938 resultados para Alemania RD
[La(NO3)(3)(OH2)(2)(OHMe)(bipy).15-crown-5 is monoclinic, P2(1)/n, with a = 11.239(6), b = 19.302(7), c = 14.458(8) Angstrom, beta = 92.47(5)degrees, and D-calc = 1.63 g cm(-3) for Z = 4. In the complex, two nitrogen atoms (from bipy) and nine oxygen atom
Eight heteropoly blues of bis-2:17 molybdophosphate complexes with Lathanide, i.e., K17H2[Ln(P2Mo17O61)2] . nH2O and K17H4[Ln(P2Mo17O61)2] . nH2O were synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses potentiometric titration, IR, UV, polarography, cyclic voltammetry, X-ray photoelectron spectra X-ray powder diffraction, thermal analyses and ESR. Experimental results show that the properties of these series of heteropoly blues are different from those of their oxidized form, but no great changes in their structures were observed. The ligand P2Mo17O6110- remains alpha2-isomer's configuration.
The present paper reports the methods for preparing and isolating 8 kinds of 1:12 molybdenum series of heteropoly blue complexes KyHzXMo12O40 . nH2O (X=Si, P, As, Ge). The products were characterized by elemental analyses, potential titration, polarograms, cyclic voltammetry, IR spectra, visible-UV spectra, X-ray powder diffraction, XPS and P-31 NMR. The single crystal structure of 4-electron molybdenum-silicon heteropoly blue was measured and the positions of reduced molybdenum atoms were determined, i.e. they were located at Mo(3), Mo(7), Mo(8) and Mo(10). The experimental results show that the heteropoly blue remains Keggin structure. ESR spectra of heteropoly blue solids were first studied, from which it was found that the delocalization extent of 2-electron heteropoly blue and 4-electron heteropoly blue is smaller than that of 1-electron heteropoly blue. The study of thermal properties shows that the thermal stability increases with the increase of the reduction extent of heteropoly blue. The study of redox properties shows that the oxidizing power order of heteropoly blue changes in different mediums, and the polarographic half-wave voltage is found to be dependent on the electronegativity of the hetero atom linearly. It is found that the phosphorus heteropoly blue and arsenic heteropoly blue show a strong anti-acid property.
非线性系统辨识是现代控制理论的一个重要分支,是人们认识非线性系统的理论基础。今年来,利用神经网络辨一识非线性系统,是非线性系统辨识理论i}jf究的热点,现己形成了比较完善的理论体系。本文以某种反坦克导弹武器系统的弹道轨迹辨识为背景,在研究神经网络的辨识理论基础上,更深入地研究了纂于小波网络与模糊神经网络的非线性系统辨识的方法。一方面完善了现有的理沦,另佩方面提出了几种新的算法,主要内容如下:(1)提出了一种基于输入变量重要性指标的神经网络输入变量选择算法,对候选输入变量的重要性进行降序排序,引入一种正规化准则函数作为性能指标,最终确定同时具有良好的逼近能力和泛化能力的输入组合。该算法同基于宽度优先的搜索树算法相比,效率明佩Ul-Ul-提高。(2)基于小波多分辨率分析理论,引入非正交的小波基,从低尺度到高尺度逐渐逼近,L2(Rd)上的非线性连续函数,并且引用递推思想对辨识的偏差再进行多分辨率辨识,这样既降低了对正交小波基的要求,又能以较高的精度来辨识。(3)针对高维非线性系统,提出一种基于正交化思想的小波网络的参数和结构辨识算法。提出递推正交最小二乘法RGLS实现对小波向量矩阵的正交分 解,同传统的CGS, MGS算法相比,ROLE算法计算量小,可实现权值参数的在线辨识。利用ROLS算法的结果,采用从复杂到简单及从简单到复杂两种思想进行结构辨识,结构辨识算法是在上三角矩阵上进行的,而不是在小波向量矩阵上进行的,且在上述两种结构辨识算法中都不需要 重新训练网络,计碑算量小,运行效率高。本文所提的小波网络辨识方法,改变以往小波网络受限于低维非线性系统的状况。(4)针对基于聚类的模糊神经网络对维数不敏感,国内外很多研究集中到聚类算法上。本文完善了Ching-Chang Wong等1999年,提出的一种新聚类算一法,并根据Brouwer不动点定理给出了算法收敛的理论证明,该聚类算法同其他聚类算法相比不需预先知道聚类数目及初始中心点的设置,且.有较好的聚类效果。在新聚类算法的基础上,建立一阶TSK模糊神经网络模型,进行非线性系统辨识,收到很好的辨识效果。(5)对Ching-Hung Lee等2000年,提出的一种递归型模糊神经网络,引入遗传算法来完善该网络的学习算法。利用新聚类算法的结果,对初始种群的个体进行初始化,避免了通常采用遗传算法由于初始值选择不当而产生的早熟问题。对种群中的个体采用实数编码,实现网络参数的全局寻优。
As former research shown, the error rate of consistent compare word problem (such as: Mary has 5 apples, Tom has 2 apples more than Mary, how many apples does Tom has?) is much lower than the rate of inconsistent compare word problem (such as: Mary has 5 apples, she has 2 apples more than Tom, how many apples does Tom has?). This difference of error rate is named as Consistency Effect. There are different explanations about why consistency effect happens, one of them is R.E.Mayer's opinion about two kinds of problem solving strategies. As Mayer's opinion, unsuccessful problem solvers make mistakes on inconsistent problem because they use Direct Translation Strategy, problem solvers who use Problem Model Strategy will not make such kind of mistakes. In this study, three experiments with 3~(rd) graders investigate reasons for the consistency effect. The results of experiment 1 do not support the explanation of Mayer's theory of two kinds of strategy. Experiment 2 shows that there is no relation between inconsistent problem error and Impulsivity cognitive style. Experiment 3 reveals that the working memory capacity of successful inconsistent problem solvers is significant larger than the capacity of unsuccessful solvers. It is supposed that working memory could be an important factor contributing for the consistency effect.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Prahistorii
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Prahistorii
Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Filozofii
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii
Niniejsza publikacja podejmuje problem, który jest dla antropologii symbolicznej fundamentalny. Jest nim ukazanie tego, jak w ramach tego kierunku ujmowano kwestię działań o charakterze symbolicznym oraz tego, jak działają same symbole w kulturze. Równie istotnym problemem wiążącym się ze sposobem pojmowania przez ten nurt powyższych kwestii jest jego uwarunkowanie kontekstualne. Chodzi w tym miejscu nie tylko o źródła naukowych inspiracji, ale również o mniej oczywiste czynniki kształtujące teoretyczne stanowiska Geertza czy Turnera. Antropologia symboliczna stanowiła część paradygmatu interpretacyjnego. To właśnie wpływ wiążącego się ze zwrotem interpretacyjnym klimatu intelektualnego, jak też instytucjonalne oddziaływanie wspomnianych powyżej ośrodków akademickich jest najbardziej interesujące. Historyczno-naukowa kontekstualizacja określonych prądów naukowych wywiera wpływ na kształt realizowanych w ich ramach teorii w takim samym stopniu, co relacje pomiędzy stanowiskami poszczególnych badaczy i ich autorskie programy antropologiczne.