879 resultados para Delaware and Raritan Canal Company (N.J.)


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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RESUMO - A Responsabilidade Social é actuar de modo justo, digno e responsável com todos os stakeholders. Por outro lado a Saúde Pública tem como principal objectivo promover a saúde dos indivíduos, comunidades e sociedades como um todo, incidindo nos determinantes de saúde. As empresas têm adoptado inúmeras acções e politicas socialmente responsáveis que contribuem para o aumento da concretização dos objectivos a longo prazo. As empresas criam códigos de ética e de conduta, redigem relatórios sociais, aderem a normas e certificações internacionais, promovem auditorias internas e externas, desenvolvem políticas laborais para evitar problemas e escândalos que afectem a reputação da empresa, apoiam cada vez mais causas sociais, preocupamse com o bem-estar e as condições de trabalho dos colaboradores e com o ambiente. Todos os esforços e investimentos parecem ser poucos quando se observa a possibilidade de maior reconhecimento e retorno financeiro. Existem diversas concepções para o que é ser-se socialmente responsável e de como a empresa deve agir enquanto cidadã. Ao mesmo tempo, são muitas as actividades que podem ser desenvolvidas no que diz respeito à responsabilidade social das empresas na área da promoção da saúde pública. Este estudo pretende criar uma ligação entre o conceito de Responsabilidade Social das Empresas e de Saúde Pública e, nesse sentido, procurar associar os objectivos das acções desenvolvidas pelas empresas estudadas com os objectivos prosseguidos pela Saúde Pública.


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The purpose of this project is to prepare and help ShoesCloset company for international business activity, namely in Germany. After having a careful study on the core foundation of the company I conclude that ShoesCloset has indeed potential to succeed by offering what the target segment is looking for in footwear. Nevertheless, the firm still has to improve in areas such as marketing, management operations, distribution channels and internal structure. In relation to the German market and according to my studies the best mode of entry is through direct exports, which would be under the supervision of the CEO. Moreover, it is imperative to increase the productive capacity in order to satisfy both national and international expected demands


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This study specifically addresses the situation of minority shareholders after the transfer of control in an listed company. The various underlying interests and reasons that shareholders have for investing in a company can demonstrate shareholders’ reasoning for taking radically different positions on issues relating to the transfer of control of the referred company. This study analyses the current legal system in Portugal and in the European Union in order to assess whether, in the event of a takeover bid of a listed company where there is a transfer of control, minority shareholders have the same appraisal rights as other shareholders to sell their shares and leave the company. The study then examines the European Court of Justice decision on whether a general principle of equal treatment of minority shareholders exists upon a transfer of control (Audiolux) and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission decision regarding the delisting of Brisa - Autoestradas de Portugal, S.A. based on the principle of investor protection. The study concludes that although the principle of equality amongst shareholders has made progress in the European legal system e.g. it is laid down in Directive 2004/25/EC of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids and the Portuguese Securities Market Code, there is also a need for further improvement, which can be accomplished by allowing minority shareholders to exercise an appraisal right in similar unregulated situations.


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Diplomityössä on tarkoituksena kartoittaa asioita, joita pitää ottaa huomioon pk-yrityksen tuotannon ulkoistamisessa Intiaan sekä laskemaan kuinka paljon halvemmaksi kiertovoitelukeskusten valmistaminen Intiassa tulee verrattuna Suomeen. Teoriaosuudessa on tarkasteltu Intian erilaista kulttuuria sekä kartoitettu asioita, jotka vaikuttavat länsimaalaisen yrityksen toimintaan Intiassa sekä mahdollisuuksia eri teollisuuden aloille. Empiriaosuudessa on keskitytty eri vaihtoehdoin kiertovoitelukeskuksen valmistuskustannuksiin ja niiden vertailuun Intian ja Suomen välillä. Tuloksena on voitu todeta, että valmistus Intiassa tulee selvästi halvemmaksi kuin Suomessa. Ensi askelten ottaminen luultavasti tulee olemaan vaikeaa lähinnä asiakkaiden löytämisessä ja verkostojen rakentamisessa. Riskejä oman tuotantolaitoksen perustamisessa Intiaan on, mutta myös mahdollisuudet ja potentiaali menestykselliseen liiketoimintaan ovat suuret. Ulkoistaminen on vain tehtävä maltillisesti ja järkevästi ja tehtyihin päätöksiin täytyy sitoutua.


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The Buffalo and Brantford Railway Company was formed in 1850. The railway was renamed the Buffalo, Brantford & Goderich Railway in 1852 to reflect the plans to extend the line to Goderich. Financial problems led to a British group taking over the railway a few years later and the name was changed to the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway. It was June 1858 before the line to Goderich was completed. Source: (http://brantford.library.on.ca/genealogy/railways.php#buffalo) March 8, 2010


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Reel 1. E.J. Palmer's Grimsby illustrated; Merritton advance; The Evening review; Niagara Falls evening review; The academy; St. Catharines constitutional; St. Catharines daily news; St. Catharines daily standard; St. Catharines daily times; St. Catharines evening journal; St. Catharines evening star. -- Reel 2. St. Catharines evening star. -- Reel 3. St. Catharines evening star. -- Reel 4. St. Catharines evening star; St. Catharines gazette; St. Catharines journal; St. Catharines semi-weekly post; St. Catharines star journal; St. Catharines weekly news; St. Catharines weekly star; St. Catharines women's patriotic journal; St. Catharines women's standard; Welland Canadian farmer supplement; Welland Canadian farmer and grange record; Welland Canal works; Welland telegraph extra; Welland telegraph; Welland tribune and telegraph. -- Reel 5. Beamsville express; Vineland Jordan post; Grimsby independent; Haldimand advocate; Haldimand tribune; Niagara onghiara; Smithville pioneer; The Irish Canadian. -- Reel 7. St. Catharines daily times. -- Reel 8. St. Catharines daily times. -- Reel 9. St. Catharines daily times. -- Reel 10. The Monck reform press; Herald (Fonthill); Independent (Grimsby); Beamsville express; Post express (Lincoln); Jordan post (Vineland); The gleaner and Niagara newspaper; Niagara advance; Pelham herald; Port Colborne news; Farmers' journal and Welland Canal intelligencer; Welland tribune; Welland Tribune; Welland tribune and telegraph; Evening tribune (Welland Ship Canal, centenary issue).


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Index of names for the Survey of Lands for the Welland Canal Company. The index includes names for people whos lands were surveyed on the line of the canal. The index also includes a very basic geographic location of the lands in reference to the canal (for example, east, west, resevoir. No page numbers are listed.


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William Alexander Thomson (1816-1878) was a promoter and developer of railway systems in western Ontario. He incorporated the Fort Erie Railroad Company in 1857, purchased the Erie and Ontario Railroad in 1863, and incorporated the Erie and Niagara Extension Railway Company in 1868 (later renamed the Canada Southern Railway). Thomson was also elected to the House of Commons for Welland in 1872, and re-elected in 1874. He was known for his support of public management of the currency and is seen as a pioneer advocate of government monetary policy. He was also an advocate of radical agrarian economic doctrine, believing that Canadian laws favoured mercantile interests over those of the producers of goods, and that this hindered national development.


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A letter from The Ontario Paper Co., Limited of Thorold, Ontario. The letter, dated 15 August 1949, celebrates the Thirtieth Anniversary of association between Arthur A. Schmon and the paper company. The letter praises the work of Mr. Schmon, "a leader of progressive thinking and action, a man with a true sense of values, sound judgement and a deep sense of justice". There are ten signatures at the bottom of the letter.


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The by-laws are signed by George Barnes and include the first two which state the name of the company is the Ontario Grape Growing and Wine Manufacturing Company and the second by-law states that the place of business is at Barnesdale, St. Catharines, Ontario.


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The meeting notes include an audit for "year ending June 30th, 1880, thence to May, 25th, 1881". There is also an "auditor's report" by Richard Tew and P. Corridi which states: "To the President and shareholders of the Ontario Grape Growing and Wine Manufacturing Company, Barnsdale, Ont. Gentlemen, We the undersigned have much pleasure in informing you that we have completed our audit of the Company's Books for the year ending June 30th, 1880, thence to May 24th, 1881, and can testify to their correctness. In future we would recommend that the Books be made up to May 24th in each year, five weeks previous to the Annual meeting being held, and that the Day Book kept by the manager be submitted to the Secretary monthly, together with all vouchers, so that the transactions can be duly recorded in the Company's Books. We beg to congratulate the shareholders on the satisfactory exhibit of the Company's affairs, as shown by the annexed Balance Sheet. We are Gentlemen, yours respectfully." This is the first audit included in the book.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff informing him of a meeting of the directors of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Company. The letter is signed by Mr. Ingersoll, secretary, Dec. 1, 1856.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff informing him of a meeting of the directors of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Company. The letter is signed by Philip Littlejohn, secretary, Aug. 3, 1857.