999 resultados para acceptation des technologies
Relatório de Estágio do Mestrado em Migrações, Inter-etnicidades e Transnacionalismo
This project aimed to create a communication and interaction channel between Madeira Airport and its passengers. We used the pre-existent touch enabled screens at the terminal since their potential was not being utilised to their full capacity. To achieve our goal, we have followed an agile strategy to create a testable prototype and take advantages of its results. The developed prototype is based on a plugin architecture turning it into a maintainable and highly customisable system. The collected usage data suggests that we have achieved the initially defined goals. There is no doubt that this new interaction channel is an improvement regarding the provided services and, supported by the usage data, there is an opportunity to explore additional developments to the channel.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação
pp. 311-328
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
This paper presents the TEC4SEA research infrastructure created in Portugal to support research, development, and validation of marine technologies. It is a multidisciplinary open platform, capable of supporting research, development, and test of marine robotics, telecommunications, and sensing technologies for monitoring and operating in the ocean environment. Due to the installed research facilities and its privileged geographic location, it allows fast access to deep sea, and can support multidisciplinary research, enabling full validation and evaluation of technological solutions designed for the ocean environment. It is a vertically integrated infrastructure, in the sense that it possesses a set of skills and resources which range from pure conceptual research to field deployment missions, with strong industrial and logistic capacities in the middle tier of prototype production. TEC4SEA is open to the entire scientific and enterprise community, with a free access policy for researchers affiliated with the research units that ensure its maintenance and sustainability. The paper describes the infrastructure in detail, and discusses associated research programs, providing a strategic vision for deep sea research initiatives, within the context of both the Portuguese National Ocean Strategy and European Strategy frameworks.
Die Luftverschmutzung, die globale Erwärmung sowie die Verknappung der endlichen Ressourcen sind die größten Bedenken der vergangenen Jahrzehnte. Die Nachfrage nach jeglicher Mobilität steigt rapide. Dementsprechend bemüht ist die Automobilindustrie Lösungen für Mobilität unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit und dem Umweltschutz anzubieten. Die Elektrifizierung hat sich hierbei als der beste Weg herausgestellt, um die Umweltprobleme sowie die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen zu lösen. Diese Arbeit soll einen Einblick über die Umweltauswirkungen des Hybridfahrzeuges Toyota Prius geben. Hierbei findet eine Gliederung in vier verschiedene Lebensphasen statt. Im Anschluss bietet die Sachbilanz die Möglichkeit die Umweltauswirkungen mit verschiedenen Antriebsmöglichkeiten und Brennstoffen zu vergleichen. Das Modell hat gezeigt, dass der Toyota Prius während der Nutzung einen hohen Einfluss auf das Treibhauspotenzial aufweist. Durch die Nutzung anderer Brennstoffe, wie beispielsweise Ethanol oder Methanol lassen sich die Auswirkungen am Treibhauspotenzial sowie der Verbrauch an abiotischen Ressourcen reduzieren. Vergleicht man die Elektromobilität mit der konventionellen, so ist festzustellen, dass diese Art der Mobilität die derzeit beste Möglichkeit zur Reduzierung der Umweltbelastungen bietet. Die Auswirkungen der Elektromobilität sind im hohen Maße abhängig von der Art des verwendeten Strommixes.
This paper describes the TURTLE project that aim to develop sub-systems with the capability of deep-sea long-term presence. Our motivation is to produce new robotic ascend and descend energy efficient technologies to be incorporated in robotic vehicles used by civil and military stakeholders for underwater operations. TURTLE contribute to the sustainable presence and operations in the sea bottom. Long term presence on sea bottom, increased awareness and operation capabilities in underwater sea and in particular on benthic deeps can only be achieved through the use of advanced technologies, leading to automation of operation, reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency of human activity.
Tese de doutoramento em Línguas e Literaturas Românicas, Literatura Românica Comparada
L'hypothèse de recherche que nous souhaitons vous présenter ici a pour objet l&s fonctions pragmatiques de Ia prosodie. L'ensemble de notre Projet de Recherche s'organise en effet autour d'une seule (mais fondamentale) hypothèse de travail: c'est dans et par Ia prosodie que pour Vessentiel le langage contribue activement à Ia construction du lien social. La formulation de cette hypothèse resulte des travaux que nous avons menés dans le champ de FAnthropologie des rites, étudiés dans une perspective sémiologique (au sens large), visant à mieux saisir dans quelle mesure et selon quelles modalités, dans et par le rite, Vordre du signe est signe de 1'ordreK Le rite constitue un système complexe de comrpunication symbolique qui contribue en effet activement à definir sur le plan sémantique et à structurer sur le plan dramaturgique les situations d'interaction sociale.
These are the proceedings for the eighth national conference on XML, its Associated Technologies and its Applications (XATA'2010). The paper selection resulted in 33% of papers accepted as full papers, and 33% of papers accepted as short papers. While these two types of papers were distinguish during the conference, and they had different talk duration, they all had the same limit of 12 pages. We are happy that the selected papers focus both aspects of the conference: XML technologies, and XML applications. In the first group we can include the articles on parsing and transformation technologies, like “Processing XML: a rewriting system approach", “Visual Programming of XSLT from examples", “A Refactoring Model for XML Documents", “A Performance based Approach for Processing Large XML Files in Multicore Machines", “XML to paper publishing with manual intervention" and “Parsing XML Documents in Java using Annotations". XML-core related papers are also available, focusing XML tools testing on “Test::XML::Generator: Generating XML for Unit Testing" and “XML Archive for Testing: a benchmark for GuessXQ". XML as the base for application development is also present, being discussed on different areas, like “Web Service for Interactive Products and Orders Configuration", “XML Description for Automata Manipulations", “Integration of repositories in Moodle", “XML, Annotations and Database: a Comparative Study of Metadata Definition Strategies for Frameworks", “CardioML: Integrating Personal Cardiac Information for Ubiquous Diagnosis and Analysis", “A Semantic Representation of Users Emotions when Watching Videos" and “Integrating SVG and SMIL in DAISY DTB production to enhance the contents accessibility in the Open Library for Higher Education". The wide spread of subjects makes us believe that for the time being XML is here to stay what enhances the importance of gathering this community to discuss related science and technology. Small conferences are traversing a bad period. Authors look for impact and numbers and only submit their works to big conferences sponsored by the right institutions. However the group of people behind this conference still believes that spaces like this should be preserved and maintained. This 8th gathering marks the beginning of a new cycle. We know who we are, what is our identity and we will keep working to preserve that. We hope the publication containing the works of this year's edition will catch the same attention and interest of the previous editions and above all that this publication helps in some other's work. Finally, we would like to thank all authors for their work and interest in the conference, and to the scientific committee members for their review work.
Sugerido para estes encontros interdisciplinares, o tema da Festa reenvia-nos para sentimentos de alegria e plenitude, para algo que traz ao quofidiano a abolição do tempo, uma centelha de renovação e etemidade, que podemos denominar de euforia. De acordo com a etimologia, a palavra foria deriva do grego (popeív e significa trazer, levar, carregar, ao passo que o prefixo eu, (et)) da mesma origem, quer dizer bem. Se juntarmos à mesma palavra, foria, o prefixo Ôya, também de origem grega, obteremos, o confrário de euforia, isto é, disforia que significa carregar mal-estar, dificuldade, desgraça. O romance de Michel Tournier, Le Roi des aulnes,^ que, segundo o autor, esteve para ser intitulado La phorie,^ organiza-se em tomo de núcleos temáticos relacionados com o sentido da palavra ^r/úf. No romance, a euforia é definida pela personagem principal como uma festa, «porter avec bonheur», mas a leitura mostra que euforia (eu-foria) e disforia (dis-foria) são dois estados reversíveis, podendo existir em simultâneo, e que a face de um pode ocultar a do outro.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino da História e da Geografia no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário