. In this context, there are some important questions: do the teaching manual of geography for the basic level are updated according to the geographical knowledge produced by academia? Do the teachers of Geography in the basic education level have accompanied the theoretical and methodological innovations produced recently by geographical science? Through a research conducted with 51 teachers of Geography, who working in public schools in Marília, and after an analysis of geographic knowledge transmitted by textbooks used in most schools, the goal of this paper is to present some response to these questions. The research with teachers and the analysis of the contents of the textbooks were guided by one principal issue: the meaning of region.


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In the context of current scientific studies toward Information Science and Semiotics, this study highlights that Semiotics is relevant to the field, since that signs are interpreted in different ways by each person primarily when they arise from the interpretation of documental analysis, maintaining large amplitude and diversity. In this sense, Semiotics can furnish support for several areas since it focuses on elements which enable the understanding of the phenomena, in order to guide an adequate theory about the concerns pointed by research on information and knowledge organization. This study aims to present a theoretical reflection about the subject analysis from Peirce’s philosophical-semiotics approach. Thus, this study presents some relations and contributions of Semiotics on issues involving subject analysis as well as concepts of habit, experience, representation and types of signs generated in the process.


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The focus of this work is to present an example of refutation of the concept of element inside the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, mainly through Robert Boyle’s The Sceptical Chymist. On the first section of this paper the notion of element as considered by the ancient Greeks in Aristotle’s Physics and modern chemists in Paracelsus will be briefly presented. After that in the second section Boyle’s deconstruction of the idea of element will be exposed considering his argumentation of why this notion is prejudicial to the study of nature. Finally, in the third section follows the constructive stage in which a new hypothesis is presented (the corpuscular hypothesis) as the best option to replace the notion of element.


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The objective of this essay is to make a connection between E. P. Thompson and Georg Lukács seeking rescue the ontological foundations of the concept of “experience”, as used by Thompson. At first, we present the category of experience in Thompson and then, category of work and the ontology of social being, according to Lukács. Approximate the concrete historical analysis developed by E. P. Thompson of reason dialectical-materialist presupposed in the ontology of social being of Georg Lukács is a contribution to overcoming the poverty of reason, just so you can achieve the necessary dialectical understanding of the category of experience that while social praxis is modeled the work category.


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What does it mean to say that Hegel is an idealist philosopher? Such determination is appropriate? If appeals Hegel to speculative approach, then how to understand their idealism? These questions guide the role of art in Hegel's philosophical system identifying a philosophy deeply committed and involved in its determination that takes place in the history or thought. If art is the moment of sensible intuition that Hegel considers carefully, then it is possible to conclude that the idealist perspective attributed to Hegel must be taken with reservations or its own idealism needs to be seen beyond all subjective levy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)