990 resultados para Componentes de produtos


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Um total de 19.770 pesos corporais de bovinos Guzerá, do nascimento aos 365 dias de idade, pertencentes ao banco de dados da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ) foi analisado com os objetivos de comparar diferentes estruturas de variâncias residuais, considerando 1, 18, 28 e 53 classes residuais e funções de variância de ordens quadrática a quíntica; e estimar funções de co-variância de diferentes ordens para os efeitos genético aditivo direto, genético materno, de ambiente permanente de animal e de mãe e parâmetros genéticos para os pesos corporais usando modelos de regressão aleatória. Os efeitos aleatórios foram modelados por regressões polinomiais em escala de Legendre com ordens variando de linear a quártica. Os modelos foram comparados pelo teste de razão de verossimilhança e pelos critérios de Informação de Akaike e de Informação Bayesiano de Schwarz. O modelo com 18 classes heterogêneas foi o que melhor se ajustou às variâncias residuais, de acordo com os testes estatísticos, porém, o modelo com função de variância de quinta ordem também mostrou-se apropriado. Os valores de herdabilidade direta estimados foram maiores que os encontrados na literatura, variando de 0,04 a 0,53, mas seguiram a mesma tendência dos estimados pelas análises unicaracterísticas. A seleção para peso em qualquer idade melhoraria o peso em todas as idades no intervalo estudado.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Blind Source Separation (BSS) refers to the problem of estimate original signals from observed linear mixtures with no knowledge about the sources or the mixing process. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a technique mainly applied to BSS problem and from the algorithms that implement this technique, FastICA is a high performance iterative algorithm of low computacional cost that uses nongaussianity measures based on high order statistics to estimate the original sources. The great number of applications where ICA has been found useful reects the need of the implementation of this technique in hardware and the natural paralelism of FastICA favors the implementation of this algorithm on digital hardware. This work proposes the implementation of FastICA on a reconfigurable hardware platform for the viability of it's use in blind source separation problems, more specifically in a hardware prototype embedded in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board for the monitoring of beds in hospital environments. The implementations will be carried out by Simulink models and it's synthesizing will be done through the DSP Builder software from Altera Corporation.


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E-learning, which refers to the use of Internet-related technologies to improve knowledge and learning, has emerged as a complementary form of education, bringing advantages such as increased accessibility to information, personalized learning, democratization of education and ease of update, distribution and standardization of the content. In this sense, this paper aims to develop a tool, named ISE-SPL, whose purpose is the automatic generation of E-learning systems for medical education, making use of concepts of Software Product Lines. It consists of an innovative methodology for medical education that aims to assist professors of healthcare in their teaching through the use of educational technologies, all based on computing applied to healthcare (Informatics in Health). The tests performed to validate the ISE-SPL were divided into two stages: the first was made by using a software analysis tool similar to ISE-SPL, called SPLOT and the second was performed through usability questionnaires to healthcare professors who used ISESPL. Both tests showed positive results, proving it to be an efficient tool for generation of E-learning software and useful for professors in healthcare


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This work considers the development of a filtering system composed of an intelligent algorithm, that separates information and noise coming from sensors interconnected by Foundation Fieldbus (FF) network. The algorithm implementation will be made through FF standard function blocks, with on-line training through OPC (OLE for Process Control), and embedded technology in a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) that interacts with the fieldbus devices. The technique ICA (Independent Component Analysis), that explores the possibility of separating mixed signals based on the fact that they are statistically independent, was chosen to this Blind Source Separation (BSS) process. The algorithm and its implementations will be Presented, as well as the results


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The industries of structural ceramics are among the most important production chains in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The industry and other interest groups to target the replacement of firewood by natural gas. Studies accordingly concluded that simple change does not guarantee products of superior quality, and that the increase in spending on fuel can economically cripple the use of gas for burning the majority of products manufactured by that action. However some proposals of innovations in terms of process and product are being studied in an attempt to justify the use of natural gas in industry, structural ceramics. One of the aspects investigated is the development of ceramic products differentiated, with new designs and greater value added. Inserted in that context, this paper aims to investigate the potential use of clay-firing clear fabrication of the "bricks of apparent joins drought", a new ceramic product with an innovative way. The development of the work was done in three stages. In the initial stage was held the characterization of raw materials, sought information on physical, chemical, mineralogical and mechanical samples. In the second stage five bodies were made using two of the nine ceramic clay characterized the first step. The masses were analyzed and compared with respect to the size distribution, plasticity and technological properties. In the last part of this work was carried out tests on massive bricks manufactured on an industrial scale. The results show that the nine clays can be used in the manufacture of new ceramic products, is the only constituent of mass ceramic or by mixing with other(s) clay(s


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The Grass, have high relation for C/N and a fascicule root system, is an alternative for use in the system of tillage (SPD) in northeastern Brazil. This work had the objective to assess the effects of three plants and grass cover on the components of production of the corn crop in no-tillage system and accumulation of biomass of their grass. The design was randomized blocks with four replications, with each plot area of 112 m2 (5,6 x 20,0m). The treatments consisted of the corn cultivation, DKB-333-B, about three grass species (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria humidicola and Tifton in the system of tillage and a witness, without vegetation. The B. decumbens provided higher income to the corn crop, producing 5708 kg ha-1, didn't differ of the witness. The use of grass as cover plants are a viable alternative to the SPD of the corn crop, adding value by producing two crops (corn and grass), and protect the soil against erosion and produce forage for ruminants during the between-season.


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The limits to inform is about the character stico of basic, quimica, mineralogical and mechaniques of matlaughed material used in the manufacturing process the product certified in economic region the Cariri, specifically in the city of Crato, Ceará state, motivated the development of this work, since in this region the exist ing economic context that a general appear as important in the production chains. Were made twentyfive soils-test specimen collection and the study was performed to differentiate the mat laugh materials of variaveis processing of mathing raw materials in the factory The product mica monkeys by extrusion and pressing. The results were obtained ap s as analyzes: grain size, index of plasticity, fluoresce incidence X-ray difration the X-ray, and analyzes thermicals and properties technological. through s of curves gresifica returned to was a comparison between the retro the linear, absorb to water, porosity and bulk density. the results show that the excellent distribution and character acceptable available for the processing of the structure color dark red. needing, therefore, of the mixture of a less plastic clay with thick granulation, that works as plasticity reducer. In spite of the different resignation forms for prensagem and extrusion, the characteristics of absorption of water and rupture tension the flexing was shown inside of the patterns of ABNT


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We developed an assay methodology that considered the temperature variation and the scanning electron microscopy as a method to quantify and characterize respectively the consumption evolution in three 46 LA machines, with internal combustion and two-stroke engines, 7.64 cm3 cylinder capacity, 23.0 millimeters diameter and 18.4 millimeters course, RPM service from 2.000 to 16.000 rpm, 1.2 HP power, and 272 grams weight. The investigated engines components were: (1) head of the engine (Al-Si alloy), (2) piston (Al-Si alloy) and (3) piston pin (AISI 52100 steel). The assays were carried out on a desktop; engines 1 and 2 were assayed with no load, whereas in two assays of engine 3 we added a fan with wind speed that varied from 8.10 m/s to 11.92 m/s, in order to identify and compare the engine dynamic behavior as related to the engines assayed with no load. The temperatures of the engine s surface and surroundings were measured by two type K thermopairs connected to the assay device and registered in a microcomputer with data recording and parameters control and monitoring software, throughout the assays. The consumed surface of the components was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis-EDS. The study was complemented with shape deformation and mass measurement assays. The temperature variation was associated with the oxides morphology and the consumption mechanisms were discussed based on the relation between the thermal mechanical effects and the responses of the materials characterization


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A utilização de cultivares com elevado potencial produtivo, adaptados ao local de cultivo e de boas características culinárias são de suma importância à cadeia produtiva do feijão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) do grupo comercial carioca, identificando aqueles superiores quanto aos componentes da produção, produtividade de grãos, e às características tecnológicas, na semeadura das águas de 2000. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 15 tratamentos, constituídos pelas cultivares: Carioca, Pérola, IAC-Carioca SH, IAC-Carioca Eté, IAC-Carioca Pyatã, Carioca Precoce, IAC-Carioca Aruã, FT-Bonito, Rudá, Aporé, Princesa, IAPAR 14, IAPAR 80, IAPAR 81 e Porto Real, com quatro repetições. A massa de cem grãos e o número de grãos por vagem são os componentes de maior influência na produtividade de grãos de cultivares de feijão. As cultivares Aporé, Carioca Precoce e Rudá, destacam-se com produtividade de grãos acima de 3.500 kg ha-1. As características tecnológicas dos grãos das cultivares Carioca, IAPAR 80 e IAPAR 81, são maiores.


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The segment of the structural ceramics industry is one of the most important to the economy of Rio Grande do Norte. The supply chain makes a total of 206 companies that are distributed in 39 counties, concentrated in three regional centers: Seridó Apodi / Assu and great Natal. The ceramic industry in the state is around 80 million pieces per month, with 50,186 million of these tiles, which makes the Rio Grande do Norte one of the largest manufacturers of product in the Country. Different ceramic products can be manufactured by mixing two or more clays and accessory minerals. Mixtures acquire characteristics and form what is called the ceramic body. Refractory masses have a high melting point and thermal shock support. Its composition contains refractory clays with a little iron oxide and material fluxes. A line of semi-refractory ceramic products that stands out for its high added value are the bricks in ivory or red, used in building barbecues, fireplaces, wood stoves and braziers. The aim of this study was to use alumina-clay or silica- alumina-clay to the industrial RN, for the production of refractory bricks semi-refractory burning light. Clay and Kaolin were characterized for their chemical and mineralogical composition, immediately after ceramic bodies were made with different concentrations of the components, they were raised, pressed and sintered. After sintering the resulting products were characterized in terms of mechanical, thermal and dimensional than the characterization by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. After obtaining the results, we concluded that the studied clay can be used for the production of semi-refractory bricks


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Os reguladores de crescimento podem retardar o desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas de gramas e, assim, reduzir a frequência de cortes; contudo, existem poucas informações referentes aos efeitos desses produtos sobre as estruturas da anatomia foliar. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação sequencial de duas doses de trinexapac-ethyl sobre a anatomia foliar das espécies de gramas São Carlos (Axonopus compressus), Batatais (Paspalum notatum), Santo Agostinho (Stenotaphrum secundatum) e Esmeralda (Zoysia japonica). Os tratamentos utilizados foram constituídos de duas aplicações sequenciais de trinexapac-ethyl nas doses de 56,5+56,5 e 113,0+113,0 g ha-1; além de uma testemunha sem aplicação, para cada espécie avaliada. Os gramados foram cortados à altura de 3 cm, com auxílio de um aparador de grama motorizado, e, em seguida, foram realizadas as aplicações dos tratamentos. Após 20 dias da primeira aplicação de trinexapac-ethyl, as parcelas foram novamente aparadas à altura de 3 cm e foi realizada a segunda aplicação dos tratamentos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Aos 70 dias após a segunda aplicação dos tratamentos, foram realizadas as amostragens do material foliar, para as quatro espécies estudadas. Os dados das variáveis quantitativas foram submetidos ao teste estatístico multivariado de análise de componentes principais. Os resultados evidenciaram a formação de três e dois grupos principais, para os caracteres da região da quilha (nervura mediana) e da região da asa (situada entre a nervura mediana e a margem do limbo foliar), respectivamente. de modo geral, em cada formação dos agrupamentos, os tratamentos com trinexapac-ethyl apresentaram maior similaridade entre si, em relação às respectivas testemunhas. Conclui-se que a aplicação sequencial de trinexapac-ethyl alterou algumas estruturas anatômicas da região da quilha e da asa do limbo foliar das espécies de gramas estudadas.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses de fósforo aplicadas via solo, sobre os componentes de produção, produtividade e qualidade fisiológica de sementes de feijão, cv. IAC Carioca. Foram avaliadas seis doses de fósforo (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150kg.ha-1 de P2O5) sob o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em Latossolo Vermelho com baixo teor de fósforo (6mg.dm-3), em condições de campo. No momento da colheita, avaliaram-se estande final de plantas, altura da inserção da primeira vagem, comprimento das vagens, número de vagens/planta, número de sementes/vagem, número de lóculos/vagem, número lóculos vazios/vagem, número de lóculos com sementes/vagem e massa de 100 sementes. A produtividade de sementes foi determinada com base na produção das duas linhas centrais de cada parcela, com teor de água corrigido para 13%. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes foi avaliada pelos testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica, emergência de plântulas no campo e massa de matéria seca de plântulas. A adubação fosfatada com 150kg.ha-1 de P2O5 aumentou o número de vagens/planta e o número de sementes/planta. Os demais componentes de produção e a produtividade de sementes não foram alterados pela aplicação de fósforo. As doses de fósforo não alteraram a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de feijão, cv. IAC Carioca.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da variação da velocidade do ar em barra de pulverização na deposição da calda na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris), realizou-se o experimento em 9 e 10 de outubro de 2000, no Centro de Pesquisas Agronômicas - Cyanamid, em Iracemápolis (SP), em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, aos 48 dias após a emergência (DAE). Para isso, convencionou-se que a rotação máxima do ventilador, medida com o auxílio de fototacômetro, possibilitou a obtenção da velocidade máxima do ar na barra de pulverização e, a partir daí, níveis de 50% e 75% da velocidade máxima do ar. Alvos artificiais foram fixados na superfície adaxial e na abaxial de folíolos posicionados, nos terços superior e inferior das plantas selecionadas, ao acaso, e distribuídas perpendicularmente ao deslocamento do pulverizador. O óxido cuproso (50% de cobre metálico) foi o traçador utilizado em pulverização e a determinação quantitativa dos depósitos feita com o uso da espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os resultados sugerem que a variação da velocidade do ar na barra pulverizadora não influenciou sobre os níveis de depósitos no feijoeiro, aos 48 DAE, nas condições do presente trabalho.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)