993 resultados para CANALIZACIÓN DE RÍOS
Les inundacions són actualment les catàstrofes naturals més recurrents i les que generen un major nombre de danys i víctimes arreu del món. L'ocupació de les zones inundables a les lleres del riu és la causa principal d’aquests desastres naturals. En aquest article es descriu la realització de models hidrològics com a mecanisme per la predicció d’inundacions i la gestió del territori. S’han estudiat les conques de la Riera de Santa Coloma (Catalunya) i del riu San Francisco (Guatemala) mitjançant els programes HEC-HMS i HEC-RAS, dels quals s’avalua la seva capacitat com eina per a la gestió del territori. S’ha analitzat l’efecte de la urbanització en el risc d’inundació en el cas de la Riera de Santa Coloma en base a la previsió del Plà d’Ordenament Urbanístic Municipal. S’han determinat les zones inundables resultants de episodis de precipitació extrems al Riu San Francisco per als episodis de les tempestes Stan(2005) i Agatha(2010).
The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is constantly exposed to external injuries which lead to degeneration, dysfunction or loss of RPE cells. The balance between RPE cells death and proliferation may be responsible for several diseases of the underlying retina, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). Signaling pathways able to control cells proliferation or death usually involve the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinases) pathways, which modulate the activity of transcription factors by phosphorylation. UV exposure induces DNA breakdown and causes cellular damage through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to programmed cell death. In this study, human retinal pigment epithelial cells ARPE19 were exposed to 100 J/m(2) of UV-C and MAPK pathways were studied. We first showed the expression of the three major MAPK pathways. Then we showed that activator protein-1 (AP-1) was activated through phosphorylation of cJun and cFos, induced by JNK and p38, respectively. Specific inhibitors of both kinases decreased their respective activities and phosphorylation of their nuclear targets (cJun and cFos) and reduced UV-induced cell death. The use of specific kinases inhibitors may provide excellent tools to prevent RPE apoptosis specifically in RPE diseases involving ROS and other stress-related compounds such as in AMD.
La Cuarta Sinfonía de Robert Schumann ha sido una obra clave del repertorio orquestal desde su triunfal estreno en 1853, considerándose una de las mejores creaciones del compositor. Sin embargo no es conocido el hecho de que esta sinfonía es en realidad la revisión de una obra de juventud que se estrenó sin éxito diez años antes, siendo Johannes Brahms quien, a finales del siglo XIX, defendió la mayor calidad de la Primera versión intentando revivirla, encontrando la oposición de Clara Schumann. Por lo tanto intentaré en este Proyecto Final estudiar en profundidad las dos versiones, analizando sus diferencias y planteando una hipótesis del por qué de la revisión del autor, presentando ambas versiones en el concierto en el que culmina este estudio.
HCV-infection induces a state of oxidative stress more pronounced than in many other inflammatory diseases. Here we propose a temporal sequence of events in the HCV-infected cell whereby the primary alteration consists in release of Ca2+ from the ER followed by uptake into mitochondria. This triggers successive mitochondrial dysfunctions leading to generation of ROS and to a progressive metabolic adaptive response. Pathogenetic implications of the model and new opportunities for therapeutic intervention are discussed.
Circulating levels of adiponectin, a hormone produced predominantly by adipocytes, are highly heritable and are inversely associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and other metabolic traits. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in 39,883 individuals of European ancestry to identify genes associated with metabolic disease. We identified 8 novel loci associated with adiponectin levels and confirmed 2 previously reported loci (P = 4.5×10(-8)-1.2×10(-43)). Using a novel method to combine data across ethnicities (N = 4,232 African Americans, N = 1,776 Asians, and N = 29,347 Europeans), we identified two additional novel loci. Expression analyses of 436 human adipocyte samples revealed that mRNA levels of 18 genes at candidate regions were associated with adiponectin concentrations after accounting for multiple testing (p<3×10(-4)). We next developed a multi-SNP genotypic risk score to test the association of adiponectin decreasing risk alleles on metabolic traits and diseases using consortia-level meta-analytic data. This risk score was associated with increased risk of T2D (p = 4.3×10(-3), n = 22,044), increased triglycerides (p = 2.6×10(-14), n = 93,440), increased waist-to-hip ratio (p = 1.8×10(-5), n = 77,167), increased glucose two hours post oral glucose tolerance testing (p = 4.4×10(-3), n = 15,234), increased fasting insulin (p = 0.015, n = 48,238), but with lower in HDL-cholesterol concentrations (p = 4.5×10(-13), n = 96,748) and decreased BMI (p = 1.4×10(-4), n = 121,335). These findings identify novel genetic determinants of adiponectin levels, which, taken together, influence risk of T2D and markers of insulin resistance.
BACKGROUND: The proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-18 are central players in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In response to a variety of microbial components and crystalline substances, both cytokines are processed via the caspase-1-activating multiprotein complex, the NLRP3 inflammasome. Here, the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in experimental colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) was examined. METHODS: IL-1beta production in response to DSS was studied in macrophages of wild-type, caspase-1(-/-), NLRP3(-/-), ASC(-/-), cathepsin B(-/-) or cathepsin L(-/-) mice. Colitis was induced in C57BL/6 and NLRP3(-/-) mice by oral DSS administration. A clinical disease activity score was evaluated daily. Histological colitis severity and expression of cytokines were determined in colonic tissue. RESULTS: Macrophages incubated with DSS in vitro secreted high levels of IL-1beta in a caspase-1-dependent manner. IL-1beta secretion was abrogated in macrophages lacking NLRP3, ASC or caspase-1, indicating that DSS activates caspase-1 via the NLRP3 inflammasome. Moreover, IL-1beta secretion was dependent on phagocytosis, lysosomal maturation, cathepsin B and L, and reactive oxygen species (ROS). After oral administration of DSS, NLRP3(-/-) mice developed a less severe colitis than wild-type mice and produced lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines in colonic tissue. Pharmacological inhibition of caspase-1 with pralnacasan achieved a level of mucosal protection comparable with NLRP3 deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The NLRP3 inflammasome was identified as a critical mechanism of intestinal inflammation in the DSS colitis model. The NLRP3 inflammasome may serve as a potential target for the development of novel therapeutics for patients with IBD.
Un estudi observacional de pacients amb LES, atesos al University College de London Hospital entre 1976 i 2005, es va dur a terme per revisar les diferències entre homes i dones amb lupus pel que fa a les característiques clíniques, serologia i resultats. 439 dones i 45 homes van ser identificats. L'edat mitjana al diagnòstic va ser de 29,3 anys (12,6), sense diferències significatives entre homes i dones. El sexe femení es va associar significativament amb la presència d'úlceres orals i Ig M ACA. No hi va haver diferències significatives en la comparació de les altres variables. Durant aquest període de seguiment de trenta anys, relativament poques diferències han sorgit al comparar les freqüències de les característiques clíniques i serològiques en homes y dones amb lupus.
Caustics are curves with the property that a billiard trajectory, once tangent to it, stays tangent after every reflection at the boundary of the billiard table. When the billiard table is an ellipse, any nonsingular billiard trajectory has a caustic, which can be either a confocal ellipse or a confocal hyperbola. Resonant caustics —the ones whose tangent trajectories are closed polygons— are destroyed under generic perturbations of the billiard table. We prove that none of the resonant elliptical caustics persists under a large class of explicit perturbations of the original ellipse. This result follows from a standard Melnikov argument and the analysis of the complex singularities of certain elliptic functions.
Mantenir la informació ordenada i accessible és essencial per qualsevol empresa avui en dia. Es desenvoluparà una aplicació en base web que serveixi per integrar la informació de l’empresa “Fundació CIM” respecte als clients, factures i ofertes (pressupostos). A més, el software permetrà també la creació i el manteniment de factures i albarans d’una manera ràpida i intuïtiva, millorant així el mètode actual basat en fulls de Microsoft Excel i Microsoft Access. S’establiran diferents rangs de permisos als diferents usuaris segons els seus rols.
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar la forma cómo se construye socialmente el amor materno en el marco de las sociedades occidentales, y para ello partiremos del estudio del caso de las maternidades en la Catalunya actual. El amor materno, como emoción, aparece como una codificación cultural que responde a la canalización de la vida que cada cultura establece. En las sociedades occidentales el amor materno se revela como uno de los ejes vertebradores y legitimadores de la esfera reproductiva y del papel de la mujer dentro de ésta, definiéndose en consonancia y dando coherencia al resto de aspectos del sistema social. Dada su importancia los discursos hegemónicos de la sociedad que lo define tienden a naturalizar esta emoción en favor del mantenimiento y el no cuestionamiento del orden social dado, a pesar de que abundante evidencia empírica en ciencias sociales demuestra que se trata de una construcción social que responde a las necesidades del sistema social en cuestión. Actualmente los discursos tradicionales que contenían y definían la concepción de amor materno en Occidente se han ampliado y diversificado debido a cambios sociales como el ingreso de la mujer en la esfera pública; el logro de igualdad jurídica entre géneros; cambios en los modelos familiares; nuevas situaciones en torno a la infancia y la juventud; la intensificación de los flujos migratorios; la creciente urbanización; la expansión de los servicios públicos (escuela y salud); el alargamiento de la esperanza de vida, los métodos anticonceptivos modernos..., de manera tal que muchos de ellos entran en contraposición con las definiciones tradicionales. Es decir, nuevos y viejos discursos alrededor de la maternidad se encuentran enfrentados en su redefinición a otros que lo cuestionan, y a prácticas y cambios en ciertas instituciones que llevan en otra dirección la construcción de esta emoción. Esta nueva situación, aún en fase de conformación, reclama una explicación que pasa por conocer las causas, las formas y la definición del amor materno, en nuestro actual contexto.
Aquest treball pretèn especificar els determinants necessaris per a l’obtenció de mostres ganglionars del mediastí mitjantçant la ultrasonografia endobronquial amb punció aspirativa, i així obtenir una sensibilitat i un valor predictiu negatiu elevats per a la identificació adequada de metàstasi en el carcinoma pulmonar no cèl•lula petita. Es van incloure 296 pacients amb CPNCP. Es considerà un procediment sistemàtic quan s’accedia com a mínim a un gangli amb mostres satisfactòries de les estacions 4R, 4L i 7. Això s’aconseguí a tres quarts dels pacients estadiats com I/II; amb una sensibilitat i VPN superior al 90%, equiparable a la mediastinoscòpia.
Trichomycete fungi are associated with digestive tract of black fly larvae. These fungi have not been studied in Brazil, knowing them and their relationship with black flies could be an alternative to control vector populations. The objectives of this study were to survey the Trichomycete fungi associated with larvae of Simulium goeldii and S. ulyssesi, and to determine if there is specificity and/or difference in the infection rates in these species. Black flies were collected in Central Amazônia, Brazil. Three genera of Trichomycetes were found: Harpella, Genistellospora and Smittium. All these fungi were common to both black fly species.
An inflammasome is a multiprotein complex that serves as a platform for caspase-1 activation and caspase-1-dependent proteolytic maturation and secretion of interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Though a number of inflammasomes have been described, the NLRP3 inflammasome is the most extensively studied but also the most elusive. It is unique in that it responds to numerous physically and chemically diverse stimuli. The potent proinflammatory and pyrogenic activities of IL-1β necessitate that inflammasome activity is tightly controlled. To this end, a priming step is first required to induce the expression of both NLRP3 and proIL-1β. This event renders the cell competent for NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β secretion, and it is highly regulated by negative feedback loops. Despite the wide array of NLRP3 activators, the actual triggering of NLRP3 is controlled by integration a comparatively small number of signals that are common to nearly all activators. Minimally, these include potassium efflux, elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and, for certain activators, lysosomal destabilization. Further investigation of how these and potentially other as yet uncharacterized signals are integrated by the NLRP3 inflammasome and the relevance of these biochemical events in vivo should provide new insight into the mechanisms of host defense and autoinflammatory conditions.