906 resultados para feminism, reproduction, new reproductive technologies, body
OBJECTIVE: To define the dynamics of antimüllerian hormone (AMH) and inhibins during the physiologic menstrual cycle. DESIGN: Longitudinal study. SETTING: University hospital. PATIENT(S): 36 young, healthy, normal weight Caucasian women without medication. INTERVENTION(S): Normal ovulatory menstrual cycles were evaluated by regular blood sampling taken every other day and periovulatory every day. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Serum concentrations of AMH, inhibin A and B, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, estradiol, progesterone, and free testosterone were measured in all blood samples. RESULT(S): Median AMH levels are statistically significantly higher in the late follicular compared with ovulation or the early luteal phase. There are statistically significant correlations between both AMH and FSH, and AMH and free testosterone in all cycle phases. Inhibin A increases strongly in the late follicular phase and peaks at day LH + 4. Inhibin B shows a broad midfollicular and a sharp early luteal peak, the difference being statistically significant between day LH + 4 and the earlier time points and between day LH + 2 and day LH. Although there is a negative association between inhibin A or B and the body mass index (BMI), there is no correlation between AMH and the BMI. CONCLUSION(S): Levels of AMH show a statistically significant change during the menstrual cycle and may influence the circulating gonadotropin and steroid hormone levels.
Identifying the factors that mediate covariation between an ornament and other phenotypic attributes is important to determine the signaling function of ornaments. Sign and magnitude of a covariation may vary across environments if the expression of the ornament or of its linked genes regulating correlated phenotypes is condition-dependent. I investigated in the barn owl Tyto alba whether sign and magnitude of covariation between body mass and two heritable melanin-based plumage ornaments change with food supply, along the reproductive cycle and from the morning to the evening. Using a dataset of 1,848 measurements of body mass in 336 breeding females, I found that females displaying large black spots were heavier than conspecifics with smaller spots in the afternoon (i.e., a long time after the last feeding) but not in the morning (i.e., a short time after the last feeding). This is consistent with the recently proposed hypothesis that eumelanin-based ornaments are associated with the ability to maintain energy balance between food intake and energy expenditure. Thus, covariation between melanin-based coloration and body mass can be detected only under specific conditions potentially explaining why it has been reported in only ten out of 28 vertebrate species. The proposition that ornamented individuals achieve a higher fitness than drab conspecifics only in specific environments should be tested for other ornaments.
Obesity is globally prevalent and highly heritable, but its underlying genetic factors remain largely elusive. To identify genetic loci for obesity susceptibility, we examined associations between body mass index and ∼ 2.8 million SNPs in up to 123,865 individuals with targeted follow up of 42 SNPs in up to 125,931 additional individuals. We confirmed 14 known obesity susceptibility loci and identified 18 new loci associated with body mass index (P < 5 × 10⁻⁸), one of which includes a copy number variant near GPRC5B. Some loci (at MC4R, POMC, SH2B1 and BDNF) map near key hypothalamic regulators of energy balance, and one of these loci is near GIPR, an incretin receptor. Furthermore, genes in other newly associated loci may provide new insights into human body weight regulation.
Obesity is heritable and predisposes to many diseases. To understand the genetic basis of obesity better, here we conduct a genome-wide association study and Metabochip meta-analysis of body mass index (BMI), a measure commonly used to define obesity and assess adiposity, in up to 339,224 individuals. This analysis identifies 97 BMI-associated loci (P < 5 × 10(-8)), 56 of which are novel. Five loci demonstrate clear evidence of several independent association signals, and many loci have significant effects on other metabolic phenotypes. The 97 loci account for ∼2.7% of BMI variation, and genome-wide estimates suggest that common variation accounts for >20% of BMI variation. Pathway analyses provide strong support for a role of the central nervous system in obesity susceptibility and implicate new genes and pathways, including those related to synaptic function, glutamate signalling, insulin secretion/action, energy metabolism, lipid biology and adipogenesis.
Common variants at only two loci, FTO and MC4R, have been reproducibly associated with body mass index (BMI) in humans. To identify additional loci, we conducted meta-analysis of 15 genome-wide association studies for BMI (n > 32,000) and followed up top signals in 14 additional cohorts (n > 59,000). We strongly confirm FTO and MC4R and identify six additional loci (P < 5 x 10(-8)): TMEM18, KCTD15, GNPDA2, SH2B1, MTCH2 and NEGR1 (where a 45-kb deletion polymorphism is a candidate causal variant). Several of the likely causal genes are highly expressed or known to act in the central nervous system (CNS), emphasizing, as in rare monogenic forms of obesity, the role of the CNS in predisposition to obesity.
This study examines how firms interpret new, potentially disruptive technologies in their own strategic context. The work presents a cross-case analysis of four potentially disruptive technologies or technical operating models: Bluetooth, WLAN, Grid computing and Mobile Peer-to-peer paradigm. The technologies were investigated from the perspective of three mobile operators, a device manufacturer and a software company in the ICT industry. The theoretical background for the study consists of the resource-based view of the firm with dynamic perspective, the theories on the nature of technology and innovations, and the concept of business model. The literature review builds up a propositional framework for estimating the amount of radical change in the companies' business model with two middle variables, the disruptiveness potential of a new technology, and the strategic importance of a new technology to a firm. The data was gathered in group discussion sessions in each company. The results of each case analysis were brought together to evaluate, how firms interpret the potential disruptiveness in terms of changes in product characteristics and added value, technology and market uncertainty, changes in product-market positions, possible competence disruption and changes in value network positions. The results indicate that the perceived disruptiveness in terms ofproduct characteristics does not necessarily translate into strategic importance. In addition, firms did not see the new technologies as a threat in terms of potential competence disruption.
The possible use of polyethylene naphthalate as substrate for low-temperature deposited solar cells has been studied in this paper. The transparency of this polymer makes it a candidate to be used in both substrate and superstrate configurations. ZnO:Al has been deposited at room temperature on top of PEN. The resulting structure PEN/ZnO:Al presented good optical and electrical properties. PEN has been successfully textured (nanometer and micrometer random roughness) using hot-embossing lithography. Reflector structures have been built depositing Ag and ZnO:Al on top of the stamped polymer. The deposition of these layers did not affect the final roughness of the whole. The reflector structure has been morphologically and optically analysed to verify its suitability to be used in solar cells.
Parthenogenesis - the ability to produce offspring from unfertilized eggs - is widespread among invertebrates and now increasingly found in normally sexual vertebrates. Are these cases reproductive errors or could they be a first step in the emergence of new parthenogenetic lineages?
In the past f ew years numerous authors have examined how the current economic crisis in Spain has dif f erential impacts on women and men.1 While this is important to show, this article’s goal is to make the leap f rom a mere description of the gendered effects of the crisis, to an analysis of some of the very gendered processes that shape it at its core. In other words, the intent is to understand how both the crisis itself and the ways the state manages it are structurally shaped by gender.
Mobile technologies have brought about major changes in police equipment and police work. If a utopian narrative remains strongly linked to the adoption of new technologies, often formulated as 'magic bullets' to real occupational problems, there are important tensions between their 'imagined' outcomes and the (unexpected) effects that accompany their daily 'practical' use by police officers. This article offers an analysis of police officers' perceptions and interactions with security devices. In so doing, it develops a conceptual typology of strategies for coping with new technology inspired by Le Bourhis and Lascoumes: challenging, neutralizing and diverting. To that purpose, we adopt an ethnographic approach that focuses on the discourses, practices and actions of police officers in relation to three security devices: the mobile digital terminal, the mobile phone and the body camera. Based on a case study of a North American municipal police department, the article addresses how these technological devices are perceived and experienced by police officers on the beat.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The standard liver volume (SLV) is widely used in liver surgery, especially for living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). All the reported formulas for SLV use body surface area or body weight, which can be influenced strongly by the general condition of the patient. METHODS: We analyzed the liver volumes of 180 Japanese donor candidates and 160 Swiss patients with normal livers to develop a new formula. The dataset was randomly divided into two subsets, the test and validation sample, stratified by race. The new formula was validated using 50 LDLT recipients. RESULTS: Without using body weight-related variables, age, thoracic width measured using computed tomography, and race independently predicted the total liver volume (TLV). A new formula: 203.3-(3.61×age)+(58.7×thoracic width)-(463.7×race [1=Asian, 0=Caucasian]), most accurately predicted the TLV in the validation dataset as compared with any other formulas. The graft volume for LDLT was correlated with the postoperative prothrombin time, and the graft volume/SLV ratio calculated using the new formula was significantly better correlated with the postoperative prothrombin time than the graft volume/SLV ratio calculated using the other formulas or the graft volume/body weight ratio. CONCLUSIONS: The new formula derived using the age, thoracic width and race predicted both the TLV in the healthy patient group and the SLV in LDLT recipients more accurately than any other previously reported formulas.
Post-testicular sperm maturation occurs in the epididymis. The ion concentration and proteins secreted into the epididymal lumen, together with testicular factors, are believed to be responsible for the maturation of spermatozoa. Disruption of the maturation of spermatozoa in the epididymis provides a promising strategy for generating a male contraceptive. However, little is known about the proteins involved. For drug development, it is also essential to have tools to study the function of these proteins in vitro. One approach for screening novel targets is to study the secretory products of the epididymis or the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are involved in the maturation process of the spermatozoa. The modified Ca2+ imaging technique to monitor release from PC12 pheochromocytoma cells can also be applied to monitor secretory products involved in the maturational processes of spermatozoa. PC12 pheochromocytoma cells were chosen for evaluation of this technique as they release catecholamines from their cell body, thus behaving like endocrine secretory cells. The results of the study demonstrate that depolarisation of nerve growth factor -differentiated PC12 cells releases factors which activate nearby randomly distributed HEL erythroleukemia cells. Thus, during the release process, the ligands reach concentrations high enough to activate receptors even in cells some distance from the release site. This suggests that communication between randomly dispersed cells is possible even if the actual quantities of transmitter released are extremely small. The development of a novel method to analyse GPCR-dependent Ca2+ signalling in living slices of mouse caput epididymis is an additional tool for screening for drug targets. By this technique it was possible to analyse functional GPCRs in the epithelial cells of the ductus epididymis. The results revealed that, both P2X- and P2Y-type purinergic receptors are responsible for the rapid and transient Ca2+ signal detected in the epithelial cells of caput epididymides. Immunohistochemical and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) analyses showed the expression of at least P2X1, P2X2, P2X4 and P2X7, and P2Y1 and P2Y2 receptors in the epididymis. Searching for epididymis-specific promoters for transgene delivery into the epididymis is of key importance for the development of specific models for drug development. We used EGFP as the reporter gene to identify proper promoters to deliver transgenes into the epithelial cells of the mouse epididymis in vivo. Our results revealed that the 5.0 kb murine Glutathione peroxidase 5 (GPX5) promoter can be used to target transgene expression into the epididymis while the 3.8 kb Cysteine-rich secretory protein-1 (CRISP-1) promoter can be used to target transgene expression into the testis. Although the visualisation of EGFP in living cells in culture usually poses few problems, the detection of EGFP in tissue sections can be more difficult because soluble EGFP molecules can be lost if the cell membrane is damaged by freezing, sectioning, or permeabilisation. Furthermore, the fluorescence of EGFP is dependent on its conformation. Therefore, fixation protocols that immobilise EGFP may also destroy its usefulness as a fluorescent reporter. We therefore developed a novel tissue preparation and preservation techniques for EGFP. In addition, fluorescence spectrophotometry with epididymal epithelial cells in suspension revealed the expression of functional purinergic, adrenergic, cholinergic and bradykinin receptors in these cell lines (mE-Cap27 and mE-Cap28). In conclusion, we developed new tools for studying the role of the epididymis in sperm maturation. We developed a new technique to analyse GPCR dependent Ca2+ signalling in living slices of mouse caput epididymis. In addition, we improved the method of detecting reporter gene expression. Furthermore, we characterised two epididymis-specific gene promoters, analysed the expression of GPCRs in epididymal epithelial cells and developed a novel technique for measurement of secretion from cells.
This study was aimed to analyze and assess the use and perception of electronic health records (EHRs) by nurses. The study sample included 113 nurses from different shifts of primary health facilities in Catalonia, Spain, devoted to adult as well as pediatric outpatients using EHRs throughout the year 2010. A majority of the sample (87.5%) were women and 12.5% were men. The average age was 44.27 years and the average time working in primary healthcare was 47.15 months. A majority (80.4%) received specific training on the use of the EHR and 19.6% did not. The use of the application required side technical support (mean: 3.42) and it is considered necessary to learn more about the performance of the application (mean: 3.50). The relationship between the average ratings that nurses have about the EHR and age shows that there is no statistically significant linear relationship (r = - 0.002, p-value = 0.984). As to how long they have used the EHRs, there are significant differences (r= -0.304, p-value = 0.00), so the more time the nurse takes using the EHR, the greater degree of satisfaction is shown. In addition, there are significant differences between nurses" perceptions regarding the EHR and gender (t = - 0.421, p-value = 0.675). Nurses assessed as positive the contribution of the EHRs in their nursing care day work (average score: 2.55/5). Considering that the usability of the EHR device is assessed as satisfactory, the results of the perception of nurses show that we must also take into account the training and emphasize the need for a side technical support in the implementation process of the EHR. Doing so, the positive perception that nurses have in regard to information and communication technology in general and with respect to the EHR in particular may be increased.
Fitness can be profoundly influenced by the age at first reproduction (AFR), but to date the AFR-fitness relationship only has been investigated intraspecifically. Here, we investigated the relationship between AFR and average lifetime reproductive success (LRS) across 34 bird species. We assessed differences in the deviation of the Optimal AFR (i.e., the species-specific AFR associated with the highest LRS) from the age at sexual maturity, considering potential effects of life history as well as social and ecological factors. Most individuals adopted the species-specific Optimal AFR and both the mean and Optimal AFR of species correlated positively with life span. Interspecific deviations of the Optimal AFR were associated with indices reflecting a change in LRS or survival as a function of AFR: a delayed AFR was beneficial in species where early AFR was associated with a decrease in subsequent survival or reproductive output. Overall, our results suggest that a delayed onset of reproduction beyond maturity is an optimal strategy explained by a long life span and costs of early reproduction. By providing the first empirical confirmations of key predictions of life-history theory across species, this study contributes to a better understanding of life-history evolution.
This study was aimed to analyze and assess the use and perception of electronic health records (EHRs) by nurses. The study sample included 113 nurses from different shifts of primary health facilities in Catalonia, Spain, devoted to adult as well as pediatric outpatients using EHRs throughout the year 2010. A majority of the sample (87.5%) were women and 12.5% were men. The average age was 44.27 years and the average time working in primary healthcare was 47.15 months. A majority (80.4%) received specific training on the use of the EHR and 19.6% did not. The use of the application required side technical support (mean: 3.42) and it is considered necessary to learn more about the performance of the application (mean: 3.50). The relationship between the average ratings that nurses have about the EHR and age shows that there is no statistically significant linear relationship (r = - 0.002, p-value = 0.984). As to how long they have used the EHRs, there are significant differences (r= -0.304, p-value = 0.00), so the more time the nurse takes using the EHR, the greater degree of satisfaction is shown. In addition, there are significant differences between nurses" perceptions regarding the EHR and gender (t = - 0.421, p-value = 0.675). Nurses assessed as positive the contribution of the EHRs in their nursing care day work (average score: 2.55/5). Considering that the usability of the EHR device is assessed as satisfactory, the results of the perception of nurses show that we must also take into account the training and emphasize the need for a side technical support in the implementation process of the EHR. Doing so, the positive perception that nurses have in regard to information and communication technology in general and with respect to the EHR in particular may be increased.