772 resultados para Debates and Debating--Students
Background: Academic integrity (AI) has been defined as the commitment to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility with courage in all academic endeavours. The senior years of nursing studies provide an intersection for students to transition to professional roles through student clinical practice. It is essential to understand what predicts senior nursing students’ intention to behave with AI so that efforts can be directed to initiatives focused on strengthening their commitment to behaving with AI. Research Questions: To what extent do students differ on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) variables? What predicts intention to behave with academic integrity among senior nursing students in clinical practice across three different Canadian Schools of Nursing? Method: The TPB framework, an elicitation (n=30) and two pilot studies (n=59, n=29) resulted in the development of a 38 question (41-item) self-report survey (Miron Academic Integrity Nursing Survey—MAINS: α>0.70) that was administered to Year 3 and 4 students (N=339). Three predictor variables (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control) were measured with students’ intention to behave with AI in clinical. Age, sex, year of study, program stream, students’ understanding of AI policies, and locations where students accessed AI information were also measured. Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that background, site, and TPB variables explained 32.6% of the variance in intention to behave with academic integrity. The TPB variables explained 26.8% of the variance in intention after controlling for background and site variables. In the final model, only the TPB predictor variables were statistically significant with Attitude having the highest beta value (beta=0.35, p<0.001), followed by Subjective Norm (beta=0.21, p<0.001) and Perceived Behavioural Control (beta=0.12, p<0.02). Conclusion: Student attitude is the strongest predictor to intention to behave with AI in clinical practice and efforts to positively influence students’ attitudes need to be a focus for schools, curricula, and clinical educators. Opportunities for future research should include replicating the current study with students enrolled in other professional programs and intervention studies that examine the effectiveness of specific endeavours to promote AI in practice.
Since the 1950s the global consumption of natural resources has skyrocketed, both in magnitude and in the range of resources used. Closely coupled with emissions of greenhouse gases, land consumption, pollution of environmental media, and degradation of ecosystems, as well as with economic development, increasing resource use is a key issue to be addressed in order to keep the planet Earth in a safe and just operating space. This requires thinking about absolute reductions in resource use and associated environmental impacts, and, when put in the context of current re-focusing on economic growth at the European level, absolute decoupling, i.e., maintaining economic development while absolutely reducing resource use and associated environmental impacts. Changing behavioural, institutional and organisational structures that lock-in unsustainable resource use is, thus, a formidable challenge as existing world views, social practices, infrastructures, as well as power structures, make initiating change difficult. Hence, policy mixes are needed that will target different drivers in a systematic way. When designing policy mixes for decoupling, the effect of individual instruments on other drivers and on other instruments in a mix should be considered and potential negative effects be mitigated. This requires smart and time-dynamic policy packaging. This Special Issue investigates the following research questions: What is decoupling and how does it relate to resource efficiency and environmental policy? How can we develop and realize policy mixes for decoupling economic development from resource use and associated environmental impacts? And how can we do this in a systemic way, so that all relevant dimensions and linkages—including across economic and social issues, such as production, consumption, transport, growth and wellbeing—are taken into account? In addressing these questions, the overarching goals of this Special Issue are to: address the challenges related to more sustainable resource-use; contribute to the development of successful policy tools and practices for sustainable development and resource efficiency (particularly through the exploration of socio-economic, scientific, and integrated aspects of sustainable development); and inform policy debates and policy-making. The Special Issue draws on findings from the EU and other countries to offer lessons of international relevance for policy mixes for more sustainable resource-use, with findings of interest to policy makers in central and local government and NGOs, decision makers in business, academics, researchers, and scientists.
This study examines how one secondary school teacher’s use of purposeful oral mathematics language impacted her students’ language use and overall communication in written solutions while working with word problems in a grade nine academic mathematics class. Mathematics is often described as a distinct language. As with all languages, students must develop a sense for oral language before developing social practices such as listening, respecting others ideas, and writing. Effective writing is often seen by students that have strong oral language skills. Classroom observations, teacher and student interviews, and collected student work served as evidence to demonstrate the nature of both the teacher’s and the students’ use of oral mathematical language in the classroom, as well as the effect the discourse and language use had on students’ individual written solutions while working on word problems. Inductive coding for themes revealed that the teacher’s purposeful use of oral mathematical language had a positive impact on students’ written solutions. The teacher’s development of a mathematical discourse community created a space for the students to explore mathematical language and concepts that facilitated a deeper level of conceptual understanding of the learned material. The teacher’s oral language appeared to transfer into students written work albeit not with the same complexity of use of the teacher’s oral expression of the mathematical register. Students that learn mathematical language and concepts better appear to have a growth mindset, feel they have ownership over their learning, use reorganizational strategies, and help develop a discourse community.
This paper investigates the extent to which the negative evaluation of one of the women Ministers in the Northern Ireland Assembly can be attributed to gender. Interviews with politicians as well as the Minister herself illuminate this discussion by identifying the ‘gendered discourses’ that are drawn upon when describing the Minister’s communicative style in debates. Close analyses of transcripts of debates offer a description of some elements of this style, and find that while the Minister is confrontational in debates and ‘stands her ground’, she does not take part in illegal interventions that disrupt the debate floor and are characteristic of the Assembly as a whole. Although the construction of the Minister’s unpopularity can be attributed to a complex interplay of factors, it can be concluded that it is partly the way she draws on gendered linguistic resources that leads her to be negatively judged by her peers.
El presente texto analiza la función del Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas (IIEC) como punto de encuentro de la cultura cinematográfica nacional entre 1947 y 1955 —los años de Victoriano López— y dirige el foco analítico a los discursos, debates e intereses que marcaron la labor del instituto en estos primeros años. Para ello, este artículo fija su atención en uno de los pocos documentos originales conservados de esa época, un boletín publicado por los alumnos en 1951, material que será aquí completado con entrevistas y los escasos documentos referentes al instituto conservados en el Archivo General de la Administración. La piedra de toque del análisis la constituyen por un lado las actividades del cineclub, organizado por los alumnos de la clase de Historia del Cine en 1951, y, en el plano discursivo, los debates en torno a la Filmología, doctrina con la que desde 1947 se intenta dotar a las actividades del Instituto de una base teórica con desiguales resultados. Se consigue así un acercamiento a las prácticas y discursos esenciales para comprender la importancia del instituto como punto central dentro de una naciente cultura cinematográfica nacional.
This work focuses on the study of the circular migration between America and Europe, particularly in the discussion about knowledge transfer and the way that social networks reconfigure the form of information distribution among people, that due to labor and academic issues have left their own country. The main purpose of this work is to study the impact of social media use in migration flows between Mexico and Spain, more specifically the use by Mexican migrants who have moved for multiple years principally for educational purposes and then have returned to their respective locations in Mexico seeking to integrate themselves into the labor market. Our data collection concentrated exclusively on a group created on Facebook by Mexicans who mostly reside in Barcelona, Spain or wish to travel to the city for economic, educational or tourist reasons. The results of this research show that while social networks are spaces for exchange and integration, there is a clear tendency by this group to "narrow lines" and to look back to their homeland, slowing the process of opening socially in their new context.
Existential loneliness is a concept that is largely ignored in the psychological research tradition, although from a philosophical perspective it is deeply connected to inherent human longings of connection and meaning. This research investigated the relationship between existential loneliness and two variables that are theoretically closely related to the concepts of connection and meaning, namely mindfulness (connection to oneself and others) and spiritual well-being (connection to a larger whole). This was done in a sample of n = 180 individuals (61.7% female; mean age 41.72, SD = 12.16) of the Dutch population. A multiple regression analysis was conducted. It can be concluded that there is a negative relationship between mindfulness and existential loneliness, as well as between spiritual well-being and existential loneliness. This means that people with a higher level of mindfulness and/or a higher level of spiritual well-being experience a lower level of existential loneliness. At the same time, people with a lower level of mindfulness and/or spiritual well-being experience a lower level of existential loneliness. There are some limitations to this study, for example the use of a non-random sampling method, a limited sample group, a scale that has not been widely tested, and a potential bias towards the higher educated. However, these limitations are inherent to exploratory research and does not diminish the main strength of this thesis, namely that it has provided more insight into an important and prevalent societal phenomenon, that had not been extensively researched previously, that has so far only been addressed in more philosophical instead of scientific debates, and linked almost exclusively to negative concepts, such as terminal illness. This research provides a first understanding of two positive determinants of existential loneliness, which could potentially be used to help make sense of this inherently humane condition, as well as to actively cope with the potential (adverse) effects of it.
A discussion of the concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence in nursing and midwifery education and practice.
The need for emotionally intelligent leadership in the health professions is acknowledged internationally throughout the nursing and midwifery literature. The concepts of emotional intelligence and emotional-social intelligence have emerged as important factors for effective leadership in the healthcare professions and require further exploration and discussion. This paper will explore these concepts and discuss their importance in the healthcare setting with reference to current practices in the UK, Ireland and internationally.
Discussion paper.
Data sources
A search of published evidence from 1990–2015 using key words (as outlined below) was undertaken from which relevant sources were selected to build an informed discussion.
Implications for nursing/midwifery
Fostering emotionally intelligent leadership in nursing and midwifery supports the provision of high quality and compassionate care. Globally, leadership has important implications for all stakeholders in the healthcare professions with responsibility for maintaining high standards of care. This includes all grades of nurses and midwives, students entering the professions, managerial staff, academics and policy makers.
This paper discusses the conceptual models of leadership and emotional intelligence and demonstrates an important link between the two. Further robust studies are required for ongoing evaluation of the different models of emotional intelligence and their link with effective leadership behaviour in the healthcare field internationally. This is of particular significance for professional undergraduate education to promote ongoing compassionate, safe and high quality standards of care.
This qualitative study explores the subjective experience of being led by investigating the impact of their Implicit Leadership Theories (ILTs) on followers’ cognitive processes, affective responses and behavioural intentions towards leadership-claimants. The study explores how such responses influence the quality of hierarchical work-place relationships using a framework based on Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory. The research uses focus groups to elicit descriptions of ILTs held by forty final year undergraduate Business and Management students. The data was then analysed using an abductive process permitting an interpretative understanding of the meanings participants attach to their past experiences and future expectations. This research addresses a perceived gap by making a theoretical contribution to knowledge and understanding in this field, focusing on how emotional responses affect their behaviour, how this impacts on organisational outcomes, and what the implications are for HRD practitioners. The findings support previous research into the content and structure of ILTs but extend these by examining the impact of affect on workplace behaviour. Findings demonstrate that where follower ILT needs are met then positive outcomes ensued for participants, their superiors, and their organisations. Conversely, where follower ILT needs are not matched, various negative effects emerged ranging from poor performance and impaired well-being, to withdrawal behaviour and outright rebellion. The research findings suggest dynamic reciprocal links amongst outcomes, behaviours, and LMX, and demonstrate an alignment of cognitive, emotional and behavioural responses that correspond to either high-LMX or low-LMX relationships, with major impacts on job satisfaction, commitment and well-being. Copyright
The present article offers an historical perspective on the 1975, 1995 and 2007 Birmingham Agreed Syllabuses for Religious Education. It draws upon historical evidence uncovered as part of ‘The hidden history of curriculum change in reli- gious education in English schools, 1969–1979’ project, and curriculum history theories, especially David Labaree’s observations about the distance between the ‘rhetorical’ and ‘received’ curricula. We argue that, contrary to the existing his- toriography, curriculum change in religious education (RE) has been evolution- ary not revolutionary. Multiple reasons are posited to explain this, not least among which is the capacity and agency of teachers. Furthermore, we argue that ongoing debates about the nature and purpose of RE, as exemplified in the Birmingham context, reflect the multiple expectations that religious educators and other stakeholders had, and continue to have, of the curriculum subject. These debates contribute to the inertia evident in the implementation of RE cur- riculum reforms. A consciousness of the history of RE enables curriculum con- testations to be contextualised and understood, and, thereby, provides important insights which can be applied to ongoing and future debates and developments.
Lääkehoidon turvallinen toteuttaminen edellyttää sairaanhoitajalta hyvää lääkehoidon osaamisperustaa. Sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen tehtävänä on mahdollistaa tämän osaamisen kehittyminen. Kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa on kuitenkin osoitettu, että lääkehoidon opetuksen laajuudessa, sisällössä ja toteutuksessa on vaihtelevuutta. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on raportoitu myös puutteita lääkehoidon osaamisessa sekä sairaanhoitajilla että sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoilla. Koulutuksen ja lääkehoidon osaamisen kehittämiseksi lääkehoidon opetuksen ja sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaamisen monipuolinen arviointi ja osaamista selittävien tekijöiden tarkastelu on tarpeen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli i) arvioida lääkehoidon opetusta suomalaisessa sairaanhoitajakoulutuksessa, ii) arvioida sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaamista sekä iii) tunnistaa sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevat tekijät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kahden integroidun kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta määriteltiin tutkimuksen kohteena oleva sairaanhoitajan lääkehoidon osaaminen ja aiemmin tunnistetut sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevat tekijät. Toisessa vaiheessa toteutettiin valtakunnallinen lääkehoidon opetukseen liittyvä kysely hoitotyön koulutusohjelmasta vastaaville koulutuspäälliköille (n=22) ja opettajille (n=136). Tutkimuksen kolmannessa vaiheessa opintojensa alku‐ (n=328) ja loppuvaiheessa olevien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden (n=338) lääkehoidon osaaminen arvioitiin ja osaamiseen yhteydessä olevat tekijät tunnistettiin. Aineistojen analyysissä käytettiin pääosin tilastollisia menetelmiä. Tulosten perusteella lääkehoidon opetuksen laajuus vaihteli eri ammattikorkeakouluissa, mutta opetuksen sisältö oli kuitenkin monipuolista. Lisää huomiota tulisi kiinnittää lääkehoidon teoreettiseen perustaan ja itsehoitoon sekä lääkehoidon ohjaukseen liittyviin sisältöalueisiin. Opiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaamista arvioitiin säännöllisesti kaikissa ammattikorkeakouluissa. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan lääkehoidon osaamista arvioitiin tutkimuksessa tietotestillä, lääkelaskentatehtävillä ja lyhyiden potilastapausten ratkaisemisen avulla. Lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä tarkasteltiin kolmesta näkökulmasta: 1) yksilölliset tekijät, 2) kliiniseen oppimisympäristöön ja 3) ammattikorkeakouluun liittyvät tekijät. Lääkehoidon teoreettista osaamista arvioivassa tietotestissä opiskelijat vastasivat keskimäärin 72 prosenttiin kysymyksistä täysin oikein; lääkelaskuista täysin oikein oli 74 % ja potilastapauksissa 57 % valitsi parhaan mahdollisen toimintatavan. Tulosten perusteella sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan osaamista selittivät eniten yksilölliset tekijät. Lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevien tekijöiden välillä oli eroa opintojen alussa ja lopussa. Opintojen alkuvaiheessa opiskelijan aikaisempi opintomenestys oli yhteydessä lääkehoidon osaamiseen, kun taas opintojen loppuvaiheessa siihen olivat yhteydessä opiskelijan kyky itseohjautuvaan oppimiseen sekä opiskelumotivaatio. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta tutkimuksen tulosten olevan samansuuntaisia kuin aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa. Lääkehoidon opetuksen laajuus vaihtelee opetussuunnitelmatasolla, mutta täsmällinen arviointi on vaikeaa opetuksen sisältöjen integroimisen takia. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaaminen oli hieman parempaa kuin aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa, mutta osaamisessa on edelleen puutteita. Lääkehoidon opetuksen ja osaamisen kehittäminen edellyttää kansallista ja kansainvälistä tutkimus‐ ja kehittämisyhteistyötä. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat lääkehoidon opetuksen sekä osaamisen tutkimusta ja kehittämistä.
The work presents a theoretical framework for the evaluation of e-Teaching that aims at positioning the online activities designed and developed by the teacher as to the Learning, Interaction and Technology Dimensions. The theoretical research that underlies the study was developed reflecting current thinking on the promotion of quality of teaching and of the integration of information and communication tools into the curriculum in Higher Education (HE), i.e., bearing in mind some European guidelines and policies on this subject. This way, an answer was sought to be given to one of the aims put forward in this study, namely to contribute towards the development of a conceptual framework to support research on evaluation of e-teaching in the context of HE. Based on the theoretical research carried out, an evaluation tool (SCAI) was designed, which integrates the two questionnaires developed to collect the teachers' and the students' perceptions regarding the development of e-activities. Consequently, an empirical study was structured and carried out, allowing SCAI tool to be tested and validated in real cases. From the comparison of the theoretical framework established and the analysis of the data obtained, we found that the differences in teaching should be valued and seen as assets by HE institutions rather than annihilated in a globalizing perspective.
This article describes the purpose and activities of the project Promoting Mathematics Education in Rural Areas of Costa Rica. The activity has focused on two objectives. First, supporting and monitoring students who have expressed interest in studying a mathematics teacher. To achieve this, it has been working with students who have an ideal profile for the career, mainly from rural areas. The second objective is to conduct training workshops for high school in-service teachers, to strengthen and improve their knowledge in the area of mathematics. Among the results of the project, it can be highlighted a significant increase in the enrollment of students in the career of Mathematics Education in 2010 and 2011, and the training processes in the field of Real Functions of Real Variable and Geometry at different regional areas mostly rural as Aguirre, Sarapiquí, Coto, Buenos Aires, Limón, Cañas, Pérez Zeledón, Nicoya, Los Santos, Turrialba, Puriscal, Desamparados, San Carlos, Puntarenas, Limón, Liberia, Santa Cruz y Upala.
This quantitative study examines the impact of teacher practices on student achievement in classrooms where the English is Fun Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) programs were being used. A contemporary IRI design using a dual-audience approach, the English is Fun IRI programs delivered daily English language instruction to students in grades 1 and 2 in Delhi and Rajasthan through 120 30-minute programs via broadcast radio (the first audience) while modeling pedagogical techniques and behaviors for their teachers (the second audience). Few studies have examined how the dual-audience approach influences student learning. Using existing data from 32 teachers and 696 students, this study utilizes a multivariate multilevel model to examine the role of the primary expectations for teachers (e.g., setting up the IRI classroom, following instructions from the radio characters and ensuring students are participating) and the role of secondary expectations for teachers (e.g., modeling pedagogies and facilitating learning beyond the instructions) in promoting students’ learning in English listening skills, knowledge of vocabulary and use of sentences. The study finds that teacher practice on both sets of expectations mattered, but that practice in the secondary expectations mattered more. As expected, students made the smallest gains in the most difficult linguistic task (sentence use). The extent to which teachers satisfied the primary and secondary expectations was associated with gains in all three skills – confirming the relationship between students’ English proficiency and teacher practice in a dual-audience program. When it came to gains in students’ scores in sentence use, a teacher whose focus was greater on primary expectations had a negative effect on student performance in both states. In all, teacher practice clearly mattered but not in the same way for all three skills. An optimal scenario for teacher practice is presented in which gains in all three skills are maximized. These findings have important implications for the way the classroom teacher is cast in IRI programs that utilize a dual-audience approach and in the way IRI programs are contracted insofar as the role of the teacher in instruction is minimized and access is limited to instructional support from the IRI lessons alone.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico